Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone (Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone in some countries) was the highest-grossing movie worldwide in what year? 9. 8. QUIZ: Can you score 100% on this iconic Rom-Com quiz? But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Name the actress who plays the White Witch in The Chronicles of Narnia. REVEAL ANSWER, 9 Re-opened in 2002, The Millennium Bridge crosses over which river? Lets put that assumption to the test. And in which film, would you hear the line I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once? 10. 44. Who won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for the 2000s filmNo Country for Old Men? But if you are a millennial, you already know all of that! An old toy warehouse. REVEAL ANSWER, 6 George Michael married a woman in 2009 True or False? Of which ship is Jack Sparrow the captain? When was the final episode of the TV show Friends? Which Disney movie starred Zac Efron as a high school basketball player? Which Bond actor has played the famous agent the most times? Name the actor who plays Will Turner in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Which fatal incident in the United States space program happened on February 1, 2003? My son would like to have a fact added. Need more movie trivia questions? Best of luck with these 2000s movie quiz questions. Nobody makes me bleed my own blood nobody! is a quote from which 00s film? Want to get your very own quizzes and posts featured on BuzzFeeds homepage and app? Which person links Juno, The Kingdom and Valentines Day? 47. Who was the president of Iraq until 2003? Your support means the world to us and we are so grateful! REVEAL ANSWER, 9 Will, Jay, Simon & Neil are characters from which 2008 series? REVEAL ANSWER, 4 How many seasons did the 2007 sitcom Outnumbered broadcast for? REVEAL ANSWER, 6 Who wrote & directed the 2003 film Kill Bill: Volume 1? The 00s gave us some of the best movies ever made. REVEAL ANSWER, 5 These are not spirit fingers. Challenge your family and friends and see who indeed is the biggest movie buff you know. ), READ MORE: Cartoon Quiz: 47 Quiz Questions and Answers about Cartoons, READ MORE: Hard Geography Quiz: 52 Hard Questions and Answers about Geography (inc. Map & Picture Round!). In One Tree Hill, what are the names of the two brothers? Doing exercise in my garden. So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. Avatar was directed by James Cameron. Black Swan. 43. 24. What 2000s film series stars Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker? Antonio Banderas, 12. We've got an epic 100 questions and answers for you - divided into ten rounds. Finding Nemo, 11. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Do you know your CD walkman gadgets from your smelly gel pens? My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius loyal servant to Marcus Aurelius. Click a button to share it with your friends and family now. Which actress plays a trainee hitman in Lon: The Professional? The Ultimate 90s Movie Quiz: 63 Questions & Answers - Quiz Trivia Games In which film does John Nash say Find a truly original idea. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The Goonies is a 90s movie. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. In which film is it said the world will end in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, 12 seconds? Recommended next quiz: The best history quiz questions and answers. On the drama front, we were introduced to Erin Brokovich, tried to work out who the bad guy was in The Departed and had our minds twisted by Donny Darko; while Mamma Mia and Love Actually became the romantic comedies of the decade. 3. 7. Who was in Its Complicated, The Good Shepherd, and The Aviator? The Ultimate 2000s Genre Quiz. Why was Phillipe Petit given a lifetime pass to the Twin Towers Observation Deck in New York? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The rounds are: Stranger Things, creatures, film, The X-Files, Game of Thrones, spaceships, Lord of the Rings,. When the Concorde Air France Flight 4590 crashed in 2000, which city was it leaving and which city was it flying to? Easy Movie Trivia Questions from the 2000s, Taglines to Famous Movies Trivia Questions and Answers, Memorable Lines from 2000s Movies Trivia Questions, 2000s Movie Trivia Soundtracks Questions and Answers, Name the Noughties Movie Trivia Questions and Answers, Academy Award Winning Movie Trivia Questions from the 2000s, What links these films from the 2000s Quiz Questions and Answers, More Movie Trivia Questions and Answers from the 2000s, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions and Disclaimer. Can you name the teen comedy movie starring Jennifer Coolidge as Stiflers Mom? Name the actor who starred in Zoolander and Night at the Museum. Want to quiz your friends and family in your own quiz? ), Cartoon Quiz: 47 Quiz Questions and Answers about Cartoons, Hard Geography Quiz: 52 Hard Questions and Answers about Geography (inc. Map & Picture Round! REVEAL ANSWER, If you liked this 1990s TV & Film quiz, have any quiz requests, spotted a mistake, or would like to let us know how you got on, please let us know in the comments below, Founder @ Money Saving Central and lover of all things FREE. 6. Round 3: 2000s films Quiz - True or False. Boy links which 2002 film title and (the stage name of) which indie singer song writer who performed the soundtrack? Youll find 50 questions divided into 5 rounds, so gather around for some nostalgic quizzing. Not one bit. What is the Highest-grossing film of the noughties? 40 years ago today, one of the most stylish movies of all time hit cinemas, A movie version of one of the most violent novels of all time is in the works, Ronan O'Gara corrects English presenter's comment about Leinster. REVEAL ANSWER, 9 In 2006 a vaccine was invented for which common cause of cervical cancer? In what movie does Terry Crews famously sing A Thousand Miles? Jackie Robinson Quiz For The Home Runners! How much can you remember from the 2000s? How about a round of Disney Trivia Questions with our ultimate 100 Disney Film Quiz Questions and Answers? Are you looking for fun 2000s movie trivia questions and answers? Which monarch isThe Kings Speech based on? Oh no! So, without further ado, which film is described in. 2. The Curse of the Black Pearl, 43. Four, one for each of his huge metal arms. What 2000s film series stars Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker? Which 2004 movie, starring Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet, centers on a couple who wish to forget one another? REVEAL ANSWER, 3 So Fetch! is a quote from which 00s movie? So, to kick things off, here are ten great general movie trivia questions that wed say fall into the easy category: 1. Who plays the Prime Minster in Love Actually? What is the name of the rat chef in Ratatouille? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. A fire station. by Brian Galindo. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. We have updated in the answer , Your email address will not be published. REVEAL ANSWER, 6 Which university does Sheldon & Leonard work at in the 2007 series The Big Bang Theory? Wilson!Im sorry, Wilson! comes from which film? 100 film and TV quiz questions to test your family - StokeonTrentLive 18. Who stars opposite Tobey Maguire as the villain in the movie Spider-man? 8. Which airport is part of the famous opening scene of Love Actually? 9. REVEAL ANSWER, 3 Who played the lead role in the 2008 film Taken? 1. 10. Download the PDF here. All rights reserved. Reporting on what you care about. Which singing competition did Kelly Clarkson win in 2002? Ultimate British TV Quiz Questions and Answers (2023 Quiz) Which two towers in New York were hit during 911? What was Kylie Minogue wearing in the videoclip of Cant get you out of my head? REVEAL ANSWER, If you liked this 2000s quiz, have any quiz requests, spotted a mistake, or would like to let us know how you got on, please let us know in the comments below, Founder @ Money Saving Central and lover of all things FREE. In 1987, James Brennan reluctantly takes a job working as an underpaid theme park employee and finds an unexpected camaraderie with his new co-worker Em. Where in London is Sweeny Todds barbershop located? REVEAL ANSWER, 5 Who actor portrays House in the 2004 series House M.D? Who played the lead character, Jim, in 28 Days Later? Which movie based on Frances Mayes memoir of the same name was released in 2003? The 2000s are also known for fashion, make-up, iconic toys and amazing movies! With a whole heap of popular movies, we certainly hope so! A fellowship of nine must destroy it. 5. Advertisement Challenge your family and friends and see who indeed is the biggest movie buff you know. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I dont have money. 2000s Quiz - 50 Noughties Trivia Questions & Answers. In what action flick did Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt co-star? 42. Walking my dog. Sound Of Music Quiz: Can You Get 100 Percent? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Klaus Badelt and which composer produced the Pirates of the Caribbean theme song? What we do in life echoes in eternity. In which film in theLord of the Rings series does Smeagol kill his cousin for the One Ring? The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". In what film does Javier Bardem ask Whats the most you ever lost on a coin toss?. Which Coen brothers films soundtrack went eight times platinum, sold more than eight million copies, and won not just Best Compilation Soundtrack but also Album of the Year at the 2002 Grammys? Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie met while filming which 00s movie? Ultimate 2000s Music Quiz (Artists, Lyrics, Songs & More!) Did we miss any key questions? REVEAL ANSWER, 7 Why is the rum always gone? is a quote from which 00s film? Gymnastics. REVEAL ANSWER, 8 Fish are friends, not food. is a quote from which 00s film? The Fellowship of the Ring, 44. Who won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for the 2000s filmNo Country for Old Men? Which animation revolves around an invention that leads to a rather unusual form of precipitation? A hospital. Lets get started! 5. Want more questions? Shark Tale, 22. Natalie Portman is only the third woman to win an Academy Award for Best Actress in a leading role in a horror movie. Tilda Swinton, 39. The Ultimate 2000s TV & Movie Trivia Questions & Answers, The Ultimate 1990s TV & Movie Trivia Questions & Answers, Guess The Disney Film Quiz: 50 Trivia Questions & Answers, 2000s Music Quiz: 50 Noughties Music Trivia Questions & Answers, 2000s Quiz 50 Noughties Trivia Questions & Answers, King Charles III Coronation Quiz Questions & Answers, 50 Quiz Questions & Answers about the Month of April, 50 Quiz Questions & Answers about the Month of March, 50 Galentines Day Quiz Questions & Answers, Easter Quiz Questions 100 Easter Trivia Questions with Answers, General Knowledge Quiz 100 Trivia Questions with Answers, Christmas Quiz 100 Festive Trivia Questions with Answers. 7. Who became the second actor to win an Academy Award posthumously? Which duo sang Hey Ya! and Ms. So, let's get ready to be taken on a nostalgia trip! On which film set did Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie meet? Solve multiple choice movie trivia questions and answers in the 2000s. When was the Euro officially launched in Europe? 6. The Ultimate 2000s TV & Movie Trivia Questions & Answers. In the Harry Potter films, what generally happens to the receiver of the Avada Kedavra curse? You are just about to start the quiz. The Soggy Bottom Boys are a fictional band from what movie? What is the name of the alien race in Avatar? Pan's Labyrinth was directed by Guillermo Del Toro. 6. A. Spider-Man B. REVEAL ANSWER, 10 I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you. is a quote from which 00s film? 7. 31. High School Musical, 9. What was the last Harry Potter movie released in the 00s? Required fields are marked *. 60+ Tennis Trivia Quiz Questions and Answers, Ultimate Pop Music Quiz (Songs, Artists, Lyrics & More! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. REVEAL ANSWER, 10 Which TV series created by, and starring Simon Cowell premiered in 2004? Right? Who is this character from the Pirates of the Caribbean films? REVEAL ANSWER, 3 Which 2005 British science fiction TV programme follows the exploits of a small team of alien-hunters? 4. Who directed 2009 film adapted from a Roald Dahl book? '00s Movie Trivia Quiz - BuzzFeed 11. From the Lord of the Rings to Harry Potter, X-Men to Spiderman, and Gladiator to Kill Bill, the 2000s was a truly epic decade at the movies! Which movie is the first in theLord of the Ringsseries? 17. Which film joined Ben Hur and Titanic in receiving a record eleven Oscars?
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