I run errands and kept the yard clean, things a little boy could do. One thing about 'em, they get educated, but there's not much for them to do when they get finished with school but walk the streets now. "Durin' de War, things was 'bout de same, like always, 'cept some vittles was scarce. ", "Atter he dead I wash and iron and cook out and raise my chillun. Dey sho' dead.' Things to do in Navasota, Texas I's 101 years ole, 'cause I's bo'n Dec. 28, 1835. "You knows, I believes I's mo' contented as a slave. She cry right 'long with me when I cry, 'cause I hurt so. What the Black Lives Matter Protests Mean for East Texas "In de old days, if de niggers wants de party, massa am de big toad in de puddle. Well, that's how it was with us. History of African Americans in Texas All de ole folks, cullud and white, was cryin'. "But the War didn't change nothin'. The slaves were brought to the city and sold in the domestic slave trade. For a ripe, red mouth. Texas African American Cemeteries And Christmas, it am de day for de big time. "My paw's name was Tom Vaughn and he was from the north, born free man and lived and died free to the end of his days. I been always trying to help my people to rise 'bove their station and they are rising all the time, and some day they'll be free.". The police acted on those concerned citizens' complaints by getting a search warrant for the tattoo and nail salon at Lasalle located about 100 yards from the Police Station and City Hall. I went to school and learned to read and write, then worked on farms, and fin'ly went to Columbia, in South Carolina, and worked in the turpentine country. The Yankees beat and settled down there and the cullud folks flocked down on them and when they got to the Yankee lines they was safe. I wish I had one of dem ol' time go'ds now to drink my milk outer. Let's see, now. Hung him on a tree in his front yard, right in front of his cabin. We'uns spent all de money on candy and sweet drinks. Texas State Highway 6 passes northsouth through the eastern side of the city as a four-lane bypass, leading northwest 22 miles (35km) to College Station and south 21 miles (34km) to Hempstead. Dey serve cake. Finally, in a rage of bullets and accusations, he and his cronies were attacked in spots all over the County. Dere's six slaves on dat place and I coul' beat dem all a-hoein'. "Mr. Swanson use to own de big plantation in Palestine. The city is home to two statues of French explorer Ren-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, including a bronze monument, dedicated in 1936 by the DAR, to celebrate the travels of the famous French explorer. I go to see her and took a peach pie, 'cause I lub her and I know dat's what she like better'n anything. I State Football Champions in 2014. Navasota has many shops and artisans in its historic downtown district, including antique, gift, and boutique stores and art galleries housed in old classic stone and brick structures. He had to stay in the woods and travel at night and eat what he could find, berries and roots and things. I worked for some white people and then went to Houston and it wasn't nothing but a mudhole. He was a member of the large Parker frontier family that settled in east ", "I was bo'n up here in Jasper. slavery in navasota, texas Hamer became more widely known in 1934 as a leader of the posse that hunted down and fatally shot Bonnie and Clyde. When dey took her away, I's powerful grieved. He wouldn't have you if you did. Texas Lynching Victims Memorial ", "Marster uster sit 'roun' and watch us chillun play. But we'uns had plenty to eat and us slaves didn' know what de War was 'bout. Nobody knew how it was to lack food. De boys and girls took tu'ns stirrin' de cream. There am embers in de fireplace and she fills a pail with dem and when de Klux busts in de door she lets dem have de embers in de face, and den out de back door she goes. Later, Stephen F. Austin gained an exception to the law from the Mexican government to entice more Americans Shoutin' the battle cry of freedom.'. I has two chillen but dey dead. The French explorer Ren-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, who was misguided in his 1687 attempt to locate the Mississippi River and trying to find his way back to French-held lands near the Great Lakes, came through the area that would become Navasota, where he was murdered by one of his men. Dat half a day off on Sadday was for de slaves to wash and clean up deyselfs. It am de awful way to spend you last days. ", "My pa was Len Norsworthy. I was 'bout 10 or 12 year' ol' when freedom riz up. Whoever git de girl's pie eat it with her. Web1860 - 1865 Texas joined Confederacy; Civil War began 1865 Juneteenth 1869 The First African American in Texas Legislature 1873 Buffalo Soldiers first posted in Texas 1876 Present Texas Constitution Adopted 1882 The Early Days of Women's Equality 1888 New State Capitol Completed 1891 Texas Railroad Commission Established I 'member de first time de Yankees pass by, my mother lift me up on de fence. Navasota is a city in Grimes County, Texas, United States. De marster was a sergeant. Navasota, Texas Train Town USA Legends of America This resolved a long investigation by Local Police. It am heap of change since den. They are unmarked as far as she knows. WebEnslaved people, enslavers, and slavery in general - information . Navasota sits approximately 20 miles south of Bryan-College Station. Dat why I say I can't see so good. ", "I never see no slaves bought and sol'. My father come nex' day and jine us. And us better leave eb'ryt'ing clean and no litter 'roun'. Oh, we knowed what was goin' on in it all the time, 'cause old man Gudlow went to the post office every day and we knowed. History of slavery: Newspaper ads used to find family after emancipation. I can't stan' much sun. Hamer became more widely known in 1934 as one of the men who shot Bonnie and Clyde. Pierce attended a Negro school after he was grown, learned to read and write, and is interested in the betterment of his race. Dat all raise on de place. I 'vides (divide) my time 'tween my daughter here and de one in Houston. They didn't meet 'cept when they heered the Klu Kluxes was coming to get some cullud folks. Old Mew Johnson, the preacher, seen to it church went on. Reported by the Navasota Examiner. I'm thinkin' lots of 'em pretended to want to go as soon as they had to go. That's when we all wakes up that somethin' had happened. Den when extra loud noise come from de cannon, she scream. I heerd of slaves bein' whip' but I ain't never see any git whip. Den us go to Houston and Louisiana for a spell and I hires out to cook. The census of 1850 reported 58,161 slaves, 27.4 percent of the 212,592 people in Texas, and the census of 1860 enumerated 182,566 slaves, 30.2 percent of the total population. WebTexas Lynching Victims Memorial Share Special Exhibits The Freedom-Lovers Roll Call Wall Stories Behind the Postcards: Paintings and Collages of Jennifer Scott Portraiture of Resistance Memorial to the Victims of Lynching Freedom-Lovers Pledge Explore Our Galleries African Peoples Before Captivity Kidnapped: The Middle Passage Nearly Three Then the whites gave me and my father some cattle for our own. ", "Dey was a cullud man what mek shoes for de slaves to wear in de winter time. De Klux comes to de dance and picks out a nigger and whups him, jus' to keep de niggers scart, and it git so bad dey don't have no more dances or parties. Slavery & Abolition (U.S. National Park Service) Dat something I never forgits. Dat becomes me better. Sometimes the slave made friends with the dogs and they wouldn't let on if they found him. I dunno 'bout wedder dey come back or not 'cep'n' I 'member dat Crab Norsworthy he come back. "Three days after de celebration, de marster calls all de slaves in de house and says, 'Yous is all free, free as I am.' WILLIAM HAMILTON belonged to a slave trader, who left him on the Buford plantation, near Village Creek, Texas. Some dem niggers on other plantations ain't keep de head and dey gits whupped and some gits kilt, but us does what massa say and has no trouble with dem Klux. I jus' always asks that question for fun. Dat trader was on his way south with my folks and a lot of other slaves, takin' 'em somewheres, to sell. WebSlavery grew faster after Texas became a U.S. state in 1845. Us never learn read much, tho' she try teach me some. She was Mrs. Ella Thompson, Felix' youngest sister, who had known only seven years of slavery. Den word come Willie am kilt. Meow, meow, I was awhat do they call a laborer in the army? WebIt was a space where the horrors of slavery were laid bare, including the disruption of black families for profit or convenience, for the world to see. If anyone has information on this cemetery, please let us know. Dey was cut straight and wid long waist and dey button down de back. "She all 'lone in de big house and I think it break her heart. The city also has golfing facilities and parks as well as wineries. "Not long after dat, Marster sol' my mammy to his brudder who lived in Fort Worth. "One Easter he brung me de purties' lil' hat I ever did see. The gov'ment builded school houses and the Klu Klux went to work and burned 'em down. Most everybody else go with us. Near as you kin guess, dat was 'bout 50 year' ago. And shirts! She does not know her age, but thinks she was about seven when she was freed. "De ole marster pick me out a lil', gentle hoss named Julie and dat was my very own hoss. Us place was right near Col' Springs. Missy says, 'Don' say 'lasses, say molasses.' Dat de way us uster do and go 'roun' and 'roun' singin' our li'l jumped up songs. Dey put popco'n on it to trim it and dey give me sometime a purty dress or shoes and plenty candy and maybe a big, red apple. Sometime dey brung lil' white chillen to dinner. Although born and raised in Jasper county, she speaks boastfully about having been to Houston. August 10, 2011 Arrests made for rioting in Navasota, assault of peace officer under investigation. WebNavasota Jews first began to organize in 1874, when they bought land for a Jewish cemetery. ", "Dey had cabins for de slaves to live in. This crime was in the middle of the day on the main street in town. My father had his own brand, 7 B, and we had a herd to start out with of seventy. Web1 language. MANDY HADNOT, small and forlorn looking, as she lies in a huge, old-fashioned wooden bed, appears very black in contrast to the clean white sheets and a thick mop of snowy wool on her head. He allus brung me somethin', jus' like I he own little gal. Dey carry grub and water to de field hands. Firearms, Crack cocaine and other drugs seized. WebA typical Southern plantation, Liendo was self-sufficient, and was entirely built by skilled slave laborers including brick and stone masons, carpenters, and smiths" At the end of Den when I 'cide to marry Bob Thomas, she he'p me fix a hope ches'. De nex' night back dey comes and asks where Jane am. "Yes, suh, everybody happy on massa's place till war begin. Marster and all de folks comes in and sets down, and he asks for de biscuits, and I's under de house and could hear 'em talk. She tell me funny things 'bout how dey use to do up dere. If I live till December, I'll be 102 years old, and dis ole heart have been pumpin' and pumpin' all dem years and have missed nary a beat till dis las' year. In 2012, the City of Navasota commissioned local sculptor Russell Cushman to design and create a statue of Frank Hamer, which is now on display in front of the city hall building. A new municipal building was completed in 2011 and continued downtown improvements are under construction, with completion scheduled for 2023. My father and me used to talk 'bout it. Dat how come I 'member ol' mistus name so good. Not long afterward the town was struck by a deadly cholera epidemic, which was followed in 1867 by an even more dangerous epidemic of yellow fever. It was up pretty high and us chillun had to git on a box to git in dat bed. You ain't never find a lazier nigger dan Will. Since her husband's death in 1928 Pauline has depended on the charity of friends, with whom she lives at 2504 Ross Ave., North Fort Worth, Texas. She jus' walk 'round de yard and twist de hands and say, 'Dey sho' git kilt. I can't sell de cotton, 'cause of de blockade.' Us hav pie supper, too. "There was some cullud young men went to the schools they'd opened by the gov'ment. "When freedom come my mudder and me pay no 'tention to it. Unveiling the Stories of Black State Senators in Post-Civil War Live plays are performed regularly at the Sunny Furman Theatre. But he come and de daughter tek care of her ma and pa bofe. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 7.4 square miles (19.1km2), of which 0.04 square miles (0.1km2), or 0.47%, is water.[6]. Throughout the Civil War, all the marketable goods produced in the region were brought to Navasota, which at the time was the furthest inland railhead in Texas. Sometimes you didn't knowed it was goin' on. Hundreds of slaves did go to Mexico and got on all right. De marster and his boy, Marster Ben, jined de army. Then they knocked their brains out and threw 'em in the river. The population was 6,789 at the 2000 census. I didn' do nuthin' but chu'n (churn) and clean de yard, and sweep 'roun' and go to de spring and tote de water. ", "I never git marry 'till way atter freedom come. Drug dealers, prostitutes and drunks could not be seen standing around this area anymore. And heat of the South, On January 19, 2011, the citizens of Navasota made a stand against illegal businesses trying to enter its city limits after murders and drive-by shootings. The Klu Klux went to the jail and took 'em out and killed 'em. Fur as I kin 'member I t'ink dey was 'bout 25 or 30 slaves on de place. Washington on the Brazos Historical Foundation is hosting a Texas Independence Day Celebration Saturday, Feb. 29, from 10 a.m. till 6 p.m., 2400 Park Washington County In 1865, a warehouse filled with cotton and gunpowder exploded after it was torched by returning Confederate soldiers. WebSlaves were 40 percent of Virginias population. About 23.8% of families and 23.7% of the population were below the poverty line, including 34.7% of those under age 18 and 24.0% of those age 65 or over. He was making a sort of privileged game with a sportive twist out of his handicap of blindness. I don' 'member anything 'bout my pappy, but I 'member Marster Henderson jus' like 'twas las' week. He hid for his life in Galveston, and filed charges against many of the men, who were later fined but their murders were never prosecuted. After learning about her experience, Willing Mos' de niggers 'have theyselves and when dey don't massa put dem in de li'l house what he call de jail, with nothin' to eat till deys ready to do what he say. We was free. Hidden In A Texas Subdivision, A Plantation Where Slaves WebPAULINE GRICE, 81, was born a slave of John Blackshier, who owned her mother, about 150 slaves, 50 slave children, and a large plantation near Atlanta, Georgia. So we'uns asked him if we could stay and he says, 'Yous kin stay as long as yous want to and I can keep yous.' Pleasant Retreat Plantation House, South side of Mavasota slavery De cook says, 'I's put de biscuits on de table.' Dey say I's got high blood pressue.". Dat ledder was hard and lots of times it mek blister on us feet. Hamer moved in and imposed law and order, prosecuting Navasota criminals until the town became safe again. ", "Yas, I 'member de house I was raise in. We had all the clothes we wanted and if you wanted shoes bad enough you got 'emshoes with a brass square toe. 'Course, Will ain't so young heself, but he's born after de war and I's born durin' slavery, so dat make me older. It was my job, after dark, listenin' for dem Klux, den I gits under de bed. Whereas nearby Washington on the Brazos protested the coming of the rails, the old historic town forfeited its geographic advantage, and it began to decline as many of its businesses and residences began a sure migration to the new railhead across the Brazos River at Navasota. The 2,805 housing units averaged 435.0 per square mile (167.9/km2). Navasota is located in southwestern Grimes County, Texas, east of the Navasota River (a tributary of the Brazos River). Sometime den us go to chu'ch. Ole mistus he'p me make my weddin' dress outta white lawn. But when dey was livin' in Geo'gy, my ma marry a man name' Hawthorne in Geo'gy. Den us play, 'Rabbit, rabbit. "I heered 'em talk about some slaves what run barefooted in cold weather and you could trail 'em by blood in the snow and ice where they hurt their feet. His place was our home. Texas They never caught him and after he crossed the Mason-Dixon line he was safe. "Bout gittin' married, after I quits de Gran' Hotel I marries and we'uns has two chillen. Navasota, Texas - History - LiquiSearch I's made de mistake of takin' de plate. Dey had fruits of all kin's put up. I allus did obey jis' like I was teached to do and dey didn' hafter whip me. Perhaps the greatest and most publicized violence was around the turn of the century, during the rise of the Populist Party in Grimes County, and the election of Populist candidate Garrett Scott for County Sheriff. You be a good girl and try to git through de worl' dat way.' If someone gets caught by his shirt on a limb of a tree, he had to die there if he weren't cut down. Pauline II State Football Champions in 2012 and 4A Div. CHURCHES We all felt like heroes and nobody had made us that way but ourselves. Then he laughed: "No, you ain't. You see I done git ol' and childish and I can't 'member like what I uster could. Give us plenty of meat and bread and greens and t'ings. They didn't have no school for slaves and I never learned to read and write till after freedom. Us have most nothin' to eat and den de Ku Klux come 'round dere. How I did play roun' with de chilluns till I's big enough for to wo'k. ", "Dat was a big plantation. ", "Us gals wo' plain, long waisted dress. Early Photographs of Juneteenth Celebrations - The Public We decided we was too soft and freedom wasn't goin' to be much to our good even if we had a education.". I can't do much and lives on de $10.00 de month pension. Hallelujah! "After us cullud folks was 'sidered free and turned loose, the Klu Klux broke out. It was the endin' of it that made the difference. WebThe key to African Americans political ascension in Texas was Reconstruction, the federal governments post-Civil War effort to rebuild the South and protect the rights of Guns were made in nearby Anderson, and The Enslaved in Nashville - Tennessee State University Dey have good times on dat place, and don't want to leave. I's settin' hear a thinkin' of dem ole days when I's a li'l nigger a cuttin' up on ole marster's plantation. NOVEMBER 8, 2011 Large numbers of Federal Law Enforcement ATF Agents move in on Armed drug dealing gangs. "In 1897 I marries Effie Coleman and has no chillens, so I is alone in de world now. High Point Elementary exceeded state targets in Student Progress, Student Achievement, Closing Performance Gaps, and Post-Secondary Readiness.[22]. WebThe slaves are said to have belonged to John Thomas. After statehood, in antebellum Texas, slavery grew even more rapidly. Her figure is generous in proportions, and her hair snow white, fixed in little pig tails and wrapped in black string. I was too little to get on the stand, so they had to hold me up and Mr. Harper bought me for $1,100. Jump fru' de crack. ", "We done our playin' 'roun' dat big house, but dat front gate, we dassen' go outside dat. I was plenty sick and Dr. Brennen, he took good care of me. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. "The Lawd called me then and I answered and was preacher here at the Union Baptist Church, on 11th and K, 'bout 25 years. "De cullud folks has lots of trouble after de war, 'cause dey am ir'rant niggers and gits foolishment in de head. "Like I jes' say, I knows what I's talkin' 'bout, 'cause I use to be a slave myself and I don't know how to read and write. William now lives at 910 E. Weatherford St., Ft. Worth, Texas. "One time they had 12 men in jail, 'cused of robbin' white folks. After I was sold, they let me go visit my mother once a year, on Sunday morning, and took me back at night. Dat's when we was happy and celebrates. Now, Will, dat de man I's marry to, am younger'n me but he don't know it. I marry Hyman Hawthorne. History of Sharecropping - UTSA Institute of Texan Cultures I heerd my gramma and ma say dey ol' marster wouldn' sell none of his slaves. Pauline married Navasota Grice in 1875 and they moved to Texas in 1917. Webhistorical and genealogical records of Texas; part USGenWeb. For every 100 females, there were 86.5 males. FELIX HAYWOOD is a temperamental and whimsical old Negro of San Antonio, Texas, who still sees the sunny side of his 92 years, in spite of his total blindness. Navasota was founded in 1831 as the stagecoach stop of Nolansville. It don't do to let folks know dey's smarter'n you, 'cause den dey got you right where dey wants you. Dat am when missy go tech in de head, 'cause massa and de boys in dat battle. John C. Webb Elementary exceeded state targets in Student Progress and Post-Secondary Readiness. [20] In addition, the Pack Warehouse is located in an unincorporated area near the Pack Unit. Later local business owners used the meat to feed the poor of the city. In 2012, Navasota Municipal Airport completed an expansion of its runway to 5,000 feet (1,500m) long by 75 feet (23m) wide and is now able to accommodate jets on the runway. Narratives tagged "Navasota" | Slavery in Texas I stayed there a while and got married. "Who I is, how old I is and where I is born, I don't know. "There was a cullud man they taken, his name was Jim Freeman. Dat's de reason I's a co'nbread eater now. But us don't leave Massa John, us go right on workin' for him like 'fore. Plenty of everything and corn am de mostest us have. Dat was de fus' time Missy laugh after de funeral. My ole mistus took me to Sunday school with her and I spruce up in dat hat. I seen the dogs on the trail a whole day and still not catch 'em.
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