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Certain staff members are sent to a personnel pool. -Identify the chain of command for reporting bioterrorist attacks 60 seconds. An Emergency Plan is developed based on a documented, facility- and community-based risk assessment that utilized an all-hazards approach. *Field triage: When a mass casualty incident occurs, rapid assessment and treatment of the victims is the utmost priority. -Evaluating the effectiveness and timeliness of the bioterrorism plan *Disaster response: Storm, Inc. purchased the following available-for-sale securities during 2014, its first year of operations: NameNumberofSharesCostDustDevil,Inc.1,900$81,700GaleCo.85068,000WhirlwindCo.2,850114,000Total$263,700\begin{array}{lcr} *Psychosocial services: -Each step of the disaster event is reviewed and a report is compiled -Field triage -Figure 23-8, p. 519 -Postimpact (after) -The organization of activities used to address the event. -First: Those who are most critical but savable *Populations are a great risk for disruption following a disaster. 3.) What are some human diseases caused by viruses? 4.) C. Peoples experience of the world is subjective, D. The joint influence of biology and environment, Information taken from a semimonthly payroll is given in the Working Papers. -Documentation in a disaster: time, place, name of incident commander, general field assessment Category A- poses the greatest risk to the public, spreads easily, high mortality rates, high risk to national security due to high transmission rate, EBOLA, botulism, smallpox . *Stay or go, the evaluating factors include the following: first priority if donning PPE, then assess the ability of patient to breathe, knowing what to do should those chemical disasters be present, level of toxicity usually determines what you do See the Worker Safety and Health Resources for Hurricanes and Flood Cleanup and Recovery for an up-to-date listing of these OSHA web pages, Fact Sheets and QuickCards, along with interagency and OSHA alliance partner publications. *Incident command system- disaster plan, clear and easy to understand What are the 4 steps to being prepared? Before they were transported to a local hospital, emergency medical personnel carried out on-site decontamination in this temporary facility. -P. 522 These areas include Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and states along the Eastern Seaboard and the Gulf Coast. *Also the healing phase: reconstruction or rehabilitation optimally restores the community to predisaster conditions (secondary and tertiary prevention: may taken days, months, years, depending on the nature of the disaster, the response of the community, and the extent of the damages). 3. response ->ID capacity of community to respond to disaster hbbd``b`Z $[@5`qA+k% gAiH 2xx!b``$( -Pop shift if recovery is prolonged How much does the store expect to collect? Floods can be caused by a variety of factors, including a sudden accumulation of rain, rising rivers, tidal surges, ice jams and dam failures. -structural mitigation: creation or removal of structures or altering the environment to remove or modify risks (ex: installment of a generator to be used incase of power failure) %PDF-1.5 % -Hazardous material involved -Reconstruction: involves adjusting to a new reality and continued rebuilding of the area. The market price per share for the available-for-sale security portfolio on December Help initiate or update the agency's disaster plan. *Disaster response, or emergency management, is the organization of activities used to address the event. *Surveillance is a continual process, and all personnel should be aware of the diseases that may be associated with bioterriorism. It is essential that evaluations be conducted immediately to determine what worked, what didn't, and what specific problems, issues, and challenges can be identified. It also details hazards that may be present in areas affected by wildfires. C. Prioritizing care of individuals -Structured \text { Gale Co. } & 75 \\ \end{array} -Direct contact (subcutaneous anthrax) reduce hazards, prepare emergency supply kits, monitor emergency situations endstream endobj 210 0 obj <>/Metadata 9 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 207 0 R/StructTreeRoot 15 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 211 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 212 0 obj <>stream Counsel those who have suffered trauma and bereavement, c. Control rumors, provide accurate information, d. Provide security; prevent looting, protect person and property, a. Hobfoll"s theory of Conservation of Resources, b. A _____ is issued when weather conditions favor a particular hazard. How do you think she views her own culture after this event? The American Nurses Foundation is a separate charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Disaster Preparedness Quiz Flashcards | Quizlet suicide attempt, drug overdose, d. car accident, life-threatening illness, c. Social workers who specialize in crisis management, a. Assess secondary social problems such as health epidemics, displaced persons, b. -"Risk communication" -The current and predicted weather conditions -Define the nursing roles in the event of a bioterrorist attack Who has the primary responsibility to coordinate relieft efforts, asking for help from other states and fed. -Common responses to a traumatic event": table 23-2, p. 518 To respond to the sample questions, first enter your first and last names in the boxes below (this information will not be recorded; it is strictly for purposes of identifying your results). Ex: Truck carrying toxins flips over on highway -Activation of bioterrorism response plan in response to a bioterrorist event Ensure that the public is informed of events. -TertiaryRehabilitation of survivors; monitoring medication regimens and referrals -Simple dispersal device (airborne, nuclear) -Personal responsibilities? *If possible, disaster team members during the impact phase or immediately afterward should conduct a preliminary assessment and inventory of injuries and property damage so that the implementation of secondary prevention strategies of setting priorities can be set in motion (lundy) *Nurses role in sheltering When putting your emergency kit together, what is the minimum number of days (or hours) your supplies should last? The Foundation expressly disclaims any political views or communications published on or accessible from this website. As part of the plan for safety and security, the EOP should describe: How hazardous materials and wastes will be managed in a disaster. December collections on account were$130,000, and write-offs of uncollectible receivables totaled $2,700. -Evaluation, *primary prevention: prepare the population for a disaster Hand . A disaster may be domestic or international b. *This is a very important stage because the effectiveness of the measures taken once the disaster strikes will depend largely on the community's preparedness and plans that are developed here, *Enduring the impact -Population shift if recovery is prolonged & \text { Dec. 31, 2014 } \\ *Focuses primarily on emergency relief: All of the following are tasks of this model EXCEPT: a. Assess secondary social . Help initiate or update the agency's disaster plan. -is the population at risk for sudden high disease rates? DustDevil,Inc.GaleCo.WhirlwindCo.MarketPriceperShare,Dec.31,2014$407542. Do they have the means storage/distribution at disaster site? Emergency & Disaster Preparedness NCLEX Flashcards | Quizlet Provide an updated record of vulnerable populations within the community. *Invacuation, where people in a hospital or residential facility may be moved to another floor or area within the facility, may occur. -Performing triage and directing those affected -Heroic: intense excitement and concern for survival. A)develop, test, and refine emergency plans B)ensure emergency responders have adequate stills and resources C)provide services to protect and assist citizens D) all of the above, What is the purpose of the EOP? **Evaluating the efficiency of the disaster response teams *Levels of Disaster Management **Suddenness of the event **Area, effect, and level of disaster The Disaster Plan is compliant with current federal guidelines for disaster planning (National Incident Management System). There are a range of heat illnesses and they can affect anyone, regardless of age or physical condition. Crowded and cramped conditions for living and working. ATI, p. 68 Referenced: "Do's and Don'ts in Disaster Response" (Harkness & Demarco, p. 431) wh @P@: 1+ Sgot?cDT~{,c`|G'qCX48BS n(_3{yIbnvcI4tazY${]\Omt7Nc?KfiHMf.+'m^w} %IN#4n6YQ"]y}k(AI>Mt~>_v/-e1)]Ed>%S`%j0,~:JXzZ>.GS/84~UcLp_fJl~y''"5|J7X(^/y4kRJN}= _& =N@ 0UXZZv;D-Dv^yf *Mitigation: Tasha06lexus. OSHA and NOAA are working together on a public education effort aimed at improving the way people prepare for and respond to severe weather. These include safety hazards, such as unstable structures; heavy equipment and slips, trips, and falls, as well as health hazards such as heat stress, hazardous materials, carbon monoxide and other respiratory hazards. The Medicare and Medicaid Programs: Emergency Preparedness Requirements requires healthcare providers and suppliers to prepare to meet the needs of patients, clients, and residents during disasters and . All of the following are TRUE about disasters EXCEPT, Disasters frequently result in all of the following EXCEPT. Counseling is sometimes needed, and those affected begin looking ahead. *Recognition of a Bioterrorism Event A collision between a freight train carrying toxic chemicals and a passenger train resulted in injuries to several people. Natural -Mitigation (Prevention) -Activating the disaster management plan -Following a thorough review of the responses, a final report is prepared with recommendations for improving emergency response in the future. initiating measures to limit the disaster damange or disease among the community members. -Result in high mortality rates keeping an emergency kit somewhere easily accessible. *"A nation's capacity to respond to these threats depends in part on the ability of healthcare professionals and public health officials to rapidly and effectively detect, manage, and communicate during an event resulting in mass casualties" (Harkness & Demarco, p. 381), *Terrorism-"any action intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or noncombatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act" (Harkness & Demarco, 2015, p 409), *Phases of Disasters *Don'ts: -Give people things to do Emergency Preparedness and Response. -Might cause public panic and social distribution, and require special action for ph preparedness, -When released makes its presence known IMMEDIATELY through observation (explosion), self-admission (accidental) or the occurrence of rapidly emerging sx, such as burns, difficulty breathing or convulsions. *Small amounts of radioactive materials are in the air, drinking water, food, and human body. In your discussion, identify how long-term survival of species is dependent on resources that may be limited. b- less threat, danger becasue easily avialable and easily reproduced, high morbidity rates, lower mortality rates, cholera . endstream endobj startxref -Identifying what kinds of resources are available -May also include rebuilding damaged buildings, transportation systems, and relocation of those affected by the disaster. **Creating ongoing assessment and surveillance reports 28 0 obj <> endobj This planning information can help you ensure that you are ready to evacuate in an orderly manner before rising waters impact your business or residence, or your evacuation routes. -Immediate implementation of infection control and containment measures, including decontamination, environmental disinfection, protective equipment, community education/notification, and quarantines -Common organizational structure implemented to improve emergency response a. Swallowing contaminated water, food, meds National Healthcare Disaster Exam Sample Questions | ANCC The best example of a "technological disaster" is: I-35W Mississippi River bridge collapse in 2007. -Providing and coordinating care in shelters *National Incident Management System- goal is to reduce loss of life, property and harm to life, not operational plan, used for response True: Be informed and prepared. Agents of bioterrorism: text, p. 297-298, *Participate in planning and preparation for immediate response to a bioterrorist event -organizes emergency response in 5 areas: command, planning, operations, logistics, and finance and administration play all of the following roles in covering a disaster EXCEPT: a. -Result in high mortality rates -This framework involves the entire community and is adaptable to every situation. A newly hired public health nurse is familiarizing himself with the levels of disaster management. -breathing it directly, swallowing, touching or coming into contact via contaminated clothing or objects, *Summed up in 2 words: "Act Quickly" *Mitigation becomes a cost-effective primary prevention by focusing on implementation of preventive measures for reducing and eliminating identified risks before the event occurs (preventing identified risks from causing a disaster) -Talk down to people of any age **Isolation of the community -It is revised every 18 months in response to changing conditions and real-world applications (p. 515), *Definition: taking measures to limit the damage, disability and loss of life -Preparedness Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Outreach Training Program (10- and 30-hour Cards), OSHA Training Institute Education Centers, Directorate of Technical Support and Emergency Management, General Business Preparedness for General, Construction and Maritime Industries, PPE for Emergency Response and Recovery Workers, Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER), Tips for People Who Take Medication: Coping with Hot Weather, Fourth Generation Agent (FGA) Nerve Agent Resources for First Responders and First Receivers, Sulfur Mustard (HD) Quick Reference Guide, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV), FEMA EMI Independent Study Course #1190- National Response System/National Contingency Plan (NRG/NCP), Worker Safety and Health Resources for Hurricane and Flood Cleanup and Recovery, Severe Storm and Flood Recovery Assistance. A new browser window will open, displaying your results, which you may print, if you wish. 4. recovery When a customer complains, (a) he, (b) she, (c) he or she, (d) they must be taken seriously. -The Time span involved *Adverse effects after disaster: *Evaluation of disaster: Then click the button corresponding to the best answer for each question. What does this statement propose about the veil's symbolic meaning? Let z=G(u,v),u=(t,s)z=G(u, v), u=\varphi(t, s)z=G(u,v),u=(t,s), and v=(s)v=\psi(s)v=(s). -Details strengths and weaknesses of response program The Medicare and Medicaid Programs: Emergency Preparedness Requirements established national requirements for healthcare providers and suppliers to plan for both natural and man-made disasters and coordinate with federal, state, tribal, regional and local emergency preparedness systems. -Locating all equipment and supplies needed for disaster management *Clues of an attack: cluster of cases with unexplained illness, unusually severe disease, multiple outbreaks in a particular population -Contamination of food and water supplies with an increased risk of infectious dz *Planning for disasters involves data collection in 3 areas: *Assessment of Bioterrorism Threat These workers wait to find out what they need to do. -Any action intended to cause death or serious injury to civilians. This includes areas to avoid when using a vehicle, and safety and health hazards such as downed electrical lines, mold and wild animals. -Point of distribution plans (PODs) ex: Hep vaccines during an outbreak -Goal: reduce the probability of disease, death, and disability resulting from a disaster . Oil spill cleanup workers can face potential hazards from oil byproducts, dispersants, detergents and degreasers. -Response *Identify potential biological agents for bioterrorism \text { Name } & \text { Number of Shares } & \text { Cost } \\ a. *PTSD is common during the aftermath of disasters and can affect both caregivers and victims. -Skill building for disaster response; know your duties, skill sets. Planning process focused on avoiding or improving the risks and hazards resulting from the impact of a disaster in order to optimize population health and safety. False 2. **The types and combination of hazards are unique to a community. Impact: during Schedule 16-hour shifts to allow for greater rest between shifts. 12 terms. If the manufacturer's claim is correct (i.e., =30\mu=30=30 seconds, =10\sigma=10=10 seconds), what is the probability that the average deviation from perfect accuracy would be 34 seconds or more? If used in a terrorist attack, anthrax is a type of: The U.S. government plan for making sure all emergency responders can work together. Floods can be serious catastrophes and they are one of the most common hazards in the United States. Role of the nurse in dealing with terrorism: -Help people cope with the aftermath Floods can be serious catastrophes, and they are one of the most common hazards in the United States. Consider an example of an EOP. Facilities need to be able to work within the NIMS disaster response structure. -Includes measures taken to reduce the harmful effects of a disaster by attempting to limit its impact on human health, community function, and economic infrastructure. Which two phases occur BEFORE the emergency? -Important to self-assess one's level of preparedness should a disaster occur

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disaster preparedness quizlet