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The treatment is still offered by South West London and St George's mental health trust (SWLStG), which covers Kingston, Merton, Richmond, Sutton and Wandsworth. The rampant misinformation about this procedure compels me to offer my story as evidence of what ECT can do. . I was given ECT because i had "disturbances in my personality". In Australia, support is available at Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636, Lifeline on 13 11 14, and at MensLine on 1300 789 978, As a psychiatrist, if I had severe depression Id choose ECT | Mariam Alexander, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, 2023 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. But I have felt the downsides of ECT, in a couple of ways, and I can see the dangers of being too reassuring about it. There are no goods and bads with ECT, no rights or wrongs. Now comes for the part where i "ruined her life" or at least I feel like i am in the process of it. I crawled two years after and still face daily symptoms. Turn any day into Fair Day! Nothing that causes epileptic seizures and erases your memory can be helpful. Short to Medium Term Commitment When receiving treatment, you generally have to show up to your treatment provider 5 times a week for 6 weeks. Psychiatrists say ECT saves lives BBC News Online talks to former ECT patients who say the therapy ruined their lives. At one time he was unable to recognise his own parents. Brains injury is not a treatment. This is a very dangerous treatment and in talking to hundreds of people now, Im convinced ect causes permanent disability and people can no longer go back to their former jobs. Made up of mental health professionals, researchers, ECT recipients and carers, the group is calling for an inquiry into the practice of ECT along the lines of the recent Cumberlege report into pelvic meshes, which found lives had been ruined because officials failed to hear the concerns of women too often dismissing worries and complaints as womens problems and exposing failures in the health system. They will help you sleep. I had twenty-eight and I know people had A LOT more than that. It's hard to think rationally when you're mind is focused on all the ways you think you have ruined your life. And, under Without capacity laws can be administered in the US against a persons will/wishes. It is done to the most vulnerable like seniors in large numbers in most of the Western countries. The brain is unexplored territory, please do not do more harm by re-classifying this. "It got to the point where I even baptised my feet in the toilet.". One of the reasons they stopped keeping them is that they reveal the amazing difference between places in terms of the amount of the number of treatments that are given, he says. I awoke that morning, realized I was 40 years old and it was just plain gone. More recently, after literally dozens of antidepressant treatments had failed to help her, Ashley was able to enroll in a clinical test of the experimental rapid-acting Its not just one-way though; clinicians who dismiss or minimise adverse effects too glibly dont help either, and each provokes the other. "When I woke up I had a horrible headache and that has never gone away. NICE says their guidance for ECT was last reviewed in 2014 but it would look at it again if new evidence was likely to affect their recommendations. Recovery is possible and even to be expected foe those who have experienced mental health challenges, unfortunately shock treatment reduces the likelihood that an individual can recover while it permanently alters their personality., As survivor of this barbaric procedure, I cannot say I support this petition, no, I urge anyone who cares about their fellow human beings to sign. Psychiatric shock therapy, long controversial, may face fresh restrictions. Perhaps neither treatment is better or worse, just different. It insists its use of the treatment is within NICE guidelines. But not only that I wouldnt be able to remember words. I have notes stuck all over my walls to remind me what to do. My poor parents. She was convinced the ECT was responsible for her sudden memory loss and inability to function, but what followed was two years of denial by the medics who treated her. The method used was bilateral ECT -- the most grossly damaging and most commonly used form of the treatment. He passed while I was still very confused following shock. I believe the device caused irreversible brain damage. Electroconvulsive Therapy I can't finish college. Health does not come with a lifetime guarantee. In total, I have had around 70 individual treatments. Something was put in my mouth before they anaesthetised me. Half Indian they call her Tonto on Twitter: "So like even when men date The most common are short-term to permanent memory loss and other cognitive difficulties, headaches, toothache and muscle aches, nausea, cardiac arrhythmias, and similar cardiovascular problems. Maybe this type of battle must always be fought certainly for the foreseeable future . I didnt even recognise myself anymore. Dear Moderators, under the circumstances, I think naming names should be encouraged and should not be classified as personal attacks. Folks named Hitler, right? I noted on Facebook that I am omitted from any mention when family friends sent condolences to the two brothers, again, omitting the absent sister as if she were dead. All without my consent and most of it without my knowledge. Keep a supply of erasers, a mop, and a bucket. Prayers to the victims who are unable to sign this petition because they lost themselves due to ECTs. They can't both be true. Eli Roth Presents: A Ghost Ruined My Life - Amazon It destroyed her life physically and mentally., I am a survivor of shock treatment. Unfortunately, when published, the reporter presented our information accurately but combined it with misinformation provided by so-called experts and disproportionate negative examples of the treatment. One of the trusts did no electroshock at all. ECT almost killed me. I could have done without that. Dr John Read, of the University of East London said there was "no place" for ECT in evidence-based medicine due to risks of brain damage. I suffer mentally, physically and emotionally from the damages caused by ECTs. ECT: A Life Saving Treatment - Medium And one of the biggest of those crimes is administering shock to the vulnerable and distressed and suffering, usually, as you say, after poisoning them into a state of toxic drug insanity The mind seeks an answer or meaning in any experience. If you have severe depression after having a baby, ECT might make it easier to care for and bond with your baby. I had 30 rounds of ect for severe depression at 21 years old. This assault on the brain causes a temporary coma and flat-lining of brain waves, which is a sign of impending brain death. Both had spoken out strongly against the ECT. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Good, write that down too. ECT, short for electroconvulsive therapy and otherwise known as shock therapy, is a treatment modality that has been used for around 80 years. What I do want is more acknowledgment of the memory problems and associated distress, and more support for people going through treatment. My memory for what I needed to do in the next minutes, or what Id just done, was gone. "I'm horrified that this is still being done on people. However, the researchers go on to say "it is not hard to find hundreds of personal accounts of debilitating levels of disruption to people's lives". The APA confessed the neuroleptics were torture drugs when the Russian dissodents complained of such in the 70s, but the APA cant comprehend the same is true with their me too antipsychotics today. Please stop this!, Because my friends were severely badly affected after this treatment. she sustained, and she wants better support for those whose lives have been turned upside down. Try, keep trying, and when you spill milk, laugh. If you are dissatisfied with the response provided you can The study's joint author, Prof Irving Kirsch, an expert on placebo effects based at Harvard Medical School, says "the failure to find any meaningful benefits in long-term benefits compared to placebo groups are particularly distressing. Id forgotten I could even do that.. You cant make sense of your world. Truth, I can also answer that question. Consequently, people try to think through an experience to better understand a problem. A former teacher diagnosed with treatment-resistant depression - along with OCD, bipolar disorder and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) - she was unable to work. In the US, Mental Health America is available on 800-273-8255. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. I dont remember where Rainier Ave South is for example. (Being remodeled. It happened to me. As a survivor of ECT, I suffer from significant memory loss, while my doctor declared my 30+ ECT treatments unhelpful., My sister received shock treatment. And if 10-12 arent enough, perhaps 25 so they would forget they ever heard of ECT. BBC News | HEALTH | Shock therapy: 'Ruined lives' I just turned 43. Agreed. For me, its as though there are big holes in my memory before and during a course of treatment. Thousands of women with mental health issues in England given Yes they say it does rewire the brain but when I think of how it is done and what I allowed them to do , it is disturbing.Allowing electricity to pass through my brain !! I not only have long term memory loss, but i have cognitive impairments and brain damage. Its cruel., Because my niece went through ECT and it caused her permanent brain damage. Since ECT causes BRAIN DAMAGE, my memory is deficient about the period when I had the ECTs, It also removes periods of memory (up to 10 years at a time) and the MDs and the RNs tell you the memories will come back after awhile, BUT THEY DONT. This determination can be made without public hearings? The experience of my closest relationships has been erased and is daily erased with each interaction. Above them there is no justice. You will not be shocked during the treatment. In the 12 post-ECT years I have difficulty forming memories. Leave it to psychiatry to promote brain damage as a mental health benefit.. Within a month, I realized that I loved to write. TMS aka rTMS for repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is a noninvasive type of brain stimulation treatment. He went from an uber intelligent man to one who was just never the same., I was an ECT treatment recipient and theres no way I would down-classify this procedure because Ive had lasting cognitive deficits as a result., A person I know was given multiple shock treatments and I have painfully watched her cognitive recall decline dramatically over the last few years. Electroshock is a barbariac practice that needs to stop!, I know electroshock survivors, and Ive been on a psych ward while it was being practiced on my friends. Every day is a struggle for him to maintain amidst seemingly the simplest of things, which are to him, chaotic and unfamiliar, because he is constantly having to re-learn things that cannot be committed to memory. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience.

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ect ruined my life