s G!\wIW/v)2\Z-uk1Q'~%]-%%s@oz5fj;{cF>tV. z(c$=Q,j,8\7Wp L=(pJ8<8[K" P3`4#zfTs=hF0w /hm!']>r!3z:.J#"hBU% Finally, the following skills receive a different value in the Bronze division: There is no split leap/jump angle requirement for Xcel beam routines. Xcel is an alternative USA Gymnastics competitive program offering individual flexibility to coaches and gymnasts. DD competes USAG. Chapter 7 62 D. In any USA Gymnastics sanctioned . The Xcel Gymnastics Program is a gymnastics system created in 2003 by the USA Gymnastics, the association in charge of competitive gymnastics in America.It was created to help gymnasts practice and master their gymnastics skills at their pace without the rigors of the traditional competitive gymnastics program the JO Program. This is the earliest age group with which we work on fine and gross manipulatives in a structured format, as the 2 to 2-year-old's attention span grows, allowing the child to focus for longer periods of time. Children are invited to come play around the gym and practice skills learned from our classes, during this non-structured hour. (Class C is 10u-12u-14u Divisions only)-> Play in the CENTRAL or ODD AGE World Series and receive $300 Discount into the Northern World Series in NW Indiana! She is off to college now and will compete in track and field - doing Diamond those last two years gave her time to find out she was actually better at another sport! If you have any questions please feel free to give me a call or send an email. Type of awards and number to be awarded. Event Specialist: 8.5 per event. In level 7, it is a mix of compulsory and optional because the requirements are more specific but each gymnast still has a unique routine. Slow and steady progress has worked well for her. Option 1 for Bronze vault is worth a 9.0 maximum Start Value. We chose JO for my daughter based on the recommendation of a parent who knew more about the two programs than I did. Your workbook is on its way. Here are some examples: if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'thegymnasticsguide_com-leader-1','ezslot_11',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegymnasticsguide_com-leader-1-0');Here are the exceptions to this rule: Just like bars, an Xcel Bronze beam routine has 4 Special Requirements. As a parent I came to appreciate that as well. 6 year olds, 7 year olds, 8 year olds, etc. Strengthening Children in Mind and Body Through Successful Gymnastics Experiences Since 1966, Interested in girls' competitive gymnastics? Best Gymnastics in Huntington Beach, CA - SCATS Gymnastics, Firestorm Freerunning and Acrobatics- Ultra, New Hope Gymnastics, Rise Up Athletics, American Flips Gymnastics, South Coast Gymnastics, Wildfire Gymnastics, VIBE Gymnastics, ERA Gymnastics, California Gymnastics Across the US, there are several different competitive gymnastics programs, but the two with the largest participation are the Xcel program, and the Developmental Program (formerly known as Junior Olympic, or JO), both run by USA Gymnastics (USAG). (This means the gymnast must be 8 before she competes in her first meet.) PDF 2021 AAU Gymnastics - Amateur Athletic Union The Xcel program also has scores that the gymnasts need to earn before being able to advance, but in addition JO scores can be used for entry into an Xcel program division. Level 10 is the last level in the JO program. But it DOES apply to extra casts. What Is Xcel Gymnastics? What You Should Know - FloGymnastics For the 2013-2014 season, gymnasts that have competed in the Xcel program previously may enter at any division that is appropriate for their skill level. GOLD The minimum age requirement for the Gold division is 7 years old. Ages and Groups: Age determining date is the opening date of the AAU Gymnastics National Championship, June 23, 2021. Nancy Gibson By the time the gymnasts bars level has caught up to their tumbling, that readiness fit more advanced skills is often gone. In both Xcel and the Development Program, the hours and costs go up as a gymnast moves through the levels, so speaking with the gym owner or coaches should give you an idea of what kind time and financial commitment youll be making if your kid sticks with gymnastics. Want Skill Requirement Checklists for each Gymnastics Level? Z+nUDAn'xJK8.cq;2,5EeCf[0hJIxc `0D-;}EIE8j\a&/.5(d0xL6M3=QiVEb0Ows H=cd7)Q;6C"QtwH . We didn't have xcel at our gym when she started, but we do have it now. We have had move to other gyms into Xcel and they do more hours then our JO kids. (This means the gymnast must be 12 before she competes her first meet.) Prefer to listen to the audio of this article? The Xcel Program is a great opportunity for gymnasts who want to improve their skills, compete at a higher level, and build their confidence. The silver division is similar in skill requirements to the JO Programs level 4. The book comes shrink wrapped, 3-hole punched, and pre-tabbed for $40.00. XDU! My Gym Ninja Training classes are designed to be fun and challenging while remaining safe and noncompetitive. In addition to having fun with structured games, fascinating "Adventures," and pre-gymnastics, our Terrific Tots learn beginning sports skills, gain fine and gross motor proficiency, and strengthen manipulative skills. The USAG table below lists the age, entry requirements, and mobility overview for Xcel: If your child eats, sleeps, and breathes gymnastics, and wants to focus most of her time on one sport, then the Development Program is probably the right path. Hours are usually much higher in the Development Program than in Xcel, and some gyms have policies that gymnasts may not compete in any other sport once they reach the upper levels. It consists of 5 divisions, and each division has progressively more difficult requirements. (This means the gymnast must be 9 before she competes in her first meet.) Is it where gymnastics dreams go to die when kids are discarded from JO? Age Divisions, if known in advance; or procedures for determining age divisions 8. Eventually, she transitioned back to JO L6 and then retired. Technique with Taucer: The Physics of Gymnastics, Part 1, GOLDEN: The Journey of USAs Elite Gymnasts. Here are the Level 9 Gymnastics Requirements. Because of that fact, the basic rules and regulations, event charts and deductions are posted online at the National web site. <> 2022 Girls Fastpitch Schedule Released - playnsa.com 1 0 obj The goal of Xcel is to provide gymnasts of varying abilities and commitment levels the opportunity for a rewarding gymnastics experience.". The newly formed National Xcel committee was not able to start writing the Xcel code of Points until last June and the committee knew it wouldnt be ready until the beginning of 2014. I started Stretch", "I found Movement Society through social media early 2020 - when I was blissfully unaware of the impending pandemic. Why, kids wanted more hours but not compulsory stuff. Xcel Sapphire Division Pilot Program Rules, Sapphire Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Xcel adds Sapphire Division Pilot Program, J110 - Xcel Bronze/Silver/Gold Judges' Course, WJX1: Xcel Bronze/Silver/Gold Judges Exam, Xcel Code of Points Nov. 19 errata summary. TFj#qArQa/sxF(iu=>!= gGy6Q"aD-9B?a[v)zE In this case, the age divisions should be determined and published PRIOR to the . Xcel Bronze Gymnastics Requirements - The Gymnastics Guide I just don't like the stress and pressure of Levels 2 & 3 and believe that our training style does not align with these levels. Each gymnast has a unique routine on each event, and she chooses which skills to use to fulfill the requirements. Here is more information onthe bronze routine requirements. I have not actually seen any of that happen to any of the kids, with exception of one who recently left and she has a natural drive and talent the others didnt. They are successful, but my daughter is wanting to compete in college, so JO it is. Having gone from, tots class, rec, then L2 to L8, through injuries and blocks. My daughter found a JO program (as it was then) that let kids choose their stream, and also allowed them to pursue other activities while training/competing. Or is it a valued program with actual conditioning and quality training that allows kids to make genuine progress? People also searched for these in Huntington Beach: What are some popular services for gymnastics? The JO program provides an excellent conditioning system and progressions, teaching specific skills in a particular order. 2015 Silver Bell Road | Eagan, MN 55122651-454-6203. Now youre familiar with the requirements for the Xcel Bronze division. % Want more from The Gymnastics Guide? Is it basically an advanced rec class? The five divisions in Xcel gymnastics are: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond. We like balance. (This means the gymnast must be 5 before she competes in her first meet.) YG did 2 years of "old" L4 and then chose to "repeat" L3 after the great level shift because she was afraid of the grapevine on beam in "new" L4. 4 0 obj (This means the gymnast must be 5 years old before she competes in her first meet.) There are 4 Special Requirements on each event, except for vault. For more detailed information on each event, check out the articles below: USA Gymnastics Xcel Code of Points, 2022-2026. Xcel Program - Region 5 Womens Gymnastics The platinum division is similar in skill requirements to the JO programs level 4-5. http://usagym.org/pages/post.html?PostID=13325&prog=h. when my dd started, our state/region had a successful prep-op program, from which the xcel program evolved, and many gyms used this as an alternative to JO compulsory (at the time, it was described as an alternative and supplement to JO). There are 4 Special Requirements on each event, except for vault. XCEL AGE/ENTRY REQUIREMENTS AND MOBILITY OVERVIEW: There are five divisions of Xcel: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond. qeE7 N#/InU8x8X)j},te[pc1[oG/r;9s{RDgw`[u;>@>8Qym&/J1|_\[C6^;aEuy-cDbmn;P(o0= r*08gTK@q7*Ywm B0`ecJn0Ye~G jTqA -jA"lr Iw= E&`a\^ Krd Fd uDI Yy-7 >}paPiURK29 eVwp1F Levels 1-5 are Compulsory and each gymnast does the same skills, the same routine, and has the same floor music. The gymnast must score a 32 AA in Platinum before advancing to the Diamond level or an 8.0 on an individual event to move forward as an Individual Event Specialist (IES). The requirements for Level 9 get more complex. Starting at Level 4 we use the traditional Development Program at our club now. The Xcel Program is composed of divisions instead of levels. country, may participate in all USA Gymnastics sanctioned Xcel events. xcel gymnastics age divisions - biernotflooringinc.com If youre interested in how the gymnastics levels are scored, check out Gymnastics Scoring: 10 Minute Guide to How it Works. Any professional member judging the Xcel levels. She had blocks on a couple of skills due to blocks and Xcel Gold allowed her to work around them. Elevate Gymnastics Xcel Team Classes So, some gyms are choosing to compete and train the Xcel program instead of the compulsory levels. You dont need to score out of any of the JO levels in order to compete in the Xcel program, and it cannot be used to skip any of the JO program levels. PF[#'\5JzG,.# ;=DAQGv%5e-Q1F%+'!6O2u[m_#iec'@V&(hC}o{|JR5)qhlarc/-_Q'JM! What it really came down to is what worked best for our family and my kid. They are instead judged based on the skills they perform and the overall level and performance of the routine. USA Gymnastics | Xcel Programs Xcel brings competitive gymnastics to gymnasts in a program that embraces all skill levels - beginner through advanced. Gymnastics Grips Buying Tips From A Coach, 31.00 AA at Platinum Division or 8.0 IES*, L. 1 Reached 4th birthday L. 2 Reached 5th birthday, 75% proficiency at Level 1-3 on Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor. Levels Guide. After the pages are printed, they will need to be cut in half and then 3-hole punched. LSS started in L3. ?v2 Mw'}_-jO7E;K= E#T##P=V4W=/C?FICz[`B#EtBL8'"SDB}S'?"L"pA3fH0UMa_m'tx|>G.iz]q&5A_7dgC9YK~|:8S.~? The next year, she transitioned to Xcel. If asked she would tell you that 6 and Diamond were her favorites! Sign up to get the latest updates in your inbox! Team Extreme is currently compiled of 50+ gymnasts and growing. Xcel | lisgym (This means the gymnast must be 6 before she competes in her first meet.) The TOPS program is how most Olympic gymnasts get to the Elite level, and how they get there at such a young age! Next, all acro skills must start and finish on the beam to receive credit. Most gymnasts dont compete gymnastics levels 1-3, but there are routines that you could compete at this level. These are some gymnastics with a large number of reviews in Huntington Beach, CA: Firestorm Freerunning and Acrobatics- Ultra (481 reviews). The digital version of the Code was updated on May 3, 2017 to clarify wording on Spotting regulations on Bars and Beam. The goal of Xcel is to provide gymnasts of varying abilities andcommitment levels, the opportunity for a rewarding gymnastics experience. The gymnast must score a 31 AA in Platinum before advancing to the Diamond level or an 8.0 on an individual event to move forward as an Individual Event Specialist (IES). N:(2/_ytlivId #.. hTwc`aT306v14lks#&Q:T-~v'Ky=X,c*FRrXn*BJlW,M1H1+ O9"QDiUn5L$.^)D%6$N9P{;7.!UKr=*'m*EEPclEV|kq&m@MD]:kd,b5!gq^KF[[j[+1el2bfbD{Tk\& &2 41S y0Zl{7:hy/#)LQ)'iwSH A[i Whichever program your child joins, shell have the thrill of learning new skills, developing confidence, and the fun of being part of a teamenjoy the ride! OG transitioned to Xcel the year before it was nationalized (each region had its own requirements for each Xcel division). Once a gymnast can perform all the skills required at level 10 she may choose to try out for the Elite program. I picked other. These extra casts can still receive rhythm and execution deductions, but they wont get an extra swing deduction. Whether you're looking for a fantastic Parent and Me program or high-energy classes for big kids you've come to the right place! Fill out the. The goal of Xcel is to offer gymnasts of different capabilities and commitment levels the opportunity for a positive and rewarding gymnastics experience. Here are the difficulty restrictions for an Xcel Bronze beam routine: if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thegymnasticsguide_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_14',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegymnasticsguide_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Here are a few clarifications for Xcel Bronze beam. Here are the Level 7 Gymnastics Requirements. The gross motor abilities of early 2-year-olds are often characterized by more confident running and jumping on two feet as well as an overall improved spatial awareness of their bodies. Not sure if shell switch over later. By registering you will have access to membership features which will let you update or renew your membership. Click Here to Download GymnasticsHQs Did one year of 6, a year of 7, a year of 7/8 (did a few 8 meets but competed state and regionals as a 7), a year of 8 and then transitioned to Diamond for her last two years. The USA Gymnastics Xcel program was developed as an alternative competitive program offering individual flexibility to coaches and gymnasts. Thank you, Obviously we dont have the same programs in Australia. USA Gymnastics states that they created levels 1-3 to prepare gymnasts for competition. Event Specialist: 8.5 per event, 34.00 AA at Level 9 to move to Level 10 Ind. Silver: The minimum age requirement for the Silver division is 6 years old. 2 0 obj Its generally very easy for a gymnast who wants to go from the Development Program to move to Xcel, but it can be much harder to move from Xcel to the Development Program, and some gyms dont allow it. The USA Gymnastics Xcel program was developed as an alternative competitive program offering individual flexibility to coaches and gymnasts. Girls may enter the Xcel program from Girls Basic Classes, Pre-Team or Junior Olympic Levels. The goal of Xcel is to provide gymnasts of varying abilities and commitment levels, the opportunity for a rewarding gymnastics experience. Level 5 is also a compulsory level. This is a review for gymnastics in Huntington Beach, CA: "Like gymnastics for people that lack the grace of a ballerina. The program allows gymnasts to develop new skills and advance through the competitive levels with less intensity and less pressure to acquire a certain set of skills for each level. endobj Xcel Gymnastics Articles - The Gymnastics Guide This vault is similar to the Level 2/3 vault in the USAG Development Program. endobj This website is powered by SportsEngine's. My DD18 wasn't really given an option - she started gym at age 11 after being a competitive dancer for 6 years. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'thegymnasticsguide_com-box-4','ezslot_5',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegymnasticsguide_com-box-4-0');If a vault is performed that is not allowable for the division, it will receive a 0 (void vault). The gymnast must have earned a score of 34 AA in Diamond OR is a former JO L8-10 to be eligible to compete in the sapphire level. GIRLS XCEL | gleasons She went through a lull at level 4 last year but finished strong and is now training 5/6 and loving it because shes getting to train lots of new skills. The diamond division is similar in skill requirements to the JO programs levels 7 & 8. May register online as an Introductory Athlete $20. The minimum age requirement for the Gold division is 7 years old. Vaults 1 and 2 are both Option 1. Thank you for attending The 2022 LA Upper State Championship Hosted By: LA USA Gymnas WAG How do they typically divide up the ages at competetions? (For xcel I hope the gymnastics levels make more sense now! Jen Kula is a Massachusetts based writer, and mom to two gymnasts. ", "When I tell people that I stretch and go to StretchLab, the first thing people say to me is "yeah, I need to start stretching again." The minimum age requirement for the Bronze division is 5 years old. The fees/costs were actually exactly the same regardless of stream at that gym as well. Children need to be under adult supervision at all times. The minimum age requirement for the Silver division is 6 years old. My daughters dream is to go to the Olympics or a D1 scholarship, and you cant get that in Xcel. Gymnastics Levels Guide Levels run from 1 to 10, although most gyms begin competing at either level 3 or level 4. The result is nearly identical to the original pages in the mini book. All of the Xcel divisions have optional rules. The goal of XCEL is to provide gymnasts of varying abilities and commitment levels the opportunity for a rewarding gymnastics experience. There are five divisions in the Xcel program: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond and now a pilot level for Sapphire in regions 3, 6, 7, & 8. The Xcel program has five competitive levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond. When they are ready to learn something, its time to teach them. 32.00 AA at Level 5 Mobility back and forth between Levels 5 and 6 is allowed. What is the difference between the Xcel Program and the Levels in Gymnastics There are five divisions in the Xcel program: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond and now a pilot level for Sapphire in regions 3, 6, 7, & 8. You can unsubscribe at any time. Xcel Divisions Bronze - Diamond. Platinum: The minimum age requirement for the Platinum division is 8 years old. The requirements for each level are also more flexible than in the Development Program, so if, for example, your child really struggles with backward tumbling she can substitute forward skills. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'thegymnasticsguide_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_1',104,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegymnasticsguide_com-medrectangle-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'thegymnasticsguide_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',104,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegymnasticsguide_com-medrectangle-4-0_1'); .medrectangle-4-multi-104{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}Lets take a look at these requirements in the Bronze division. Established in 1963 as the U.S. What levels are Xcel silver? What did people search for similar to gymnastics in Huntington Beach, CA? The new Xcel Code of Points is ready for purchase! Each division has its own set of skill and difficulty requirements. She started preteam at 5, level 2 at 6 and so on and is now training for level 10 at 13. Movement between the Development Program and Xcel depends a lot on the gym. Here are the difficulty restrictions for Xcel Bronze bars: Each Xcel division has certain rules that differentiate it from the USAG Development Program. Sensitive to peer pressure, these 3-year-olds are nurtured so tenderly and always with a success-oriented approach. This helps to level the playing field among gymnasts in that division. Large book: Print the pages double-sided. There is only one portion of the Option 2 vault. The purpose of theXcel BronzeProgram is to present gymnaststhe opportunity to participate in competition and/or provide former Junior Olympic competitivegymnaststhe opportunity to continue competition without the intense time commitment. Athletes must be the minimum age by the date of their first competition. Classes will focus on developing strength, stamina, and agility in relays, conditioning exercises, games, team-building and, of course, obstacle courses that change every week. Part 1-B is a Kick to Handstand, fall to flat back on the mat stack (16-48 height). Sports Desk: New Alpha Classes Winter Worlds, National Convention Final Day: A Chat with Bill Horton. here to learn the difference between compulsory and optional, Gymnastics Scoring: 10 Minute Guide to How it Works. One year of Silver, 3 of Gold, and 2 of Platinum, and she loved it. Revised Additional A Value Part Skills for Xcel Bars, Beam and Floor. The Xcel Program is a new national program this year (some states have been using it for several years, but it has just become nationally run with national rules) that runs alongside the JO (Junior Olympic) gymnastics program. If you want to schedule an Unlimited Class, Makeup Class, Practice & Play or a Class Card please visit the. The Gymnastics Xcel Program Explained The silver division is similar in skill requirements to the JO Programs level 3 and 4. As the babies gain hand, arm and trunk control and become mobile, we introduce new and stimulating activities. We respect your right to privacy and will never share your information with any third party. @`\#E-"$@ <> She competed L3 her first year back and L4 the next year. Once the gym bug has bitten it can be heartbreaking to pull a kid out of the sport if you find that the commitment is too great for your family. Level 3 is not a required competitive level so there are no score requirements to move to level 4. Any girl, age 5 and older, who desires a greater challenge and would like to compete may join the Xcel Dragon Team. ODD AGE GROUP World Series LIMITED to 60 TEAMSJuly 7-10, 2022 in Warsaw, Indiana9u 11u 13u 15u->Play in the ODD AGE World Series and receive $300 Discount into the Northern World Series in NW Indiana!Southeast A/B/C World SeriesJuly 13-16, 2022 in St. Petersburg, Clearwater, & Madeira Beach, Florida10u 12u 14u 16u & 18u(Class C is 10u-12u-14u Divisions only)Central B & C World Series LIMITED to 60 TEAMSJuly 14 17, 2022 Owensboro, Kentucky-> Play in the Central World Series and receive $300 Discount into the Northern World Series in NW Indiana.-> The first 6 Teams with a PAID ENTRY FEE in each AGE GROUP for the CENTRAL WORLDS will receive $100 DISCOUNT. Bronze: The minimum age requirement for the Bronze division is 5 years old. ^|q\U4b&Iu8d:rtz}YF2L22{x(yL@ByI\|Vt+O1:8-F/C9 Learn more about the Level 1 Gymnastics Requirements, the Level 2 Gymnastics Requirements, and the Level 3 Gymnastics Requirements. This article has been updated to reflect the changes from the 2022-26 Xcel Code of Points. (This means the gymnast must be 8 before she competes in her first meet.) She has done 2 years of Gold. My policy, teach the kids what they are ready to safely and successfully learn. The requirements must be fulfilled by A skills from the Xcel Code of Points, or by skills from the Xcel Bronze chart. This is consistent through all Xcel divisions, although it doesnt really apply to Bronze because the Bronze gymnasts are limited to 2 flight elements per routine. Each division has difficulty restrictions specific to that division. Once girls reach level 6 and beyond, they are Optionals, and gymnasts have their own routines and floor music. Here is an overview of the different womens gymnastics levels in the USA Gymnastics Program. Instead some clubs might choose to compete using the Xcel program. In addition to all of the rules and regulations the Xcel Code of Points includes examples of routines, allowable vs unallowable combinations and scenarios, and illustrations of all the allowable skills. 1 0 obj (This means the gymnast must be 6 before she competes in her first meet.) (This means the She competed a year, quit to focus on dance for a year, then came back. Hours vary from club to club but are generally much lower than the Development Program. If your just deciding now ask your questions and we'll give you some answers! Our experienced teachers are sensitive to the strong emotional attachment these little ones are developing with their mothers, and each parent/child unit is nurtured according to their specific needs. The Xcel program is optional in nature (head over here to learn the difference between compulsory and optional). The larger the meet the more broke down the age groups were. She has no high level aspirations. There are two allowable vault options for Xcel Bronze. The requirements must be fulfilled by skills from the Xcel Code of Points, or from the divisions corresponding skills chart. The leap/jump is not required to have a split at all. In most traditional levels programs the gymnasts would not be allowed to touch level 6 or 7 tumbling if they are sitting at a level 2. Xcel gymnastics is an alternative to the DP/JO program. Level 6 is the only gymnastics level that may be skipped with a qualifying level 5 score. Each division has its own set of skill and difficulty requirements. . DD chose developmental mainly because she actually loves structure and the hours. The following video shows each of the vault options. Either or both vaults can be performed using a traditional springboard, or the alternative springboard, with no deduction. The gymnast must score a 32 AA in Gold before advancing to the Platinum level or an 8.0 on an individual event to move forward as an Individual Event Specialist (IES). The requirements must be fulfilled by A skills from the Xcel Code of Points, or by skills from the Xcel Bronze chart. Gold: The minimum age requirement for the Gold division is 7 years old. Last season our Xcel Gold team won 2nd place at State Championships, produced 10 State Champions, took home tons of state meet top 3 awards and . These are the best gymnastics that offer virtual classes in Huntington Beach, CA. Monthly rates are fairly priced too. Xcel Program Divisions: Bronze: The minimum age requirement for the Bronze division is 5 years old. And Ive taken heat for even suggesting this was possible in JO. There is no undertime deduction. Pleasevisit the following link for more information: Hours vary from club to club but are generally much lower than the Development Program. The gymnast may perform two of the same vault, or one of each vault. When a skill is preceded by a cast, the cast and skill EACH receive VP credit. Kids will be challenged mentally and physically, while instilling a mindset of overcoming adversity both inside and outside of the gym! By submmitting this form, you consent to receive emails about My Gym's promotions, upcoming events, and gym news.
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