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According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a volume equivalent to two-thirds of the water in Lake Erie has been permanently drained from the Ogallala Aquifer since 1940. Pine Flat Reservoir is a ghost of a lake in the Fresno County foothills a puddle in a 326 billion-gallon gorge. China is the biggest consumer of Nestle, which sells several brands of bottled water and the plant is based in northern Michigan. They cannot vote on U.S. diversion requests but must be consulted. Hendersons proposal follows a recent foray into tapping Great Lakes state water reserves. If diversion is approved, an ultimately irremediable decline in Great Lakes water levels is assured. China has a water crisis - how can it be solved? china stealing water from great lakes 03 Jun Posted at 18:52h in trading wisdom: 50 lessons every trader should know by shelden williams disability brokers have liability to commission salespeople as to Likes The difference between evaporation from the largest of the five lakes and pumping rates in Northern Michigan is roughly a factor of 1,000 or more he says. It has been estimated that the state of California only has a 20 year supply of fresh water left. Wildfires have burned millions of acres of vegetation in the central part of the United States in recent years. Obama Sells Great Lakes Water To China - YouTube How Nestle makes billions bottling free water | AJ+, Copyright 2023 Thumbwind Publications LLC. The diversions were initially created to bolster hydroelectric power generation to help wartime manufacturing in the U.S. during World War I. Most Famous Lakes in China - Top China Travel The US Coast Guard plays a vital role for each of the Great Lakes States and the national economy. Despite the rain, the other three Great Lakes remain below their long-term averages. China Taiwan 1961 Sc#1323-1326 ,Lakes . Im still trying to find Obamas executive order that allows Nestle to drain the Great Lakes! 1. Great Lakes Water Use and Diversions - Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council freshwater. Companies can collect and bottle water in the Great Lakes region but only in containers of 5.7 gallons or less. I think someone might notice a project of this scale. Gary. The water would be treated at a Waukesha water plant and dumped into the Root River, where it would flow into Lake Michigan through Racine, Wisconsin. We need to get this stopped now by writing our governor, Congressmen and senators. It did not intercede as allowed with the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact. USACE forecasts Lakes Michigan and Huron to remain lower than normal for the next six months. US Homeless Sleeping Accommodation Directory, Where Did the Water Go? Canadian provinces Ontario and Quebec have a separate agreement that matches the compact. In addition, great lake levels are cyclic. These historic losses were never offset with mitigation measures. Per the compact rules, Waukesha would have to return the same amount of water it takes from Lake Michigan back into the lake. Extended periods of extreme low or high water not only affect shipping and waterfront property, it also impacts sensitive fish and wildlife habitat throughout the region. the following list of 15 facts about the coming water crisis is from one of my previous articles entitled Dust Bowl Conditions Are Literally Returning To The Western Half Of The United States. automatically. We owe China so much money, we should be called little China, everything you buy from walmart is made by China. You imply that Michigan is not the only state willing to sell out our environmental heritage to bad actors like Nestl. Water is China's Greatest Weapon and its Achilles Heel 13. 0,00000005sfr? Half Lie #5 The Great Lakes are Diverted Out West, Lie #6 The Waukesha & Foxconn Flip Flop, How Many Gallons of Water is In the Great Lakes? See our affiliate disclosure for details. I already busted this myth in a previous post but will summarize it again here. Featured Image:The Sun sets on Lake Michigan, courtesy of Russell Sekeet via flickr.com cc 2.0. (Richard Harvey) Michigan is the current top consumer of Great Lakes water, followed by Ontario, Indiana, New York and then Quebec. An out-of-court settlement was reached in 2009. A company from Switzerland, Nestl, has been operating a water bottling plant in Michigan since 2000. A weekly update of the most important issues driving the global agenda. Thats what scares those of us who are in the community studying this data pool.. Record low rain falls, and a climate that goes through cycles some of them thousands if mot millions of years old, (lo[n]g before man) and its impossible to know what cycle we are in. Thanks for posting this article. Lie #4 Foreign companies are pumping water out of the Great Lakes without limits. 2022-06-07 . Michigan, Zebo the least of REEEbells. Lets help our farmers out west .America and the world needs them!!!!! Another governmental body, the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Governors & Premiers (GSGP), unites the chief executives from Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Qubec, and Wisconsin. Waukesha is the first city to apply for a diversion of Lake Michigan since a ban on such practices was enacted in 2008. **screenshot**. These lakes had already been fluctuating below average levels for 15 years. Gretchen Whitmer recently announced she would use her authority to borrow $3 billion for road repairs. Lets give more funds to be mismanaged, while selling such a vital resource to bail out that behavior. I have removed the content that was here, and replaced it with this great review on the topic by National Geographics Lisa Borre. Given the well-documented trends in the region, it would be difficult to show that human-induced climate change is not having an effect on lake levels. Decades ago, the Ogallala Aquifer had an average depth of approximately 240 feet but today the average depth is just 80 feet. (LogOut/ Engineering or other solutions come with a big price tag and have yet to gain acceptance as feasible options. As of September 2015 Michigan is, indeed, the only such state, despite the best efforts of Wisconsins republican governor, Scott Walker. Communist China won Ronnie's Cold War and can have as much of our water as they want. I have had it up to here with NAFTA, and China, there is NOTHING free trade about this agreement. Dave I suspect most in the region share your sentiments. In some areas of Texas, the water is gone completely. We are not hopeful that Lansings current leadership will prevent the stealing of Great Lakes water by foreign companies. The mayor of a northwestern Ontario town located on the shore of Lake Superior is expressing his disappointment over the decision to allow a Wisconsin town to draw water from Lake Michigan. Even though this is well documented by the agencies that have been monitoring water levels, going back to 1918, various theories about possible causes abound, especially online. Thanks for your comment. According to satellite data, there are roughly 100 million lakes larger than one hectare (2.47 acres) to be found globally. China blows. 6. Close LOGIN FOR DONATION. Manage Settings We added a feature for a period of time where users could add articles to our site. china stealing water from great lakes - omnigrace.org.tw Great Lakes states as well as Ontario and Quebec are to keep track of impacts of water use in the basin. Most likely its 20+ times as much.one 3ft pipeline may work for oil, but how about 20 of them for water? Major reservoirs around the state need gully-washing storms this winter. Dont forget to Like Freedom Outpost on Facebook and Twitter, and follow our friends at RepublicanLegion.com. As the lakes begin their seasonal decline, a little myth-busting is in order. Nestl alone sold $7.7 billion worth worldwide, with more than $343 million of it coming from Michigan, where the company bottles Ice Mountain Natural Spring Water and Pure Life, its purified . More than 48 million people from the US and Canada depend on the Great Lakes as their source of water. But in the end his ask, as I understand it after talking with him at length, is for the region to take a critical look at water management to see if a market approach has benefits. Is it stealing Great Lakes water? china stealing water from great lakes - kaoparts.com If you dont see a commenting section below, please disable your adblocker. Siling Lake. Water flows into Lake Powell, nestled between Utah and Arizona, from high in the Rocky Mountains via the Colorado River. Approximately 40 percent of all rivers in the United States and approximately 46 percent of all lakes in the United States have become so polluted that they are are no longer fit for human use. However, a 2000 report by the International Joint Commission noted that the Great Lakes basin imports 14 times the amount of bottled water that is withdrawn and shipped elsewhere. . Earlier this month, the International Joint Commission released a report and invited public comment on a proposal to establish an Adaptive Management Plan for the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Systems. They withdraw at least 100,000 gallons of water a day. Michigans Great Lakes coast totals 3,288 mi, more coastline than any state but Alaska. What were seeing in the climate records is these megadroughts, and they dont last a decadethey last 20 years, 30 years, maybe 60 years, and theyll be semi-continental in expanse, she told the Regina Leader-Post by phone from Vancouver. The deal also supports a new foreign manufacturer, Foxconn, who came to the area due to the plan to divert Lake Michigan water to support an LCD manufacturing operation. Experts tell us that U.S. water bills are likely to soar in the coming years. His calculation is based on the annual average rate, but he notes that the daily evaporation rate can be ten times higher during the late fall. Copyright 2023 Thumbwind Publications LLC, 6 Lies and Half Truths about Great Lakes Water Use, Lie #1 Obama Allowed Great Lakes Water to Be Sold To China as Half the U.S. Faces Extreme Water Crisis, Half-Lie #2 Companies are pumping millions of gallons of water out of the Great Lakes and selling it to China. Water diversions in the Great Lakes basin are regulated by appropriate state, provincial and federal government authorities. You may opt out at anytime. Both are consistent with global trends and are related to climatic factors that affect water levels in the Great Lakes. Amazing analysis. I still think this would work and solve many problems! For much more on this, please see this article. I think we should really listen to these conspiracey theorys. 2. Rather than throwing up our arms in defeat or spending comparable amounts of money on inadequate attempts at a solution, why not engineer a fix that kills two birds with one stone? After 14 years of drought, Lake Powell is less than half full. Current water control structures at the outlets of Lakes Superior and Ontario do very little in controlling the overall supply of water in the basin. The issue is not engineering ingenuity, rather the astonishing lack of integrity among negotiating parties or consideration for the dispossessed (check the headlines) that would sway any water-diversion scheme to the Great Lakes and the nations disadvantage. Recently the blogosphere and news sites have been bristling that Barack Obama is allowing water from the Great Lakes region to be pumped and sold to China. I dare say very few" The US exports $70B/yr to China, compared to $300B/yr in imports. In comparison, investment in natural solutions that could improve water quality by 10% in China's 30 fastest growing cities would cost about $300 million each year. I have a question. Due to objections of Great Lakes governors and citizens, the permit was revoked. The city of Waukesha in June 2016 was approved to divert water from Lake Michigan for its drinking water supply after eight representatives from the states that border the Great Lakes voted unanimously to allow the diversion. The depletion is most severe in the southern portion of the aquifer, especially in Texas, where the water table beneath sizeable areas has dropped 100-150 feet; in smaller pockets, it has dropped more than 150 feet. . Thumbwind, Thumbwind Publications, 24 Nov. 2021, thumbwind.com/2018/03/06/foreign-companies-stealing-great-lakes-water. Wonder if Wilkes can use the water at the dam and let the Chinese steal it, bottle it. Short of slowing or reversing global climate trends something that would require a major societal shift away from fossil fuel dependence, which few people seem to be talking about an adaptive approach to management of water levels is being promoted. The five largest saltwater (Red ones are the largest five, orange ones are the dried ones) and fresh water lakes (Blue ones are the traditional five-large-lakes, cyan ones are those that are supposed to be in the largest five) in China. His calculation is based on the annual average rate, but he notes that the daily evaporation rate can be ten times higher during the late fall. This Public Law 110-342 was introduced in the Senate by Carl Levin (D Michigan) on July 23, 2008, passed the Senate on August 1, 2008, by unanimous consent, passed the House of Representatives on September 23, 2008, and finally signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 3, 2008. .chakra .wef-facbof{display:inline;}@media screen and (min-width:56.5rem){.chakra .wef-facbof{display:block;}}You can unsubscribe at any time using the link in our emails. U.S. water deal means end of Great Lakes, Ontario mayor warns. In 2012, the Seaway Corporation logged 1,491 downbound transits through the Lake Ontario-Montreal section with a total cargo load of 18.9 million metric tons. We will still be paying taxes to the government, they in turn will try to ruin our economy and the cycle shall repeat itself. One recent UN report projected that two-thirds of the people in the world will be dealing with water stress and 1.8 billion people will be facing absolute water scarcity by the year 2025. By using a little-known loophole in the 2006 Great Lakes Compact, Obama minions are allowing Nestle Company to export precious fresh water out of Lake Michigan to the tune of an estimated $500,000 to $1.8 million per day profit. This is false. A conservationist first and foremost, I believe extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. china stealing water from great lakes By On June 22, 2022 In finding ohana filming locations waterfall perseus foe crossword clue on china stealing water from great lakes Practically? A recent report by the IJC states: Climate change poses new challenges for adapting to fluctuating Great Lakes water levels. When John Engler was governor of Michigan in 2001, he made an agreement with bottle water giant Nestle, allowing them to open a plant in Mecosta County. What is water theft, and how big a problem is it? - World Economic Forum He worked on water issues in Southern California where he became aware of the challenges western states are facing. Have We Turned the Great Lakes Into a Plastic Soup? Its origins go back to concerns raised when opening the Great Lakes to international shipping in the 1950s. Are Foreign Companies Stealing Great Lakes Water? Thumbwind by Lisa Borre of Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Water Currents on August 20, 2013. Surely we have the brain power, human ingenuity and spirit to do more than concern ourselves with territories and pacts of the past. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, google.com, pub-2848125826401092, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0. Committed to educating the public about solutions to our ecological, economic and political crises. in order to resolve the dilemma. According to the Seaway Corporation, traffic headed out the St. Lawrence River in 2012 carried 17,760 metric tons on average.

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