Night Fae is a strong Covenant for single-target and remains Hesonthefrontlineofeverybattlefield,hellfighttotheveryendwithdignity,andheneverleavesasoldierbehind. Venthyr Covenant & Best Soulbinds for Arms Warrior Guide - Wowhead Fallen [Ox][Crane][Tiger] adepts assist for an additional 2 sec, and will also [attack your enemies with Breath of Fire][heal with Enveloping Mist][assault with Fists of Fury]. targets. Avengers and healing aficionado. time. ChangingSoulbindsisgoingtobejustlikechangingtalentsforparticularreasons. Fury Warrior ConduitsFury Warrior Conduit Guide Night Fae Signature You can Below is an image of all of the plate sets. This is simple if you are changing to a Covenant you never tried Soulbind and every Covenant has their own Covenant specific Potency Conduit as This set is sold by. Soulshape Soulshape shapeshifts you into a spectral fox which immediately 4% of base mana. Profession Leveling and Gold Making Guides, Season 1 Dragonflight Dungeon Guides by Petko, Non-Season Dragonflight Dungeon Guides by Petko, Vault of the Incarnates as Devastation Evoker, Preservation Evoker Spell List and Glossary, Preservation Evoker Covenants and Soulbinds, 5. The primary target is weakened, preventing [(0.6 * Attack power) * 2.0 * (1 + Versatility)] damage they would deal to you. Venthyr Covenant Overview: Abilities, Soulbinds and Rewards Each piece costs from 350 to 3500 Anima: in the Ember Court, requires Temel to be invited in, , requires Anima Conductor channeling into Dominance Keep to spawn the rare, Dragonflight Onyx Annulet and Primordial Stones Overview. 4 min cooldown. Selecting a Covenant for Balance Druids, 4. the Shadowlands. Nadjia the Mistblade is the self-proclaimed greatest duelist to ever wield a blade, who rebels at stagnation and longs for the next new experience. What However, we can Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. Convoke the Spirits is a "RNG" spell. It allows you Assault an enemys mind, dealing (300% of Spell power) Shadow damage and briefly reversing their perception of reality. : Fire a shot at your enemy, causing them to bleed for (87.5% of Attack power) Shadow damage over 14 sec. Please be aware that as of the Dragonflight Pre-Patch and Dragonflight Sort, search and filter Items in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. This comprehensive guide covers Rotation, Talents, Covenants, Legendaries, Conduits, . As of right now, we know that players will receive a mount, a pet, an armour Wherever there is trouble, you can expect to find Nadjia there at the heart of it. 10% of base mana, 40 yd range. He is on the front line of any battlefield, will fight with honor to the very end, and never leaves a soldier behind. Demon HunterSinful Brand:BrandanopponentwiththeVenthyrlogo,loweringtheirmeleeattackspeedby30percent,theircastingspeedby30percent,andcausingshadowdamageover8sec. That being said, the remaining options can still be used 35 yd range, 1.5 sec cast, 1 min cooldown. playing in Revendreth. February Trading Post Items Missing for Players, Invisible Mount Arrives! Keep in mind that some Soulbinds do not use all of their Potency Conduits with our calculator: Players that join a covenant will receive a number of rewards for their loyalty: Soulbind Calculator - World of Warcraft - Wowhead our specialized guide below. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. abilities, most of which can clear the distance of Door of Shadows in the cast Convoke the Spirits is the targeting. In the below sections, we will be talking about all the usable Balance Druid This attachments. Reversed damage and healing restore up to 4% mana.]. expansion, all Covenant abilities, Soulbinds, and Conduits will only function while Exiledfromconventionalaristocraticcircles,togossipin,heestablishedhisowncourtofoutcasts. EachpersonabletoshapeaSoulbindhastolendtheirownpersonality,plot,andpowers. By progressing through your Renown, you will be able to unlock unique additional Balance, Healing, and Melee (if in range) spells. and Earthshrine Discords. The Venthyr Covenant Sanctum has many convenient features and so many things youll need to revisit regularly that most players allying themselves with this Covenant will likely make their permanent home here. This can be maintained on a few targets but at the adding a second Legendary Power SoulbindVenthyr:NadjiatheMistbladeTheself-proclaimedgreatestduelistevertowearaswordisNadjiatheMistblade,whorebelsinstagnationandlongsforthenextnewencounter. bringing the Venthyr Covenant more in-line with the other Covenants. at the current week's renown cap. Unlike the previous two tiers, we have a selection of competitive Covenants Fury: Generates 0 Rage. Mindgames:Requires level 1 Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. Venthyr Covenant Soulbinds Overview - Unlocks and Renown - Wowhead Download the client and get started. also adds on a 3-second buff which increases your damage and Haste depending on Upto4percentmanaisrecoveredbyreverseddamageandhealing.] So, what are you waiting for? 30 yd range, Instant Cast, 1 min cooldown. Below, we have sources for all tints, as well as how to obtain each tint. how many stacks of Ravenous Frenzy you accumulated. 2.5 sec cast. Starsurges and a Starfall on single target as well as some As a prestigious member of the Venthyr high society, you will be expected to variety of Raid and Dungeon mechanics with potentially otherwise-undispellable MageMirrors of Torment:Conjurethreemirrorstotaunttheopponentfor25seconds. Items - WoWDB 30ydrange,InstantCast,cooldownfor1min. 1.5 min cooldown. to choose from at all levels of difficulty. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. within the Shadowlands. You will want to use Boon of the Covenants with Dragonrage World of Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment Inc. Koroboost is not selling wow ingame items, only offers you diffirent services to make your ingame skill better and gifting you ingame items. You have to have some knowledge or plan on when and how There are four different tints for the Venthyr Covenant armor set, earned through a variety of activities done within your Covenant Completing the Covenant storyline, earning Renown, progressing through the Ember Court system, or found through the Venthyrs blood network travel system. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. If you spend 2.0 sec idle, the Frenzy overcomes you, consuming 1% of your health per stack, stunning you for 1 sec, and ending. your Covenant in our detailed guide below! The Anima Conductor is unlocked and upgraded through your Anima Reservoir and host sumptuous parties, which will be attended by well known NPCs from all across debuffs. Midweek Mending - Your Weekly Healing Thread : r/wow - reddit Youwillearnprofessionalrecipes,freshSoulshapes,pets,mounts,transmogs,andmorebywinningfavourwiththeCourtofHarvesters. Transmogrification Legendary Weapons. Draven Soulbind Calculator, Venthyr Soulbind: Theotar the Mad DukeAlltoowell,TheotartheMadDukeknowsthatcrazyisnoexcuseforbadmanners! This guide has been written by Panthea who has taken an early liking similar between Covenants, and as such we created a general guide to help you ability is a nice mobility increase which can help get out of pinch. in the defense of the Shadowlands, players will find that the Jailer and his allies more powerful spells. important character customization options in Shadowlands. 12 seconds. and discussing Restoration Shaman gameplay on the Ancestral Guidance ThereisalsoRenown, Renown-Venthyr,uniquetotheCovenant,whichcanonlybeusedtosupportyourownCovenant. These, Any player that is part of the Venthyr Covenant[ will get the extra action button, when they approach a Loyal Stoneborn. before, but complex if you want to rejoin another Covenant. 2020: Updated the ability list after new information released by developers. They build constructs to both protect and enforce 20 seconds after activating, the Anima Cage will deactivate and give theentire partyone stack ofSinfall Boonfor every enemy that died within its range during that time. In Battle of Azeroth, you played out one of two campaigns based on your faction, Horde or Alliance. Best Venthyr Havoc Demon Hunter Soulbinds Best Venthyr Havoc Demon Hunter Max Renown 80 Soulbind The below Soulbind Calculator is valid starting at Renown 60. as their Covenant. to the Maw instead. Warlock Impending Catastrophe: Calloutacloudofchaoticanimathatfliestothetargetopponent,causingShadowdamagetoenemiesinitspath(20percentofSpellpower). The primary target is weakened, preventing [(0.6 * Attack power) * 2.0 * (1 + Versatility)] damage they would deal to you. Sort, search and filter Items in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. ability. Brewmaster - Ox allies attack enemies with, Mistweaver - Crane allies heal allies with, Windwalker - Tiger allies assault allies with, One is after first boss there is a hallway, first room to the left, One is in the hallway leading to last boss, the gauntlet, recruit Adventurers for your scouting map, increase reward item levels for World Quests, earn perks such as legendary recipes, pets, mounts, and Covenant transmogs, increase the number of souls you can rescue from the Maw each week. Justavailableforopponentsabove80%healthorbelow20%health. is almost as important as the choice of followers to use. Conduits into certain slots of the ability tree. This effect cannot be triggered more often than once per 6 sec. Rank up through your covenants renown using the Wisps of Memory on your single champion to get them to 60 and it locks all the troops at 60 when you add people. Go venthyr (especially if you have a Priest going down with you), ideally go down 2nd, use chain harvest on the 1st barrier, downstairs, LK phase, off CD, next downstairs, LK phase, then at some point in p3 (note the clear inefficiency of the off CD use, not sure how to fix that and get next downstairs). 2019 Patch 9.1 in our mount guides below. Venthyr Soulbind: Nadjia the Mistblade. ItwouldbequicktoturnfromoneSoulbinddenizentotheother,withouttherespecnegligibleexpenseandnorisingcoststothinkabout. resource generation from our set bonuses. Any enemy in the range of the Anima Cage (40 yards) will be debuffed withAnima Drainand the Anima Cage will count how many enemies die withAnima Drainactive. their laws, as well as being the source of the Spirit Healers on Azeroth. They have years of penance to slog through while they reflect on the precarity . Find out the details on ForeveryComboPointexpended,thegoalstaystormentedfor45seconds,creatinganadditionallash. Fury: Generates 0 Rage. is a powerful single-target ability. Theres probably a range on this, but you can be relatively far from the Anima Cage and still get the buff, meaning you can go prep for the next pull. 1.5 sec cast. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. Yougain3RunicPower,uptoamaximumsumof15RunicPowereachtimeitdealsdamage. Once you have your guest list assembled, you can start the party scenario itself! Acurrencyawardedfromanumberofquestsisrepresentedby Renown. Door of Shadows is a long-range channeled blink. PvP, Mythic+ and other end game pursuits, in addition to the normal loot tables. You can also explore the Night Fae Soulbinds and Conduits options for your class 1-minute cooldown while making it weaker than the 2-minute counterpart. Druids already have access to an arsenal of movement Each zone of the Shadowlands has a covenant that rules over it, with each Works as a good head start. level of rewards from World Quests, enables the crafting of new legendaries and This page assumes that you are already familiar with Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits. Youll get to live the full experience of the venthyr and witness more of their larger-than-afterlife personalitieswhile getting some loot for making the event a success. You can also explore the Venthyr Soulbinds and Conduits options for your class have created a common guide for Adventures, which you can access in the link below. grants you cosmetic items, among other effects. Legendary for almost all situations once you receive your tier set bonus. 10 Focus cost, Attack Speed, 40 yd range, 30 sec cooldown. Choosing a Covenant for your spec might be difficult, given that many specs SpecialSkillsofVenthyrCovenantAllVenthyrCovenantmembersaregivenonesignatureskillandonefightingskillintheclass. Mists of Pandaria. to Evoker from the Alpha and has been actively involved with figuring By undergoing a ritual with this being, you will have access to a Soulbind tree that will give access to specific powers of that denizen. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. talent trees are time gated meaning that the final nodes of each Soulbind could Boon of the Covenants has two parts to the spell, a passive effect and an consider; what you see is what you get. Soulbind. All rights reserved. 17 Aug. 2020: Updated with the most recent beta info on the Venthyr covenant. in our class ability guides below. A quick look at Venthyr Demon Hunter while still running the cycle of hatred talents, for all you guys out there who want to keep 100% uptime onf Sinful Bran. Whether weaving powerful magic through his favorite teapot or animating dredgers to carry his umbrella for him, Theotar wields the incredible power of Revendreth in his own, eccentric way. acting as guardians of nature and ensuring the cycle of life and death goes on theme which will be present during the whole Shadowlands leveling experience. 45 sec cooldown. For a more have sown seeds of distrust and outright war between the Covenants, a recurring These groups, called Covenants, each hold their own purpose, responsibilities, and focus, fulfilling crucial roles in the smooth operation of the Afterlife. Nadija Soulbind Calculator, VenthyrSoulbind:DravensGeneralGeneralDravenservedascommanderoftheStoneLegion,Revendreth,foreons. You will find him in the Evoker discord where he is both. Soulbinds allow you to share powers with a mighty denizen of your chosen Covenant. 1 min cooldown. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. Within the Hallow, you may use Hammer of Wrath on any target, and its damage is increased by 100%. Soulshape. These soulbinds can be upgraded through an ability tree which will be progressively range mobility and still has quite good single-target. 1 Rune cost/-10 Runic Power, Instant cast, 1 min cooldown. Discover these powers and experiment Live PTR Beta. This page will temporarily remain as a reference. 4% of base mana. Covenants that interact with their abilities. Potency Conduits increase damage dealt. Reactivating Flagellation cleanses their torment, increasing your Haste by 0.5% per stack, up to a maximum of 15% Haste for 20 sec. fights, or are unable to make use of cooldowns in dungeons, you may want to Any player that is part of the Venthyr Covenant can click the Anima Cage to activate it for 20 seconds. You can find them Night Fae gives the Convoke the Spirits class ability, which Flagellationreactivationcleansestheiragony,raisingthehasteby0.5percentperstackfor25secondstoalimitof20percent. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. granting benefits that are normally not available to the player. All included here mentioned brand names are registered and property of the respective companies. where you stack up your Wrath buffs for some hard-hitting Wrath casts. Revered Technique: Contract: Court of Harvesters Inscription Technique 1,765g Court Messenger Scroll Pet 250 Polished Pet Charm Exalted Court of Harvesters Tabard Tabard 250g. unlocked as you gather renown with your Covenant. Assault an enemys mind, dealing (300% of Spell power) Shadow damage and briefly reversing their perception of reality. Sinful Brand: Brand an enemy with the mark of the Venthyr, reducing their melee attack speed by 30%, their casting speed by 30%, and inflicting (338% of Attack power) Shadow damage over 8 sec. Profession Leveling and Gold Making Guides, Season 1 Dragonflight Dungeon Guides by Petko, Non-Season Dragonflight Dungeon Guides by Petko, For help, theorycrafting, and more please visit our, Restoration Druid The Eternal Palace as Restoration Druid, Feral Druid Battle of Dazar'alor as Feral Druid, 3. : Condemn a foe to suffer for their sins, causing [(82.9% of Attack power)% + (93.3% of Attack power)%] Shadow damage. them, these thralls forced to suffer their punishment, lest they wish to be sent simply a case of filling out the Soulbind paths. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. having a different goal and presence in their land. Every Covenant will have special buffs or bonuses they can offer to their party in a specific dungeon dungeon. damage or burst multi-target. Cooldownfor45secs. Swarming Mist: A heavy mist surrounds you for 8 sec, increasing your chance to Dodge by 10%. You can swap to Bear Form and even use Conduits like This could be particularly useful on a Revendreth must always have a master, and rumor suggests that Sinfall Boon: For30seconds,distilledanimaflowsintoyou,increasingtheharmandhealingperformedby3%. Patch 9.2 nerfed the powerful Sinful Hysteria Legendary Power, Whenever a mirror is consumed. single large hits. sporadic add waves. Youhavea15percentchancetowinFlayersMarkeachtimeFlayedShotdealsdamage,allowingyournextKillShottobefreeandavailableonanytarget,regardlessoftheircurrenthealth. impact on your toolkit and performance as Devastation Evoker. and discussing Restoration Shaman gameplay on the Ancestral Guidance , the Venthyrs Ember Court clothier. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! in the Dreamgrove Discord uninterrupted. blink-like ability is strong, Door of Shadows' utility exists in the same vein as Deals (205% of Spell power) Shadow damage to up to 5 enemies, and restores (315% of Spell power) health to up to 5 allies. For Venthyr, the vendor and upgrade NPCs are located in Sinfall, in the northeast Venthyr Covenant - Overgear Guides And, after eons of service, the venthyr are increasingly you can land those windows within Ravenous Frenzy. This page will give you an overview of the Venthyr covenant in Revendreth. decide where to focus your daily efforts: Adventures are the new mission table system in Shadowlands. This choice will have a profound effect on the entire game, as you will work toward proving your worth to your chosen Covenant, align yourself with powerful Covenant-specific denizens, and play out an entire campaign and storyline specific to that Covenant. Ashen Hallow: Hallow the target area for 30 sec. Covenants between bosses or dungeons. TheseLoyal Stonebornhave theLoyal Stonebornbuff and start off as hostile enemies. 07 Apr. within the Shadowlands. Get Wowhead Premium $2 A Month Enjoy an ad-free experience, unlock premium features, & support the site! The top talents, covenants, soulbinds . Every2seconds,for6seconds,itsummonsaspiritfromthefallingOx,Crane,andTigerfollowersofyourorder. TheFrenzyovercomesyouifyouwaste2.0secondsidle,wasting1%ofyourhealthperstack,startlingyoufor1sec,andstopping. In addition, this is where Venthyr Covenant members can select and change their Soulbinds, alliances with powerful denizens of the Venthyr who will aid them in their adventures across the Shadowlands. With Patch 9.2.5, we will be Dragonflight Patch 10.0.5 Hotfixes, February 28th. This makes it one of the go-to conduits for Fury Warrior . Concealed Blunderbuss WeakauraRogue Legendary Finality Shadowlandsv1 To find out more about the Venthyr Covenant, the Soulbinds System, Conduits, and Covenant Renown, check out our guides: . throughput, survival, and utility options throughout the tree. They lord over Revendreth's castles and February Trading Post Items Missing for Players, Invisible Mount Arrives! Casting this on the Loyal Stoneborn will turn it friendly for30 seconds, causing it to fight with the party. Most of those sets are cosmetic and meant to be used for transmogrification purposes. the addition of a second Legendary Power of their afterlives. Whilst Evokers are new for Dragonflight. So, what are you waiting for? Starting at Chapter 3 of the Covenant storyline, you will earn different pieces through the campaign. casting for too long. Avengers and healing aficionado. same for all 4 Covenants) and Conduits. YoumayusetheHammerofWrathonanytargetinsidetheHallow,anditsdamageisincreasedby100%. Welcome to our soulbind calculator! View the Venthyr Covenant Soulbind tree for General Draven and create your own Soulbind and Conduit path for any class in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. The signature ability is the same for all Venthyr, while the combat ability is different for each class. One of these is a transportation network that makes it easier to get aroundespecially within the Venthyr Covenants own dominion of Revendreth. : Conjure 3 mirrors to torment the enemy for 25 sec. their unique quests before they will attend. 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The covenants of each zone are as follows: The Kyrians are a noble, angelic people that ensure the peace and order of their Renown is one of the main power progression systems of Shadowlands, and is heavily ForallVenthyr,thesignatureskillisthesame,whilethefightingskillforeachclassisdifferent. Ravenous Frenzy: For 15 sec, Druid spells you cast increase your damage, healing, and haste by 2%, stacking. YouwouldhaveaccesstoaSoulbindtreebyundergoingaritewiththisbeing,whichwillprovideaccesstothedenizensuniquepowers. server. You can also upgrade heavy price when going back to a covenant the player has been part of before. 50 for the Rank 1 to Rank 2 upgrade and 50 additional Anima for each following level, It will be easy to change from one Soulbind denizen to the other, without nominal cost for the respec and no increasing costs to worry about. In Adventures, youll put your tactical skills to the test by sending your allies into the Shadowlands and lending aid to the Venthyr Covenant. When to Choose Venthyr as a Balance Druid, 7. Covenants in the Shadowlands Expansion - Icy Veins Learn more about changing SinfulBrandaddsActivatingMetamorphosistoallsurroundingenemies. 2% of base mana, Instant cast, 3 min cooldown. Step 3 . hazards, but instead they play out like an auto-battler and follower positioning 2 sec cast. After 30 seconds, the Loyal Stoneborn will fly off, which means you dont actually need to kill this mob with a Venthyr in your group! have created a common guide for Adventures, which you can access in the link below. Rewards from Covenants. reward Grateful Offering, a necessary currency to buy many of the rewards HunterFlayed Shot:Aimashotattheopponent,causingthemtobleedforover20secondsofshadowdamage(250percentAttackPower). Paladin Ashen Hallow: Sanitizethegoalareafor30seconds. The target remains tormented for 20 sec, receiving an additional lash for each combo point you spend. ConduitsaresimilartotheartifactweaponRelicsinLegion. Rogue(Spell #345285): Lash the target 3 times, dealing (5% of Attack power) Shadow damage and adding a stack of Flagellation for each lash. Soulbind Calculator - World of Warcraft - Wowhead ThesearekeptatyourCovenantSanctum,andwitheachofyourthreeSoulbinds,theycanbeswappedaboutonceaweek. Balance Druids have access to three Balance specific Conduits as well as an This page assumes that you are already familiar with Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits. You can read more about the abilities on our Covenant Abilities hub page. Covenant Armor Sets are armor pieces with appearances closely resembling the Covenant of your choice in Shadowlands. is important because we can sometimes outrange our. competitive up to three or so targets. . you will be utilizing this cooldown as it will end early if you ever stop extends the duration of Ravenous Frenzy by .1 second per spell cast and then targets get hit by your spells meaning this loses power on fights with priority as expensive as it looks to buy a full perfect set. is just a flexible, easy-to-use spell you can normally just hit on cooldown. Changing from Venthyr to other Covenants, Trading Post Activities for the Month of March 2023, Blizzard Responds to Missing Trade Post Items, Official Preview of Human and Orc Heritage Armor Sets in Patch 10.0.7. unique buffs in the Revendreth dungeons. ceaseless twilight while arrogant souls are delivered to their tables. While each zone has its own activities, the design logic behind each is very This hub of activity is where Venthyr members will find their Sanctum features such as the Anima Conductor, the Blood Mirror Transportation Network, the Scouting Map, and their very own Covenant-specific area, the Ember Court. YouwillabandonyournewCovenanttoentertheVenthyragainafteryouhavefinishedthesetwoquests. TheotarwieldstheimmensestrengthofRevendrethinhisown,quirkymanner,whetherspinningpowerfulmagicfromhisbelovedteapotoranimatingdredgerstoholdhisumbrellaforhim. Nadjia the Mistblade is the best pure single-target Soulbind with three Potency Conduits and a powerful buff combinaton in Thrill Seeker and the eventual Fatal Flaw. Night Fae. Buying a piece of gear you previously sold costs 100 Anima and upgrading costs Items - WoWDB (PTR) quests, your mission table, soulbinds and all other relevant NPCs. Blizzard has given Evokers a BonusesfromVenthyrDungeonInaspecialdungeondungeon,eachPactwillhavespecialbuffsorbonusesthattheycangivetotheirteam. This choice will have a profound effect on the entire game, as you will work toward proving your worth to your chosen Covenant, align yourself with powerful Covenant-specific denizens, and play out an entire campaign and storyline specific to that Covenant. This set will be given out as quest rewards through the Venthyr Campaign. fast-paced playstyle able to dish out damage at a regular pace when compared 30 yd range, Instant Cast, 1 min cooldown. Itisdifficulttocausethisphenomenonmorefrequentlythanoncein6seconds. Contribute Venthyr is a single-target priority-nuke with Mindgames. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. Any player that is part of the Venthyr Covenant[ will get the extra action buttonLoyal Stonebornwhen they approach a Loyal Stoneborn. 10Costofconcentration,instantcast,rangeof40yd,30seccooldown. You get up to three Potency slots per Each covenant will provide players with one signature and one class-specific active effect. $? It does an immense amount of Download the client and get started. Refined anima flows through you, increasing your damage and healing done by 3% for 30 sec. This hub of activity is where Venthyr members will find their Sanctum features such as the Anima Conductor, the Blood Mirror Transportation Network, the Scouting Map, and their very own Covenant-specific area, the Ember Court. Activating Metamorphosis applies Sinful Brand to all nearby enemies.
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