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Did Molecule Man really recreate the universe in Secret Wars (1984/1985)? He can lift object, complete stop them, and even immobilize people, thus canceling out users with super speed. Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. When Dr.Doom attacked MM he was ambushed and never knew what hit him(literally). https://s22.postimg.cc/g8z2dejy9/Ultimates_2015-_011-010.jpg. reality warping by defult. Entities with total control over their molecules are resistant to the user's power. with the power cosmic, he can simulate every known power, except outright reality warping. Now, reality can be whatever I want.Thanos (Avengers: Infinity War). Wildbow has explained that an Endbringer being trapped inside a Grey Boy loop would have the Shard just give up and count the Endbringer as "dead". Reality Manipulation Vs Molecule Manipulation. Any decision made in the past, any item ever created, any movement, choice, color, atom, or molecule that exists can be changed. He cannot warp reality. The last scan is him basically creating a pocket dimension for storage. comics - How exactly are Molecular Manipulation and Reality Where as Owen can only play with what is already there. He did recreate the multiverse, Franklin only molded each reality. They are using reality to change the law of physics and creating things that didn't exist within that reality. KMC Community Forums. If they are to be considered the same tier (i.e. These powers seem to be VERY similar to each other (like you can turn a tree into a brick wall) but how are they different? And which is more powerful? If you preorder a special airline meal (e.g. Matter Manipulation allow's the user to control the matter in their environment, but they still have to obey certain laws, they can't just completely create or destroy. With that said, I wouldn't put Molecule Man in that category, despite his name. They are capable of manipulating every aspect of reality from the beginning to the end, physical and metaphysical. rev2023.3.3.43278. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. matter manipulation is manipulation the basic elements at a base level and shaping them into new and strange shapes to create reactions. Antimatter Manipulation may destroy matter on contact. We see something similar happen with Ziz who is caught by the Sleepers Reality Warping field and considered to be "dead". You're a goof from France. Variation of Warping. The last scan is him basically creating a pocket dimension for storage. @darktowahreborn: so he can manipulate minds and time? So no. It only takes a minute to sign up. He isn't remembering anything because he didn't know what happened to begin with. You are indeed where you belong. Reality Warping | Superpower Wiki | Fandom Bender Bending Rodrguez (Futurama) reached atomic scale, allowing them him to manipulate water and CO. Maxwell (Valkyrie Crusade) is a arrogant devil that can control molecules. I think there is a misconception of the difference between a reality generator and a reality warper. Overpowered by Omnipotence, Omnilock, Omni-Negation and other Omnipotent Powers. He is turning time and space as he literally says he is so that he can view the past. the fight with Beyonder was warping reality, although this was like a passive effect. Is there a proper earth ground point in this switch box? ", __________________ Reality warping is basically the ability to break the laws of the universe. @majestros2233: how? I think there is a misconception of the difference between a reality generator and a reality warper. There isn't any need for any discussion on this, he can and has manipulated time. He might not have toonforce, but he's definetly not bound by the laws of physics if he can shrink an omniverse so it fits inside a box, a being that is bound by physics woudn't be superior to someone like LT. Everything that humanity has categorized as real or possesses a physical impact on their surrounding area can be defined as actual. Summary Reality manipulation or Reality Warping is a generic term where the user fits like any ability, that changes the primary state of something in reality, and this can be considered unreal, as for example a character could alter the molecular state of water, and start manipulating it, this would be a manipulation of reality on a low scale. At best matter manipulation on his scale is low level reality warping as it only manipulates the physical plane. Ion: Sub-Atomic Power, Home Comic Book Forums Comic Book 'Versus' Forum Reality Manipulation Vs Molecule Manipulation, < He literally manipulated the size of an omniverse, you know, the thing that contains universes with reality? Users of this stage cannot entirely break reality, but they can bend its rules. Once you're that high of a molecular manipulator, the difference between reality and molecular manipulation is little to none. Users can materialize their imagination, thoughts, dreams, or mind into the material world and shape them to shift reality according to their willpower. On the surface, Molecular control and Reality manipulation do essentially the same thing: alter physical elements and environments on a fundamental level, essentially doing with them whatsoever the user chooses. Well yeah it is a known fact that matter manipulators work on different level that's why some are stronger than others imo i personally use the term molecule manipulators to refer to matter manipulators i'm relatively loose with the term, and molecule man keeps the name for finesse he's cool like that and if someone judges him he just has to kill galactus. Chase Davenport (Lab Rats) can use his Molecularkinesis in a similar way as it superpower cousin but with more limits. And everyone listed as a molecule manipulators are matter manipulators in which they can affect matter on all levels. Variations Power Warping Reality Warping Dimensional Warping Spatial Warping Temporal Warping Associations Like you know Galactus is actually very very powerful matter manipullator. iirc, galactus has like every power except outright reality warping. @mysticmedivh: You are correct, I misread the title. . There are many masters of illusion in the universe, Rachel. He says himself that he can "edit and order the base information of reality", which sounds a good deal like reality warping: https://static2.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11114/111142536/5196377-12.jpg. Users of Meta Matter Manipulation or Reality Warping can overpower matter manipulators. Owen is the only known being that individually controls sub physics. List of Supernatural Powers and Abilities, SCP-001 - S. D. Locke's Proposal - When Day Breaks, Molecular Adjustment/Alteration/Change/Control/Influence/Manipulation/Mastery/Modification/Shifting/Transformation/Warping, May be unable to create molecules unless the user has. It's all up to what the writers want it to be. What is the difference between molecular manipulation and - Quora We view the Sentry as a reality warper, who affects reality on a molecular level. Alto Clef, Isabel Helga Anastasia Parvati Wondertainment V, Mortimer J. Denning Von Kronecker/Blackbird/The Black King/The Fifth Overseer/O5-5, SCP-001 - Jonathan Ball's Proposal - Sheaf of Papers, Kate McTiriss's SCP-001 Proposal - A Record, SCP-001 - Dr. Mackenzie's Proposal - The Legacy, SCP-001 - Bright's Proposal - The Factory, SCP-001 - Scantron's Proposal - The Foundation, Overwrite Reality/Reality Overwrite/Rewrite. Gender: MaleLocation: Planning to take over the WORLD! Depends on the character. In general, Reality Warping his superior to Matter Manipulation but the scale of a beings power is also key. __________________ reality warping is limitless. We have moved to a new external forum hosted at https://vsbattles.com. If he wants 1+1 to = 9, he probably can do it. Want to improve this question? Spawn (Jim Downing) | Versus Compendium Wiki | Fandom The ability to change reality into how the person in question sees fit, while ignoring the rules of science. These two superpowers are often indistinguishable, both wielding the same properties and control, except Mentifery possesses raw power and enormous potential due to being fueled by the mind, considered the most powerful concept or source in the universe to its complexity and mysterious nature. He also manipulated Space and Time. On a whole new spectrum, in DC comics, you have characters like Dr. Manhattan who have shown an aptitude for both abilities, having started out human and gaining powers of molecular manipulation, then learning control over energy, then having the ability to see the world "beyond time", and then alter "pull strings in" differing realities. Privacy Policy. Reality Warpers: White Lantern Kyle Rayner, Franklin Richards, Mad Jim Jasper's, Beyonder. However, molecule man later gained the power to warp reality itself on a multiversal scale. That is, it was. Transmuting elements is molecular manipulation. Ability to create matter, antimatter, space, time and other constructs of a "reality" of nothingness, in general the ability to create a universe of 0. And for what is more powerful? Someone like Pre Retcon Beyonder is a reality warper who's thoughts automatically transcend physics and rewrites them. Reality warpers reshape more than matter and energy. @Adamant Considering the range, I think I had to leave it open for examples. Reality Warping | Character Battlefield Wiki | Fandom For more information, please see our ncdu: What's going on with this second size column? Users at this level can control the very rules and laws that govern reality and can manipulate them into whatever it can or can't be. In other words, there is no difference that can be defined objectively. If you love to imagine the planet-exploding battles of the fictional gods who will never be, taking pointless knowledge gathered from a life spent reading and gaming and swinging it like a gladiator's sword in discussions on reddit then welcome home, my friend. He has been seen manipulating time and space many times like here. Is this not significantly too broad, since it asks for examples across all media? However my post still applies, since matter manipulators still have to follow the laws of reality. Reality Warping (sometimes called Reality Alteration or Reality Manipulation) is a term used to describe the ability to manipulate reality itself. Those scans were perfect. You can basically do the same things as Molecular Manipulation and so much more. We're talking about characters like the One Above All. You clearly don't know what you're talking about. Anyway, like the answer says, it's completely dependent on how the writers want to characterize it. Due to reality warping's potential, the user can manipulate the universe, multiverse, omniverse, possible totality, and even anything that doesn't possess a tangible form or is nonexistent. Reality Warping is way more powerful. Reality warping can prevent matter manipulation. Reality Warping Subatomic Manipulation Telekinesis Limitations Non-Atomic Body May be unable to create molecules unless the user has Particle Construction. Users of existence manipulation shape their target instead of pasting over its current state, enabling them to alter the existence or actuality of their target freely. Users can alter any item already considered real. A place where magic is studied and practiced? How to follow the signal when reading the schematic? What video game is Charlie playing in Poker Face S01E07. On her tenth birthday, Sigurrs Stefnsdttir learned about mistakes. You realize that the spatial dimensions aren't made of molecules or atoms or . If he can't manipulate all aspects of reality including time and thought, then no he's not. And for what is more powerful? Being able to control most if not all existence. Beyonder had what I think to be override ability, he says it therefore it is. from what I understand he's just a matter manipulator on a massive scale, correct? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. @daxnovu: He created a quasi-reality, it would take more than molecule manipulation to replicate such a feat. I mean technically The Mask is a Reality Warper yet his power never really went past Planet Scale. No. He is not just a matter manipulator. Said bonds include ionic (electrons are transferred), covalent (Electrons are shared equally), polar covalent (electrons are shared unequally), diatomic (molecules consisting of only two atoms), and hydrogen bonds. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. XD. Which Marvel Superman Clone Is Strongest: Sentry vs - ScreenRant Users can rewrite the laws of physics and then change them back in an instant, universes can bend to the will of a reality warper. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It is similar to editing a word document, erasing and overwriting existing content to provide space for the original content. The Presence. @thewatcherking: that's not manipulating time. He is a Molecular Controller. Reality Warping (sometimes called Reality Alteration or Reality Manipulation) is a term used to describe the ability to manipulate reality itself. I'll ask again. This is because Marvel has a subjective view of how this power might be used. In Marvel Comics, reality manipulation involves affecting the (sub)atomic structure of matter and energy, as well as altering space-time in some cases; non-Marvel Comics basis actually revolves around altering the existential state of things. Reality warping is turning a sphere inside out and then changing it into a 2-d circle by donkey punching logic. Energy is not a physical unit. Beyonder can warp reality. Users can manipulate the totality of all things from the Omniverse including the primordial void existing before creation and even locations existing beyond all existence. Having some resemblance usually by possession of certain attributes. You however ignore everything else and wonder why people treat you like a joke. " So, the Sentry is not just strong or fast, he is whatever he wants to be. Letting them do practically anything they want. __________________ matter manipulation can manipulate matter, on really high levels you can turn energy into matter and controll even the smallest parts such as quarks or superstrings. Nvm. Beyonder can warp reality. Matter manipulation says turn a brick into a dog. VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. It makes you look even more stupid. Man of Miracles. Here, at the end of all stories where Mandrakk dwells. @baph: he manipulated a physical brain, that is not the manipulation of mind as mind is it's own aspect of the reality and not a physical aspect of it, there are minds that exist without a brain. Even with his powers, doesn't Superman train and work out? Home Comic Book Forums Comic Book 'Versus' Forum Reality Manipulation Vs Molecule Manipulation, <