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"A Fork in the Road" is a mandatory mission, but there is one other requirement the player will need . Arthur later learns how Edith earned enough money to settle her husbands death. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Do Not Seek Absolution - I Main Quest including all Gold Medals for 100% completion. Did you mean Do Not Seek Absolution I? If Arthur goes there and speaks with her, he will then be able to begin the mission and see what happened to the family of the man from whom he contracted tuberculosis in the first place. You sure? I did Savagery Unleashed before A Kind and Benevolent Despot, because the latter mission has more impact on the overall story. If you camp overnight, that should be sufficient for the waypoint to appear on your map. The best time to do it is early, almost right after you first visit Valentine, because at this point the gang has not caused any trouble in the area and thus, are not sought after by the law. Lmao this just happen to me. Chapter I takes place in early May, and each line gap indicates that a day has passed between activities. How can I get the Edith Downes stranger mission? - Arqade -UPDATE:Originally I put "Fisher of Men" after "Pouring Forth Oil [IV]." In this thread I will be attempting to put the story missions of Red Dead Redemption 2 in a chronological order. The Strangers may only appear during specific time of the day. I wonder if he knew that Thomas had tuberculosis? Hidden Easter eggs, cut game-file content and much more! And lastly, if you're a completionist, consider being a full-time hunter. Do you thinkthis an error in the order of missions, or was Arthur referring to Jimmy Brooks outside of Valentine? Add this game to my: Favorite Games. It's the shortest chapter, and it's almost completely linear, save for one instance where you can go hunting with Charles [P], or raid the O'Driscoll camp . Although she runs off upon seeing Arthur, clearly out of embarrassment, he tracks her down in order to apologize. Follow Dutch up to the mining operation by the tracks. If you try to do it in the opposite order, Strauss will confront you and force the game to trigger the money lending mission. "Pouring Forth Oil" should also be after "A Fisher of Men" because of dialogue hinting at Arthur meeting lawmen near Horseshoe. Metacritic2Metacritic2must play. He tells you that she went off with some miner into the hills and didnt like the looks of him. For example, I did not include most of the Money Lending Missions simply because I did not play them my first time around. After being helped to a clinic by a stranger, Arthur learns from the doctor that he has contracted tuberculosis, which is terminal and will ultimately kill him. Funny little detail, if you take the debt quest from Strauss where you have to colect a debt from a miner in Anesburg called Arthur, and if you do that quest before you meet Edith Dowens in Anesburg. She and her son eventually move to Annesburg, a thriving mining town. It would make more sense if the beavers hollow camp is already set up. He also tries to offer her money, but she refuses to accept it. This can keep you busy for a very long time. helping people in random encounters or by making honorable decisions in missions that are part of chapter 5 and 6. only appear during specific time of the day. -Chapter three is shorter than the last chapter, and as a result it isnt quite as convoluted. I saw that mission on the second play through and tried to skip but I had no more missions left. These checklists are basically challenges which require you to complete missions do certain tasks. Yeah, I'm pretty sure Do Not Seek Absolution is the mission. All Rights Reserved. Hide Behind The Crate | Just a Social Call. This isn't really a mystery or Easter egg, just optional honor missions. Edith is the wife of Thomas Downes and the mother of Archie Downes. -Thread II: American Distillation through Horse Flesh for Dinner make up the second thread of missions, which focus on the gangs interference in the local family feud. Keep using the Eagle Eye to be sure that you are following them. For that reason, I feel they are important to experience. Sean is back, morale is high, so now is the perfect time for a two-day hunting trip with Hosea. American Fathers is just a cut scene where Eagle Flies tells you to meet him in the Heartlands in a couple days. You can literally wait a couple days and just explore/do side missions, or you can go the next day. Its been a difficult task, and Im still not sure of it, so if you have any suggestions, I strongly encourage you to voice your thoughts! I actually tried this - I met them at 11pmand after the cutscene it was about 6am, - The problem here is should you get Swanson now or get Sean? -Of Men and Angels comes right before Goodbye, Dear Friend, because these are the only two missions in the chapter to take place in Saint Denis. -Exit, Pursued by a Bruised Ego fits best after The First Shall Be Last, because after the latter mission, there is a break in the narrative where Arthur has no other obligations to anyone or anything. This finishesDo Not Seek Absolution II mainmission in Red Dead Redemption 2.Nowthe next quest Of Men and Angels I starts. Over a million people still die annually of tuberculosis today. "Old Friends" should be labeled for Bill. Required fields are marked *. Of course, RDR2 is an open, non-linear game at times, so any player is free to play how they choose and at their own pace. Oooooh I'm in. This mission and the two following it are basically all about finding and rescuing Jack, which all occurs in a single day. Of course, RDR2 is an open, non-linear game at times, so any player is free to play how they choose and at their own pace. Johns mission is part of a thread that can be unlocked early, but it make more sense to do later in the chapter for two reasons: One, the purpose for blowing up the bridge is to stop the army from reaching camp, a problem which escalates in the previous mission, Favored Sons. Two, this is where we first see Arthurs plan to help John escape the gang. Do Men Still Wear Button Holes At Weddings? Good, Honest, Snake Oil - Go to the Sheriff's Office in Valentine to meet the quest giver. Arthur dies no matter what the player does, regardless of having high honor vs. low honor in Red Dead Redemption 2, but it does affect how Arthur dies at the end of the Red Dead Redemption mission. But man players such as I enjoy playing in a way that allows you to experience the story in the most logical and cinematic fashion possible. Edith's husband, Thomas, began having financial problems, so he obtained a loan from Leopold Strauss. This SECRET Mission In Red Dead Redemption 2 Reveals What Finally Happened To Mrs. Downes & Her Son! Awesome! You can justify meeting them later, but there is no reason for the Reverend to be sitting around at the train station for days waiting for you to arrive. Started my 2nd playthrough this morning, following this guide. you will find Edith Downes by the coal mining facility in Annesburg. Itll save you a trip to do both the same day; just make sure you start with Of Men and Angels.. Edith to Arthur, about Thomas; the line Arthur remembers from Edith during "A Fork in the Road", if his Honor is lowAnd you've as good as killed him yourself, And all you can do now is decide the man you wanna be, for the time you have left.The line Arthur remembers from Edith during his last ride, if his Honor is high. Arthur expresses surprise that Bill has been drinking with the Grays, and Bill's mention of 'extra security' could be a lead-in to "Short Walk" - bit given Bill's presence with Dutch and Sheriff Gray at the beginning of "Distillation" and the pretext of drinking in the intro to that mission, Arthur shouldn't be all that surprised? I think the Edith Downes missionsshould be done before "Just a social call" I don't think it makes sense to hangaround Annesburg after that big shootout. In addition, you have dozens upon dozens of main story missions, too. We Loved, Once and True I, II, III - This mission is triggered by the letter found in Arthur's tent. At the beginning of the walkthrough, you said: -Strauss's money lending missions and Edith Downes's missions are both . I had a question. There are quite a lot of these in total. I cant speak for most Chapters but from what I remember looking back on my first play through and the guide, and having similar reasons for the order that you have arranged here. It can't really be a mid-chapter plot device, because it seems like it's dependent upon "Magicians for Sport" (if I'm interpreting the Red Dead wikia correctly), so the Gray/Braithwaite plot is already really going. I killed the foreman and I still did the quest. If you have any suggestions about stranger missions or side activities that would fit neatly in here, let me know! This mission sits poorly with me because it reads a lot like a big chapter capstone of some sort, especially the 'a few weeks later' timeskip during Arthur's recovery. The reason for this is because the other mission is more intense and story-driven; doing the hunting mission after the camp raid awkwardly breaks the action and story momentum that was established in "Old Friends.". However, it is necessary to complete in this chapter if one wants a good introduction into bounty hunting side missions. Was this a blind spot by Rockstar in writing the mission as if the fishing mission had already been done? "Old Friends" should be before "The Aftermath of Genesis" because of additional dialogues between Charles and Arthur during the mission, and another additional dialogue with Kieran in the camp after his capture. Trying to work out if I should do Who is not Without Sin before the other 2 missions and let a day go by so I can get Kieran's additional dialogue while he's tied to the tree in day 2; the issue is it doesn't feel as pressing as doing Uncle's mission since he's just lounging in camp and Dutch directly asks you to check on the boys in town. OP just wants to know about Acts not the game as a whole, Im replaying it now and I just keep sniping him with my Springfield every time I go near him, and if the mission activates he gets the dynamite. Edith Downes had one of the darkest stories in Red Dead Redemption 2, but at least she got the chance at a better life in the end. Also worth mentioning - if you do another mission after PFO II (in which you're supposed to steal the oil wagon), the game will skip straight to PFO III and John will accuse Arthur of forgetting about the oil wagon, but not to worry because he's taken care of it. If you made "bad" decisions, try increasing your honor by, i.e. Also when youre on the balloon on your way back from the prison island we see Sadie being chased down Van Horn, why is she even in that area? Both are sensitive, both like reading, both like writing, and both are inherently artistic folk. Mutually exclusive execution using std::atomic? Did this satellite streak past the Hubble Space Telescope so close that it was out of focus? I've restarted chapter 2 multiple times to try and get the best RP experience out of the game. John's line in "The Battle of Shady Belle" commenting on the futility of the deaths the gang's caused in pursuit of this feud-meddling, but specifically naming the timeframe as "the last few weeks", the same rough period as Arthur's recovery (were it to happen immediately previous) but Arthur doesn't defer, which has me going back to my initial feeling of "Peacemakers" being more of a mid-chapter break mission, then the gang has lied low enough (and Dutch and Bill have charmed their way into Sheriff Gray's continued good graces) for things to die down until they make too much trouble, but specificallytoo close to Rhodes - and that leads the Pinkertons to them, as shown in "Battle for Shady Belle". Money Lending and Other Sins I, II, III - To finish the mission, you need to turn in the debts. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Thomas is married to Edith Downes and has a son named Archie. She takes his advice and eventually accepts Arthur's money, before she and Archie head inside the house. This mission is only available after you spotted her in a previous mission ( That's Murfree Country ). "Polite Society, Valentine Style" should be labeled for Uncle (and you forgot the word "Style"). Edith Downes has a dark story in Red Dead Redemption 2, but at least she and her son get a chance at a better life by the time the game ends. How do duels work in Red Dead Redemption 2? Thomas Downes is a minor, but key character featured in Red Dead Redemption 2. that username :D I'm gonna have to give you an upvote just for that. If you preorder a special airline meal (e.g. All Level Checklists in Red Dead Redemption 2 | Hold To Reset Let me know if you think I got something wrong here. Edith is the wife of Thomas Downes and the mother of Archie Downes. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. . -UPDATE: Right before "Blessed Are the Meek?" -Chapter I was easy. Probably needs to be interspersed with other missions, since Dutch would be unavailable at camp for "Magicians" until "American Distillation" gets triggered in Rhodes. Therefore, this needs to be done the day following the other money lending missions in chapter two. I've found that as long as you make an effort to spend time at camps and talk to the gang when you can, it helps flesh out the story/world even if it's just a little. She loves travelling, drinking too much coffee, and shopping as a sport. Red Dead Redemption 2 story: 5 quests for post epilogue - Red Bull I'm conscious that Miss Grimshaw will accost me with Hosea's message when I go back, and there are no strangers or anything major to distract Arthur between Dewberry Creek and Horseshoe Overlook. Edith Downes is the widow of Thomas Downes in Red Dead Redemption 2, but her bad luck doesnt stop when her husband dies. is a good time to do any side missions/explore around Strawberry and West Elizabeth in general. My code is GPL licensed, can I issue a license to have my code be distributed in a specific MIT licensed project? Disappointed at what little his trip to the ranch had achieved, Arthur leaves the property and reports back to Strauss. I don't know if that line is context-dependent; "extra security" is vague and seems to relate more to "Short Walk", but also could be the lead-in to becoming deputies. This has more impact if it is closer to the end, because from here on out, saving John will be pretty much his only concern. behaved justly during the game. It makes sense that seeing Mary Linton again after such a long time would be playing on his mind. After triggering the PFO II cutscene with John, I read Mary Linton's letter and then went to see her, which fitted well when Arthur is apologetic to John for forgetting about the wagon. Since "A Short Walk in a Pretty Town" is pretty much unambiguously the start of the chapter climax and denouement,those missions' place in the timeline is cut-and-dry. I'm pretty sure this is a bug/glitch because he should still be at Flatneck station at this point, - Another thing I tried is doing the Swanson mission on the way back after rescuing Sean, thinking that I could carry him in during the party and there may be some extra dialogue or something but this however will completely cancel Sean's party instead an the party won't happen. With this list, Im attempting to alleviate this issue as much as possible while staying true to the narrative. rev2023.3.3.43278. After Arthur saves her son from being bullied by the miners, Archie tells him that his mother refused Arthur's money and has not stopped being a prostitute. finished at any time. . Although we do . 2 - To help you know what you need to do for each mission, I've put together a list of all level checklists in Red Dead Redemption 2 below. -These next three missions all take place in Saint Denis, so you will be spending an entire day there, allowing you to do whatever else you please. 3. Find Edith Downes within 1 minute and 10 seconds. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. HA! To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. It is also a very upbeat, happy mission that contrasts well with the chapters rather chaotic finale. "American Fathers" works better before "A Fine Night of Debauchery" because of dialogue hinting at Arthur visiting Cornwall's factory in the Heartlands during his encounter with Desmond Blythe. With the urgency of the situation, it wouldnt make sense to do anything else until this story arc is complete. 3 "Money Lending and Other Sins" sidemissions, since Strauss will have had time to shark and pay attention to his connections, as he learned that Downes died. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved 1 Answer. In the Saint Denis chapter of Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur runs into her in the New Orleans-inspired city when she mistakenly tries to sell him her services before realizing who he is. This will allow you to redo a chapter should you miss something. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. So in your walkthrough you do Americans at Rest before getting Lenny back at camp - do you worry that you missed dialogue from Lenny at Sean's homecoming party because of this? One order that sort-of makes some logical sense to me but I have no idea if it's feasible due to unlock conditions: Red Dead Redemption 2 Do Not Seek Absolution - I Walkthrough - PowerPyx In total, Red Dead Redemption 2 has four distinct endings. Quest Giver: Edith Downes (Archie Downes) I appreciate the list. Originally I put "Fisher of Men" after "Pouring Forth Oil [IV]." Your actions do have an impact on how he dies but you cant prevent his demise. Like GTA V, small bits of dialogue change depending on what missions you've done before. RDR2 gives players an update on the Downes family in Red Dead Redemption 2'sepilogue when the mother and son are seen boarding a boat, with the game implying that they are leaving this life behind for something better somewhere else. He was good and he did good. Edith then intervenes, reasserting that the family has no money and informing Arthur that Thomas is ill.

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