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Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account. The fossils of the megalodon are from the beginning of the world. Probably not. In fact, if we were living in the same era, we could be the reason for their extinction. We know this because we have found megalodon teeth in deep seas around the globe in every ocean except the Antarctic. I hope they still live because it would be extraordinary to see or find one. Recent studies, however, have shown that the megalodon sharks went extinct way before the climate shift and the great white shark was the reason. there is a 49% chance of a megalodon still living in the depths. Join us on an imaginary adventure through time, space and chance while we (hopefully) boil down complex subjects in a fun and entertaining way.Produced with love by Underknown in Toronto: https://underknown.comContact us at https://underknown.com/contact/#WhatIf #Megalodon #ApexPredator #MarianaTrench #ChallengerDeep News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. Please keep these people away from the voting booths! Was this the biggest shark that ever existed? Since the average depth of the ocean is around 14,000 feet, that means the Megalodon Shark, even if it has evolved to live in very deep water, could, in theory, exist in numerous places around the world. The earliest version of this video we could uncover was posted to YouTube in 2008: That version of the video stated that the footage captured a 7-meter (22-foot) Pacific sleeper shark off the coast of Japan in the SurugaBay. Sign up to FREE email alerts with news to brighten your day. 3 things that can happen 1 it dies from starvation 2 it dies from the pressure 3 it dies from the cold there's literally no fucking way for the meg to live in the mariana trench 2 3 Quora User Morgan Stanley Alum & Chief Financial Officer at Masterworks Updated Feb 8 Promoted The Real Existence of a Trench Monster, Exists, Real, Mariana, Trench. For Megalodon to live in the Marina Trench it would require an abundant food supply. Is The Megalodon Still Alive? The Truth Behind The - AnimalStart In conclusion, until you can map the entirety of the ocean simultaneously and with detail, we cannot KNOW anything. i have studied the oceans. That means even a 100-foot meg may not have weighed as much as a blue whale. "No. I appreciate your thoughtful comments! When a species dives really deep into the ocean there is small amounts of oxygen now this might sound a little strange but the closer to the surface they are the more they will eat because oxygen levels are higher than that of deeper depths. It is said to have been 40 times heavier and three times longer than the largest ever great white shark. But this diet plan would not work for this ancient, warm-water-dwelling apex predator. And inward-facing teeth could prevent slimy prey from escaping. Galloway, N.J. - Fossilized teeth and vertebrae are all that remain from the extinct Megalodon, the largest shark to have ever hunted our oceans But that was just enough for a team of paleontologists to reconstruct pieces of the prehistoric predator's life history. With that said, we have found a few unique megalodon parts. I think the Megalodon The shark is in the marian trench. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. So that's my point of view. And no photosynthesis means not much food. After all, could the Megalodons have been the dolphins/apes of ancient times? Is it really possible that small populations of Megalodon Sharks evolved to feed on prey in very deep water, and because of this managed to avoid extinction? Megalodon Still Exists, Researchers Claim. Find out more, Contact Advertise Licensing Newsletter Privacy Policy Cookie Policy Terms of ServiceOur Production Process. Some say megalodon, if it is still around, likely lives in very deep water such as the Mariana Trench. It is believed that the megalodon lived in tropical and sub-tropical waters throughout the world. The most watched clip was reported to have been filmed at the bottom of the Mariana Trench and appears to show a giant shark scouring the sea floor. There's no evidence that the long-extinct megalodon shark is hiding inside the Mariana Trench. They preferred warmer waters, and with the colder temperatures, their natural habitat started to reduce, resulting in fewer numbers of megalodon sharks. Because shark skeletons consist mostly of cartilage rather than bone, these are the only parts that fossilize. Shark Week: Could Megalodon still be alive today? One wrote: I think they went deeper into the seas like the giant squid which is why we never see them. The last place that megalodon sharks would go if they were still alive would be the Mariana Trench. Without it, life on Earth would be over very quickly. Scientists believe that the megalodon's oldest ancestor was the Otodus Obliquus, which lived in the deep ocean more than 55 million years ago. So how does a coastal predator go from munching on whales, pinnipeds, and massive turtles near shore to eating deep-diving creatures in the Marina Trench? When competition gets really fierce, the fight for survival turns into a zero sum game, and as the availableprey began to dwindle in number, the great white appears to have come out on top. I think it is possible but highly unlikely that they are out there somewhere in the deep. It is an interesting idea, but unfortunately not one with any scientific merit, as of yet anyway. Its believed that the megalodon could reach a maximum length of 16 meters (52 ft). The giant shark weighed the same as five buses and was once the king of the ocean. Throughout time, people have developed a lot of theories, many claiming that the Megalodon never went extinct, and its still roaming in the oceans. Fast forward 2 million years and the great white shark had spread all across the globe. Megalodon teeth give us a surprising amount of information about this shark, including what it ate and what it looked like. Humans have a bite force of around 1,317 Newtons (N) while great white sharks have a force of 18,216N. Humans have only traveled to the bottom of Challenger Deep twice. To put the depth into perspective, if you were to put Mount Everest into the Mariana Trench, the top would still be sticking out. Some sharks can lose entire sets of teeth every week, depending on what they eat. The Megalodon (Otodus megalodon), is an extinct species of shark, arguably one of the largest, if not the largest marine predator that has ever lived. So what if the largest apex predator never went extinct, like we thought it did? Thats because with the intense pressure of the Mariana Trench, proteins and calcium start to dissolve and disintegrate. To put the length into perspective, in 1,500 miles you could fit all the states between Florida and Massachusetts. Besides there has been sighting of ol' Meg, yeah you can't trust everything, bbbbbuuuuutttttttt you have to count your losses. As the largest shark that ever roamed the Earth, people can't help but imagine whether or not this giant predator is still lurking in the ocean's depths. I wouldn't be surprised if there are megs outs there. Could a megalodon still exist in the Mariana Trench? - Quora It was also likely that it ate other sharks. She said: "With its large serrated teeth megalodon would have eaten meat - most likely whales and large fish, and probably other sharks. 15 Strange and Scary Animals in the Mariana Trench (And Which Is the Could this be the last remaining Megalodon? While we don't know exactly when the last megalodon existed, experts believe it was somewhere between 3.5 and 3.6 million years ago. Creatures down there are almost in sleep all year so they dont have to eat so much. Just because our naked eye perceives the Earth flat, does not mean it is. 10 Different Types of Cobras (With Pictures), 10 Different Types of Crocodiles (With Pictures), 2 Different Types of Alligators (With Pictures). One possibility is that a small population of Megalodon Sharks had already evolved to live at those depths before the larger population of Megalodon went extinct. 3. Megalodon sharks preferred warmer waters, and if they were still alive, we could definitely see them. The giant prehistoric shark, called a megalodon, ate everything in its path and was said to lurk in the Earths deepest oceans. Is the Mariana Trench toxic? - coalitionbrewing.com This video wasn't "breaking," it didn't show a 50-foot shark, it wasn't filmed in the Mariana Trench, and it absolutely didn't capture an extinct megalodon. Its appearance and the maximum size are debatable, and the assumptions we have today are based on the size of its teeth. "I personally think that this monstrous sea creature's present-day survival is an unlikely prospect, but it is certainly an inordinately interesting one to research.". More to the point, since no sharks exist below 12,000 feet, and no large prey items, it seems highly unlikely that Megalodon would have evolved to live at such depth. From there, its up to you to decide whether the megalodon is alive or went extinct millions of years ago. Their job is to stop the other molecules from being crushed by the pressure. One reason we know this is because of fossil teeth and vertebrae left behind. It is not united anymore, but divided into several independent nations. The coelecanth was supposed to have gone extinct millions of years ago, but they live still. I think the megaladon is still alive but we are very unsafe if it is, I believe the Megalodon is still out there but I dont know for sure because after that meteor hit earth the dinosaurs Went extinct and the Megalodon live in the Marian trench thats super deep But I dont know if it Lived or not. This makes the ocean floor in the Mariana Trench the oldest in the world, dating back around 180 million years. Dozens of sightings of incredibly large sharks have become the stuff of legend among fishermen around the seas of New South Wales in Australia. Could Underwater's monsters really exist deep in the Mariana Trench Something went wrong, please try again later. Megalodon Sightings: Is the Megalodon Shark Still Alive Today? You have to take size into consideration. It would be cool. In fact at one time giant squads we're myth and orangutans were the same as Bigfoot or the yeti. Could the Megalodon still be alive? When baby fish are little and young they feed off of the shallows while the larger fish are in the deepest parts of the river way down. The timing is everything. I think it s possible that this creature is still a live at least 99% in the bottom of the Mariana trench with all stuff i have read that is where the last Megalodon shark really is. Fossil records of that extinct shark species suggest that it reached a size of nearly 60 feet in length. Manage Settings i think the meg lives in the ocens but maby not the mirina trench, It could have reproduced and they all stayed down there and ate the squids. Deep-sea creatures like the Lanternfish are likely way too small to sustain a Megalodon Shark. An expert on ancient sharks told National Geographic that he is not convinced that just one species can cause such a decline. But the Mariana Trench is a mysterious, cold and unforgiving world steeped in total darkness. Throughout the years, many documentaries were made, however, most of them are based on false assumptions, with fake stories, videos, and pictures. Surf Researcher is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk & Amazon.ca. We take 23,000 breaths a day; trying to get oxygen to our brain and cells. ", Another added: Our oceans are huge and there are vast areas that are still unexplored. What Shark Lives In The Mariana Trench? - Sweetish Hill This is the world 200 million years ago. It is rich in sea life, with several species of large whales in residence. Researchers say their teeth are also commonly found around Australia and Morocco, though you can even find them around the UK. Take even the big mouth shark that wasn't even discovered until 1976 because they normally swim from 400-500 feet under water durring the day and only come up to about 100-200 ft during the night. As for what it eats probably squid, tunia, and maybe whales. Jaw-dropping Research Reveals Megalodon Mysteries Larger animals sometimes store food in expandable stomachs for months. What if there is an unknown massive superpredator that evolved to live in deep waters that can support the population of Megalodons? To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. The megalodon wasn't alone in this global cooling extinction, however. Science tells us that Megalodon sharks are extinct. Animals of the deep sea often live by scavenging on the decaying remains of plants and animals from the upper zones of the ocean. Around 3.5 million years ago, Megalodon was gone. Very likely in my opinion, given how little of the oceans we have explored thus far. With such a large body, eating large prey was likely a requirement. Is it really possible a shark could live at those depths? If the megalodon never went extinct, oceans would be very unsafe places. Another Last Known Megalodon Seen Diving in the Gulf of Mexico. Despite what you may have heard on the Discovery Channel back in the day, true ocean experts say that there is no way the megalodon still exists in the deep oceans. Its deepest point, Challenger Deep, reaches to a depth of nearly 11,000 meters (36,000 feet or nearly 7 miles). Theyre metabolism are slow. While the largest sharks in the world are well-known due to their near-surface behaviors, there are others who are much more reclusive. What If You Were Alive 200 Million Years Ago? As scientists study the fossil record more and more, it is becoming quite obvious that megalodons lived alongside great whites. What If the World Lost Oxygen for Five Seconds? Recent discoveries of species like the coelacanths and the megamouth shark, which was previously thought they were extinct, had fuelled the belief among believers that the megalodon could still be alive. The Mariana Trench was created by a geological process called subduction. They can crash boats, but we are smart and more than capable to build big and well-equipped ships. Megalodon: Does shark three times the size of Great White STILL EXIST The Megalodon (Otodus megalodon), is an extinct species of shark, arguably one of the largest, if not the largest marine predator that has ever lived. I believe that it had innate intelligence to avoid man. 1,500 miles is also the distance between Madrid, in Spain, and Copenhagen, in Denmark.- To survive in the Mariana Trench, Megalodon would have had to adapt to the living conditions and evolve. What If is presented by Underknown, a production company creating a variety of short-doc series that search for the underlying truth of how our world operates and how it came to be. Fossil remains also tell us that the megalodon had around276 teeth. But there are a few enormous teeth that are over 7.- The Mariana Trench is 6.83 miles deep and measures more than 1,500 miles long and 43 miles wide. Using information about its jaw and the number of teeth in its mouth, scientists also say that it likely had one of the most powerful bite forces in animal history somewhere between 108,500 and 182,200 Newtons. See our Megalodon Size Comparison and Megalodon vs Blue Whale articles to learn more! However, there are plenty who clearly believe the ferocious beast IS still alive today and lurking in the depths of the world's seas. Copyright 2023 Underknown, Backyard Media Inc. All Rights Reserved. People and megalodon live in the same era. Many sharks can go through around 40,000 teeth during their lives. Past research suggests that the megalodon ( Otodus megalodon) went missing 2.6 million years ago alongside a wave of . the only way to know is to go down there and live. Its skin could evolve to enable more tactile ways of feeling its way around. Some people believe that the megalodon could live in the Mariana trench, but thats virtually impossible. ould Megalodon sharks still be alive in the deepest parts of the ocean? How could it withstand the immense pressure? 2. Continue with Recommended Cookies. People who readily assume megalodon exists today probably also believe in extraterrestrials and biblical miracles. No large fish has even been found at these extreme depths. With sharks constantly losing teeth to the murky depths, it is no wonder collectors are so easily able to find fossilized teeth on the ocean floor! . The only part of the megalodon fossils that remain is the teeth. 1. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Studies reconstructing the shark's bite force suggest it may have been one of the most powerful predators ever to have lived. I would like to think that Megalodon is still out there somewhere in the depths of the ocean. The Mariana Trench is about as remote as it gets, and even a massive shark would be very hard to find. What If the Megalodon Was Hiding in the Mariana Trench? There is lots of pollution discoverved in the trench, It is possible for the Megalodon to live because the Sperm Whale dives into deep waters and could be prey to the Megalodon, i believe the megalodon still lives today, I think that the megalodon has been right under are noses all these years. The clearly huge creature is recorded as it swims over the top of what is purported to be an abandoned shark cage. Taking a fresh look at the fossil record, researchers are now proposing that this mega marine creature may have been killed off by none other than the modern great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias). View our online Press Pack. No living or dead specimen has ever been recovered. It's estimated the megalodon'sjaw would span 2.7 by 3.4metreswide, easily big enough to swallow two adults side-by-side. A large, undescribed shark waiting to be documented? Divisions in the Debate Over the Existence of a Megalodon in the Ocean Trench. cryptid: Good point. I wouldn't be surprised if there are megs outs there., Get the news you want straight to your inbox. i think the Megalodon is alive and if it did live in the trench the metabolism from the lack of oxygen. What Animals Live In The Mariana Trench? (Solved) megalodon sightings from helicopter About Ocean Info At Ocean Info, we dive deep into ocean-related topics such as sealife, exploration of the sea, rivers, areas of geographical importance, sailing, and more. The cold temperatures of the Mariana Trench made it impossible for megalodons to live there. US NOAA (Scot Anderson) [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons. Again, to put this into perspective, the average human bite force is around 1,317 Newtons, while the average bite force of great white sharks is 18,200 Newtons. She says the creature would have eaten large prey such as whales and other sharks, but there are no reports of whales being attacked by a predator large enough to be a megalodon. It's estimated the megalodon's jaw would span 2.7 by 3.4 metres wide, easily big enough to swallow two adults side-by-side. How 'deluded' Putin thought Ukraine invasion would break up Nato & have West bowing down to Russia, leaked docs show, Man had sex with his wife on bollard after fuming neighbour placed it in cul-de-sac in protest during parking row, 'Bubbly' nightclub worker, 31, killed after her Audi crashed into a bridge on her way home from work, Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The Brit expert writes: Unusually large, unidentified sharks are still being reported from time to time. It would also have to switch its diet from whales, dolphins, sea lions, and sea cows to whatever organisms reside in the Mariana Trench and hope that it could find and eat its usual 2,500 lb of food per day.- According to the United Nations, there are 7.6 billion people in the world today, and only 3 of them have made it to the deepest point on Earth. We know more about the surface of Mars than we do about our oceans. The killer predator was three times longer and 40 times heavier than the largest ever recorded great white shark. The giant's terrifying jaws were lined with 276 teeth - measuring up to . But we must not shrug off the fact that we still do not know a majority of our deep sea including the trench. Then return to the deep during the day. Megalodon would probably be a slow and not very dangerous predator down there. One unique thing about sharks is that they continue producing teeth throughout their lives. While that may be disheartening to Megalodon believers, in a way it's also encouraging. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. What if it adapted to this hostile environment, waiting for you to come by for its dinner? cryptid (author) from USA on November 12, 2015: Good points Levius. Some believe its is proof megaladons are not exticnt while others say its bears a very strong resemblance to a sleeper shark. What if megalodon was still alive in the Mariana Trench? i really think that the megladon is real i am doing a presentation. a camera cant see in that kind of darkness. Its appearance and the maximum size are debatable, and the assumptions we have today are based on the size of its teeth. The deeps holds many secrets of our planet. So if our megalodon was close to its pre-historic size, it would probably be a few thousand years old. A giant shark caught on camera scouring the bottom of the Mariana Trench has sparked debate about if megalodons still exist. Most likely not. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. ", Rchick added: "Scientists and researchers dont know anything for sure. People have found a tooth the size of a palm in the mariana trench area. Youre in the deepest part of our oceans. the most common sightings are in the Mariana Treach. What If the Megalodon Shark Fought the Mosasaurus? Given that it was a massive shar. According to website Exemplore: "While it may be true that Megalodon lives in the upper part of the water column over the Mariana Trench, it probably has no reason to hide in its depths. this is my favorite prehistoric creature and i will keep doing research. For other inquiries, Contact Us. The hadal snailfish, the deepest dwelling fish we know, has flexible cartilage instead of bones. A Sperm Whale would surely make a meal for a Megalodon. Scientists believe that with such huge teeth, this enormous shark most likely ate meat, including large fish, whales, and any other kinds of large marine animals it could wrap its jaw around. In fact, if it were still alive in the deepest point of the ocean, the Mariana trench, we would know about it at this point. ' No. So now that we can come to the conclusion that the megalodon extinction was an event from long ago, the new question becomes. These scientists say the megalodon evolved from the Cretalamna appendiculata, a creature dating back more than 105 million years. At its deepest, it is estimated at nearly 10,000 feet. Here's a comparison of the shark in the video and another sleeper shark: While the shark in the video is indeed large, it would be considered rather small if it were actually a megalodon. To maintain its body temperature, our megalodon would have to be warm-blooded. Even More of The Cutest Animals That Can Harm You, Megalodon | Size, Fossil, Teeth, & Facts, Megalodon: The Truth About The Largest Shark That Ever Lived, Largest Ever Shark Was Doomed By Its Taste For Dwarf Whales, The Creature That Killed Off The Giant Megalodon Might Still Live In Our Oceans Today, Megalodon: Facts About The Long-Gone, Giant Shark. The Mariana Trench is the deepest underwater place there is. Our oceans are vast, and still unexplored territories. Two million years ago, the megalodon was tearing into the equivalent of one-and-a-half cows a day. Similar to the great white, however, the Otodus megalodon had ultra-long pectoral fins to support its massive size. Even the great white shark has been recorded diving to depths of 4,000 feet. Our shows take you to the frontiers of science and make the most complex ideas and theories entertaining and accessible. Watch and share! You put out some pretty convincing arguments about it being possible Megalodon still exists. Megalodon really did exist. A GIANT 100-ton prehistoric shark which ate everything it its path is still lurking in the Earth's deepest oceans - say internet conspiracy theorists. The megalodon was the last shark in a completely different lineage of sharks from more than 3.5 million years ago. We know primarily about Megalodon's existence through fossilized teeth. However, researchers in the past once thought megalodon could reach a similar length as a blue whale. One megalodon fossil was said to have been found near Peru, which included a small string of vertebrae, the braincase, and teeth. I suppose it will take a dead Megalodon being found somewhere to prove it or, unfortunately, someone not just sighting the huge shark but also managing to catch and kill it. Here we see a few ways the megamouth shark can help to bolster this idea. In 1976, a massive new species was accidentally captured after trying to swallow a ships anchor off the coast of Hawaii. Is Megalodon Shark Still Alive? - LegalProX How could it withstand the immense pressure? 'If an animal as big as megalodon still lived in the oceans we would know about it. The earliest version of this video we . The megalodon had a cosmopolitan distribution, it preferred warmer waters, and its main prey were whales, sea turtles, and seals. The megalodon was so strong and powerful that it could crash small boats with its jaws. How did megalodon go extinct? Megalodon? I believe the stories of these fishermen are not fabricated and they are seeing a very, very large shark of some sort! Dr Karl Shuker, a leading cryptozoologist, has dedicated his life to researching animals thought to be extinct. At first, many thought it was a Pacific Sleeper Shark. but even if the mariana trench isnt its true habitat couldnt it have adapted to fight extinction ?

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