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Praise God for you!! I am never out of His reach. What someone might mean for harm (like Satan wanting to harm Gods CHOSEN children), GOD means for good, so that we can bring glory and honor to His name. Psalm 116:12,13 Especially when things dont work out the way we want and we get mad at God. And some days you just gotta shout it out, God is so good. Living in a world where there is so much that is NOT good gives me so much more peace to know that the God who lives on me is the ultimate goodness! We can rejoice because God is good. And we are all too aware that our spouses, our kids, our relatives, our BFFs, our neighbors, our coworkers can be taken from us. It might seem slow in coming, it may be hidden behind a canopy of gray clouds, but the sun is definitely there. And thanks for your prayers! But the day after I scheduled the hysterectomy because the doctor said I would continue to bleed and it would get worse. He never leaves us to face anything alone. Copyright 2002 Liz Curtis Higgs He will never leave me or forsake me, he loves me unconditionally, he is with me at all times. List of books by author Liz Curtis Higgs - ThriftBooks I struggle with great pain and illness. Your word picture almost makes me feel like I was there. Im very excited to start getting your weekly emails! This verse was my verse for the year a couple of years ago and I needed so much a refresher in it. As I studied my SS lesson from Rev 4; I was reminded again, how good God is and that no matter what I am faced with, He is in control if I trust Him completely. He took them for me and I now live a so much more positive life because of Him. Asking for Prayer is a Testimony and a Witness. Oh, how I love Him, because He loved me when I was His enemy! Smiles were exchanged, and a warm glow settled on those who were close enough to witness the uncommon scene. And Liz providesa twenty-first century take on the book of Ruth in The Girls Still Got It, dishing out meat and milk, substance and style, in a highly readable, always entertaining, and deeply personal journey. His goodness and love envelope me like a favorite worn blanket. Hope for kindness and love for and to all. What a blessing it was to me to have met you at the Bible Baptist College Conference in June. Gods goodness means Im forgiven and am redeemed. Looking forward to the 19th! Congratulations on your new book. I believe that Christs gift of salvation provides His followers the assurance of eternal life, a life which begins the moment we confess His Name and receive His Spirit, guaranteeing what is to come (2 Corinthians 1:22). He is good ALL the time! I tend to think that I know what is best and admit that I often let God know how He should do things (hopefully I am not alone in this.) It is the raft I cling to when the storm is threating to sweep me away. I just recently re-studied your Bad Girls of the Bible and its just got to be among my most fav! A few of us ladies are going to read your new book, Its Good to be Queen and do a study on it. In 2 Peter & Jude, both letters address the need to combat false teaching and to strengthen believers in the truth. Thank you for reminding us of His goodness. These arent simply nice sentiments on a greeting card; these are solid promises from Gods Word. Coram Deo xx. " Long before silver bells jingled, Christmas lights twinkled, and horse-drawn sleighs went dashing through the snow, God reached down from heaven with the best gift of all. I cant look at any of this without thinking of our sweet Lord Jesus, the creator of all things. Still, my pastor, Bob Russell, invited me, believed in me, and trusted me. My thoughts keep going back to it thinking about it 24/7. God is so good! Father God is so good! May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word. None of us are righteous, but through Christ and because of his love and goodness, we are redeemed. He loves because He is Love! Her books are essential reading for all who love Christian fiction." Bodie Thoene "Francine Rivers puts readers right into the history of the moment." Romantic Times Life with God is an extreme adventure! His goodness and mercy dont change or fail! Psalm 103. So excited to dig into this study. Bad Girls of the Bible and What We Can Learn from Them He always directs our paths. God is good. Dont you just get a blessing out of people who do good things through the prompting of the Holy Spirit and dont want recognition for it? On Facebook LIVE: A scripture, a story, a reflection, and a prayer, all shared in a few lively minutes! I really enjoyed your FB live broadcast today! He also will fill you completely (NLT) with great joy and perfect peace (NIrV). I just love when simple kindness and care is so beautifully expressedand in this case it was noticed and appreciated. I like to say that same rote prayer to myself sometimes Reminds me to remember how good God is! The goodness of GodI see it every day, all around! Honored to speak, write, teach, lead, blog, and. The goodness of God.so many things come to mind. The verse Psalms 119:11 that talks about I have hidden your word in my heart that I may not have a stray. Its a joy to my heart knowing that everything that comes into my life is for my good and His glory. Love, wrapped in swaddling clothes. Her messages are biblical, encouraging, down-to-earth, and profoundly funny, helping both sisters and seekers embrace the truth of God's amazing, unchanging grace. Love that verse. God demonstrates His goodness thru His faithfulness to us. Those are some of the ways I see His goodness. He sustains me daily, seeking His will. Gods goodness is demonstrated to me through my salvation and the lovely life he has given to me in spite of my undeservedness! I get so weary. His goodness also reminds me of His faithfulness. "But thanks be to God! Thank You Jesus ! I try to let let Gods goodness flow from me all the time especially with my three and six year old. Im a lame housekeeper, a marginal cook, and a mediocre gardener, buthome is still my favorite place to land.. Oh, what a comfort! Free delivery worldwide on over 20 million titles. Thanks for this post, and may God continue to use you to grow us! (Can you imagine what they must have thought when we met? As a radio personality, I traveled from town to town, up and down the dial through my twenties, including a stint at a hard rock station in Detroit, where Howard Stern did mornings and I did the afternoon show. Well, well, well A yellow rose (long story but heavenly). Your testimony is amazing! The goodness of God is beginning each day sitting with Him and then venturing out praying that in some way I can let his love and goodness shine through me. , , Lizzie, Gods goodness encourages me to reach out and do the same for someone else. Now I look forward to Sept 19th. $ 4.19 - $ 15.49. Take a second to share your thoughts below. Godgoodness means to me forgiveness, forgotten about forgiveness. God is so good. Her . The goodness of God leads us, me, to repentence. He holds us upp even when we dont feel it. We have a little 5 year old at church who, when she was 4, was diagnosed with neuroblastoma. Life is good, just one day at a time! All the time. Also, in our church, we have a saying in the Sunday school program: God is good all the time and all the time God is good! US$21.16. 4614 Brownsboro RdLouisville, Kentucky 40207502-897-6421. Amen. Even when we dont see Him in itHe is. His plans dont always coincide with our plans and desires but His way is always going to be best. Gods goodness is priceless & our model to do good to likewise. He gives without stint. Praise God for his goodness of taking this sinner and filling her full of his goodness to share with others. Right now I am struggling to adjust to the place God seems to want me, and to be graceful and joyful while I answer his call. Hardback. I never share your info with anyone, and you can unsubscribe any time. Someone needed to see the body of Christ respond to my public . Read more: Hillsong Holy,holy,holy Lyrics | MetroLyrics. He never fails and we can always feel his loving arms around us. He gives me far more than I ever deserve, including forgiveness for my sins and eternal life with Him. Doing good deeds for others reflects the heart of God. So many things are going on in this world that are certainly not God pleasing. God's goodness is seen all around us in his creation. He cannot be any other way. However, over the past few weeks I have seen His goodness in huge ways. Gods grace and Gods goodness is so much like that. This gives me complete confidence as I greet each new day that He will bring me through the storms, love me unconditionally and see me safely home! God is truly the only unchanging and unending piece of our lives. In the midst of all the bad times and troubles in our lives, God is always there with us just waiting to show his goodness in some way. I smoked my first joint on our senior class trip. Good talking to you, maam! he called out. breath and living water such a marvelous mystery. Gods goodness has helped me with the painful loss. And He will continue to provide because Hes our Papa!! Thanks Liz, for your constant encouragement. Joshua 1:9 was that verse. Gods goodness to me means that He loved me so much he sent his son to die for me and take the place of my sin. He is good all the time, he knows there are 4 very young children without a daddy. No man, woman, child, living thing is good. Luke 24:6. What a JOY it is to have my 37th book on store shelves this autumn! Spill the Beans LIVE with Tammy Trent and Liz Curtis Higgs at Fresh The Lord is good in the good times and in times of trial and storms. God is my strength and my song. He can NEVER be evil. It is only through Him that our kind nature can be manifested to others.? Or youre ready for an uplifting reminder that God holds your future in His loving hands. But if I just rely on the fact that God is good, I can trust His guidance for my life. Liz Curtis Higgs: So I started sharing my testimony right away, and that led to more doors opening. Audiobooks narrated by Liz Curtis Higgs | Audible.com I feel like Im in a nightmare and am desperate to wake up out of it. It just simply gives me peace. When we look back at tragedies in our lives and can see the goodness that came out of that, that is very special. Lord Jesus, heal this dear sister as only You can! What if it doesn't rise? Without it, my life would be so dark. Sound good? He finds ways to encourage me, lets me know I am not alone or abandoned. The goodness is that God is still waiting for those who dont know him yet. God is goodall the time. Yay! God being good all the time means never having to worry about Him being bad, negative, against us, or ever being wrong! Hope is the very definition of who God is. Liz, you are so correct, God is SO VERY GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!! I praise and thank God that He is so faithful!!! God is Good! This book looks GREAT! God is so good! I really needed this today. THANKS, Jane! I have never considered God is only capable of good. We need to be still and listen for His prompting and go and do likewise. Read More Bible Study Posts 2016 (5) 2017 (5) 2018 (7) 2019 (12) Gods goodness walks around inside my mind what a relationship having Gods goodness that means everything to me. I feel it in my bones, and know it by faith! Gods goodness He hears me when I cry to Him! It continues to amaze me that this good God loves and cares for someone like me who is not good. Knowing our God is the promise and light of this dark world is such a comfort to me. What a privilege to share His goodness with others by simple acts of kindness. Thank you for showering me with blessing with your stories. God is good all the time; all the time God is good! Sing a new song, to him who sits on Heavens mercy seat. Your e-mail helped so much!!!!!! Thanks for the memories and smile. In spite of my questions and tantrums this past year, Hes been a patient Father, blessing me with undeserved comfort and help. Then at last, the hallelujah, Easter morning, the true "Ta-da!". Gods goodness is the fact that he chose to sacrifice himself in between two criminals. No matter what I am going through, I know that He means it for my good, not harm. My daughters air conditioning went out here in Louisville. Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105. . . He is Good and He loves ME! In another recent devotional, "31 Verses to Write on Your Heart," Curtis Higgs explores 31 favorite verses chosen by more than a thousand women. We dont deserve His goodness or His grace. They Say It's Cancer http://womantowomanmentoring.com God is in goodness because He is goodness! Or you feel anxious and long to know whats next. Gods goodness is our promise for all time. He is SO good to me! The lily came from his yard.) For the past 5 years Ive been taking care of my elderly parents and at one time they were both is different hospitals expected to die but I laid my hand on my dad and prayed to God to let me have a little more time with them. He does no harm, he does what we are afraid to do for ourselves by making us move to the next level. Amen. Gods Goodness covers all the sin in me, His Goodness overwhelms me, envelops me. when God gives me an opportunity to serve someone I feel blessed. God manifests His goodness in so many different ways. AMEN. Help! I'm Laughing and I Can't Get Up: Fall-down Funny Stories to Fill I am ever so thankful for Gods goodness! Gods goodness is most evident to me when I stop looking at what I wish I had but dont and focus on what I have that I dont deserve. I love how His mercies are new every morning because I need them more often than not! There is nothing so good as Gods love for us. We might not seem it that way at the time but God knows exactly what we are to do in our lives. After joining the staff in 2020 as Director of the Women's Ministry Team, she moved to her current full-time role as Director of Spiritual Formation in July 2021. Nazareth's Song Read online books by Patricia Hickman Published by WaterBrook Press, Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinnersof whom I am the worst. I also pray that he knows Jesus. And God is good and Hes seeing us through. If we take our eyes off of ourself and looked at others, we would see Gods deed spread everywhere. by the power of the Holy Spirit. She will need brain surgery soon. A friend of mine was recently commenting on Gods goodness and the fact that we dont often recognize it as such. Although theyd enjoyed much worldly success, what these two talked about most was Jesus Christ. Blessings to you and your ministry. We have no goodness of our own; how wonderful it is that our heavenly Father credits us with the goodness of Jesus because we are His children whom He loves beyond measure! Liz Curtis Higgs 2014. As you said, this dark & weary world along with Satans lies have decieved many to believe otherwise. All the time. The goodness of God means everything to me! When evil seems to be winning, we can rest in the fact that God is good and His goodness will one day prevail. Yes, GOD IS GOODALL THE TIME! Because of His goodness, I am saved through Jesus. :>) God bless, Susan! Lord give us eyes to see your goodness to us. "Word by Word with Liz Curtis Higgs" is a 26-minute podcast exploring women of the Bible. Gods goodness means His consistent love, mercy and grace even when we are undeserving! Liz, When the rush of life and the news shows always seem so negative, its wonderful to stop and see our awesome God reflected through the kind acts of others.

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