Man Overboard NP 11336RA USN 1598 10. Stable call. Mess Call was sounded morning, noon and night to announce when the mess decks were open for business. Word Passed: Fire on the hangar deck. All men connected with the aviation divisions and squadrons Check fire bottles. if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav14n=MSFPpreload("_derived/Pictures.htm_cmp_expeditn110_vbtn.gif"); MSFPnav14h=MSFPpreload("_derived/Pictures.htm_cmp_expeditn110_vbtn_a.gif"); } WebGeneral Quarters song by The Sun Harbor Chorus now on JioSaavn. Announcer: All hands not involved in respotting and refueling are secured at this phase of the operation. Even now, with all our modern methods of communication, the bugle is traditionally the means employed to render honors, to attract the attention of the men for a special announcement, or to signal the routine of the day. Here the order was given to reduce officers baggage to twenty pounds, forward the surplus to Washingtonor destroy it. Naval Anthem) - US Navy Ceremonial Band (NOTE - recorded 4/21/07 for the launching of the USS North 17 Tracks 36736 Views. A bugle call is a short tune, originating as a military signal announcing scheduled and certain non-scheduled events on a military installation, battlefield, or ship. This naval article is a stub. Notice that it begins with an "all hands" call on the Pipe. Surface ship - General Quarters sequence - AN/SIA-114B stack - // -->