Elder Paisios Canonized Friends of Mount Sinai Monastery Their presence bore witness that the desire for the monastery was strong and would allow no obstacles to stand in the way of realizing this dream. 7. Ioannis (ee-oh-Ah-nees) is the Greek form of John. . Femeia care a vzut aceast viziune a fost o fiic duhovniceasc a Printelui Efrem timp de muli ani, fiind n legtur i comunicnd cu acesta pn la trecerea sa la cele venice. St. Paisius Monastery Gift Shop St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery, Florence AZ St. Anthony's is the fountainhead of Athonite monasticism in North America, transplanted here by the Elder Ephraim, former Abbot of Philotheou Monastery on Mount Athos, and disciple of Elder Joseph the Hesychast. For me to travel to America would be like flying into space But I believe, if you pray, I will wind up at your monastery. His family felt the monastery brainwashed their "boy", and they had him go in some intense therapy. Content should not be treated as a substitute for offline interaction. Get on your knees and weep; shed tears of repentance so that perhaps Christ will soften. Log in. Impersonal. Repentance! , . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The family's spiritual father, the priest-monk Arsenios (the now canonized St. Arsenios of Cappadocia), baptized the babe with his own name, prophesying his future profession as a monk. Message From Father Paisios of St. Anthonys Greek Orthodox Monastery. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. May God be sweet to John and remember all his goodness. The Appearance of the Prophet Elijah to a Soldier, The Life of the Holy New Russian Martyr Lydia, Archbishop Demetrios: Reaching Out to Non-Believers. An inheritor and conveyer of the ascetic ethos and dogmatic consciousness of the Holy Apostles and Holy Fathers, he lived the monastic life in obscurity . At a certain moment, the woman entered into a state of ecstasy, which lasted about ten minutes, as her daughter-in-law who was watching her related. Hwy. Fr. If you would like to record audiobooks and have them posted publicly here for the benefit of others, please, Ch.2 On Afflictions, Pains, and Labors (1-10), Ch.2 On Afflictions, Pains, and Labors (11-30), Ch.3 On Sin, Repentance, Mourning, and Tears, Ch.3 On Confession and Spiritual Accounting, Ch.4 On Monasticism, Virginity, and Purity (1-5), Ch.4 On Monasticism, Virginity, and Purity (6-14), Ch.4 On Monasticism, Virginity, and Purity (15-20), Ch.5 On Obedience, Disobedience, and Cutting off the Will, Ch.5 Homilies on Conscience and Obedience, Ch.8 On Forcefullness, Courage, and Self Denial (1-10), Ch.8 On Forcefulness, Courage, and Self Denial (11-24), Ch.10 On Pride, Self-Reproach, and Humility, 3 Ch.1 The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, 4 Ch.1 Interpretative Analysis of the Parable, 12 Ch.2 The Separation of the Soul from the Body, 13 Ch.2 The Creation and Genesis of the Soul, 15 Ch.2 The Mystery of the Soul's Departure from the Body, 22 Ch.3 Contemporary After-Death Experiences, 26 Ch.4 The Immortality of the Soul According to Orthodox Theology, 27 Ch.4 Thnetopsychism and the Orthodox Church, 29 Ch.5 The Discussions at Ferrara-Florence, 30 Ch.5 The Teaching of St. Mark Evgenicus, 34 Ch.5 Theological Arguments Against the Existance of a Purifying Fire, 35 Ch.5 Interpretation of an Apostolic Passage, 36 Ch.5 Patristic Passages in the Dialogue, 38 Ch.5 What is the Source of the Latin's Teaching on the Purifying Fire, 45 Ch.7 The Holy Fathers on Paradise and Hell, 46 Ch.7 The Holy Fathers on Paradise and Hell (cont), 47 Ch.7 Paradise and Hell in the Life of the Church, 48 Ch.7 The Theological and Ecclesiological Consequences of this Truth, 50 Ch.8 The Views of the Interpreters of the Position of St. Gregory of Nyssa, 51 Ch.8 Interpretive Commentary on the Teaching of St. Gregory of Nyssa, 53 Ch.8 His Teaching about Man's Choice and the Perpetuity of Hell, 54 Ch.8 Interpretive Analysis of Particular Passages, 55 Ch.8 Interpretation of St Gregory by the Fathers, 60 Ch.9 The Continuing Development in the Age to Come, 61 Ch.9 The Continuing Development in the Age to Come (cont), 64 Ch.10 The Past and Present of the Last Things, 21 The Hieromonk tormented because of pride, 22 The unprepared clergy God prevented from serving, 30 An angel castigates idiorrythmic monastery, 31 The brother who was saved without effort by not judging, 32 Fathers Methodios and Joecheim foreknowledge of death, 33 The disobedient disciple who was saved by hope in God, 34 The chanter who conversed with a departed brother, 37 Illnesses are beneficial and rewarded if we patiently endure, 39 The careless talk of naive monk corrected by God, 40 Panagia protects and watches over the monks, 41 The righteous martyr Damianos cures a young monk, 47 The monks spiritual misery comes from worldly convenience, 49 Quietude and carefreeness are prerequisites for the spiritual life, 50 Monks must be a good example for the laity, 53 God's blessing comes when we give a blessing, 54 The providence of the Sweetly Kissing Panaghia towards Philotheou, 56 The monk who was saved from dreadful delusion, 59 The return to God from Earth to Heaven, Introduction: The Trial of the Soul at the Hour of Death, Prolegomenon by Kathegoumenos Archimandrite Paisios, From the Life of St Nephon Bishop of Constantiana, From the Life of St Peter the Merciful Tax Collector, From the Life of St Lazaros of Mt Galesion, Ch 4) On Commemoration and Prayer for the Departed, Appendix B) Canon for the Departure of the Soul, 18 Departure from the Old Calendar Zealots, Un singur lucru trebuieste(Mantuirea sufletului), , , 4784 N. St. Josephs Way, Florence, AZ 85132 USA, 4784 N. St. Josephs Way, Florence, AZ 81532 USA. How I wound up in the Arizona desert with Elder Ephraim I'm not still a novice, but I was for about six years. We will soon be commemorating the one-year anniversary of the repose of our holy spiritual father, Geronda Ephraim of Arizona. On his return to Mount Athos in 1964, Elder Paisios took up residence at the Skete of Iviron before moving to Katounakia at the southernmost tip of Mount Athos for a short stay in the desert there. As such, St. Anthonys is similar to some of what one will find on Athos but different from others. , , , - , , [] , . Contact: V. Rev. Message From Father Paisios of St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery - November 19, 2020 Our beloved Orthodox Christians, evlogeite, We will soon be commemorating the one-year anniversary of the repose of our holy spiritual father, Geronda Ephraim of Arizona. After he left, he friended me on Facebook (I had an account back then). St. Paisius Monastery We specialize in prayer ropes. https://www-pronews-gr.translate.goog/amyna-asfaleia/i-dania-katargei-xristianiki-argia-me-to-aitiologiko-tis-enisxysis-ton-enoplon-dynameon/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en The holiday has been in effect, An American mercenary fighting for the Ukrainians, defects to Russia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6GPng0o5GA, All good questions Nate. If you would like to record audiobooks and have them posted publicly here for the benefit of others, please contact us. , , (). A subreddit dedicated to discussion of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Orthodox Bookshop Panagia Gorgoepikoos Monastery A prostration is when one makes the sign of the cross over himself and then kneels, touching his head to the ground. Florence, AZ - David Smith, who was connected for a number of years with St. Anthony's Monastery of Arizona in an interview with TNH revealed the chilling admission that he came close to committing suicide because of teachings and brainwashing at the Monastery. The Ecumenical Patriarch visited and blessed four of these monasteries, while prayers from all quarters of the Church continue to help support this unparalleled expansion of Orthodox Monasticism in the western hemisphere.On the night of December 7, 2019, the Forefeast of Saint Annas Conception of the Mother of God, Geronda Ephraim reposed in the Lord. L7E 5R7 CANADA website, Abbess Thekla 827 Chemin de la Carriere Brownsburg (Chatham), Quebec, J8G 1K7 CANADA website, Abbess Melanie 4600 93rd Street Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158 USA website, Abbess Olympiada 1 St. Joseph's Way White Haven, PA 18661 USA website, Abbess Markella 38532 Dunlap Rd. A brief life of Saint Paisios | PEMPTOUSIA Muli oameni vor muri n urma evenimentelor care urmeaz, muli vor muri. Elder Paisios the Athonite | The Monastery of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk Elder Paisios the Athonite Elder Paisios the Athonite Today if the Feastday of a modern saint who fell asleep just 21 years ago There are few saints that we can call 'modern' but Elder Paisios (1924-1994) is one of them. He is often erroneously considered the first monk, but as his biography and other sources make clear, there were many ascetics before him. The Role of the Priest in the Parish and in a Secu A Hidden Message In Jesus' Family Tree (Gen. 5), On Orthodox Tradition, Liturgical Arts, and Customs. The lion became his friend. The elder was going to leave Athos on the following day to go to the monastery of St John the Apostle in the village of Souroti, near Thessaloniki. Aceasta a fost prima ntmplare de acest fel (adic coninutul conversatiei a fost diferit de celelalte pe care femeia le-a mai avut cu printele, cci l-a mai vzut pe printele Efrem i alte di, dup trecerea sa la Domnul, att n somn ct i in stare treaz), i de aceea fiind uluit, ea l-a sunat pe duhovnic i l-a ntrebat dac vedenia a fost real sau dac a fost o nelciune. Suntei aspri unii cu alii, v devorai unul pe altul. On October 20, 1993, Elder Paisios, despite being in great pain, went to the Koutloumousiou Monastery, to which his cell belonged, and greeted hegumen Christodoulos on his name-day. Elder Paisios' Tomb (Souroti, Greece): Hours, Address, Free, Top-Rated Elder Ephraim, also known as Ioannis Moraitis, was the spiritual head of the Greek Orthodox St. Anthony's Monastery in Arizona. Ive been exceptionally hard on the Greek (and the EU) administrations for quite awhile. . In that regard, I appreciate the comments Jason posted. Elder Paisios would place the relics of St. Arsenios the Cappadocian in this monastery. Audiobooks - St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery Before posting, please review our sidebar, rules, and the FAQ. (The Garden of Flowers - quotes from the Church fathers and from hagiography selected by the Saint Paisios of the Holy Mountain), " , ", , . July 12: Agios Paisios of Mount Athos - greekcitytimes.com FLORENCE, Ariz. - On Friday, February 18, 2022 His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, together with His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco, His Grace Bishop Ioannis of Phocaea, and His Grace Bishop Athenagoras of Nazianzos visited the sacred Monastery of St. Anthony in Florence, AZ. Elder Paisius died on July 12, 1994, in the Monastery of St John the Apostle in the village of Souroti, near Thessaloniki. , , . The Skete of St Anne is a dependent idiorrhythmic (hermitage-style) skete, attached to the Great Lavra. Elder Ephraim isn't holy, he's demonized, and a liar. The Antiochian Archdiocese of North America became self-ruled by a decision of the Holy Synod of the Church of Antioch, Every canonical jurisdiction in the U.S. has a Mother Church, except the OCA, which is autocephalous. March is once again the heart of the Lenten season. ! A Monk's Adventure St. Symeon the Barefooted (Paperback) - by Vassillios Bakoyiannis $32.00 . Arsenios the Cappadocian - Wikipedia 2012 (Spiritual Counsels, Vol. You are harsh. . The Journey to St. Anthony's Monastery Group Rules and Regulations: 1. From everything I know of John, I can safely say that his state of mind at his passing was nothing like the man I met 7 years before. He is loved and will be sorely missed. Unfortunately, certain people seized on this tragedy and, in combination with the austerity and severity of Athonite monasticism in a culture used to "safe space", rumours abound. Geronda Ephraim, the former abbot of Philotheou Monastery and the founder of Saint Anthonys Monastery, who lived the ascetical life and fell asleep in the Lord in Arizona, appeared to a woman in Northern Greece who at the time was together with her daughter-in-law. Elder Paisios, fervently believed that we were in the end of times. 11 July 2017 10:10am. The first two letters began personally, I and we. Many people will depart through all that is coming, many people will depart [i.e., they will die]. ELDER EPHRAIM of Arizona Appeared and CALLS US TO REPENTANCE. Protopresbyter Georgios Manos, , 2009. Let those who read such "prophecies" and recommendations be careful then, and not accept and propagate them so easily. Cnd i-a aprut printele, ea era alturi de nora ei; nu dormea, ci era treaz. She saw Geronda Ephraim, who was very sad and who was imploring Christ concerning the coming tribulationsthings which certainly correspond with the things Geronda spoke about while he was in this life. at the bottom of this page for information about updates. Call the monastery 520-868-3188 and ask them if Scott Nevins (novice John) was a novice for some 6 years there. . Paisios aimed towards the depth of the soul, towards that which remains and leads us to Christ and eternity, and not to the frivolous and transient. Anyway, he was obviously very disturbed. One of the big issues surrounding St. Anthony's in recent years was a former novice monk who made strange claims about goings-on at the monastery while there, and who later returned with a small arsenal of weapons in his car and committed suicide in the parking lot when confronted by a night watchman. The Prophecied Scoffers of Holy Things (2 Peter 3: Moscow Patriarchate: "Schism Is Outmoded", 7 Astonishing Miracles of Saint Paraskevi. His word was deeply rooted in the Holy Scripture and the patristic teachin St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery The Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery is the first women's Greek Orthodox monastery in the Americas. Coronavirus Pandemic Prophecy ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN FAITH AND LIFE Elder Archimandrite Ephraim (Ioannis Moraitis - June 24, 1927) was an archimandrite and former abbot of Philotheou Monastery on Mount Athos, spiritual guide of four monasteries on Mount Athos and of eight women's convents in Greece, as well as the founder of 19 monasteries in the United States and Canada. [= ]. Nevertheless, I agree, I should make a visit someday; I can't imagine it's bad. Icons and Hymns to Elder Ephraim of Arizona Others who had known him in the monastary said, that, they were surprised by how he changed. From the time that he was a child, Elder Paisios lived an ascetic life, and was nourished by the lives of the Saints, whose feats he sought to imitate with great zeal and admirable precision. Press J to jump to the feed. Just a note, though: If you're married, you might not want to go asking a young virgin priestmonk about your sex life. Aceast mrturie este autentic i verificat. Pocin! . Closer Than My Own Father: Elder Paisios and His Spiritual Children St. Anthony's Monastery was established in 1995 by elder Ephraim. And it would mean the spiritual connection is real. The Historicity and Reliability of Acts of the Apo Holy New Hieromartyr Bessarion, Bishop of Smolyan, Saint Bogolep: Child Schema-monk of Cherny Yar, Jordan River 'Too Polluted' For Baptism Pilgrims, How the Rich and the Poor Help Each Other. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. After all, what else have they got? GitHub export from English Wikipedia. A brief life of Saint Paisios - Orthodox Christian Network Actually, it's slanderous to call me a devil. Friends who have spent a lot of time on Mount Athos tell me it's copy-and-pasted right from the holy mountain; very authentic. As for how similar St. Anthonys is to Mount Athos, it is important to remember that Mount Athos is not a monolith where all monasteries are the same. Saint Paisios of Mount Athos - The Orthodox Path We pray that through Gerondas intercessions, we will all understand the significance of his powerful message and strive to implement it in our lives. Ioannis is now an Orthodox elder at the Holy Metochion of Taxiarch Archangel Michael of the Holy Monastery of Saint George of Examili, Greece. The Psalter Saint Arsenios used the Psalms for blessings, especially when there was no prescribed blessing for a particular occasion. Ioannis Meggoulis talks about his encounter with St. Paisios at the time he and his young friends were converted to Hinduism and were influenced by the Indian guru Sai Baba. We invite you to shop here for handcrafted prayer ropes made by the sisters from wool, satin cord, wooden or stone beads, and other creative materials. Be it unto me according to thy word.1 She did not say, I will become the mother of the Son of God. 1 mo. I just searched and found this post from five months back which does note some charges which are gossipy and unconfirmed but are very strange. In the Monastery there are the Relics of St. Arsenios of Kappadoki which are located in its katholikon as the grave of Elder Paisios. (notices by the Saint on, , " - ", ed. While we will never have a chance to meet the Elder physically in this life, we can benefit from his spiritual direction even as we honor his memory. . As we approach Lent consider this additional wisdom, From the Elders: On Becoming Worthy to Pray. No parakoee! Repentance begins at home, This is the third beating administered to Ukraine. Ioanna pointed out that we must be careful about how we pray for those who commit suicide. 2023 Orthodox Ethos+ Nektarios Web Designs. Hesychastic is derived from the Greek word hesychia, which means inner stillness. 225 Reddick, FL 32686 USA website, Hieromonk Joseph 125 Sturdevant Rd. . Elder Ephraim said, kakanauftees, which means, butthole surfer. Audiobooks - St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery Audiobooks These recordings are a work-in-progress, and more will be added over time. Archimandrite Paisios. .. . I also had occasion to speak with him on the phone and see him again when I returned to the monastery for a visit in 2009. Many say St. Paisios clarified the older prophecies. St. Joseph Gerontissa Makrina , Abbess Theophano 121 St. Elias Lane Saxonburg, PA 16056 USAwebsite, Abbess Alexia 14155 Caledon King Town Line Rd. By the autumn of 1995, more monks arrived. . St. Paisios of Mt. Athos: 'Don't sit at the crossroads. Choose a cross He is also devout and silent, and this is why he has kinship with the most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Theotokos, Who had great humility. Paisios stayed there until 1979, when he moved to his final home on the Holy Mountain, the hermitage Panagouda, which belongs to the Monastery of Koutloumousiou. St. Paisios on Fear of Germs and Holy Things - Blogger The consensus is that Antioch is our, This cuts through a lot of the nonsense circulating with that story: https://theracket.news/p/there-is-no-lab-leak-theory, Half-truths, Limited Hangouts & Manipulation Things to keep in mind https://nakedemperor.substack.com/p/half-truths-limited-hangouts-and Suddenly, after three long years, the truth is, Col. MacGregor: Ukraine has been DESTROYED and theres nothing left https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl4OyPwLF8w&t=862s [Video 14:49] Ukrainian president Zelensky just admitted, I quite agree with you. St. Antony the Great - The Orthodox Path Subscribe to the Orthodox Ethos newsletter. Elder Paisios (1924-1994) was one of the greatest and most revered elders of the Orthodox Church in the twentieth century. Anthony of Westgate. , , ). Figures like Fr. The biography of St. Anthony's life by St. Athanasius of Alexandria helped to spread the concept of monasticism, particularly in Western Europe through Latin translations. I do find some of story of his life very inspiring and enlightening-although it must be scaled . Elder Paisios of Mount Athos on the "Old Calendarists" It was at Panagouda that Elder Paisios' fame as a God bearing elder . (, , ). Yes. . "Friends of St Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery in Arizona" Description: "For those who love the Monastery, her mission and her leadership under Elders Ephraim and Paisios." This group is loosely based on the former OrthodoXCircle.com group of the same name. After discussing the matter with a mutual friend, I learned that when John decided to leave the monastery, he was not in a healthy frame of mind. Aceasta are legtur cu ceea ce se ntmpl n America. The fact is, there is nothing strange or wrong at St. Anthony's. A collection of stories of great saints and their animal companions. Lawsonville, NC 27032 USA, Abbess Agne 404 Warner Road Troy, NC 27371 USA website, Abbot Akakios 17906 Rt. The woman who saw this vision was a spiritual daughter of Geronda Ephraim for many years, and was in communication with him until his repose. St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery St. Herman Press St. John of Kronstadt Press . 40 years since Saint Paisios 'touched' Australia - Neos Kosmos The Impure, Impudent and the Self-willed (2 Peter AGORA: An Atheistic Propaganda Piece Serving An At Chrysostom's Homily On Saint Phocas, Bishop of Sinope, The Incorrupt Left Hand of St. Mary Magdalene. What Event Ignites World War 3, According To Prophecy? Elder Paisios was canonized by the Ecumenical Patriarchate January 13, 2015. ) , , , , , , . St Paisios: A Vision of God - Through the Grace of God December 11, 2022. You are not merciful toward one another, you do not have mercy. We would like to confirm that the vision is from God, and that its message very much reflects the spirit of our Gerondas teaching. Caution Regarding the "Prophecies" of Elder Paisios The OCA was given, All the talk about Ukraine joining NATO is just defiant pouting. . , . Elder Ephraim of Arizona | OrthodoxChristianity.net The Journey to St. Anthony's Monastery It was the spring of 1995 when Geronda Ephraim and a few others first drove down a dusty dirt road in the Sonora Desert to inspect a potential site for St. Anthony's Monastery. My older brother would take the books and hide them, but that didn't stop me. He has also established another 20 Monasteries bot for men and women in many areas of the United States, though not in Boston. She saw Geronda Ephraim, who was very sad and who was imploring Christ concerning the coming tribulationsthings which certainly correspond with the things Geronda spoke about while he was in this life. . In my case, the monks did not seem welcoming, but were instead standoffish and severe in their mannerisms. It is located between St. Pauls Monastery and St. Annes Skete. Miracles, Icons and Photos of St. Irene Chrysovala Relics Discovered in 5th Cent. It appears to me that most of the people who hate the place have somewhat of agenda. , , , . I agree with you completely Alex, but it doesnt stop NATO posturing. The Hand of St. Irene Chrysovalantou in Astoria, NY, Saint Irene Chrysovalantou's Power Over Demons, Saint Panteleimon: Illnesses Are Gifts of God, Study: Few Americans Say Faith is Top Priority, Sociologist Debunks Myths on U.S. Christianity. A cenobitic monastery is one in where the monks live a common life under the direction of an abbot (superior monk). I've visited there and had a lovely time praying and wandering the grounds. John (Scott) Nevins was also a friend. His parting words to me which I will translate have remained with me to this day- " My child" he said, " it does not matter so much where you pursue your life in Christ, that is, whether you choose to be a monk or return to society and pursue a layman's lifeall that matters is that we flee from sin throughout our life.