PubMed Campisi A, Gulino M, Acquaviva R, Bellia P, Raciti G, Grasso R, et al. One study reported by the Interphone study group [13] showed that there was no increase in the risk of glioma or meningioma in users of mobile phones. Additionally, the number of crossings was significantly lower at 3 d after microwave radiation. J Pharm Sci. The levels of NMDA receptor subunits were increased 1 month after irradiation. Thus, Cosquer et al. 2015;91:30611. Article To investigate whether exposure of rat brains to GMS microwaves induced DNA breaks and changes in gene expression, Belyaev et al. Schz J, Waldemar G, Olsen JH, Johansen C. Risks for central nervous system diseases among mobile phone subscribers: a Danish retrospective cohort study. However, the problem with these studies is that different parameters, such as the frequency, modulation, and power density of the radiation and the irradiation time, were used to evaluate microwave radiation between studies. Effect of mobile radiation on health ppt . Neuroreport. [85] found that protein levels were reduced in rat brains following microwave radiation, which may have been caused by the excessive consumption or a reduction of the synthesis of proteins, and reduced protein synthesis can be caused by the following processes: (1) excessive activation of RNA enzymes; (2) mRNA consumption or the formation and maturation of RNA enzymes. Electromagn Biol Med. 2013;89:11007. They summarized the characteristics and functions of hippocampus-related miRNAs following irradiation with microwaves, and these data laid a foundation that clarified the molecular mechanisms underlying microwave-induced injury to hippocampal learning and memory and suggested potential therapeutic targets. Most studies have suggested that microwave radiation can cause EEG abnormalities in experimental animals and participants, but some negative results have also been reported in studies using low-power microwaves. [49] found that microwave radiation enhanced brain wave energy, decreased brain wave frequency, and increased the amplitude and power of delta frequency bands, indicating a decrease in learning ability [50,51,52,53]. Evaluation of Psychologic parameters in people occupationally exposed to radiofrequencies and microwave. 2009;4:e4389. Choeiri C, Staines W, Miki T, Seino S, Messier C. Glucose transporter plasticity during memory processing. In summary, there is evidence that microwave radiation can lead to alterations in protein synthesis or protein modifications; however, the results are controversial. Hassanshahi A, Shafeie SA, Fatemi I, Hassanshahi E, Allahtavakoli M, Shabani M, et al. After exposure, the levels of 2 waves in the hypothalamus increased more than those in the cortex, leading to a significant reduction in the deviation of the two EGGs. Nicholson RM, Kusne Y, Nowak LA, LaFerla FM, Reiman EM, Valla J. Int J Radiat Biol. Mol Neurobiol. WJZ wrote the paper and outlined this manuscript, LFW and XJH provided a detailed guidance throughout the article. 2012;31:25074. [62] irradiated Wistar rats, hippocampal synaptosomes and differentiated PC12 cells using microwaves (average power density, 30mW/cm2) for 5min, and the results showed that the post-exposure spatial memory of the rats was significantly decreased, the post-exposure levels of phosphorylated synapsin I (p-synapsin I) and GABA were decreased in the rat and cell experiments, and the post-exposure levels of vesicular GABA transporter and p-synapsin I were increased in small clear synaptic vesicles (which were abnormally assembled in presynaptic terminals) in the rat experiments. In 43% of devices, military personnel are not exposed to an electromagnetic field. 2013;34:58998. 2011;31:2293301. 2015;140:23646. Cassel et al. 2013;73:4737. Regarding the ultra-structure of the hippocampus, symptoms including neuronal atrophy, mitochondrial swelling, crest reduction and a disordered arrangement were observed, the rough endoplasmic reticulum exhibited cystic expansion, the number of synaptic vesicles decreased, and the synaptic cleft was widened (2.45GHz pulsed microwave field at an average power density of 1mW/cm2 for 3h/d for up to 30days [45] and an average power density of 2.5, 5, or 10mW/cm2 for 6min/d for up to 1month resulted in an average calculated SAR of 1.05, 2.1, and 4.2W/kg, respectively [46]). Melatonin and serotonin levels were estimated, which play important roles in the nervous system. The transduction of a nerve impulse and the postsynaptic potential produced by it result in synaptic transmission. Rf and mw radiation hazards - SlideShare Bioelectromagnetics. Wang Q, Cao Z. Am J Epidemiol. PLoS One. 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Oxidative stress refers to an imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants in vivo and is characterized by a biochemical state that tends toward oxidization, including the formation of oxygen free radicals (i.e., ROS) and nitrogen radicals reactive nitrogen species (RNS), which play major roles in oxidation. [83] found that long-term exposure to microwave radiation (typical mobile phone, at an SAR level range of 0.170.37W/kg for 3h daily for 8months, or wireless digital enhanced cordless telecommunications/telephone (DECT) base at an SAR level range of 0.0120.028W/kg for 8h/d for 8months) induced the synthesis of 143 proteins, including some neuronal function-associated proteins such as glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), glial maturation factor (GMF), apolipo protein E, heat-shock protein, cytoskeletal proteins and some proteins that are associated with metabolism in the brain. Nat Med. In addition, glucose is also related to cognitive functions, and reductions in the metabolism and uptake of glucose have been observed in local regions of the brain in Alzheimers patients [107, 108]. 2017;52:23947. Radial arm maze performance of rats following repeated low level microwave radiation exposure. The central nervous system, especially the hippocampus, is highly sensitive to microwave radiation [43, 44]. 2006;27:16471. Narayanan SN, Kumar RS, Potu BK, Nayak S, Mailankot M. Spatial memory perfomance of wistar rats exposed to mobile phone. Cobb et al. Qiao et al. Microwaves are widely used in households, industry, communications, and medical and military buildings, and they provide substantial contributions to the development of human society. Cellular telephones and cancera nationwide cohort study in Denmark. Bull Exp Biol Med. Verma RK, Sisodia R, Bhatia A. Radioprotective role of Amaranthus Gangeticus Linn. 2013;32:27380. Int J Radiat Biol. 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Acta Pharmacol Sin. Subsequently, significantly more DNA damage was observed in the exposed groups than in the sham group, and their study also indicated that oxidative stress and inflammation caused DNA damage in response to low-intensity microwave exposure. The microwave will do its intended job of heating and will start to burn (or cook) the skin tissue. Each Wi-Fi exposure and restraint occurred for 2h/d during gestation until parturition. Therefore, in this article, we reviewed recent studies that have explored the effects of microwave radiation on the brain, especially the hippocampus, including analyses of epidemiology, morphology, electroencephalograms, learning and memory abilities and the mechanisms underlying brain dysfunction. : a biochemical study on mouse brain. But microwave refers to wavelengths in microns so the. 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Laboratory of Experimental Pathology, Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine, Beijing, 100850, China, You can also search for this author in Based on this background, in this review, we first summarized the effects of microwave radiation on the central nervous system, including the epidemiology, morphology, electroencephalograms, learning and memory abilities and mechanisms of underlying brain dysfunction from the perspective of synaptic structures and functions, oxidative stress and apoptosis, protein synthesis, genes and individual susceptibility and energy metabolism. 2006;398:2537. Microwave Health Effects Kan P, Simonsen SE, Lyon JL, Kestle JR. Cellular phone use and brain tumor: a meta-analysis. Cordless phone radiation effect flows in a human body same way in the mobile phone [13]. Microwaving Food Leads to a Negative Impact on Human Physiology & the Heart. 2002;57:2702. In the rat hippocampus, glucose uptake plays an important role in spatial learning and memory processes. 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This effect is similar to the decrease observed in NR2B in rats. Role of distinct NMDA receptor subtypes at central synapses. The normal function of synaptic vesicles depends on the normal expression of related proteins. 1984;4:285665. [37] exposed male Wistar rats (1012weeks old) to a Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) (900/1800MHz) mobile phone that was in vibrating mode (i.e., no ring tone). Naser D, Shahram T. Adverse health effects of occupational exposure to radiofrequency radiation in airport surveillance radar operators. Abnormality of synaptic vesicular associated proteins in cerebral cortex and hippocampus after microwave exposure. Synaptic vesicles form in different parts of neurons and contain high concentrations of substances that are transferred from the neuron.
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