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The addition of a PWS logo, with no further alterations, to the TCEQ official forms, TCEQ 20699 and TCEQ 20700, does not require submittal or approval of an alternate form. This report is used to document the results of testing a backflow prevention assembly for proper functioning. %PDF-1.5 % Garden hoses and irrigation systems are common concerns, but there are other common residential sources of cross connections, too. City of Houston hiring ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATOR I/RC in Houston A premises-isolation RPBA must be installed on all water service connections that pose a risk to health. Assemblies larger than 2 inches (includes 2-inch DCDAs) must maintain at least 4-inches clearance on the backside, 3 inches at both ends, not less than 12-inches underneath, 24-inches in front and 36-inches vertically above assembly body (this clearance may be reduced to accommodate a platform if approved by the Water Bureau inspector). The drain must never be less than 12 above the flood elevation of a water source, swale or any other catchment subject to overflow/flooding. Specify the type of backflow prevention device on pool fill line (6-inch or greater air gap, check valve on water to cutoff valve, or siphon breaking valve downstream to cutoff valve). The drain must discharge to finished grade and/or be above the 100-year flood plain, whichever is greater. or drained down. 9. Can you always be this careful? 10. The following individuals are authorized to perform CSIs: OurOccupational Licensing Sectionlicenses Customer Service Inspectors and maintains a database of licensed Customer Service Inspectors. To protect public health, our Cross-Connection Control (CCC) and Backflow Prevention Program is committed to helping you protect your drinking water system from potential contamination. with respect to contracting with these or any testers. The drain must discharge to finished grade and/or be above the 100-year flood plain, whichever is greater. Required permits must be obtained and associated fees be paid prior to installing a premises-isolation backflow assembly. Completing this course also provides continuing education credit for the following licenses: 32-hours of continuing education credits for licensed Backflow Prevention Assembly Testers, 12-hours of continuing education credits for licensed Water and Wastewater Operators, 12-hours of continuing education credits for licensed Landscape Irrigators (LI), 12-hours of continuing education credits for licensed Customer Service Inspectors (CSI), 12-hours of continuing education credits for licensed Water Treatment Specialist, 100-hours of training credit to an applicant for a Plumbing Inspectors license (through TSBPE). Contact us for more information. %PDF-1.6 % We require water providers to meet standards to obtain, treat, and deliver water. 10. To protect public health, our Cross-Connection Control (CCC) and Backflow Prevention Program is committed to helping you protect your drinking water system from potential contamination. 14. General Information No matter the specifics of the job, put it on SwiftQuote job done. All exposed piping inside enclosures must be insulated with commercially manufactured closed-cell pipe insulation or a heat source must be provided. Underground piping requires a minimum 3 feet of cover and may also require a permit be taken out from the Fire Marshals office. PDF a. No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connection with or Back-siphonage backflow caused by a negative pressure (i.e., a vacuum or partial vacuum) in the drinking or public water system. This reversal of flow direction is known as backflow. Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Registration Instructions List of Backflow Prevention Assembly Testers Water Protection Hazard List Approved Backflow Prevention Assemblies List Test and Maintenance Requirements Contact Info 512-972-1060 ext. 2. Backflow Prevention Information | City of Houston - Houston Public Works Backflow Prevention Information All certified backflow prevention assembly testers play an important role in protecting the City of Houston water customers. Click Here for a copy of the COH Backflow Preventer Test Report and Maintenance Form. Backflow Prevention | Fort Wayne City Utilities Where the worker was mixing the pesticide, the water pressure dropped, and the flow in the hose reversed. Huntington Backflow Prevention Valves Project: $6,358,000: West Virginia: Additional gauges can be certified for $70 per gauge. Backflow Prevention Cross Connection Control In compliance with Washington State Administrative Code 246-290-490, which regulates the city's Cross Connection Control Program, Bellevue Utilities inspects drinking water systems on properties to protect against contamination. accept any responsibilities for the actions or performance of such Show the hose bib(s) in pool area. State rules and City Codes require you to: Backflow Assembly Installation Requirements. Over the years, we've been providing top-quality plumbing services to customers all across the state of Texas. See note below. The RPDA must be installed at the service connection/point-of-delivery to the premises as outlined herein and as defined by OAR Chapter 333-061-0020. Backflow and Cross Connection Control - Welcome to the City of Fort Worth May be mounted on the vault door. 9. The City of Hamilton began a 'Backflow Prevention Program' to protect your drinking water quality by making sure that the appropriate backflow prevention devices had been installed and inspected on private properties in the Hamilton area. Payable to: City of Pharr. Copyright 2023 Houston Public Works. 3. SUBJECT: Water Backflow Prevention Program (PW09087) - (City Wide) - Page 5 of 7 Hamilton. For parking lot, driveway, loading dock applications and/or heavy commercial traffic applications, a minimum of EJ USA Inc. #8217, 36 X 36 or #8217-Double 36 X 74 frame and covers or equivalent must be used. Effective September 1, 2017, pursuant to TCEQ Reg-521 "Criminal History Guidelines", those with a felony criminal history should contact TCEQ Licensing Division prior to registering for a training course. Title 21.24.040 requires access be granted to all premises for inspection of water piping, as described therein. Each of these common uses of a garden hose sets up a cross connection: No doubt you can think of other examples. Efrain Torres, Environmental Investigator IV. . Otherpublic water systems require the customer tohire alicensed person to conduct the CSI. The bore-sight drain must be in a level horizontal orientation and must be screened off at both ends and not have a lay length of greater than 20-feet. 23828 30th Ave. S. Wires must not encumber the vault opening or ladder. 8. Retrofit/Replacement backflow assembly installations must meet current State and City installation requirements. Installations must meet Occupational Safety and Health Administration and State of Oregon Occupational Safety and Health codes. 2002-2023 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Cross-Connection Control and Backflow Prevention, https://www.tceq.texas.gov/drinkingwater/cross-connection, https://www.tceq.texas.gov/@@site-logo/TCEQ-logo-header.png. We created a 101 guide to Backflow Prevention to help you protect your business. For your convenience we provide a list of State Certified Backflow Assembly Testers in our area. All rights reserved. 4. Assemblies must be installed on private property at the property line (service connection/point-of-delivery as defined in OAR), on the centerline of the city water service as it runs perpendicular from the R.O.W. Highline Water District (HWD) makes no representation {R/ONU1#>he I5ce;, Tablet PCs running Windows 10 must run Windows 10 Home, Pro, or Enterprise. What is backflow? This list represents companies that have met the requirements and have submitted the proper documentation to register and . Backflow into a potable-water system can be . 12. Have a High School Diploma or Equivalent Certificate, Pass an examination *Written exam must be taken at a TCEQ regional office or proctored computer-based testing facility as of May 2, 2016, Work at least two years in an approved area. Only commercially manufactured prefabricated insulated outdoor enclosures are approved. TCEQ regulations require that any alternate forms which vary from the official forms receive TCEQ approval prior to being placed in use. the reverse direction. The Installer/Contractor will request a (Code418) inspection via phone by calling the Voice Permits (IVR) at 817-392-6370 or through the City of Fort Worth Development Services Department at 817-392-2222. 11. Premises-isolation assemblies approved to be installed inside buildings or structures must be installed at the water supply riser/supply pipe. g"`Q CL!s?gp\W80dpQ%0e8iF bS24IP s0 K 8. Vault lids with hinged frame and covers (Oldcastle Infrastructure or equivalent): where applicable use Center-Offset frame and cover lids (Oldcastle Infrastructure or equivalent). List of Testers Email Us Questions? Check or Money Order ONLY. In the A TCEQ-licensed Customer Service Inspector. Schedule CSI Inspections / Horario de Inspeccin CSI, Code Enforcement Officers & registered Sanitarian, Pipeline Assessment Certification Program (PACP), Surface PRO 2 or higher, running Windows 8.1 or higher, An internet connection broadband wired or wireless (3G or 4G/LTE), Speakers and a microphone built-in, USB plug-in, or wireless Bluetooth. A Double Check Detector Assembly (DCDA) is typically the type of backflow assembly installed on fire sprinkler water services. For single & multiple assembly installations, refer to item #2 above to ensure proper ladder placement. What is a Backflow Preventer? (+Testing Requirements) This will facilitate their registration to perform "authorized functions" under the proposed Backflow Prevention By-law and make available remedies under the Licensing Code should they fail to meet that By-law's requirements. Refer to item #2 above for proper vault lid and frame & cover applications. SwiftQuote stores your backflow service history and gives you instant access to your records. Office Hours . state. If it is determined by the Water Quality Inspector that arbitrary runs of exposed piping have been installed prior to an assembly, the assembly may either be required to be relocated or the piping be sleeved. Backflow Prevention Overview | AustinTexas.gov All services considered non-potable and do not pose a risk to health. 14. Select the appropriate type of inspection and click the Submit button. City of Houston: Lake Houston Dam Spillway Improvement Project: $7,500,000: Texas: . If available, current GIS data will be used to make this determination. Planning, outreach and education, strategic, and technology projects. Note: Some features in theweb clientare not supported on Internet Explorer. Make sure that the end of your garden hose is never submerged in or connected to a nonpotable substance. %%EOF Services entering at an elevation greater than 5-feet above-finished-floor (AFF) will require a permanent platform be installed. A moisture-proof light fixture will be required if adequate lighting is not available. A sump pump will be required if vaults are unable to be kept free of standing water. Permit and plans must be on site for inspection. The City's Prevention of Backflow By-law 10-103 ensures that the City of Hamilton drinking water quality and distribution system is protected from each industrial, commercial, institutional or multi-residential property. How Cross-Connection and Backflow Can Lead to Contaminated Water, TCEQ's regulations for irrigation systems, database of licensed Customer Service Inspectors, Cross-Connection Control (CCC) Subcommittee, Table Listing Common Cross-Connection Hazards, Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control, Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research, Guide to Cross Connection Protection Devices and Assemblies: Application and Selection, Rules and Regulations for Public Water Systems. The riser/supply pipe location must meet location criteria as stated herein. Upon installation of the Backflow Prevention device, please provide the following: a. Water Protection Specialist 1505 Sundog Ranch Rd (928) 777-1615 Email Backflow Prevention devices help to protect the City water system from pollution and contamination by providing a layer of protection at connection points to private water lines. A reduced pressure type backflow assembly will be required on services to premises with piping systems adjacent to waterways that may be subject to immersion due to periods of highwater incidents. Position Overview. Backflow Prevention Services Missouri City - TDT Plumbing SwiftQuote integrates with your municipality and uploads compliance records to the city on your behalf. 9. United States, Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Information, Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Registration Instructions, List of Backflow Prevention Assembly Testers, Approved Backflow Prevention Assemblies List. All tests, repairs, and maintenance must be performed by a City-approved certified tester. In the case of parallel Reduced pressure assemblies the lower of the two will need to extend beyond the 4 minimum clearance behind to accommodate a drain assembly for relief valve orifice of the assembly above. Vacuum Breaker/backflow preventer HPWCODE1100 About Apply Inspections Contact Plan Review Not Required Inspection Required Renewal Not Required Fee $31.95 for first three; $10.65 each additional. Backflow Prevention Program | City of Sarasota regarding the abilities, performance or quality of service of the A Customer Service Inspection Certificate (CSI) is used to document the findings of a Customer Service Inspection. testers. Until testing showed authorities that the citys water was safe, they warned customers in the area not to drink it. Additionally, all piping for fire sprinkler system backflow assembly installations must be compliant with the local Fire code. There are more than 30,000 backflow prevention assemblies in use in the Tucson Water service area. If water service enters a building from below grade (slab-on-grade) or at an elevation less than 1-foot above finished floor (AFF), the assembly is to be raised to a minimum of1-foot AFF (measured to the lowest part of the assembly). Existing customers that have hadsubstantial plumbing modifications. maintained by the backflow-prevention education program of the University of Floridas TREEO Center, not all cases of cross connection and backflow end so smoothly. Email. mandate a series of measures and backflow prevention devices to Preventing backflows is important for protecting drinking water quality. 5. To learn more, read Introduction to Cross-Connection Control hbbd``b`A* $XN HqH2} . It can occur when water use exceeds normal delivery capacity of the water supply (e.g., a nearby fire fighting or a water main or service pipe break). All assemblies 2 and smaller (Excludes fire service assemblies, see information under fire sprinkler services) must be installed no more than 24 below finished grade. Click Here for the requirements to register with the City of Houston as a backflow prevention assembly tester. The bottom of the discharge end of the bore-sight drain must be at least 12 above the flood rim of any physical feature such as but not limited to; ponds, fountains, lakes, rivers, swales and/or any other type of receiving vessel. This list is provided merely for the convenience of the If your property or business type is not included in the above list and you have a specific question about your legal requirements, please call 311 to have your inquiry directed to DEP. REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE ASSEMBLY. Vault/enclosure installations must be provided with adequate drainage and drains may not be connected to sewers of any kind, catch basins, below the flood rim of swales or riverbanks. Each TMR must include: BPA physical address and location on the premises 3. Local business owners can create quote requests for a backflow services. Specific criminal history could negatively impact the ability to receive a TCEQ issued occupational license. Water and pesticides flowed from the pesticide tank back through the hose and into the water lines of the residence. Services supplying premises that are equipped with frost-free drain-back yard hydrants and/or Sanitary Yard Hydrants must be equipped with a RPBA. . hb``a``d`c`Lcb@ !FV&m3@(Z R pGAsD / 6/`9ARTkX[Turd_0 ' endstream endobj startxref Backflow is the undesirable reverse flow of non-potable (non-drinkable) water or other substances that can contaminate the drinking or public water system due to a cross connection in the piping. Backflow Prevention Information | City of Houston - Houston Public Works All applicable RPBA installation criteria will apply. Kent, WA 98032 The supply side of premises-isolation assemblies must be plumbed with potable water piping and fittings meeting current NSF/ANSI standards for lead content. The ladder must not encroach on the installation clearances for the type of assembly required. Schedule single and recurring services via the SwiftQuote Web App through any device. These devices prevent contaminated water from flowing back into the city's water system, and can also be found in place in many other municipalities in . The only thing you pay for is your service booked through the platform. 13. 0 City of Houston. If you refuse to install, test and/or maintain a State or City-required backflow assembly, your water service may be terminated without further notice. All vaults and enclosures for backflow assemblies must be kept free of any debris and/or objects that interfere with these installation requirements and those applicable to OAR 333-061-0071. Permit must be obtained by a master plumber or irrigatorregistered with the City of Houston. The parallel elbows shall be no more than 12 off the centerline of the TEE. 4. Highline Water District 12. Hours: M-F 7:00-4:00, Copyright 2016 Highline Water District |. The riser/supply pipe must be installed 12 from the property frontage foundation wall to the centerline of pipe on the centerline of the city water service as it runs perpendicular from the R.O.W. Vertical, physical separation between the end of a water supply outlet and the flood-level rim of a receiving vessel. i. Strategically located halfway between the hub cities of Prince George and Terrace, Houston is home to the outdoor enthusiast.. With a population of 3200 people, there is always room on the riverbank, lake or the many walking and hiking trails in the area. Backflow occurs due to a sudden change in pressure or a break in the water main. water service customers who are advised to use their own judgment The tester's role is to verify the proper operation of the assemblies. SwiftQuote is a free service for businesses. endstream endobj 68 0 obj <>stream The platform will need to provide for 6-feet of vertical headroom. The water user/installer is responsible for ensuring minimum system operating requirements can be met. Articles, blogs, press releases, public notices, and newsletters. than in its supply, i.e. Request these services online or call 503-823-4000, Relay Service:711. Potential contamination can make extra protection necessary for landscape irrigation systems, spas, swimming pools, solar water heating systems, or even a bucket of soapy water being filled by a garden hose. If the first upstream manhole is at a higher elevation due to the natural opography of the t area, an alternate method may be selected by the Utility's Development Services Department for the purpose of determining the feasibility of gravity connection. Give website feedback. 7. PDF Houston Health City of Houston - Backflow Assembly & Test Report Form The top and bottom rungs must be within 12 of the opening and floor, respectively. endstream endobj 752 0 obj <. 1. All certified backflow prevention assembly testers play an important role in protecting the City of Houston water customers. City of Temple Public Works Service Center, City of Webster Public Works Dept Service Center. CT's Firm Name: Tester Name: Firm . A public water systems Cross-Connection Control Program is inspected during routine investigations made by our regional staff. Some Public Water systems may have more stringent requirements than the TCEQ. Email my test form to: backflow.utilities@sarasotafl.gov . Backflow Prevention Frequently Asked Questions - DEP - New York City Cross-Connection Program | Pasadena Water and Power Provide fence and gate details (drawings) for all types of . Installations must be inspected by a Water Bureau Water Quality Inspector and will require that a Backflow Inspection Fee be paid. 5. Sump pump discharge piping must meet vault drainage requirements as stated herein. Please follow the prompts andhave the project numberandyour scheduling PIN readily available. $31.95 for first three; $10.65 each additional. hbbd```b``"A$c/d[&H~0LS ], fsM9m R> ,`v."IXQ n&nf` GS 5. 8. Suite 100 In addition, Password (8+ characters) You may also apply directly on company website . If touch-pad wire must be run underground the wire must be routed through PVC conduit from the meter to the touchpad. Find more information related to vault lid and door applications under the section Additional installation requirements for vaults and enclosures. Drawings must show property lines, building setbacks, identify street frontage, water main, service location and proposed backflow assembly type and location. For multiple assemblies in a common vault, (Oldcastle Infrastructure or equivalent) centered frame & cover lids may better accommodate installation criteria. 10. All Double Check Detector Assemblies (DCDAs) and Reduced Pressure Detector Assemblies (RPDAs) required to be installed by the Portland Water Bureau must be equipped with a Water Bureau approved bypass meter and compatible touchpad. (Minimum Permit Fee is $91.05). Backflow Prevention Assembly Types. For your convenience we provide Vaults and enclosures must not contain loose fill materials or debris of any kind. If water service enters a building at an elevation (determined by the depth of city water service at the R.O.W.) Above ground enclosure installations may have clearances less than those mentioned for vault installations, provided they are equipped with removable panels, doors and tops that create clearances equal to or greater than those described herein. S Mode is not supported. Backflow Prevention | City of Bellevue A partiallisting of common cross-connection hazards: Individual copies of these publications are free: These manuals are available for purchase from their publishers: For more information, call our main Water Supply Division line, 512-239-4691, and ask for the Cross-Connection Control and Backflow Prevention Program coordinator.

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