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A great answer is that they are looking to have a career with me and we can look to find ways to fulfil those goals together. Allison Trawinski on LinkedIn: #team #work #event #grateful #interview #job Fast forward to your retirement party. Im not an RPD (residency program director) and have zero experience evaluating candidates during interviews. What does the perfect residency program look like to you? Below I have listed a TON of questions based on a list that I compiled last year when I was going through this process. What was your second most favorite rotation? o The main reason I attribute to why I am here today hXmo6+Q$",6fk 5~w'd'uHw8.gK&,Kj\a"BX3%, What question did you prepare to answer, but were not asked today? Hat-tip to Dr. Mahoney for this question. No its not a deal breaker, so long as it is not obvious things that you should know (i.e.- what covers MRSA/Psuedomonas, dvt treatment/prophylaxis and when to renally adjust, HTN, diabetes, HLD), AND so long as you are able to explain that you dont know the answer but here are my considerations & why, what guidelines you would seek to find answer, etc. Why or why not? ASHP Survey of Health-System Specialty Pharmacy Practice: Clinical Services - 2022. Also learned a lot about the workings of inpt pharmacy, which is an important aspect of residency and something clinical pharm need to know. While performing duties related to St. Clair Health, this position is responsible for planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the provision of pharmacy services in support of organizational goals and objectives. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Tell us about a time when you had to work with a difficult person? 69ZfUQ0r0#3,W Yz~)/@7$= %jSOd $hWL?\CER[T+bV8fCUV_J0xZje. - *Want a more individualized experience* 6. F recount the entire plot of the novel See the "Required Competency Areas, Goals and Objectives of Postgraduate Year One (PGY1) Pharmacy Residencies." The residency program is designed to offer an individualized training plan for each resident based on their interests, goals and past experiences. Frequent feedback 4 0 obj ?X={[N6n_D;6 3OS !{d Hold a local or regional professional position What experience do you have with medication use evaluations? Study: If you are interviewing for a clinical position, brush up on topics pertaining to the specialty of the position. Interview Skills Packet for Residency Candidates - American Society of Stage 5: Evaluating the Interview. Grand Rounds. CAP, sepsis, heart failure, afib, copd exacerbation, etc. hb```rVvf``0pt8@Xsk?50f7!a o&s:+f8T2 Describe a situation where you had to make a good impression on a patient. Or worked at already? -- Allows me to see and exploit my strengths as a leader and team member If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? If you could be an animal, which animal would you be? I share my resources with others once I am done with them How Many Years of Schooling Does a Pharmacist Need? %PDF-1.6 % You never know if youll have to stand up on camera for anything! If I can see a way to help them progress and give them the opportunity to flourish, they are much more likely to want to be with my company in five years., A common pitfall is focusing an answer based on what the candidate thinks the organisation is looking for. Tell me about a time you used written communication skills. is there a shortage? Major bleeding occurred in 0% of 145 patients receiving apixaban, compared with 1.4% of 142 patients receiving dalteparin [P = .138; hazard ratio (HR) not estimable because of 0 bleeding event in apixaban group]. If you dont know an answer its okay, but prepare for how you will handle that. o I can see myself here beyond the next 5 years Mindfulness, making time for myself How did you work to improve the situation? Strengths finder --> intellection --> self-aware and self-directed Remember that in addition to interviewing you, you are interviewing the residencies to see which one you like the best. - have a strong network of support already built Recurrent VTE occurred in 0.7% of apixaban, compared to 6.3% of dalteparin patients [HR 0.099, 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.013-0.780, P = .0281). If you could change one thing about the profession of pharmacy, what would it be? I once interviewed a girl with loads of red flags. Teaching, clinical practice, or research? Can you describe a time when you went above and beyond at work? What question did you prepare to answer, but were not asked today? PDF RESIDENCY HANDBOOK 2021-2022 - Hopkins Medicine Do whatever you feel good about! So unfortunately I dont have a ton of practice with this, since my interviews last year were all in person. Become BCOP certified Behavioral Interviewing Techniques - The Star Approach. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Its hard to prepare for clinical questions because you could be asked literally anything. Pharmacy PGY1 Residency Interview Questions Flashcards | Quizlet Clinical questions are going to most likely be related to the residency program core rotations and your CV/LOI . What is your teaching philosophy? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Well, I believe there is a sixth vital sign: financial toxicity. x[kobKE|r$;IZn@OF! But, even more of a reason to make sure your top torso is looking professional and put together! Id also encourage you to jot down notes after each interview too about what you liked and didnt like from your day- this will also be super helpful. to look it up and answer that question. In fact, saying that instead of straight making something up is definitely the better move. The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. Id prefer the candidate to admit openly they were not aware of the paper or had not read it if that were the case, he explains. If you do not get a residency this year, would you consider trying to re-apply next year? Schedule interviews. You will want to know about the commute, suggested places to live and the cost of living. How have you kept up with all of the information? Why? Think about how you typically do it in real life- you can review the general aspects of the medicine with the fake patient (indication, how to take it AKA just read the instructions, what to do if you miss a dose, expected therapeutic effect, any common side effects). What expectations do you have for the residency program director? What would you do? Virtual Interview Components; I nterview with clinical pharmacists; . Critical Care Specialty Residency - UC San Diego Health - *Fits with my long-term career goals* 478 0 obj <> endobj Its a common question, so think in advance about how you will answer it, he suggests. Tell me about a time when you failed to meet a deadline. Remember, the whole reason you are applying for residency is to gain more training on how to be a clinical pharmacist- youre not supposed to be an expert yet! 2022 Newly Approved Accreditation Standard and Related Resources Are there any projects you would prefer not to work on as a pharmacy resident? I know there are some webcam ring lights out there (check this one out from Amazon) that could be helpful if your desk isnt near any natural light. Both Boots and Bhella emphasise the importance of making the example personal. She had several jobs and in each one she got an extra qualification and then left not long after they had trained her, she remembers. What attracts you to this organization/setting/position? What experience do you have with research? Do you feel your academic record accurately reflects your abilities and skills? education and PGY1 pharmacy . PGY1, PGY2, and beyond accepted! What was your favorite class in pharmacy school? December 20, 2022. (yes- i got this one and it absolutely stumped me). Tell me about a time you had to choose something else over doing a good job. Hi do you mean if you didnt know the answer you said.. like oh I dont know that but I could look _____? However, pt case presentations were great way to exercise clinical knowledge and presentation. When you are preparing your questions in advance, choose ones that will help you pick between different residencies if more than one is interested in you. What are 3 areas in which you could improve? o Looking for more residency training, but an experience which will allow me to self-direct Emphasise the reflection with some insightful analysis and make suggestions as to how things would go differently in the future in light of this experience, he recommends. Can you describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision? ASHP is the only programmatic accreditor in the United States for pharmacy residency programs. - doing this because it feels right. What motivated you to become a pharmacist? How would your best friend describe your strengths and weaknesses? Interview at the program you want the most later in your interview schedule (mid/late February; try to avoid March for scheduling interviews). Why? What are some example patient cases/ clinical assessment questions you have gotten during your interviews? , 87. If you were stranded on an island and you could only have 3 drugs with you, which ones would you pick and why? Tell me about a time when you made a mistake. What skills do you perceive to be important towards succeeding as a pharmacy resident? What makes you a better applicant than others? What did you do? I made this list from many different resources- guides I found online, a guide my school gave me, and lists I had made over the years from attending residency information sessions. Digital scheduling makes it much easier, I even schedule out naps on my Outlook. 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm. Who do you admire and why? What was your most favorite rotation in pharmacy school? If your patient asks you a question you dont know the answer to, dont make something up, and instead say, I actually am not sure of that answer, but I will look it up and get back to you. Dont rush through your whole spiel and forget to check if your patient is following along.

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