Dr. Maxwell is an entrepreneur with an extensive background in real estate. Mi vergogno di tutto questo;dei cattolici cristiani illuminati solo dai Soldi. [1]The surnameMaxwellis represented inScottish GaelicasMacSual. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. james willard maxwell federal reserve; manchester city u9 academy; department of transportation rank structure. Personal life - db0nus869y26v.cloudfront.net Number one: Kissinger says we need to develop new techniques and technologies for infection control and commensurate vaccines across large populations. I mis-heard what ReallyGraceful said last week in her podcast about Bill Gates. He was a member of British Parliament in the 1960s and ran the, Editors note: FactCheck.org is one of several organizations, to debunk misinformation shared on social media. 1927, one Adele Thompson (c. 1903-1987, probably born in Enumclaw, Washington). He saw the original masterpieces by Andrea Mantegna, Crivelli, Botticelli and Leonardo da Vinci. A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center, For years, social media conspiracy theorists have been circulating false information about bogus. What Does Bill Gates's Mom Do For A Living? Yosef I. Abramowitz. The Jerusalem Post. Bang bang Maxwells silver hammer made sure she was dead. Bill Gates father was not a governor of the Seattle federal bank. The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, provides Meet Carol Perera, Leon Perera Biography, Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Wife, Molly Rosenblatt Bio, Age, Husband, Net Worth, And More. Anche Giovanni identificato con una coppa e un serpente che fuoriesce dalla coppa,per accostarsi al Cenacolo di Leonardo. The surnameMaxwellis also common inUlster; where it has, in some cases, been adopted as alternate form of the surnameMiskell. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. E so che questa storia ricorda semplicemente qualcosa. Classificados de Traduo nos Estados Unidos. A Walk Through The American Wing - MetPublications - The Metropolitan On July 5, 1929, Mary Ann Maxwell was born in Seattle, Washington. Bill Gates, son of a Planned Parenthood board member, great-grandson of the San Francisco Feds Seattle branch, second-richest man in the world, who pioneered surveillance capitalism on his crappy Microsoft platform he is now tasked with convincing the planet to be vaccinated with a eugenicist bioweapon. After his death, huge discrepancies in his companies finances were revealed, including hisfraudulentmisappropriation of theMirror Grouppension fund.[2]. James Willard Maxwell, Jr. was born 27 February 1901 in Nebraska, United States to James Willard Maxwell (1864-1951) and Belle Oakley (1872-1945) and died August 1960 United States of unspecified causes. He was a member of British Parliament in the 1960s and ran theMaxwell Communication Corporation, which included the Mirror Group Newspapers and theNew York Daily News. James Willard Maxwell They want to crash the economy and inject you with a bioweapon. Wife/Partner: Adele THOMPSON Child: Mary MAXWELL-- Thomas George (Dr.) MAXWELL (Mass. As a member of the board of trustees, Mary persuaded officials to work on the issues faced by the hospital and children. Willard Preston (A.B. Our previous stories can be found, Social Posts Distort Facts on Political Relationships., Bill Gates: The Rolling Stone Interview., Once conspiracy, now facts. You know, for a reptilian sociopath. He died in 1951. E unaltra cosa;sto gi perch mi manchi,non chiedermi come possibile ma sto lottando contro (qualcosa). He was buried inJerusalem. James Willard Maxwell Birth: 8 September 1864 Iowa, United States Death: 2 April 1951 Seattle, King County, Washington, United States Father: Thomas George Maxwell (1835-aft1900) Mother: Louisa May Woodworth (1842-) Spouse / partner: Belle Oakley (1872-1945) Wedding: 23 October 1889 Sex: Edit Facts James Willard Maxwell, is the father of Willard Maxwell, who is the father of Mary Maxwell, the mother of William Henry ("Bill") Gates, III. E che mi fai sorriderenon so come. An Italian comrade sent me this cartoon about Gates devouring the key tech breakthroughs then found in Apple computers. if true very interesting, in fact he might still e the worlds richest man had he not spent so much time running around with that husband of his. So the Event 201 held last October courtesy of the above miserable wretch, planned to depopulate the world as much as possible through the Coronavirus, and then with the remaining population adequately traumatised, they would submit themselves willingly to be eugenisized through the benevolent auspices of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. His second domain proposes healing the world economy and the third is to safeguard the Liberal World Order, all three of which he says the US must do and in other words, Im gonna translate this for you: the US needs to mass vaccinate. Over fifteen years ago I concluded that Microsoft Windows treats you as if you were a fool. James Willard Maxwell (born 1864) The Great-Grandfather Of - reddit Anche se qui vedo comunque una denuncia:Topolino e la Stella di Davide.Credo si tratti della pedofilia ebraica. He then used the G.I. No mention of his extremely wealthy family background. I remember the magazine covers, and claims: "Meet the richest man in the World: He's only 30." He was born on June 20, 1943, in Deerfield, OH to William and Estella (Jeffries) Carver. James W. Maxwell and wife walking along a sidewalk, possibly in Seattle, 1938. Accessed 12 Aug 2020. Couldnt agree more. As the inventor of backdoor surveillance on his customers, if Bill Gates couldnt protect us from viruses on his crappy platform, how the Hell are we supposed to trust him in his lifes mission to get us all eugenicized? Bill Gates' Mom, Mary Maxwell Gates, Helped Her Son Secure a Contract with IBM. https://photos.app.goo.gl/%5B%5D I am happy that you are here (and you cannot imagine how much). He served as CEO up to the year 2000, at which point he was named board chairman. James Maxwell - Historical records and family trees - MyHeritage His father, J. W. Maxwell, Sr., founded the National City Bank of Seattle. In 1943, he earned his high school diploma in Bremerton. Bill Gates' grandfather was not Frederick Gates but William Henry Gates I from Father's side and James Willard Maxwell from mother's side and their professional work were related to banking and furniture sales. ), look in any case VERY Northern-European i some photos. Lo so che ti sei commosso Come la storia di Icaro che cadde dal Cielo,di Prometeo che rubo la fiamma della luce agli Dei..per non parlare di Enki Samael accostato di nuovo a Lilith e padre di Lucifero He joined the Chi Psi fraternity at the University of Washington. Julius Streicher testified bravely at Nuremberg that a jewish officer had had negro guards urinate in his mouth. We have been encouraged to sacrifice our liberty for a false sense of security, being conditioned more and more each day to rely on the state for protection and now many of us find ourselves relying on the state to pay our bills. C-SPAN, an acronym for Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network, is an American cable television network that offers coverage of federal government proceedings and other public affairs programming via its three television channels (C-SPAN, C-SPAN2 and C-SPAN3), one radio station and a group of. willardwilliams.com Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa Once conspiracy, now facts. Edit Facts. Evergreen .1 D Randolph, Pa John M Mooney, Pa H M Slack, Dauphin co. Pa L Kerns, Clinton co, Pa Dr II &I Johnson,Boyerst'n Sandi Maxwell, Lancaster co Miss Maxwell, Lane co I 0 Bruner, Columbia A Cable, Marietta, Pa P Erb, ILarrisburg Il L Burkholder, Carlisle Sami Carver, Pa Joe Carson, Chester co, Pa 7 A Eicholtz, Chester co II Parker . I think I know pretty how my own people look, and both Gates daughters, IMO, and also both parents, Bill and Melinda, likely have something else in the woodpile.. . Death: April 02, 1951 (86) Seattle, King, Washington, United States. He was the father of Bill Gates, co-founder of . There is no evidence she is related to Robert Maxwell or his daughter Ghislaine Maxwell, who both lived in the U.K. for most of their . Today, the poor things, I heard them really complaining about this and they are right. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. James Willard Maxwell (18641951), her paternal grandpa, served as president of the National City Bank in Seattle from 1911 to 1929 and as a director of the Seattle office of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. In 2014, Gates was interviewed byRolling Stone about religion, among other topics. February 27, 2023, Federal Reserve Bank and Branch Directors, Transcripts and other historical materials, Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Developments, Community & Regional Financial Institutions, Federal Reserve Supervision and Regulation Report, Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), Securities Underwriting & Dealing Subsidiaries, Types of Financial System Vulnerabilities & Risks, Monitoring Risk Across the Financial System, Proactive Monitoring of Markets & Institutions, Responding to Financial System Emergencies, Regulation CC (Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks), Regulation II (Debit Card Interchange Fees and Routing), Regulation HH (Financial Market Utilities), Federal Reserve's Key Policies for the Provision of Financial Services, Sponsorship for Priority Telecommunication Services, Supervision & Oversight of Financial Market Infrastructures, International Standards for Financial Market Infrastructures, Payments System Policy Advisory Committee, Finance and Economics Discussion Series (FEDS), International Finance Discussion Papers (IFDP), Estimated Dynamic Optimization (EDO) Model, Aggregate Reserves of Depository Institutions and the Monetary Base - H.3, Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the U.S. - H.8, Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Q: Is the use of acetaminophen during pregnancy linked to autism or ADHD? Required fields are marked *. LOW HIGH. Thomas George Maxwell (1835-aft1900) 13 Mar 2014. Then he became Director Of Seattle Branch Federal Reserve Bank San Francisco. On July 5, 1929, Mary Ann Maxwell was born in Seattle, Washington. Avevo dimenticato questo pittore. Wiki (ital): Il nome "Maxwell" (che suona molto britannico) stato assunto da questo ebreo, Jan Hoch. This was certainly a case of getting the death penalty entirely for hate speech (and all of it was true). The great contribution of this Orthodox Jewish citizen, born Jan Hoch in what was then Czechoslovakia, was to found a scientific publishing empire in Britain, called Pergamon Press, based entirely on German research he had looted with British intelligence connivance. Mary Maxwell Gates passed away on June 10, 1994, in Seattle, Washington, after losing her battle to breast cancer. Cookie Notice 2 April 1951 Seattle, King County, Washington, United States after the sale the iindersijmed reserve the right to re sell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser on three days notice by advertisement in the Evening Star, JAMES G. PAYNE, Trustee. We have to grow up, put ethical, wise elders into leadership, and stop being lazy and stupid. . The picture of him from David Irvings Nuremberg book was not quite so flattering. Elizabeth, on the far right, is the other daughter. NOT MUCH. 1967) - United States Secretary of the Treasury, former Chair of the Federal Reserve, former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco; Trefethen Professor of Business Administration and Professor of . The Maxwell companies applied forbankruptcyprotection in 1992. She then turned her attention towards various civic activities and volunteered as a lecturer at the Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI). JAMES WEIGHT, The Right Honorable Lords of Trade," On the 10th of July, 1771, Governor Wright availed himself of a leave of absence, and three days afterward Mr. James Habersham took the usual oath of office and entered upon the discharge of the guberna torial duties. Copyright 2020 BRUCE CONTENT, LLC All Rights Reserved, ICU Doctor in New York, Speaks About What He Sees Happening with COVID-19 Patients, Geopolitics, Synthetic Terror & Interventionalist BS, 5G Network/Psychotronic Weapons/Brainwave Entrainment/HAARP, UFOs/Interdimensional/Breakaway Civilization, EcoHealth Alliance Whistleblower: I Believe Ukraine Conflict is a Coverup for Failed US COVID Op, Deep State Absolutely Wants to Kill You Alex Newman, CDC Confirms that Majority of Fatal Covid Vaccines Were Knowingly Sent to Red States, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wuMkShZ42o, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Explains How the Depopulation COVID Vaccines Will Start Working in 3-6 Months, BBC Banned Johnny Rotten in 1978 for Telling the Truth About Jimmy Savile, There is NO variant, Not novel, NO pandemic Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich. Associated Press. But often they think we have maybe bitten off more than we can chew. . Banker Rotschild andoil magnate Rockefeller are worth thousands of billions. The very men and women, the exact same individuals and government agencies, in addition to global institutions who stand to benefit the most, are the ones calling the shots, Welcome to COVID-1984 and the official rollout of the New World Order, We are currently witnessing an unprecedented global lockdown in response to the corona virus, known as COVID-19 or otherwise known as COVID-1984, Henry Kissinger just authored an article published on April 3rd, 2020 titled, The Coronavirus Pandemic Will Forever Alter the World Order.. We are witnessing an unprecedented global lockdown in response to the Coronavirus outbreak known as COVID-19. The legend tells of a Spear that pierced his side .. and remained hanging for nine days and nine nights (correct me if Im wrong). Mary Maxwell Gates Biography & Wiki: Find out her net worth, age, death Mi si stringe il Cuore. Come devo fare con voi due? Later, I had to learn to use Gates Win 93, and was floored speechless at how horrible, primitive, difficult and illogical it was. 11 Jun 1994. You are so many things; it would take a whole book to explain everything but in particular you are blood of my blood. Email: [emailprotected] Oh well, it sure was a nice ride, that thing called freedom. https://photos.app.goo.gl/%5B%5D Poseidone o Tritone. Nope. I spent almost a year working on an Apple computer, doing layout for a yoga magazine in 1993-94. Mi piacerebbe che per una volta si raccontasse della Germania e dei Bianchi che hanno sofferto e che continuano a soffrire. meredithcat2017 3 yr. ago Any relation to any other Maxwells? When James Willard Maxwell Jr was born on 27 February 1901, in Nebraska, United States, his father, James Willard "J.W." Maxwell Sr, was 36 and his mother, Belle Oakley, was 28. Thank you, Brje for the correction and the kind words! Spouse / partner: By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Gates' mother was born Mary Maxwell in Seattle in 1929, the daughter of James Willard Maxwell and Adele Thompson, according to the biography "Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire.". Any News source knowingly spreading false information as true should have the same penalty as treason. This guy (supposedly a Roggenfelder originally) is Dutch or German? Contents Personal life Career Death References https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sL4nZs4hadk. Classificados de Traduo nos Estados Unidos. James Willard Maxwell Jr. (1901-1960): homenaje de Find a Grave He holds an active broker's license and leverages his business skills to conduct workshops for churches and communities on topics such as real estate investing, financial . EastAsians have round, wide cheekbones. His maternal great grandfather though, James Willard Maxwell (1864 1951), was a director of the Seattle branch of the San Francisco Fed and likely a founding director since in 1913 he was president of the National City Bank in Seattle. (Adamo,Lilith e Enki)(Sigfrido,Brunhilde e Odino). Once ingested into our lungs, it would be coughed up and inadvertently swallowed. In 1975, he and Paul Allen co-founded Microsoft Corporation, which grew to be the biggest personal computer software provider in the world. He might even be a transgender. We have distanced ourselves from everyone because wnow say no more Covid, no more fear, no more of this bullshit they throw at us, including []. I have also reported on the many goyim who have done the jewsbidding. Museum of History & Industry. In addition to misrepresenting Gates religion, the post claims without evidence that Gates mother was related to Ghislaine Maxwells father. After six years as aLabourMP during the 1960s, Maxwell again put all his energy into business, successively buying theBritish Printing Corporation,Mirror Group NewspapersandMacmillan Publishers, among other publishing companies. Willard G. Maxwell, Jr. is one of the most unique and innovative personalities in today's leadership landscape. People were being eliminated from the program brutally every three days or so. John is also identified with a cup and a snake that comes out of the cup, to approach Leonardos Last Supper. . Bloomberg more recently became a made member, himself and theres much overlap in two mens causes. Bill Gates, also known as William Henry Gates III. Well never know who Bill Gates really is. 2. The website jewornotjew,com denies Gates is jewish: http://www.jewornotjew.com/profile.jsp?ID=760. president of the federal reserve? Richard Rockefeller hair, nose, brown eyes. James B. Maxwell was born on June 23 1870. In 1975, Governor Dan Evans appointed Mary to serve on the board of regents of the University of Washington. In the mid-1980s, she spearheaded a movement to stop the university from investing in South Africa as a form of protest against South Africas oppressive system of apartheid. When I and Margi were moving into the Hope Lodge, a free hotel for cancer patients at The Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, on 26 Nov 2019, I opened the curtains and saw this. What did Bill Gates' grandfather do during the Spanish Flu? 2. Robert Maxwell. Encyclopdia Britannica. He was reappointed to the Board and sworn in on June 16, 2014, for a term ending January 31, 2028. Mary's father James Willard Maxwell was a banker. . James Willard Maxwell (1901-1960) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree Actually, I think this cartoon refers to the Bill Gates of the 1980s (with no gray hair, but still fairly light-haired, in fact,) whode factowon in court against the corporation called Apple.. Note: Washington, Deaths, 1883 - 1960 Name: J. Willard Maxwell Gender: Male Birth Date: Abt. The global population living in western countries have been taught for more than a generation to live in a constant state of fear ever since 9/11. Mary Gates father, , was born and raised in Lincoln, Nebraska, and was a, l, was born Jan Ludvik Hoch in Czechoslovakia. Well, more than a connection, a different part of the same monster. 8 September 1864 Iowa, United States Why does Bill Gates wear a fifty-dollar watch? FACT CHECK: Is Bill Gates Related To Ghislaine Maxwell? So che ti piacer FRANCOIS AROUET: STATISTICS prove Blacks and Gays (and their backers) have now OFFICIALLY taken over television; Cleon Petersons charming art, Dear John and Frank (you dont mind if I call you Frank, do you? 1st Generation. Bill Gates Family Group | James Willard Maxwell - Famous Kin James Willard Maxwell (1864-1951) | Familypedia | Fandom Jojo Rabbi. James Willard Maxwell Jr. (1901-1960) - Mmorial Find a Grave This horrid creature, a Maxwell, was certainly of at least part-jewish DNA. Early in his life, Maxwell, anOrthodox Jew, escaped fromNazi occupation, joined theCzechoslovak Army in exileduringWorld War IIand was decorated after active service in theBritish Army. Awww,.so cute and All-American..just the right guy to trust as he genocides us. And I know this story just resembles something. In light of Ghislaine Maxwellsarrest in July for allegedly conspiring with Jeffrey Epstein to sexually abuse minors,numerous theories have popped up about her familial ties. Not the innocent victims, eh ! He spent most of his years as a machinist. In contrast, Ghislaine Maxwells father, Robert Maxwell, was born Jan Ludvik Hoch in Czechoslovakia. Bill Gatess parents are Bill Gates Sr and Mary Maxwell Gates. Ive heard they have a silver hammer that falls down upon her head. Ghisalline Maxwell or relations to her father? On Aug. 4, an account associated with the. Press J to jump to the feed. Con queste leggende hanno creato un po di confusione in realt. The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 01, 1857, Image 3 Maxwellis aScottishsurname and is a habitational name derived from a location nearMelrose, inRoxburghshire, Scotland. https://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/mary-maxwell-gates-43739.php. A Mossad agent, later the Mossad itself killed him. It was really fun using a Steve Jobs computer. Footnotes Acknowledgments Thank you to Eden Brent Jones for creating Maxwell-1984 on 5 Sep 13. A comrade named Richard C. who is Windows Security Certified told me, Windows is designed like Swiss cheese. Belle Oakley (1872-1945) 3rd Generation. However, Gates also said that he and his wife, Melissa, have raised our kids in a religious way; theyve gone to the Catholic church that Melinda goes to and I participate in.. 1910 United States Federal Census about James W Maxwell Jr Name: James W Maxwell Jr [Jr] Age in 1910: 9 Birth Year: abt 1901 [1901] Birthplace: Nebraska Home in 1910: Seattle Ward 7, King, Washington Race: White Gender: Male Relation to Head of House: Son Marital Status: Single Father's Name: James W Maxwell Father's Birthplace: Iowa Mother's Only the one upper-right looks pure-semitic/jewish. .No real need to belabor the point that rich men often have beautiful wives. the nation with a safe, flexible, and stable monetary and financial James passed away on April 13 1942, at age 71. department of transportation rank structure Her grandfather, James Willard Maxwell (18641951), was president of the National City Bank in Seattle from 1911 to 1929 and a director of the Seattle branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. In 1989, Maxwell had to sell successful businesses, including Pergamon Press, to cover some of his debts. Nobody could understand this cycle of Reincarnations; now I am fully aware of the Role of the star seeds and the true Illuminati. And there you have a kind of proof that Gates and his virus-ridden Windows operating system were designed for and by the CIA-NSA nexus so the US Deep State couldillegally without any search warrant read all your private information. Certo che ho capito.. 27 May 2020. Look at the snake. Could either of you tell me whether the size of the nose is proportional to the intelligence, net worth or power of the wearer? Also, they made a big deal that he was a college dropout. Mi vergogno della cecit delle persone e degli Abusi indiretti sui bambini. WATSON J. NEWTON, jal5 Trustee. James Willard Maxwell (1864-1951), her paternal grandpa, served as president of the National City Bank in Seattle from 1911 to 1929 and as a director of the Seattle office of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. So, different details got screwed up by both of us but the point I was making is that Bill Gates family are firmly and multi-generationally entrenched in the Sabbatean Globalist power structure, at a very high level. He married Adelle Thompson on 24 September 1926, in King, Washington, United States. Tweet: Privacy Policy. This should let you know what type of filth Bill Gates (Of Hell) comes from. James Willard "J. W." Maxwell (1864-1951) on Find A Grave: Memorial #131623851 Retrieved 20 November 2017. 1849) - 3rd President, University of Michigan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Maxwell_Fyfe,_1st_Earl_of_Kilmuir. On Aug. 4, an account associated with the QAnon conspiracy group posted an image on Facebook that falsely claimed to show Gates with a rabbi and included this inaccurate caption: Bill Gates with Rabbi Schneerson the head of the Jewish extremist end times cult Chabad Lubavitch. Belonging to the white ethnicity while she possesses an American Citizenship. She continued to serve on the board of regents of the university until 1993. . For more information, please see our Bill Gatess parents are Bill Gates Sr and Mary Maxwell Gates. 23 October 1889 20 Nov 2019. Once you are worth $500 M, you should be forced into retirement. Learn how your comment data is processed. Source https://www.wintersonnenwende.com/scriptorium/english/archives/articles/patents.html. Maxwells death triggered the collapse of his publishing empire as banks called in loans. Traduo de Certido de Casamento - Classificados de Traduo nos mississippi river - Archives & Manuscripts at Duke University Libraries Guarda il serpente Wedding: Bill, George, Jacob the entire Satanic Syndicate, they need to be murdered. Gates mother is a Maxwell, related to the Israeli Mossad agents Robert Maxwell and his daughter Ghislaine, who used child trafficking to blackmail world leaders with Jeffrey Epstein. Having warned us, as well as praised us for the willingness and desire to grow under fiery tests, they shrug their shoulders, say, Okay, as you wish, and good luck! and let us do it. He married Adele Thompson (1903-1987) 1927 . She was the daughter of banker James Willard Maxwell (Nebraska, 19011960) and Adele Thompson, whom he wed somewhere about 1927. Lo intendevo sinceramente, non ironicamente. First US employee lawsuit against forced Covid vaxx; why, hmmm, is US military, otherwise Mandatory Central, notably still rejecting mandatory Cohenavirus vaxx? Learn More Please help us serve the community Bring the Smoke Podcast Unfortunately for them , they exclude the Creator of all the Worlds (as they are in Denial hereof) I would like it to be told for once about Germany and the Whites who have suffered and continue to suffer. Imbecile. 5 percent slope in inches per foot; best bodybuilder in the world of all time; where does ssundee live; eucalyptus table runner christmas; chariot pizza nutrition. Spoken like the jew you doubtless are. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Microsoft_Corp. james willard maxwell federal reserve Belle Oakley (1872-1945) ?per non parlare di quanti nomi adottati su una singola persona. Her paternal grandfather, James Willard Maxwell (1864-1951), was president of the National City Bank in Seattle from 1911 to 1929 and a director of the Seattle branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. Today I suggest that the One Party is bringing globalism to the USA and the rest of the world through the next 2 to 3 years of fake viral chaos, weather warfare and armed conflicts.
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