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Im not talking about the hair or the over lined lips, Im just talking about her face alone. Weird its saying it was posted 17 hours ago when I had just checked her page maybe two hours ago for an update and this wasnt there. That content has a very limited audience, what is she thinking. 837313, Anonymous 05/24/21 (Mon) 10:34:50 AM No. 838756, Anonymous 06/02/21 (Wed) 03:17:22 PM No. "Recovery is a slow process and whatever you gotta focus on in your personal recovery you gotta focus on,"she said, adding, "For me, it's just rewarding myself for doing simple things like showering and making sure me and my animals are fed.". File: 1619648191661.png (2.99 MB, 1084x2176, posanimalabuser.png), Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer Mama Dean #66 - The Animal Cruelty Never Ends Anonymous 04/28/21 (Wed) 10:16:32 PM No. 837233, Anonymous 05/23/21 (Sun) 03:49:59 PM No. 838947, Anonymous 06/03/21 (Thu) 08:57:03 PM No. 840885, Anonymous 06/18/21 (Fri) 08:44:15 AM No. 847202, Anonymous 08/01/21 (Sun) 11:53:02 PM No. "He came home and told me he was going to take a bath. No one is upset when you rehome pets. 838876, Anonymous 06/03/21 (Thu) 03:00:23 AM No. I just dont understand why shes bent on making videos about drugs instead of animals. >apologizes for not uploading. Fuck me, i'm 10mins in and i'm absolutely disgusted. 842449, Anonymous 06/30/21 (Wed) 03:42:31 AM No. Lmao she just cant stop bragging about her drug use. 838433, Anonymous 05/31/21 (Mon) 03:53:11 AM No. Her mom called the office " because he wasn't on the lease". 837066, Anonymous 05/22/21 (Sat) 03:41:03 PM No. I dont think anyone cares though. TaylorNDean - reddit 844559, File: 1626547731251.png (39.83 KB, 640x413, 2134eqrw.PNG), Anonymous 07/17/21 (Sat) 06:58:30 PM No. If you're lazy af, she has it made. 840312, Anonymous 06/14/21 (Mon) 05:27:19 AM No. 844561, File: 1626548310123.jpeg (494.42 KB, 750x1114, 035F236C-F6B7-4079-A10A-81A9EF), Anonymous 07/17/21 (Sat) 06:59:42 PM No. In one particular video, the vlogger dispelled her own misconceptions about rehab. I have a really hard time just sitting with myself and still feeling happy. 838316, Anonymous 05/30/21 (Sun) 03:05:40 PM No. 848910, Anonymous 08/10/21 (Tue) 08:17:51 PM No. 839043, File: 1622770596471.jpeg (98.17 KB, 545x306, B2791AA6-D5F0-41A0-B59A-69CB7F), Anonymous 06/04/21 (Fri) 01:37:59 AM No. Maybe she was so high she forgot she even said she was going to do that lol. 841822, Anonymous 06/26/21 (Sat) 04:54:57 AM No. like 150,000 since last i checked literally a couple days ago. 842010, Anonymous 06/26/21 (Sat) 11:39:56 PM No. 836293, Anonymous 05/18/21 (Tue) 08:02:08 AM No. 835343, Anonymous 05/12/21 (Wed) 09:05:11 PM No. Early in the video, Dean said she wanted to set the record straight with her fans who had been observing"noticeable changes in [her] personality"over the past two years. 843465, Anonymous 07/07/21 (Wed) 05:10:38 PM No. 838562, Anonymous 06/01/21 (Tue) 04:25:12 AM No. 849079, Anonymous 08/12/21 (Thu) 03:59:13 PM No. 848386, Anonymous 08/06/21 (Fri) 06:44:06 PM No. 844142, Anonymous 07/13/21 (Tue) 03:27:43 PM No. Keep in mind she is the only one calling herself these things. 835751, Anonymous 05/14/21 (Fri) 04:46:10 AM No. Although she seems incredibly outgoing and entertaining at first glance in her YouTube videos, Taylor Nicole Dean actually grew up in a completely contrasting setting. 838345, Anonymous 05/30/21 (Sun) 04:38:46 PM No. Unfortunately for the starlet, by the start of February, she took to the platform again to admit to her followers that she had relapsed, and is planning on going to "a 10-day inpatient program" in March. I was just really amazed that there was that many people so supportive about it. 842434, Anonymous 06/29/21 (Tue) 10:16:46 PM No. 847213, Anonymous 08/02/21 (Mon) 12:04:51 AM No. 838343, Anonymous 05/30/21 (Sun) 04:28:16 PM No. "I don't worry about much, but I also worry about everything at the same time," Dean revealed in aYouTube video celebrating her 100,000th subscriber. She got kicked from the apartment johnny punching holes and her own damn mother. 835706, Anonymous 05/13/21 (Thu) 10:06:18 PM No. When is she supposed to bleach her hair blonde? like let it go he doesnt even think about you anymore. This is from within the hour but could literally be a post from anytime in the last 2+ years. 839056, Anonymous 06/04/21 (Fri) 01:54:08 AM No. A year of heroin use and your bf not wanting to hug u??? 836459, Anonymous 05/19/21 (Wed) 01:54:12 AM No. I literally dont know what more distracting, the nasty ass piss/mustard stains on that fabric she has on the left covering her bedside table, or looking at how wide she made her Cupids bow with her clown lipstick, Samefag but this is allegedly the bandages from her recent hospital visits, she says its due to abscesses so Im assuming they drained them. Taylor Nicole Dean has just ended her career admitting to impulse buying, hoarding animals, negligence, and being under the influence of heroin while taking . >Taylor left sober living after rehoming around 12 of her pets to be back with her animals living at her mothers house, her animals all seem to be crammed into one room and taken care of by her mother. 839287, Anonymous 06/04/21 (Fri) 09:26:32 PM No. 838707, Anonymous 06/02/21 (Wed) 02:31:30 AM No. 835354, File: 1620855095167.png (2.74 MB, 1134x2048, Screenshot_20210512-223003.png), Anonymous 05/12/21 (Wed) 09:33:03 PM No. Wow. Yikes wtf is going on on her neck? when she uplodaded the video she was one month sober going on two months, but didn't realize how physically sick she really was. The mix-match tattoos + fake freckles just aint cutting for me! 848937, Anonymous 08/11/21 (Wed) 05:19:48 AM No. 834188, Anonymous 05/04/21 (Tue) 01:53:17 PM No. 833584, Anonymous 04/28/21 (Wed) 11:57:59 PM No. 839119, Anonymous 06/04/21 (Fri) 05:38:30 AM No. 834281, Anonymous 05/05/21 (Wed) 05:10:09 AM No. 834280, File: 1620167881024.jpeg (355.21 KB, 750x1182, B98F757D-78FF-42ED-AA36-5C9321), Anonymous 05/04/21 (Tue) 10:42:37 PM No. 836941, Anonymous 05/21/21 (Fri) 12:13:56 PM No. I don't even feel bad for her, but she looks genuinely depressing as fuck. 834542, Anonymous 05/06/21 (Thu) 02:58:11 PM No. 840752, Anonymous 06/17/21 (Thu) 03:25:01 PM No. 839196, Anonymous 06/04/21 (Fri) 04:49:13 PM No. Thats 3% viewership on average each day for her huge return, likely less assuming non sub views, so lets say she is engaging 2% of her fan base each day and that will only decline. Fuck your future up more. 844126, Anonymous 07/13/21 (Tue) 12:42:59 PM No. Having a good response to 1 vid full of lies and excuses is one thing but maintaining it is another. She acts like it's no big deal at all, she's so far removed from reality at this point. 841169, File: 1624191249520.png (2.24 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210620-070308.png), Anonymous 06/20/21 (Sun) 12:16:43 PM No. 836860, File: 1621553806203.jpeg (779.54 KB, 1242x911, 8A9FA287-716C-4CA8-A807-3D8A83), Anonymous 05/20/21 (Thu) 11:38:53 PM No. 840755, Anonymous 06/17/21 (Thu) 08:02:45 PM No. 836963, Anonymous 05/21/21 (Fri) 03:48:57 PM No. 839074, Anonymous 06/04/21 (Fri) 03:09:15 AM No. And every single person under her comments are calling her queen and talking about how much they love her, etc. The lolcows posted here are, shockingly, not works of fiction or falsehood. 840596, Anonymous 06/16/21 (Wed) 03:26:17 AM No. 842948, Anonymous 07/03/21 (Sat) 02:55:55 PM No. Taylor literally IS trans. 839704, Anonymous 06/08/21 (Tue) 03:23:59 AM No. 838669, File: 1622580258511.webm (596.22 KB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-taylorndean_885), Anonymous 06/01/21 (Tue) 08:58:47 PM No. A YouTube sensation who looked happy and healthy in videos about her exotic pets slowly deteriorated into an emaciated, hive-ridden shell as she developed a spiralling heroin addiction before fans' eyes. Taylor Nicole Dean eventually left Jonny Craig after realizing the severity of her situation and after failing to produce YouTube content for six months. 842970, Anonymous 07/03/21 (Sat) 11:28:11 PM No. 833567, Anonymous 04/28/21 (Wed) 10:32:54 PM No. She has to have Hep C because she looks jaundice and yellow. inb4 VAERS is a conspiracy theory muh anti-vaxxer. Like that contour ? 844146, Anonymous 07/13/21 (Tue) 04:18:46 PM No. 835445, Anonymous 05/13/21 (Thu) 02:08:09 AM No. 849006, Anonymous 08/11/21 (Wed) 09:02:22 PM No. God why the hell is she look like James Charles in 2018. Quelle surprise. 836382, Anonymous 05/18/21 (Tue) 08:05:18 PM No. 842520, Anonymous 06/30/21 (Wed) 11:40:08 AM No. Can't wait for the Bells Palsy, blood clots, myocarditis, seizures etc. > I have always been of high importance to me, >the odour is beginning to build up, mommy better clean the animal cages tonight, >too tired to shower again, it's been three weeks now, >busy day of color coordinating the bedroom wall, >mommy better be out of the house by five when the dealer comes, >phone beeps, someone's posted in the TND hashtag again, >better go show these meanies how pathetic they are. 844574, Anonymous 07/17/21 (Sat) 10:29:26 PM No. 839850, File: 1623232954762.png (8.45 MB, 1242x2688, E094C4BC-E672-453F-AC38-EB5EB9), Anonymous 06/09/21 (Wed) 10:04:19 AM No. What ever happened with her supposedly being diagnosed with bpd? 834710, Anonymous 05/07/21 (Fri) 05:41:38 PM No. Suddenly, after making her instructional video, it "blew up," and Dean got 200,000 views. 849293, File: 1628961576842.jpeg (459.64 KB, 750x1277, 43B0A2B7-AA18-4CC7-A12F-2F31D4). 848499, Anonymous 08/07/21 (Sat) 03:31:02 AM No. She built her channel on animal videos, thats what her subscribers are there to see. For anons that were saying she's copying Billie Eilish with this hair, she also has almost the same retro bra in these pics, as Billie in her last photo shooting. However, what her fans didn't know, is that the online personality was essentially living a double life, slowly crumbling off-camera, all while still entertaining the masses. 838440, Anonymous 05/31/21 (Mon) 04:22:59 AM No. 847148, Anonymous 08/01/21 (Sun) 09:53:09 PM No. 841154, Anonymous 06/20/21 (Sun) 09:25:10 AM No. 835253, Anonymous 05/12/21 (Wed) 01:10:07 PM No. All the times Taylor Nicole Dean has promised to post over the last year. Thin waist, masculine jaw/facial features. all the cooing about goose and zero photos of the other rats? 838532, Anonymous 06/01/21 (Tue) 12:00:21 AM No. 837439, Anonymous 05/25/21 (Tue) 02:14:04 AM No. I hope its not about her or drugs. My sister-in-law was going through IVF and the marks/discoloration on her skin only started looking normal again when the baby was around 1 y/o. 849116, File: 1628793710576.png (2.38 MB, 828x1792, E4582B7A-C8A9-4994-AD05-B53A02), Move to a new thread! 839019, Anonymous 06/04/21 (Fri) 01:07:09 AM No. She hasn't posted a video to make money and hasn't had a regular job or worked at all in almost 2 years. 839129, Anonymous 06/04/21 (Fri) 06:45:00 AM No. I breed roaches. 834150, Anonymous 05/03/21 (Mon) 03:03:40 PM No. Sheesh. back to using animals as accessories.. what a dumb bitch, for real. 838555, Anonymous 06/01/21 (Tue) 01:48:22 AM No. 834365, Anonymous 05/05/21 (Wed) 08:30:08 PM No. More "reasons" why he had to be put down. "I got out of the lease for the home that I had. 840823, Anonymous 06/18/21 (Fri) 03:38:31 AM No. 835589, Anonymous 05/13/21 (Thu) 02:50:46 PM No. Now shes a 90s punk. 839227, Anonymous 06/04/21 (Fri) 06:03:43 PM No. 839017, File: 1622768507333.png (3.59 MB, 1334x750, BA39E712-ED6C-4888-BFDD-C5096C), Anonymous 06/04/21 (Fri) 01:05:48 AM No. My mission is to encourage kids and teens to . ah yes taylor just like 2yrs ago when you were posting weekly and dropping followers lol. 843281, Anonymous 07/06/21 (Tue) 04:59:00 PM No. I noticed that he brought ice cream into the bath, and he was just being really weird." 841020, File: 1624069347584.jpeg (175.6 KB, 828x1792, F2D0B7FC-8C06-47ED-963B-ACCF1D), Anonymous 06/19/21 (Sat) 03:05:19 AM No. 847610, Anonymous 08/02/21 (Mon) 08:52:22 PM No. 833570, File: 1619649231570.png (879.88 KB, 1440x2952, Capture _2021-04-28-17-30-33.p), Anonymous 04/28/21 (Wed) 10:36:53 PM No. 835346, Anonymous 05/12/21 (Wed) 09:15:21 PM No. Out of all my years being in the fish hobby my tanks nor the people i know who have saltwater has that shit on the outside. 848319, Anonymous 08/06/21 (Fri) 03:44:36 PM No. A timeline of the countless amount of moments TND has said she is coming back to youtube soon, letting down her fans and using them as money making pawns. She will only apologize for small things no one cares about. 843337, Anonymous 07/06/21 (Tue) 09:46:38 PM No. If you zoom in on the photo on twitter its clearly photoshopped / face tuned. TND animals - Google Sheets Def seems like she replaced this one too also is the tank supposed to have that much nasty buildup? 844035, Anonymous 07/13/21 (Tue) 12:42:24 PM No. 833754, Anonymous 04/30/21 (Fri) 08:59:10 AM No. 839311, Anonymous 06/04/21 (Fri) 11:28:11 PM No. Although some of her videos might be slightly terrifying . She said that she packed her bags and left him that night so, that was cool," the YouTuber explained through tears. 838986, Anonymous 06/04/21 (Fri) 12:21:01 AM No.

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