There's Hope for Herpes with Ozone Therapy So if you had done it the way he suggests from the start, chances are you could have been recovered by now. Do you have questions regarding the treatment itself or Dr. Lahodny? Which doesn't mean there aren't. Dr. Khan has been trained by the top ozone specialists in North America. Approximately one out of six people between the ages of 14-49 years in the U.S. have genital HSV-2 infection. Please I would like to know. Functional medicine involves looking at each patient holistically and taking a systems-oriented approach which allows practitioners and patients to collaborate on addressing the underlying causes of their disease, ailments, or symptoms. the recommendations on how much heparin should be used have been revised down to 7500 units. Ozone therapy has been around for around 150 years, so I think if there was strong indication of it doing harm long term, it would have become evident by now, but who knows . you do not need to be cleared of mercury to be able to do ozone therapy, sorry if something I wrote lead to this misunderstanding. Can the 10 pass ozone treatment be also administered rectally? The ozone here acts on the pathogens and cleanses the blood. So no, it does not sound like it was performed in gross error at all. If you are already suffering from other ailments, your condition may be worsened if you become infected with a herpes virus. So your body does the work of fighting off the herpes virus. Did the patient receive any other treatments like glutathione or chelation IVs prior or post the 10 pass? This can have dramatic adverse reactions: It travels everywhere in the blood stream even to the brain. Herpes Simplex virus 1 (oral herpes) typically manifests as raised red blisters around the mouth and lips. I can't receive tysabri anymore. How can I learn more? Hi Paola, Super-charge your immune system and get back to feeling like your . Xtreme Healing & Acupuncture. Ozone has helped some, though I became totally depleted of antioxidants glutathione, vitamins A, C, E, and lipoic acid. It also improves brain function, because the brain uses over 15% of all the oxygen in the body. About four years ago I heard of the work of one Johann Lahodny, MD of Austria who had pushed the envelope to 10 passes of blood (200 cc each) at 14,000 mcg ozone each pass. Ozone is one modality that works for chronic infections and is very effective for reducing and eliminating high viral loads. Many troubling symptoms. In 10 pass ozone, drawing of blood and oxygenating it with ozone is repeated 10 times. So great to have all this info in one place! It does show that ozone therapys limits are not written in stone, and are continuously being explored. Ozone helps to stimulate the immune system and helps it fight off a variety of infections. Once the bag is filled with 200 to 220 ml of blood, a positive pressure is created inside the bottle. It can treat Lyme disease, shingles, recurrent herpes simplex, influenza and pneumonia. A body that is healthy and performs well will outperform any drug. Ozone Therapy in Medicine: Conditions Treatable, Types, and Effects Thanks for a very clear, informative article. Herpes Treatment with Ozone Therapy. If I did it at Cutler's speed, I'd be dead by nowhis advice is great for folks who don't have doctor supervision. Afterwards, the blood is reinserted into the patient using positive pressure. I will definately keep an eye on your posts. What is the Facebook group in which there is a list of drs who do 10 pass ft or 500$ ? Hi Susan, Sharing a toothbrush, straw or utensils can spread oral herpes just as easily as kissing on the lips. However, it is a serious condition that can lead to lasting neurologic disability or death. Hi Dr. Patel, In general it is better to treat symptoms than numbers on a test, in my opinion. Most importantly, medical ozone does not come with any adverse effects or reactions, unlike pharmaceuticals. But assumed that the veins and everything else is not an issue, then in the end, it is really about what one responds to the best. I have an educated doctor, and he ran the tests. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Ozone therapy simply boosts the natural defense mechanisms your body already has in place. Is she a candidate for 10 pass if she is anemic/ borderline anemic? It was developed by Dr Johann Lahadony and Dr Arul. Ozone is a colorless gas that is made of 3 oxygen atoms that are bound together by energy. no, again I don't know of ay long-term follow up research. As a result, the 10 Pass method is also called the Lahodny or Zotzmann method, or Ozone High Dose Therapy (OHT, or Ozonhochdosistherapie in German). I can recommend Dr. Lahodny in Austria, the inventor of the 10 Pass method or Lahodny I as he calls it now. Another paper documented the effectiveness of ozonated oil in a patient with zoster. Im looking for some hard data on what hyperbaric MAH does for IgG and NK parts of the immune system. Ozone increases metabolism of oxygen, regulates oxidative stress, metabolic regulator, immunological modulator, and broad-spectrum germicide. One I have interviewed myself: This speeds up the process considerably. . Thank you so much for putting this together. (This is one pass) This process is then repeated 10 times giving you up to 140.000 mcg of ozone. Ozone is colourless gas consisting of three oxygen atoms bound together by energy. Another approach is to give patients one OHT per week for 10 weeks. Even if you used to be healthy, acquiring either HSV-1 or HSV-2 can have a serious psychosocial impact. 2. 10 pass Ozone Therapy . Your reply certainly does help and I am very much appreciative. Ozone Therapy for Herpes | Ozone Therapy for HSV-1 & HSV-2 - Austin Ozone He says that best results are achieved with a combination of both methods. Without pain! It has a more modern look and a built-in photometer but has shown to nevertheless produce less reliable ozone concentrations than its competitor model {Update August 2018: NOT CORRECT!! The Zotzmann Ozon 2000 made by the German manufacturer Zotzmann & Stahl is a hyperbaric ozone generator. Any other treatment procedure like antivirals etc. Hi Bird, what is the reason why you think it has to be the 10 pass method? by Paola Dziwetzki | Feb 1, 1903 | 98 comments. It is almost exclusively transmitted sexually. It is estimated that two in four adults have contracted the virus, although herpes can remain dormant in the body for many years. Who was performing the demo with which machine? Thus, if you suffer from these ailments, 10 Pass Ozone therapy is the best available medical alternative. Other contraindications are transplanted organs, acute stroke, heart attack, anemia. I have a 20 years old son with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Sometimes the veins are too small or too weak and the OHT cannot be performed at all. At the later stage, patients experience elevated inflammatory cytokines. I heard about the 10 pass and I want to do it. $180. Curious to know if it helped. They feel embarrassed, ashamed and beside themselves because the diagnosing doctor usually tells them there is nothing you can do about it its for life. The rectal administration with high ozone dosages la Lahodny is NOT a substitute for the intravenous OTH, although the Austrian doctor claims that its effect is close. At least 50 million people in the U.S. alone are infected. Ozone has been used for generations and is known to have beneficial effects in killing bacteria and viruses, neutralizing toxic substances. 10 Pass Ozone - The Miracle fix - LinkedIn Ozone High-Dose Therapy (OHT) - Sound Clinic | Integrative Healthcare 10 pass ozone therapy is a state of the art alternative treatment that provides an oxidative effect within the bloodstream. The Ozone High Dose is not a home application. I can confirm through self experiments that swirling is indeed enough. of water. please let me know when u are available for consultation. It helps to increase the effectiveness of the traditional treatment which is already in line. Looking purely at the total ozone administered, for sure nothing beats the 10 Pass method. Dr. Lahodny also administers a rectal version of the 10 pass: he introduces up to 2 liters of ozone/oxygen mix at an ozone concentration of up to 80 ug/ml into the patients large intestine through the rectum. Update 2019: this appears to be wrong, see this video I made on the topic. I signed up for your FaceBook group, Absolutely fabulous. The procedure is performed in a very slow manner of 10 ml at a time over the course of around 1 hour or longer. Hi Herbert, There you go to the files, that is where the list is. They may provide ozone therapy by drawing blood from your body, then mixing it with ozone gas and replacing it. Thanks. The successful administration of this method largely depends on the state of the patients veins. Thank you for reading my blog and thank you for commenting! You listen. The one-size-fits-all approach to medicine is outdated and offers very little for chronic disease treatment . It also costs around US$15,000. So your body does the work of fighting off the herpes virus. Ozone Therapy (10-Pass) - ASPM | Advanced Spinal Pain Management I do rectal anals daily and certainly feel the ozone inside me. Afterwards, the blood is reinserted into the patient using positive pressure. Hi Jo, What are the advantages of the 10 pass ozone treatment? Where could I find it? The 10 Pass method was originally invented by Dr. Lahodny with the use of this machine. He says that best results are achieved with a combination of both methods. This therapy also ensures a lower recovery time which leads to an increase in the routine productivity. Hi Ron, This also leads to a premature abortion of the application and the subsequent administration of Vit C in order to counteract the oversaturation with ozone. Before the treatments, patients are asked to drink at least 3 glasses (750 ml or 25 oz.) Is there any condition when ozone should be avoided. Oxygen helps the body disrupt the replication of the virus, and it conditions the immune system to shield the body from possible inflammation, infection, or even allergies. The method has to be performed at a doctors office. But there are no vaccinations against herpes. Advantages of 10 pass therapy are as follows: It has the provision to supply the body with a large amount of ozone in a shorter time. Designed by Paola Dziwetzki Elegant Marketplace. Recommended Reading: Can You Take Medication For Herpes. There is no cure. While more clinical studies are required to assess how beneficial ozone therapy is for Covid-19 patients, it shows promise and offers hope to patients with severe disease. Statistically, more women than men have genital herpes. I read of a guy who went to the same facility I went to he had ozone therapy everyday for 6 months. Lets examine the medical facts before we jump to conclusions about being hopeless about Herpes.Herpes Simplex type 1 and 2, commonly know as genital herpes is one of the most common infective causes of genital ulceration in developed countries. After the 10 pass treatment, what could happen? Thats why Fred Hutch scientists, with a wealth of expertise in virology, have made the study of human herpesviruses a priority. Apart from medical ailments, this therapy is also used to treat other disease processes, and symptoms. Herpes-type 2 is spread solely through sexual contact with someone who has the HSV-2 infection. In 10 pass ozone, this drawing and re-infusing of ozonated blood are repeated 10 times. Hi Paola, Herrmann Hyper Medozon comfort being used for the administration of the Ozone High Dose. Those can create both negative (vacuum) and positive (hyperbaric) pressure. Buying an Ozone Generator for Ozone Therapy at Home The Ultimate Guide (2020), Promolife Dual Cell Ozone Generator Review, Promolife Rectal Insufflation Package Review, Best Ozone Generator for Ozone Therapy at Home (2022), Breathing Ozonated Olive Oil (BOOO) Successes. This is his page, Will this treatment help with dementia/alzimer's, It could provide a relief from symptoms, I think so. A cleansing therapy for enhanced circulation & killing microbes herpes, bacteria, mold, fungus, parasites Ozone therapy stimulates a small, mild, acute oxidative stress on the body, very similar to fasting and exercise This triggers the production & release of the body's own antioxidants Very nice blog Paola, really knowledgeable .I was in Las Vegas in May for AAot conference. Lets examine the medical facts before we jump to conclusions about being hopeless about Herpes.Herpes Simplex type 1 and 2, commonly know as genital herpes is one of the most common infective causes of genital ulceration in developed countries. Systemic ozone treatments have been shown to benefit the entire body by attacking free radicals and optimizing blood oxygenation. Oral herpes is spread through oral secretions or skin sores (such as the blisters formed from HSV-1). ?? The one which Dr. Lahondy, a doctor with 50 years of experience, says can cure nearly 100% of all diseases? It is necesary a maintenance treatment??? It is controversial due to concerns around its effectiveness and safety. Ozone therapy can be administered rectally in a process known as rectal insufflation. Hi Pete, Your email address will not be published. When introduced in the body, the third molecule forms lipoperoxides, in this case, good free radicals. The 10-pass hyperbaric ozone therapy safely delivers a powerful dose of pure ozone to a patient's bloodstream in under 2 hours. Your email address will not be published. During this mixing, red blood cells and white blood cells get a chance to fuse with the ozone. Ten Pass Ozone Therapy: When Conventional Medicine Fails Ozone Therapy and Herpes In the USA, the CDC classifies the herpes simplex virus as one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections. UBI helps in : Ozone therapy has got amazing results for treating various health conditions like cancer, migraines, arthritis, sinus related issues etc as well. Packages available! Filters catch uric acid crystals, cholesterol and even black mold exterminated by the ozone treatment. Ozone Therapy in Scottsdale, AZ | Ozone Treatment in - Ong Institute The two such therapies that can improve ones health condition and cells are bioresonance therapy and Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy (PEMF). He says that best results are achieved with a combination of both methods. This treated blood is re-infused into the patient hyperbarically i.e. Thank you. Ozone for infections. Vacuum function is compatible with a normobaric ozone treatment. It can be transmitted even when a person is asymptomatic. How is the 10 pass ozone treatment performed? Recommended Reading: Genital Herpes Hurts So Bad, Manifestation and treatment of herpes zoster Dr. Satish DA, Can Genital Herpes pose problems during pregnancy? St. Louis, MO Ozone Therapy by The Institute of Natural Health This protects the red blood cells from being damaged when shaken. Hence, I am scared to do ten pass. The 10 Pass method describes an ozone therapy treatment during which 200 ml to 220 ml of a patient's blood are drawn under negative pressure (vacuum), the blood is then mixed under positive pressure with 200 ml of ozone at a concentration of 70 ug/ml, and then re-infused into the patient's vein, also under positive pressure. An instructional video showing how to perform a hyperbaric MAH on the Zotzmann 2000. A Case of Suspected Gas Embolism After an Incorrect DIV Ozone Injection. , Your email address will not be published. Other contraindications are acute heart attack, stroke, or anaemia. I am sure you have by now seen my response in the Facebook group. This website contains links to vendors of products I endorse, including Chemically it is formed by a triatomic dynamically unstable molecule of oxygen that in gaseous form has a half-life of about one hour at room . You should, therefore, let your doctor know if you are allergic to this blood thinner, have elevated blood potassium levels or uncontrollable bleeding. I wont ever forget this experience and the kindness you have shown me! IV Ozone Therapy | IV Therapy Maui This method of infusion of ozone gas ensures that blood does not clot upon mixing with the gas inside the patients body. Ozone, in general, effectively works in addressing chronic disorders and in reducing the viral load in a patients body. But some people took a lot more time than others to improve, even at Bocci's dose of 14,000 mcg per treatment. Once infected, the virus stays dormant in the body, flaring up occasionally. Ozone is a colorless gas made up of three oxygen atoms that provide many avenues for alternative therapy. There is a doctor in Spain, in Pontevedra actually, do you have any references about him??? Ozone Therapy | Treatments | Supposedly, this allows for the red blood cells to absorb more oxygen. I need a doctor who practices this method with good results for multi sclerosis. Avoid kissing babies or children when you have open mouth sores, Avoid risky behavior such as having multiple sex partners, If you already have it, get permanent treatment such as the 10-pass ozone therapy. The more common of the two is called Major Autohemotherapy (MAH). When it comes to herpes, ozone therapy can potentially eradicate the virus from the body, allowing you to live free from the fear of outbreaks and embarrassing moments. Ozone was also found to increase the host immunity by increasing the production of cytokine. Can you tell me how many treatments you had to do for your body to clear the virus? And it is really nice to get all the numbers and all other important notes you share haven't seen this level of detail anywhere else. During the 10 pass 200 ml of blood are drawn from the patient's vein and mixed with an ozone/oxygen mixture at an ozone concentration of 70 mcg/ml and then are re-infused under a hyperbaric pressure of maximum 0.8 bar. Heparin is a prescription medication and it has a number of contraindications. HSV-11, also known as oral herpes, is highly contagious. OWB Ozone Outreach; Our Partners; In Memory Of. Though with no promises or guarantees, Ozone has been used all over the world to treat infections that normally cannot be fixed, i.e. Should the procedure be stopped once this discomfort begins or is it okay to proceed to get the full ten passes? There are two different ways to perform MAH: normobarically or hyperbarically. William Campbell Douglas wrote Into the Light about UVBI and said that these two therapies work well together. suffered from stress and depression because of this disease. HSV-1 is mainly transmitted through oral contact . At the core of regenerative medicine is a functional medicine approach. Advantages of 10 pass therapy are as follows: Once infected, the virus of herpes stays in the body for life unless treated with ozone therapy to destroy it. Also Check: Does Genital Herpes Go Away On Its Own, Also Check: Over The Counter Herpes Medicine. Ozone Therapy | Get Expert Treatment at American Regerative Clinic According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , approximately 776,000 people3 develop new genital herpes infections nationwide, while the World Health Organization estimates that around 4 billion people7 are infected worldwide. 3. I did one 10 pass in my life and only during a seminar, just to be able to say that I did it. Even though it is toxic when inhaled, it is safe8 when taken in small amounts via other means and when administered with proper handling and the right technology. Since certain foods may help with the recovery, and other prohibited foods in the diet may escalate the disease or cause a relapse. not just immunomodulating promises Ok, great. We were taught to use 7500 units of Heparin for 10 pass. Everyday I get calls from potential patients who were diagnosed with Herpes 2 infections. 10 pass ozone is an intensive form of ozone therapy that starts like standard ozone treatment. A doctor or a trained professional should oversee the therapy. when doing ozone and running blood tests it is important to consult a doctor who knows the effect on ozone on various blood parameters and knows how to interpret them. It works by essentially mimicking a dialysis machine. In: Proceedings of the 15th Ozone World Congress, 11th - 15th September 2001, Medical Therapy Conference (IOA 2001, Ed . Dr. Lahodny is also convinced that the 10 pass method stimulates stem cell production. Which website are you referring to? Typically genital herpes are caused by HSV-2 however in recent times there has been a trend of HSV-1 causing genital herpes in young adults. Ozone Therapy - Sano Via Wellness - Toronto wellness and ozone clinic Not only does it require the purchase of a costly machine which can be only bought by licensed professionals, but the method requires an assistant to be performed. Three main forms of treatment include administering ozone: Research from 2018 indicated that ozone therapy may help with knee osteoarthritis by improving range of motion and delaying decline. Often, veins are too weak or too small to withstand the considerable pressure exerted on them and the full 10 passes cannot be completed. Advanced BioCell - High Dose Ozone Therapy in Los Angeles, CA Ozone therapy is an alternative medicine practice that uses ozone gas. Approximately one out of six people between the ages of 14-49 years in the U.S. have genital HSV-2 infection. However, if a person already has HSV-1 oral herpes, then it would be impossible for them to acquire HSV-1 genital herpes. For lesions or sores from herpes, its certainly worthwhile considering ozone oil for healing the area and killing pathogens on the skin. I do not necessarily agree that DIV is always more or more effective. The treatment is minimally invasive and there are no discernable side effects. Example: brown urine, itchiness, bloating, or joint pain. Genital herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the U.S. I looked on the FB page and was unable to see any info on Dr's that offer it in Spain. Your healthcare provider will discuss the best options for you and your treatment. It can only be acquired by medical professionals. It is not always possible to know who has the virus, so it is essential to discuss with new sex partners and perhaps get tested beforehand. The procedure uses pressure, which protects red blood cells from damage, allowing them to remain intact until re-infusion. Naturopathic medicine with a functional and integrative focus. . Researchers are currently exploring the effects. Thats great news. Click Here to Download the Guide to Ozone Therapy. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Herpes simplex virus - WHO | World Health Organization Hope this helps. Ozone High Dose Therapy or 10 Pass | Foundation for Alternative and This mechanism checks the presence of the assistant. . Talk with your healthcare provider about the best way to prepare for your treatment. i guess for 10pass there has been no long-term follow up as its a new therapy, Hi Ron, Medical O(3) is used to disinfect and treat disease. But maybe this is something to look into. Has there been any research to make sure the dose of ozone is not too much and not inducing any genotoxic harm? Also, make sure to drink plenty of water. Mostly it is HSV-2 that causes herpes around the genitals and rectum. Thanks again. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This is one pass using our 10-pass machine, and additional passes are $50. Once the patients vein is punctured, blood is sucked into the bottle by the vacuum. Major Autohemotherapy (MAH) is a procedure during which blood is drawn, mixed with an ozone/oxygen mix, and then reinserted into the patient. It is used to treat a variety of chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Lyme disease, chronic hepatitis, AIDS, herpes, chronic fatigue syndrome, and many more. The newer version goes by several names including Ozone High-Dose Therapy (OHT), Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy (HBO3 or HBO3T), or simply '10-pass' ozone therapy. Take South Korea, for example; ozone treatments are not ubiquitous but can be found. Ozone therapy is the process of administering ozone gas into the body, typically to treat a disease and/or wound. How Long Does An Initial Herpes Outbreak Last. Then join the Facebook group The Ozone Group to find out about doctors and their prices. One more commonly talked about the procedure for ozone therapy is10 Pass Ozone Therapywhich aids in the treatment of herpes. Additionally, heparin itself has a whole range of side effects. If it is overactive, it will dampen it. HSV-1 can also be spread to the genitals if you receive oral sex from someone with it. See you next week! Neonatal herpes. This metabolic process is very similar to the effects of glutathione the bodys major detoxifier. Herpes is caused by having skin contact with someone who is infected, whether vaginal, oral, or anal. It can generate an ozone concentration of maximum of 70 ug/ml. It is of great importance in reducing the viral and bacterial load, as a systemic anti-inflammatory, for the reduction in joint pain. Ozone is a natural gas that contains three oxygen atoms (O3), as opposed to normal oxygen with two atoms (02). I have Multiple Sclerosis and have not walked in years due to the disease. This appears to be chronic lyme. These sores last between 2 and 20 days after contact with an infected person. This is repeated 10 times, hence the name 10 pass. How can I learn more, please? It appears that in some rare cases, mercury poisoned people have adverse reactions to ozone. If doctors been using Zotzman and Herrmann forever for perform MAHs, the change between a MAH and a pass would be the oxygen added?
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