The men and women of the command know Perhaps an even more significant advantage of the line haul relay They were grandfathered, not subject to the five-year rule that brought me and my wife to HQ TASCOM. The green dragon on the patch is associated with the legendary hero Siegfried and the Nibelungenlied saga, which was set in Worms where the command was headquartered from 1974-1996. Fritz Reuter. The kassern was known then as Focht Kassern. Worms was, thus, heavily bombed by the Royal Air Force and the U.S. Army Air Forces in two attacks on February 21 and March 18, 1945, respectively. Worms (Germany) | Open Library Good memories, good times, great food, and the best BIER you can ever have. Gen. Joseph R. Ranck in charge. Teems, David. Worms was a great duty station. My nickname was soggy but that is a long story. the complex operation. In addition, the Commanding General, USAREUR COMZ, was given such specific missions as to plan for the evacuation of technical service supplies and equipment; to plan for the general alert order (GAO); to receive, store, and distribute POL in the event of a general alert; to make necessary plans for emergency headquarters; to plan for a COMZ reinforced troop list; to plan for and be prepared to execute the noncombatant evacuation order (NEO); to provide for construction of an emergency pipeline; to provide support to elements of the U.S. Air Force and Navy, to joint U.S. and international headquarters and other specified U.S. governmental agencies as directed; and to represent CINCUSAREUR in negotiations with French governmental agencies. of Europe as directed by the supply control agencies. A postwar survey estimated that 39% of the town's developed area was destroyed. It opened in 1947 after World War II and was named after Benjamin Franklin. Worms was and is a fantastic city.Enjoyed the bachfish fest. (33) Interv, Maj Gugeler with Col Looney, 16 May 55. Our crew of medics seemed well-trained. That's the charm that worms has and many people want to return years later. The Seine Area Command provided administrative and logistical support to international and U.S. national elements of SHAPE and its subordinate Allied headquarters, to Headquarters, US EUCOM, and to several other attached organizations. U.S. USAREUR Area Command - obviating the glaring vulnerability in the position of the western line in this age of speed. (34), On the basis of this recommendation, CINCUSAREUR decided to proceed with the reorganization. little place run by older man, Alfred, and younger girlfriend (wife?) During the disorders of 411413 AD, Roman usurper Jovinus established himself in Borbetomagus as a puppet-emperor with the help of King Gunther of the Burgundians, who had settled in the area between the Rhine and Moselle some years before. When needed "Guest workers" would be granted a work visa. They begun 43 years ago by General John J. Pershing at Tours and nurtured Loved all my time in Germany and going back for the first time this October 2013. I was stationed in Worms with the 34th Trans 1961-1963.Had alot of good times there, hung out alot at the Nordend Gasthaus.I use to help the owners daughter with her English homework.What a cute kid I would like to know how shes doing. The second was Indonesian and had a Dutch passport. All things considered, they treated us "Amis" pretty well. (29), The Base Section, with headquarters at La Rochelle, was responsible for receiving water shipments from the United States or elsewhere. necessary logistical support for the major U.S. headquarters in and commands the military posts at Verdun, Poitiers, Bussac, and hum 24 hours a day to order supplies, to maintain stock levels, I have been back in Germany several times in the past 3-4 years as a civilian working for a German Company (mostly to Ffm), but will like to take the time to bring my wife and kids one day to show them the charms of Worms and this region. Join Your Unit Today Join VetFriends To: Reunite with Unit Buddies Browse Military Units Post Unit Messages Great Discounts & More! Worms has 13 boroughs (or "quarters") around the city centre. Headquarters and Headquarters Company (HHC), 38th Transportation Truck Battalion was activated in Munich, Germany on 1 June 1951. They control stockage, maintenance and shipping of supplies to fill The city became the capital of the Burgundian kingdom under Gunther (also known as Gundicar). I recall all the work involved in removing the old furniture , tons of boxes or paperwork, basically emptying the buildings. AVs city of Worms, showing damaged town below. I was station here 1958/1960. of the progress made by the entire command during the intervening As one of the fortress cities guarding France's eastern front in World War I, she won everlasting glory through a stubborn and successful resistance against wave after wave of the best German shock troops, and 350,000 French soldiers gave their lives to fulfill her martial slogan -- "they shall not pass!" unit in the history of the United States Army. stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me. Worms (pronounced /voms/) is a city in southwestern Germany in the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz). The only signifioent change within USAREUR COMZ was the elimination of the Orleans Area Command on 1 September 1954. The Romans renamed the city as Augusta Vangionum, after the then-emperor and the local tribe. retired); Lt Gen Robert W. Colglazier Jr, present Deputy Chief of at huge tank farms the PDC maintains along the way. It was built in the late 1800's and used by the German Army until the end of WWII. my troops crossed the river at Worms March 29, 1944. It is known to have a network of underground tunnels and bunkers, but this has been sealed off. On 15 Mar the Seventh Army attacked, and the Third Army launched a simultaneous attack from the north in the direction of Worms. The 37th THTC pioneered the "line haul relay system" in which a Five days later some 1,000 American technical service troops moved Loved the park across the street, Martin Luther Plaza, ice cream store, great wine, wonderful snitzel and fries, and the train was wight there to go exploring. Do you have US MILITARY COMMUNITY-WORMS,WORMS, GERMANY Reunion information you'd like to share, "When I Joined VetFriends, I read about the email locator service, and sent an email to my old friend. In order words don't ask questions. Benno von Bundschuh. [6] The garrison grew into a small town with a regular Roman street plan, a forum, and temples for the main gods Jupiter, Juno, Minerva (whose temple was the site of the later cathedral), and Mars. From the end of World War II until 1950 all supplies for American I called the number ans wow he was blown away when he found out who I was. The bombing started on 21 Mar, and by 24 Mar the German air force were no longer able to put up much of a resistance against its Allied counterpart; 8,000 sorties were launched between 21 Mar and 24 Mar, and Allied airmen reported only about 100 enemy aircrafts sighted. has been achieved by the hard work of ComZ personnel. How cool is that. In 1096, 800 Jews were murdered by crusaders and the local mob. WENT TO SCHOOL IN MANNHIEM THER BEER AND PEOPLE WERE THE BEST AND OH YES THE BACHFISH FEST TOO. BTW, the top civilian, and 'homesteader,' in the Management Division of DCS Compt, was Mr Al Monroe. A colleague was also there for the entire year as we provided health care for everyone nearby from the Ambassador Kenneth Rush's family to all official embassy personnel, local soldiers, and many housekeepers from Spain. List of United States Army installations in Germany - Wikipedia I was stationed at Worms 1975-76. SHAPE and NATO at Paris and ComZ headquarters at Orleans. U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command, Worms bids farewell to 5th Signal Command. of what supplies are stored where, to direct shipment by the most They are: The climate in the Rhine Valley is temperate in winter and enjoyable in summer. It was built in the late 1800's and used by the German Army until the end of WWII. I rode in Van's car a frightening number of times between Worms and HQ, USAREUR in Heidelberg. Not too long ago, with office space at a premium almost everywhere on the continent of Europe the United States of America has allied Shirley Jones, Worms was my first assignment in the Army and I loved it. by the Allied Armies under the command of General Dwight D. Eisenhower US Air Force Bases In Germany I also like drinking out of the boot. Who knows, I might even get back to Worms one of these years. The majority of the bases are operated by the US Army, but the Marines and USAF also have bases in the country. (27), (2) Additional Missions. Anyone out there that was in Worms during that same period? The RAF attack on Feb. 21 was aimed at the main railway station on the edge of the inner city, and at chemical plants southwest of the inner city, but also destroyed large areas of the city centre. the battalion exec. I was with the 232nd Signal Company 1979-1980 and often hopped the South Gate for pizza and getting to town - obviously I was never shot. U.S. Army Col. The barracks were still there, but not occupied. We were stationed in Germany in 1975 through 1978. from nuts and bolts to giant machines at ComZ depots, with an additional US Military Bases in Germany | 21 Bases | and procedures upon which the present vast supply operation was Mr van Hoeteghem performed superhuman efforts at budget submission time, regularly working 24 or more hours without rest in those punch-card days. result today in ComZ; a command geared to the highly modernized I will be heading there next month to meet that long-lost love of mine for the third time in 60 days. I also remember when briefly assigned to the budget area seeing various printouts of some things I did not understand. USAREUR Units - Communications Zone - I was stationed in Worms at the time it was decommisioned in 96, in 5th Sig Cmd DCSLOG (Deputy Chief of Staff Logistics) for C&E SATCOM affairs. WIESBADEN, Germany -- A ceremony commemorating the 70th anniversary of the 4th Infantry Division crossing the Rhine River in Worms, Germany, was held March 29. It is known to have a network of underground tunnels and bunkers, but this has been sealed off. a. We talked on the phone several times in the last few years, and finally we were able to meet in El Paso, TX for a short visit. The 4th Inf. The German population was extremely fearful of a Russian land invasion because of the atrocities committed by the German Waffen SS on the Russian population in WW2 when Hitler invaded Russia. The more I learned the more a morass and quagmire developed. Loved the city, meant some wonderful friends there both German and American. The decision to reestablish ComZ in France was governed primarily ComZ operations down through the years since Major General Francis It is a startling contrast to the infant supply organization A group to pay homage to all those who served in the military and were stationed in Worms. I had a great time and intend to go again next year. was born in 1950 - outcome of the communist aggression in Korea frameset, Across the Face of France, Liberation and Recovery, 1944-63. Through For Darmstadt-Griesheim was found: The airfield with 1500 m x 1000 m has a solid, but partially sketchy sod with minor bumps. UNCLASSIFIED. I was in Worms from Jan 68 through Mar 69 with STRATCOM-EUR working in the com center. Veteran C. Young, After 30 years and learning the computer and finding VetFriends, I went to my first reunion of the USS Navasota AO-106. I was stationed there from 1986-1989. If you were employed by the US forces in Europe before a previous date which I do not recall but believe it was in the 1950s, you did not have a 3 year with a possible extension to 5 years end of tour and subsequently have to return stateside. As a very young DAC, I was Mr van Hoeteghem's colleague in the Budget Division of the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, Comptroller (DCS, Compt). Interesting to hear that my old barracks has been turned into a hotel. UNCLASSIFIED.
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