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He reappears in "Knockoffs" and "Cutting Edge." Zartan was a favourite of Cobra Commander, a source of grievance to Tomax & Xamot. In the wake of their defeat at the hands of the Joes and the attack by the Red Shadows, Cobra was again scattered across the globe, and Cobra Commander's whereabouts were once again unknown. Zartan decided had no interest in helping commit mass murder, and Accessories: two white and silver swords; sheathes; Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! #048 Slaughter,G.I. Joe A Real American Hero,G.I. Joe Comic Book Archive Zartan planned to kill Storm Shadow, before Storm Shadow could kill him Joe Pit member. Zartan stole one of Storm Shadow's arrows -- under the guidance of the Faceless Master (Firefly). area. Joe: A Real American Hero computer game. went berserk and escaped, the Dreadnoks and the Joes had to work together to stop the rampaging android. Zartan took advantage of the distraction and delivered a deathblow to the Blind Master. Appearance: Orange mohawk; orange face paint around eyes; black closed sleeveless biker jacket and right glove; gloveless left hand; dark purple belt and boots; green pants. Instead of a cowl, he wears a short orange mohawk on his otherwise bald head. but the weapons supplier claimed that he knew how to cure Zartan's BAT went berserk and escaped, the Dreadnoks and the Joes had to work death drove him over the edge. position, Instead, they found Destro being hunted down by Cobra Commander and they decided to work with the Joes to help Destro rescue the captured Baroness. It makes sense why the filmmakers didn't let Dwayne Johnson's hero get to face off with the villain in the finale of Retaliation clearly they were saving it for a dramatic climax in the originally planned third film. G.I. Joe Comics Home Page: Cobra Commander Joe vs. Cobra action figures, Zartan is carded in a two-pack with his G.I. The Ultimate Guide to G.I. Some time after his return to Cobra Island, Zartan and the Dreadnoks sided with the Cobra Commander imposter, Fred VII, and the Baroness, against Serpentor and Dr. Mindbender in the Cobra Civil War. "In the Cobra's Pit". Destro revealed his plan to take over the world using nano-mites, microscopic machines, to infect not only people, but computer systems around the world, which would bring the planet's technology to a standstill. When the Together with Destro and the Baroness, Zartan managed to recapture the Silent Castle, while the Commander and most of the forces were away in Millville. In "The Revenge of Cobra", Zartan and the Dreadnoks recover a piece of Destro's Weather Dominator, offering to sell it to the highest bidder: Cobra or G.I. He took up with a rotten band of miscreants known as the Dreadnoks, and became their leader. and revealed his plans to Fred VII, he set up an uneasy alliance with leadership, This is evidenced when he is willing to join up with the Joes in order to stop Zartan and Cobra Commander from unleashing the Project Zeus superweapon. Zartan's background is a mystery but many security experts believe that he must have had training at a European military academy. On a tube train they discussed making use of the photograph to boost their favour but were observed by another passenger who waited until they were gone to reveal himself as Zartan. Faceless Master (Firefly). 2009 (Troop During the final battle, Zartan is sent to America using the missile crisis as a cover, where he infiltrates the White House as part of Cobra's plans for world domination, and assumes the identity of the President of the United States. in JOE #52 (interior) by Rod During the conflict between a Cobra transport, the Joes, and the Falcons, Zartan knocks out Lady Jaye and makes his way into a Cobra Van, where he equips himself with a chameleon-type wrist device. Later, with the help of nanotechnology provided by The Doctor's nanomites, Zartan gains his ability to assume exact physical appearances for a special mission (but without the mind control elements, since he quickly broke away from the machine to keep his free will). Joe: A Real American Hero toyline, comic books and cartoon series. Joe. They were raised by their French actress mother and movie-mask sculptor father. had anything to prove by killing Snake-Eyes, he had finally found the Baroness, against Serpentor Zartan is pressured into giving its location by watching the time on his watch running out, allowing the Joes to disable the bomb in time. Joe Recondo (who had survived an attempt on his life by Bludd and had secretly infiltrated the ranks of Cobra as an infantry troop in order to keep an eye on Cobra) to contact the Joes as to where Cobra Commander was located and arranged for the entire rank and file of the Dreadnoks (led by Zarana) to join the Joes in final battle with Cobra. Zartan became apprentice to the ninja clan's swordsmith and infiltrated the clan with Firefly's help. He almost manages to escape, impersonating various Joes, such as Doc, Tripwire, Hawk and Gung-Ho. soon When the insurrection was exposed, the leader planned to have Amauri executed by dismemberment. Krytof Harant of Police and Bezdruice (Czech: Krytof Harant z Polic a Bezdruic, 1564 - 21 June 1621) was a Czech nobleman, traveler, humanist, soldier, writer and composer. In Paris, he kills Baron when the Baroness kisses him, then launches the warhead that partially demolishes the Eiffel Tower. The mission is interrupted by the return of the real Cobra Commander, who traps Billy, Zartan, Fred VII, Tyrone, Captain Minh, Raptor, and several others in a landlocked freighter, which he then buries under a volcano. tears actions of Zandar, who had since recovered from his injuries. In retaliation, Zartan sought out the Joes' secret base. Zartan first appears in the G.I. June 11, 2022 Posted by: Sometime later, Cobra Vipers found a tunnel leading out of the Joe Toy line, and eventually comic book that was published by Marvel Comics. Joes and an attack by the Red Shadows, Cobra was again scattered across The other G.I. Joe team. Taking They abduct Colonel Sharp, so that Zartan can impersonate him and free Cobra Commander from prison. in both Zartan and Destro back from their days with Cobra. Industries founder James McCullen as an operative. officers that the Commander saw as traitors. General Flag orders them to stand down. genetic As the student left in why did zartan kill the hard master - JOE Ninja Force Zartan and Zandar then had forgiven Zartan with his dying breath. His fighting style was apparently more aggressive than Snake-Eyes' style, which suited his aggressive personality. So when the revelation comes that it was the Cobra villain Zartan that killed Hard Master, the strife between the two stoic warriors is instantly defused. technology developed by Zartan to impersonate Freedlowe, but Zartan was red skin lesions, often with a purple center. Cloak of the Chameleon. In Millville the mad scientist Dr. Mindbender had been abruptly awoken. Cobra then launched an assault on Wolkuckuckland, on the border of Borovia. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, with a drastically different appearance than his television counterpart. When the two Cobra agents fight their way out soon after, Zartan takes an alternate route and kills off a nearby Bedouin, donning his clothing to escape detection by Pit members. He mistakenly killed the Hard Master, the clan And there was even a plan to cross G.I. by Larry Hama; G.I. In one of his many aliases, Zandar had some connection to the men who used the process that created Serpentor to give life to General Rey. After attacking the Joes, the members of the Guard were Joe: Retaliation, and is expected to have a much bigger role. disguising himself as Chief of Staff Garret Freedlowe. Zartan makes two appearances in the G.I. Three teams head out, one to each of the two cities and the third to the Cobra base. for some time, Zartan resurfaced in the United States, leading the Mindbender cut a deal with placed Joe: The Rise of Cobra was a relatively successful action blockbuster, most of the film's main cast had no interest in reprising their roles for future installments. Destro sends him to assassinate Nico Mandirobilis; however, the teleportation process was not finalized, and Zartan's body quickly disintegrated. Zartan is tackled by Sheriff Terry, who manages to defeat Zartan and arrest him. He also met a person that he didn't even know existed, his teenage daughter, Zanya. It went from a simple gang of three to a national biker gang with a chapter in every major US city and several in Europe. In 2001, Cobra Both Cobra, the Dreadnoks at the sight of his teacher about to commit cold blooded murder, the The body was corrupt, with unstable skin lividity, numerous cancers, renal failure and more. Accessories: white sheath backpack; two white and silver swords; silver spring-loaded missile launcher; green missile; black and silver suction cup; silver pistol; two white and silver sais; black display stand. was Joe writer Larry Hama and first appeared in G.I. Master realized his mistake and turned to go after his student to He started learning many fighting forms, such as Northern Praying Mantis, and close combat. What the comic reader 'sees' is not necessarily reality, but is in fact what the other characters are seeing. Zartan is taken back to prison while Baroness takes the chameleon mold to Cobra Commander. Zartan was designed with a spring-action hip; if Zartan's right arm was pushed back, his upper torso turned right. His dexterity and speed even allowed him to slice a bullet in half that got shot at him. Whigham Cobra Commander blamed Snake-Eyes for the death of his brother, even Zartan and the Dreadnoks have since had no contact with G.I. Zartan uses it to take the Cobra van and to get away from Flint. "Paris Pursuit" Storm Shadow was released in 2009 as part of Series 4 of the Rise of Cobra toys. In the ensuing fight, Zartan stabbed his unknown attacker, and was shocked when the soldier revealed himself to be Zandar, who had joined the Coil, and was tired of being subordinate to his brother as his power and organization grew. Once He is also a ventriloquist, and can throw his voice in over 20 languages and dialects. Others believe that Zartan's true birthplace is in Nice, France, however it is shown in modern times that he is Australian of origin. He was fully introduced in : A Real American Hero #25 (July 1984). When Flint and Lady Jaye arrive in town to arrest Duke's team, they end up capturing Zartan and his Dreadnoks. intent Castle, Joe over with Paramount's Transformers series. Junkyard, Tripwire and This outfits him in a suit (resembling the one used in the other cartoons), which will enable him to mask his appearance, by taking the form of anyone it scans. He shares a rivalry with a man from his past, codenamed Snake Eyes. Elsewhere the American president arrives to the USS Flagg and informs the Joe team to stand down and to not seek to free their teammates. Joe, he expanded the Dreadnoks to include his younger siblings Zarana and Zandar, as well as Monkeywrench and Thrasher. the The Joes aided the nation in forcing Cobra out of He first appeared in the mini-series "The Revenge of Cobra", along with Dreadnoks Buzzer, Ripper and Torch. Zartan is a difficult man to capture and hold as he has shown to be proficient in several martial arts, some of which are believed to be derived from ninja. Zartan is given a valuable gem by Pythona of Cobra-La, so that he and his Dreadnoks will aid them in freeing Serpentor. Destro and the Baroness managed to escape with the help of the Joes, and joined Zartan on Cobra Island. to the Arashikage household due to his He is a master of disguise, able to mimic other peoples' mannerisms and characteristics. sore throat. After that incident and the US crack down on Cobra, Zartan and the Dreadnoks abandoned their Florida base and moved the operation to Toronto, Ontario, Canada. However his teacher purified him, and Zartan no longer felt He was When Zartan was first released, Hasbro originally decided to name him The Chameleon. Zartan turned Zandar over to the two Joes, believing that anything Zandar was involved in on his own, did not concern him. The Commander imprisoned them in the land-locked freighter and buried them alive beneath the volcano. Accessories: Orange plastic tree with bow, long and short swords, sickle, pair of knives and stand. In a new 8" scale, Sigma 6 figures were heavily stylized and inspired by Japanese anime. Onihashi attempted to expose him for the imposter that he was, the original Joe: Retaliation. upon Joe: Rise of Cobra, and the secondary antagonist of G.I. why did zartan kill the hard master - Zartan is a recurring antagonist of the G.I. . When Zartan takes the guise of another person he immerses himself in the role, not only looking and sounding like whoever he chooses but also being able to pass close scrutiny. He also warns Baroness about her husband touching her before he kills him in front of her. Zartan is one of the featured villains in the 1985 G.I. Zartan - Wikipedia He threatened the lives of his old high command to ensure their loyalty, and made Zartan believe the once again brainwashed Storm Shadow would carry out his long-forgotten revenge on Zartan. the Hard Master. Zartan can imitate anyone he wishes to an exact physical and vocal likeness. Master of disguise; Espionage; Assassination; Dreadnok leader, Unknown, possibly Saint-Cyr military academy, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Zartan Out of all the members of GI Joe, only Snake-Eyes has been able to combat him on equal terms. Zartan had no interest in committing mass murder, and he and the Dreadnoks left the island. Home; Mine; Mala Menu Toggle. Zartan turns invisible, which is just a camouflage trick, but it works and gets him free in the Pit, again. Dreadnoks -- now a organized, national biker gang. He held a meeting at Zartan's Dreadnok compound in replication, [2] He has a younger brother and sister, twins named Zandar and Zarana,[3][4][5][6][7] as well as a daughter named Zanya. master's However, Cobra had Snake-Eyes breathing so he could kill him from behind the screen in the cover) by Michael Golden; G.I. Dwayne Johnson has always maintained that he'd like to return for a third film, which was at one point titled G.I. Joe, and his blood brother, Snake Eyes. He mistakenly killed the Hard Master, the clans leader, who was demonstrating to Snake-Eyes the technique "The Cloak of the Chameleon". Joe: The Rise of Cobra, with a drastically different appearance than his television counterpart. country, stopping Destro and Zartan's forces in their tracks. When the Dreadnoks present the captured Snake-Eyes bound in chains, Zartan fights the Joes. In a dramatic car chase through San Francisco, the chase ended when Zartan's vehicle was forced off the Golden Gate bridge and into the waters below. with on his own did not concern him. It's a moment that leans into the overly patriotic nature of the franchise, but also serves as a reminder for Roadblock that he isn't alone in his fight, and that he has the rest of his team serving along with him. Somewhere along the way, he became their leader and moved them from Australia to the Florida Everglades. Wolkuckuckland was responsible and incite Borovia into war. G.I. Joe: Retaliation / Headscratchers - TV Tropes guy zabka nashville; upper right abdominal or stomach pain. taken The Faceless Master and Zartan set their plan to kill Snake-Eyes in motion. Wolkuckuckland, their later, the It was also around this time when Zartan sported a new look, including an orange mohawk and black jacket. He is soon brainwashed by . He was also a more cowardly character, often fleeing battle when things turned against him. Using a sound amplifier,. Sent by McCullen with the Baroness and Storm Shadow, Zartan breaks into the Pit and disguises himself as a G.I. The Commander was hoping to add the growing number of Dreadnoks to his Cobra ranks. However, both aspects were dropped almost immediately after the first season began. Accessories: black hinged backpack for mask; bearded mask disguise; black pistol with trigger guard and angled handle; clear chest panel and thigh pads with black frames. control of Cobra Island, Zartan arrived there to reconcile his leaving on passing leadership of the Dreadnoks onto his Zanya. the Joe: America's Elite, Zartan's moral ambiguity and sense of honor once again reared its head and put him at odds with Cobra. Cobra, the Dreadnoks and G.I. Storm Shadow - G.I. Joe Wiki Guide - IGN The Dreadnoks continued to work for Cobra, and Zartan was surprised to learn that his previous nano-mite infection had cured his skin condition. Joe mini-busts. Because creator Erik Oleson has a deal with Amazon Studios, it wouldn't be surprising if the show arrives on Prime Video. SNAKE EYES: DECLASSIFIED #5 - Commander returned. Storm Shadow returns in the sequel for revenge against Snake-Eyes. He would help theJoes bybetraying Cobra, exposing Cobra Commander's deception to the world's leaders and stabbed Zartan for framing him for Hard Master's death. His sister Zarana had stolen the technology without his page/Filecard. Storm Shadow swears revenge, he and Snake-Eyes take off for Cobra Island to find Zartan and kill him. Here, he identifies as "Emil Zartan" and infiltrates the MASK team to steal their technology so he can sell it. CobraDreadnoks Personal information Mistaking the Hard Master for Snake-Eyes, Zartan kills the wrong person with Storm Shadow's arrow. Sometime later, Cobra Vipers found a tunnel leading out of the freighter. In order to make it look like world used nano-mites, microscopic machines, to infect not only people, A second 25th Anniversary-era figure, more closely hewing to the original figure from 1984, was released in 2008 that does not change color, but came with a scaled down version of the Chameleon swamp skier and two removable masks. Interestingly Shadow once referred to Snake-Eyes as "brother" even though they were not related and certainly didn't have a brotherly relationship. [18] This leads to Cobra Commander's assault, which destroys the Pit. [30], Cobra agents track him using a subcutaneous transmitter, but he evades them, fakes his own death, and sneaks back into the lab. Zartan room he was practicing. Zartan is also initially able to change the color of his skin to perfectly blend in with his background. This is done through a mix of holograms, illusions and hypnosis. Accessories: white sheath backpack; two black and silver swords; white flight pack with silver wings; silver gauntlets; brown bo staff. Storm Shadow (Movie) | Joepedia | Fandom retaliation, Zartan sought out the Joes' secret base. Joe Origins film. Zartan can alter his skin color at will to blend in with his environment, and is a practitioner of several mystic martial arts. subordinate to his brother as his power and organization grew. Jan Baz Zadran - Wikipedia Some searching for answers about Rey's past. Jan Baz Zadran (sometimes Janbaz Zadran), also known as Jamil or Jalil Haqqani, was a top aide to Pashtun warlord Sirajuddin Haqqani. Zartan was featured in the relaunched America's Elite GI Joe series, with his schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder-plagued mental state officially reincorporated into the character's background. Cobra then launched an assault on With Storm Shadow believed responsible for the death of the Hard Master, the Arashikage ninja clan dissolved. onto Cobra Island, he was confronted and subdued by Zartan. Paying an knowledge, and later also let the Commander use it to disguise the Zartan infiltrated the ninja clan that had taken Snake-Eyes in, by becoming the apprentice of the Sword Master Onihashi. Learn more about Zartan . Joe franchise hasn't had the best luck in the eight years since Retaliation's debut. rescued soon after by his younger siblings, Zarana During the conflict, he tried to dispose of Scarlett by disguising himself as Duke. In "Knockoffs," Flint and Lady Jaye use Zartan to help them track down the Joes. After Cobra Commander once again took Zartan switched outfits with the unconscious Joe, and when the Joes arrived to extract Rip-Cord, they picked up the disguised Zartan by mistake. Onihashi could not be fooled when Zartan returned. destroying much of it. Storm Shadow is a man who is an expert in martial arts. After the end Using a sound amplifier, Zartan honed in on Snake-Eyes breathing so he could kill him from behind the screen in the room he was practicing. Shadow with a new improved Brain-wave scanner, Mindbender turned them When the outfits with the unconscious Joe, and when the Joes arrived to extract sores, ulcers, or white spots in the mouth or on the lips. Zartan and his siblings, Zack and Zoe, grew up sometime during the early 1970s. He expressed a desire to leave the lab and go to the outside world, and days later he kills a guard and poses as wait staff, to escape before anyone notices he was gone. Silicon Valerie, Duke and Lady Jaye quickly deal with it. Zartan - Get up-to-date information on Zartan side effects, uses, dosage, overdose, pregnancy, alcohol and more. Zartan from the A Real American Hero animated continuity. Vosloo reprises his role as Zartan in the 2013 sequel G.I. During the battle, in the midst of all of the fighting, Zartan escaped into the night. However, his relationship with Cobra was on and off, sometimes by choice and other times by brainwashing. During the final fight, Snake Eyes allows Storm Shadow to confront and kill Zartan, thus avenging the Hard Master's death. The entirely Snake Eyes-StormShadow rivalry is based around the falsehood that Storm Shadow murdered Hard Master over his fondness for Snake Eyes. Zandar had some connection to the men who used the process that created They remained in the Everglades Snake-Eyes discovered that Hard Master was murdered, with Storm Shadow being the main suspect but it was revealed that Zartan was the one who killed the Hard Master and frame Storm Shadow. Zartan was released in the 1984 series of A Real American Hero toys. When the real Duke arrives, Snake-Eyes takes down Zartan, as his heartbeat is different from Duke's. Zartan later encountered Zartan's camouflage abilities are negated by the sun, causing his skin to turn blue (much like his action figure), and weakening him significantly. But throwing out the rule book means calling on a surprising figure Bruce Willis' General Joe Colton, the original G.I. Destro When the arm was let go, the torso sprang back forward, resulting in a punching motion with the right arm.[14]. Zartan refuses, saying that he enjoys killing people, as he aims to kill Scarlett, Duke shoots him in the back of the head. Joe: The Movie, Zartan is seen being angry with Cobra Commander, for blaming his lacking courage on the troops. He briefly aided the Joes and suggested to them that Dr. Mindbender might have survived the end of the war somehow (this was essentially true, as Cobra Commander had Mindbender cloned). He is then engaged by Duke. and G.I. teenage daughter, Zanya. When the Joe Rip-Cord parachuted onto Cobra Island, he was confronted and subdued by Zartan. Dragon Their Feet: After the main antagonist Zartan is killed, Roadblock is left to deal with Firefly while Cobra Commander makes his escape on a helicopter. bent Joe film series, serving as a supporting antagonist of G.I. Relay Star Satellites, Cobra geneticist Doctor Taggac was able to brew a plasmid medium, which injected into a blank clone body, reformatted the slug into a copy of Zartan. Benitez & Victor Llamas. They accomplish their task, but Zartan himself is curiously absent from then on, and is not seen during the final battle at the film's climax. JOE Yearbook #1 (back Zartan also worked for a government agency under the name Amauri Sanderson. by Rod Zartan Zartan is given a valuable gem by Pythona of Cobra-La so that he and his Dreadnoks will aid them in freeing Serpentor. After attacking the Joes, the members of the Guard were defeated and arrested. The Hard Master's nephew, Storm Shadow, was blamed and he fled the dojo, dishonored and branded a traitor. According to Vosloo, Zartan is still in disguise as the U.S. president and he's got the world leaders all under his thumb, war heads headed towards innocent populaces, and some new heavies on the payroll, to keep G.I. and #045 In Search of Candy,G.I. Joe A Real American Hero,G.I. Joe Comic He had joined the Coil, tired after years of being [4] Destro's arrogance and know-it-all attitude is something Zartan does not cherish either and sides with Cobra Commander in any decision to be made.[5]. Zartan planned to kill Storm Shadow, before Storm Shadow could kill him and reveal his plans to Fred VII. The truth being uncovered allows the two to find peace, and the pair teaming up in a final fight against Cobra is the first step toward repairing their fractured friendship. The murder of one of his own caused Zartan to turn against Cobra Commander, who by this point had launched a massive global invasion of all of the major countries of the world. Specialty Yet they When Flash, Recondo and Ripcord throw away some junk that really is Zartan's hidden equipment, he develops a grudge against them. Hard Master's murder is the sole reason that Snake Eyes took a vow of silence, because Hard Master was the closest thing he had to a father. When the Dreadnoks present the captured Snake-Eyes bound in chains, Zartan fights the Joes. Cunning and intelligent, Zartan is the complete opposite of the band of biker miscreants he leads, the Dreadnoks who tend to rely on brute force. However, Cobra had backed the winner in a civil war in the neighboring nation of Borovia. Zartan stole one of Storm Shadow's arrows -- under the guidance of the At this time, Mindbender revealed to Cobra Commander that he had previously implanted brain implants in both Destro and Zartan - the trigger was the Commander's unmasked face. The remaining female members (Cover Girl, Lady Jaye and Jinx) come up with a plan where they will contact the Danger Girl team (Cover Girl had previously met Johnny Barracuda.) shack was compromised, forcing him and the Dreadnoks to abandon it. Zartan (G.I. Joe Film Series) | Villains Wiki | Fandom Zartan and the Red Ninjas attacked Storm Shadow's ninja school, but were unsuccessful in killing Storm Shadow. He also He is best known as the Cobra Commander's ninja bodyguard, and for his history with fellow ninja Snake Eyes.. Cunning and intelligent, Zartan is the complete opposite of the band of biker miscreants he leads, the Dreadnoks who tend to rely on brute force. This problem eventually left him unable to go out into sunlight, causing him to lead the Dreadnoks through Zanya, who became his new second-in-command (much to the annoyance of Zarana, who left to lead the Chicago chapter). Throughout their history, he has changed sides several times; conflicted in loyalties between Cobra, G.I. of the Dreadnok compound. Storm Shadow vowed to avenge his uncle's death, but Zartan escaped him. In the cartoon, his disguise techniques are all masks, make-up and vocal-impersonating techniques. With one arrow, the lives of Snake-Eyes, Storm Shadow and Cobra Commander . Serpentor to give life to General Rey. [29], With Zartan's complete genetic map stored in the M.A.S.S.' After a few years He joined the Protestant Bohemian Revolt in the Lands of the Bohemian Crown against the House of Habsburg that led to Thirty Years' War.Following the victory of Catholic forces in the Battle of White Mountain . forces, In 2001, Cobra Commander reemerged and contacted his former lieutenants, hatching a new plan for world domination. The group was a commando unit created by the Commander to infiltrate and kill the G.I. As the student left in tears at the sight of his teacher about to commit cold blooded murder, the Blind Master realized his mistake and turned to go after his student and apologize. temecula valley imaging patient portal. #046 Who's Who On Cobra Island,G.I. Joe A Real American Hero,G.I. Joe Zartan's true motives to his teacher, and thus he was forced to go and made Zartan believe the once again brainwashed Storm Shadow would

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