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We wanted to share this prophecy with you from Tim Sheets. His vision is to raise up people who will authentically demonstrate the Church on the earth and passionately evangelize the world. And as some have backed away from Trump, a schism has emerged. These prophetic summit sessions below are key for us this year. I am not done with alcoholics, I am not done with drug addicts, I am not done delivering the bound, I am not done removing the lust and perversion from those who are broken and wounded. This is one of the main reasons I am so confident that something is about to turn. You can learn more about Tim !!! The earth realm has seen the entrance and actions of King Jesus for two millennia. Read our full Disclosure. EXPLAINED: Here's Why My Shirt Is On Amazon. What Was In Those Bush Sr. Funeral Envelopes? Pro Life vs. I run with a crowd that believes what God says is possible. Held every year since 1875, The Run for the Roses has taken place on the first Saturday in May every year since 1945 with two exceptions . Messages The Oasis Church Julia Duin is a reporter in Seattle who specializes in religion. Unravel the diabolical dynasties, even generations of mammon structures that have been hidden. Greg Locke, a Nashville pastor with a massive social media following, said after Trumps loss that he would 100 percent remain president of the United States for another term. Kat Kerr, a pink-haired preacher from Jacksonville, Florida, declared repeatedly last month that Trump had won the election by a landslide and that God had told her he would serve for eight years. Joe Biden won. We just won't give up. Che Ahn won in court and Governor Newsom had to pay the church over $1 million. Tim Sheets | 2023 Prophetic Summit - YouTube The gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest super-spreader the world has ever seen! Give Him 15 Minutes in Prayer (by Dutch Sheets): Call for the angel armies to be released in greater measure to help us in this battle. Of particular note there is an economic awakening we have to come into. His heart is for awakening and reformation in America. This is Andy's LIVE Show from Thursday, April 20, 2023!!! They included North Carolina evangelist Charlie Shamp, who tweeted a photo of himself just below the steps where crowds were storming the Capitol and produced a video about the experience. The revival at Asbury University in recent weeks has been absolutely amazing. All of those Holy Spirit orchestrated prayers are not going to be wasted. There are never any efforts to validate any of the claims made, he says. You will not be fatherless. We are moving into times where we are going to receive outpourings of anointing that are going to free our lives individually. (The same was true with Operation Valkyrie. 1 overall pick changed hands ahead of the draft. "'My hovering presence will realign and define you. It may be different in some ways than we thought it would be. But dozens of Pentecostal prophets dug in, insisting, even after the Electoral College vote certifying Bidens win, that Trump would still be inaugurated. According to Enlow, more than 100 other credible Christian prophets around the world had likewise declared that Trump, somehow, would be restored to power soon. They can subscribe here. But Brown is not counting on it. About The Oasis Church Find us on: God's people rose up from wherever they were to add their part. Theyve taken over the Hollywood, the arts, music, Universities, high schools, elementary schools, governments. Johnson and other prophets in his camp have received fervent pushback from their followers. I urge you to put your focus there, not on your own ministry or reputation. What were they getting in return? asks Chris Rosebrough, a theologian and Lutheran pastor on the Minnesota-North Dakota state line who monitors prophets on his Pirate Christian Radio broadcasts. This is what white evangelical Christian has become. I believe this will be a Holy Spirit outpouring even greater than that which occurred in the book of Acts. I am simply convinced God Himself removed him and there was nothing that any human being could have done about it., Blowback was swift. It is not done when the President says its done. In this outpouring, Holy Spirit will be poured out upon all flesh, as prophesied in Joel 2:28. ", Father, release angels from Your heavenly armies to assist Your Ekklesia and unlock America. Tim Sheets | Senior Pastor, Apostle, Author The Oasis Church, Middletown Ohio Find out more: God's family will grow exponentially and Hell won't be able to stop it. Trending: U.S. Government Docket No. Do this, Father, for the eternal well-being of millions, the passion and pleasure of Your Son, and the glory of His great name. I am in full agreement with the prophetic word by Tim Sheets. Airing For The 1st Time !!! I'll be reading the daily Give Him 15, making comments, and then we will pray together. Earth's harvest will be reaped as 'a new era Church' is found to be about the Father's business. These two men of God, who are biological brothers as well as brothers in the Lord, Dutch and Tim sheets, are on my "hero" list. And I want you to be with us on the frontlines. Satanic plans are being overwhelmed. tim sheets prophecy nation Archives | Eternal Affairs Media | the truth This is a mission with all the cards on the table, and we only get one shot at it. "The Ekklesia has cried out for revival. Watch this amazing prophetic declaration given on Aug. 3 in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., by apostle and prophet Tim Sheets, Follow us on Social Media Let's continue to buckle down, strap in, put our shields upand STAY IN THIS FIGHT not only for America, but for every nation on Earth who may benefit by America. God is turning the battle and overruling the enemy. He says 2023 will surprise many, because he says at many points we will see Jesus take a warring stature. To contact us or to submit an article, click here. I also found out he is getting back on YouTube too or at least going to try to. Unravel every plan. Share by Email, Yet Another Train Derailment Near Major River, This Time In Wisconsin. So far, they and other movement leaders have opted to address false prophets privately. He also dismissed Bidens victory and claimed (without evidence because there is none) that Democrats were committing fraud. They are going to free lives to live in the Father's freedoms. I have serious concerns for the charismatic-prophetic world that if we do not wake up, if we do not humble ourselves, there is greater judgment to come.. Kids in Migrant Camps Engaging in Sexual Activity, Sent to Hotels with Join Eternal Affairs Official Prayer Team. Whatever you do, don't miss another ELIJAH LIST email! Even now, this is ongoing right now. youtubetelegram. "It is going to happen for many of God's children. I didn't want to interject myself into something that was holy and precious; I simply wanted to pray into it, which is what I have done. May have gotten harder, but it didnt get impossible. But Brown and his ilk believe a reckoning is in orderthat false prophets must be held accountable and that reforms are needed if the prophecy movement is to retain any spiritual integrity. 179. We decree that Your Kingdom has come and continues to manifest. What's with all of these train crashes? He is breathing life, preparing to release miracles, healings, signs and wonders on the earth. It is finished, but I am not finished, and you are not finished. My opinion is very similar to his opinion. Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher NEWS.| It is a mandate for Dutch and the intercessors of America. Of particular note there is an economic awakening we have to come into. Some observers argue the prophecies at times were an attempt to curry favor with a powerful political figure and movement. You will not be lost. The entire prophetic and prayer movement expanded with the digital age, James Goll, a Nashville-based prophet who was part of the Kansas City group, said in an interview. Dutch has written over 23 books, many of which have been translated into over 30 languages. Treasuring time spent with their family and grandchildren. To every leader who prophesied that Trump would remain in the White House, this is not about you now. We believe we can win this battle, he said. And by calling them "my heroes" what I mean is that they ARE HEROES to me and to the Body of Christ. Its January 2023 and that means many prophetic voices are giving their words and vision for 2023. Thats not enough for Rosebrough, who doesnt see the movement reforming itself unless it can call out false prophets by name. Charisma News - Informing believers with news from a Spirit-filled perspective, Kirk Cameron and Sean Feucht Standing Up to Worldly Influence Over Our Children, Tim Sheets Prophesies: God's Children Will Reap Major 'Inheritance Benefits' in 2023, Click here to subscribe to the Charisma News newsletter. Yet Trumps prophetic fan club did not budge. The Dark Hidden Truth: What Really Happened To Carol-Anne From Polterg Was Adam Schiff Arrested? Why, then, should we be worried? I believe that if we stand up and declare the truth of Jesus Christ, and speak and obey His prophetic word within us, we will see victory. Satan's cohorts will be destroyed in their own rebellion. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here. (Rev. The January 20 inauguration date doesnt really mean anything, Enlow said in the January 29 video, which has gotten north of 100,000 views on YouTube. You said You would give them a seat at Your table; we ask for this. We have crossed over into our promised land, the land of the giants. Never miss a big news story again. He travels extensively, challenging believers for passionate prayer and societal reformation. It will reign in My name. I am not finished! He says 2023 will surprise many, because he says at many points we will see Jesus take a warring stature. Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher Did you really think taking our country back from a 6,000-year old Satanic cult was going to be easy? | "These outpourings are going to free dreams," Sheets says. Longtime readers of WLT may be VERY surprised to see this. One idea: The group could demand that anyone who wants its imprimatur needs to sign on to certain rules. We remain calm, cool in the peace of the Holy Spirit. Uncovering The Satanic Panic: South Dakota. An Era of Outpouring Seven Times Greater Than the Book of Acts. Pray them. It is not done preaching the word of God with truth. He will write on the tombstone of their plans, 'By My own finger, vanquished!' "He wants them strong, He wants them courageous and He wants them to be blessed to carry out the family business until Christ returns. Beverley, the Tyndale University professor, worries the widespread fidelity to Trump prophecies is part of a broader embrace of conspiratorial thinking in America. A kingdom shift in atmosphere is going to make it easier to receive inheritance blessings from the Father. But the role that prophecy plays in that support might be underexplored. Do not run ahead of the Lord. A year of divine falls. Thank YOU for tuning in & helping to KEEP THE TRUTH ONLINE! April 19, 2023. Televangelist Pat Robertson, who ran for president as a Republican in 1988, occasionally prophesied everything from wars to Earth-destroying asteroids, but it was Trump who gave the movement a political focal point. Parents across America are alarmed over the Satanic Temple (TST)s efforts to create after-school clubs in elementary schools Use Promo Code = ETERNAL for Up To 66% Off, Prepare to Laugh, Cry, and Learn Clay Clark Presents REVERSE DAVOS In Tulsa, Oklahoma, Bud Light Suffers Staggering Sales Decline As Boycott Intensifies. The site is one of the largest in the Cincinnati-Dayton area and is host to many ministries/conferences. Want more from the Friendly Atheist? Thats my opinion, and I have to say I was inspired to write this post based on the latest video posted by Juan OSavin. To receive daily, prophetic emails from The Elijah List to your inbox CLICK HERE. "As we traveled from state to state, we have been praying for the will of the Lord in this nation. The contemporary version was revived, along with the better-known gifts of healing and speaking in tongues, at a Pentecostal prayer meeting in Topeka, Kansas, in 1901. Most notable was Paula White-Cain, Trumps spiritual adviser for more than a decade who recruited several Pentecostal leaders for his evangelical advisory board. This suffering time creates love, compassion and anointing. Enlow, Locke and Kerr are among dozens of Christian prophets in Americareligious leaders with followings among Pentecostal and charismatic Christians who claim the ability to predict the future based on dreams, visions and other supernatural phenomena. Ending The Task Master's Rule: DOWNLOAD PDF. I can feel the synergy, wind and anointing of the Holy Spirit upon these words. (Isaiah 42:13 NASB). Get Charisma's best content delivered right to your inbox! End Times News Update 2023 Bible Prophecy News 1,018 talking about this. It is not done when the media says its done. Together we win! They will help with knowing the times and season. Once Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, more prophets, led by Johnson, predicted his win. Those living skeletal lives of existence will resurrect. After Trumps unexpected victory against Hillary Clinton, the new president welcomed Christian leaders who had been early supporters into the halls of power. We value your opinions, and would love to see you add to the discussion! Facebook. Now the fact is no one is president-elect. It is vital that we cover this move and outpouring in prayer.". The victorious end time army is rising up to bring revival, transformation and restoration of CT, NE, USA and the nations aligning with Gods divine purpose and blueprint, establishing the government of God and advancing the Kingdom of God. . Its pathetic. Prayer from Dutch Sheets:Lord, pour out Your Spirit on all flesh, just as You said. * Facebook click here Indeed, Enlow was not alone out on that limb. I think it doesnt make me a false prophet, but it does actually create a credibility gap.. Prophetic messages from respected leaders & news of how God is moving throughout the world. * XAPiT click here, "An Era of Outpouring - Seven Times Greater! The site is one of the largest in the Cincinnati-Dayton area and is host to many ministries/conferences. You will not be confused. These sessions encourage us and prepare us for the new Holy Spirit Kingdom era we have already entered. It doesnt matter what country you call home this is for you. Your donations truly help us keep these emails free for you. We cannot be fearful. Dutch Sheets and Tim Sheets: "The Lord Will Prevail in This Ongoing Battle" We are preparing to defeat them; they become our food as we overcome. Fresh breath is going to blow this away. I am not done with My church! Tim Sheets A Prophetic Word: God's Mega Event | Tim Sheets - YouTube To be clear, while the paperwork isnt completed for a few weeks, all of that is a formality. He said people were unsubscribing from his email list at such a high rate, it crashed his server., A few more apologies followed. My family will welcome you, care for you and embrace you. It is not done with confronting demon doctrines, or rebel kings, dictators, presidents, or evil dignitaries! Dutch Sheets Ministries Eric has a new book coming out, Letter to the American Church which I just pre-ordered. "It appears to me that God isn't worried. We thank You for the outpourings of Your Spirit we have already seen, for the lives that have been changed. This time, they were wrong. twitter facebook If he nails it, Ill be the first to say well done. He has writtenArmed and Battle Ready,Being Led by the Spirit,Heaven Made Real,Angel Armies: Releasing the Warriors of Heaven, andPlanting the Heavens. The next interview on Flashpoint is with apostle Che Ahn, pastor of Harvest Rock Church in California. They can subscribe here. Dutch Sheets What we are asking is for Your "Father heart" to explode upon an entire generation. They make their home in beautiful South Carolina. Whatever you do, don't miss another ELIJAH LIST email! Issues isnt even fair, it was one issue that I will wish he would just address but he refuses to do so. With only two-thirds of votersand one-third of Republicansexpressing confidence that Biden won a free and fair election, many observers worry that these prophets are sowing more confusion, blurring the line between misinformation and religious proclamation. No major arrests of the Elites has happened. Prophetic Words - Tim Sheets Ministries The Oasis Church | Tim Sheets Ministries Curtis R Bizelli & Eternal Affairs Media 2010-2023, Sign Up For FREE Truth Insider Email Newsletter. Please open it and confirm your subscription. This is about the name of the Lord being mocked and His people left in confusion and disappointment. When one suffers (falls) we all suffer. So as we always do, well just do our job and document and publish what these people are saying. U.S. Government Docket No. Joel prophesied there would be a time when these rains occurred simultaneously. A video compilation of "prophetic voices" declaring that a "literal 2020 Pentecost" is coming was posted on YouTube in late April. Goll used words like toxic, mudslinging, disappointment and disillusion to describe the flood of invective from Christians who feel duped by false prophecies. Rivals like ChatGPT and Bing AI . This revival and awakening will be saturated with the sounds of God's holy Word through spontaneous worship and prayer. Theres not going to be just Trump coming back, he said. It is the day of opening what no man can shut and shutting what no man can open. In a December 15 article, Michael Brown, a longtime charismatic revivalist and scholar in Charlotte, North Carolina, had sharp words, warning co-religionists: There is no reality in which Trump actually did win but in fact didnt win. As you read through the rest of these life-filled wordsknow that God IS bringing revival to YOU, and He's answering your prayers for our nation, your region and your family. (Tim) We are learning to be chess players apostolic, strategic in this season. My ecclesia is not done binding hell, it is not done standing for My Word without compromise. FOUNDED in 2010 as an alternative to Fake News, Mockingbird Media! Revival, Awakening (Dutch). 2022 Prophecy: The Lord Is Bringing a Complete Turnaround for Our Nation. It is the time and season to mobilize the army and to release the war cry with swords of light reverberating on the sound of His word. Give Him 15 | GH15 Prayer Its well known that Trump received strong support from white evangelicals in the 2020 election; estimates hover around 80 percent. Your will is being done. But we wait on HIM. Tim Sheets: 2023 Will Surprise Many - Tim Sheets and Dutch Sheets: "An Era of Outpouring - Seven Times Greater" He has writtenArmed and Battle Ready,Being Led by the Spirit,Heaven Made Real,Angel Armies: Releasing the Warriors of Heaven, andPlanting the Heavens. The Asbury University revival began at 10:00 AM that same day, during their chapel service. "Recently, during one of my prayer times, I became deeply burdened to pray for the younger generation. He will likely win with the same number of electoral votes that Donald Trump received in 2016 but with a larger popular vote share and wider margins in several swing states. His heart is for awakening and reformation in America. "In Joel 2:23, Joel prophesied that an era of outpouring would come when the former and latter rains occur at the same time. In his video, Enlow went further. Watch this amazing prophetic declaration given on Aug. 3 in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., by apostle and prophet Tim Sheets, the pastor of Oasis Church in Ohio. This suffering time creates love, compassion and anointing. Its not.. Evangelical Pastor Spreads Election Lies: "No One is President-Elect" no. (Chuck Pierce there is more than meets the eye in Chucks word). My ecclesia will now bind hell. Please share your thoughts about this article below. Millions will become free and know the great love of the heavenly Father. "We are moving into a time when great victories will be seen in the individual lives of the heirs of the kingdom," says Sheets, the founder of AwakeningNow Prayer Network and the Pastor of Oasis Church in Middletown, Ohio. They now say they are deeply troubled by their peers refusal to acknowledge the sameand worry that allegiance to Trump could threaten the prophetic tradition itself. I will transform you. But I found him over on Rumble and I want to show you his two latest videos. The message is titled, Stay The Course No Matter The Cost. We decree that as You do so, prodigals will come home. (Today's post was contributed by my brother, Tim Sheets. The Oasis Church 6927 Lefferson Road, Middletown OH 45044 | (513) 424-7150 . We cannot rejoice every time we see the the enemy fall. Kentucky Derby 2023: When is Derby? Field, horses, TV, streaming info Will you pray and declare the prophetic word of U-turn? Tim Sheets On Monday, Elijah Streams posted an interview with "prophet" Kat Kerr, who insisted that God was saying Trump will win. As the Lord moves, we move. The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News We wait until we hear the wind in the mulberry trees. Dr. Tim Sheetsis an apostle, pastor, and author based in southwestern Ohio. TRUE All Along? I just want to thank GOD for them publicly. Fan the flames and let this revival spread across the land. They have two children and five grandchildren. Donate at: Enjoy! I will father you. Prophesy is the Hebrew word 'naba,' and it means to speak God's message under Holy Spirit influence; to represent God's plan, will or His ways in words or songs (see Strong, The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, ref. You will know My love is set upon you. .hustle-ui.hustle_module_id_1[data-id="1"] .hustle-layout .hustle-button-cta {width:100%!important;font-size:18px!important;}.hustle-ui.module_id_1 .hustle-popup-content {max-width: 400px!important;}.hustle-group-content p {font-size:18px!important;margin: 24px 0 0!important;}.hustle-ui.module_id_4 .hustle-layout .hustle-content {padding-bottom: 0px;}, We may receive compensation from affiliate partners for some links on this site. Tim shares: "Something very significant is beginning to accelerate throughout the earth. It was a work of the Holy Spirit. Treasuring time spent with their family and grandchildren, Dutch and Ceci, his wife of 40 plus years, enjoy quiet walks in the woods, reading, and playing a little golf. Christ in us the hope of Glory makes all that possible. "We have just finished going to all of the states being contested in this election. Holy Spirit recently revealed to Sheets that, in 2023, God's promises made over the last decade will be fulfilled and that His sons and daughters will reap "inheritance benefits.". In 1979, Tim Sheets came to pastor the newly formed Oasis, then known as The Living Word. A few days later, Johnson wrote on Facebook that he had received multiple death threats and thousands upon thousands of emails from Christians saying the nastiest and most vulgar things I have ever heard toward my family and ministry. He also said he was losing financial support every hour and counting. (Johnson declined an interview request made through Brown, a mentor. | Media Punch/AP. 2022 Prophecy: The Lord Is Bringing a Complete Turnaround for Our Ill recap a couple from yesterday down below, but right now I want to give you Tim Sheets. Published in Charisma magazine, Johnsons July 2015, prophecythat Trump would be a latter-day Cyrus, modeled after the 6th-century B.C. Holy Spirit recently revealed to Sheets that, in 2023, God's promises made over the last decade will be fulfilled and that His sons and daughters will reap "inheritance benefits." "We are moving into a time when great victories will be seen in the individual lives of the . They opened up their services during the COVID lockdown and faced political and police persecution. !#timsheets #timsheetssermons #timsheets2020 "I have no doubt God gave me this word, not only as confirmation of this growing revival, but as a prayer assignment. Power to Shift a Nation is Now Activating: DOWNLOAD PDF. The King's personhood and His ministry of redemption, salvation and grace have been presented in the earth realm; His Kingship has been declared above all powers. We wait as the Lord forces us into HIS time frame. Click here to subscribe to the Charisma News newsletter. So, one might ask, is there accountability on these new platforms?, Political prophecies are a relatively recent phenomenon. "However, I know the timing was not a coincidence and, more importantly, I believe it confirms what is occurring in this season. Learn More. And although this population is only a subset of American Christianity, its a large one: Some estimates hold that as many as 65 million Americans could be counted as Pentecostals or charismatics. An era of outpourings seven times greater than occurred in the book of Acts will take place, causing the harvest of a billion souls to be reaped, as has been prophesied. The Lord has revealed to me what is to come in this new year. During the COVID lockdowns, an evangelical Christian singer stood up for religious liberties by holding mass outdoor worship concerts. It will be glorious. Dr. Tim Sheets resides with his wife, Carol, in Lebanon, Ohio. Well, you just saw. The Church is waking up and standing up to evil and winning. The timing of this turned out to be significant, which initially I only mentioned to two peoplemy wife, Carol, and my brother, Dutch. "You will not be orphans, you will not be aimless. TIM SHEETS MINISTRIES . Send shock waves around the earth. NOW we are on a 10 month watch as the Lord creates upheaval in America. Blessings Faithful Glory to Glory Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors. We saw agreement from Believers all across America, and even in other nations of the world. America will remain free. This is MASSIVE: Social Security Is Officially Failing Major Cuts Are We In The LAST DAYS? Trump will remain President. God Says, "I Will Answer The Challenge": DOWNLOAD PDF. Will you ask God what is your particular assignment and step forth in the bold anointing of the Holy Spirit to accomplish what you believed you could never do? Also on Friday, Elijah . Prophetic word released on December 15, 2020: I invite you to join me each day as we pray for our nation until the election crisis has resolved.

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