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It is full of gym cc and FUNCTIONAL gym equipment! These classic gym shorts could be used by male sims and are available in plenty of hues. Be sure to include it from the zip file into your Mods folder. Crossfit Homegym - Syboulette Custom Content for The Sims 4 Download this package file from here. I gave them the Bodybuilder Aspiration track. With the entrance fee, services you can offer, mud baths and bar, your Sims can earn over $5,000 per day. HOTWORX - Broken Arrow is located conveniently just off of Broken Arrow Expressway OK51W. +1 314.551.8400. I think this CC is especially fun, since now your Sims dont have to buy the exact same equipment they use at the gym for their home. Gym equipment | The Sims Wiki | Fandom As mentioned before you can teach yoga class for money. Actually, they might still do that because they dont have a lot of sense unless you make them. One of those large balls even functions as a chair! If youre asking if these are functional, the answer is yes! Of course, were including a posepack in this post.. what else did you think? required items tab on this detail page to download 2023 FandomSpot This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly. VIP premium access plan! We look forward to adding yours! It comes with a bunch of weight lifting options, from large barbells to smaller dumbbells, and even weight lifting benches. A Berkshire Hathaway company. SNOOTYSIMS covers mod and custom content guides, howto's and everything else you need for your sims. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-source'); This is a set about active lifestyle ! CAS Aspirations And Traits 5.2k Views. Time Remaining: Download CC & Required items with just one click, 14 Day Early Access to Early Access Content & 3 Day Early Access to the Resource, Organize & manage your CC Downloads using The Sims Resource CC Manager. As a free member you can have up to 10 items on your favorites list. Download. This pack includes a variety of items to help you keep your gym in top shape. See studio for details. These conversions from The Sims 3 are like a breath of fresh air, stepping away from those same exercise color schemes weve had for years. required items in just One 40 Functional Cc Objects Download List - the Sims 4 Help them and afterwards youll earn a good amount of money. $100 or more. If youre simply tired of seeing the treadmills we already have and want to switch things up, AdonisPluto has you covered. Hi guys ! They tend to prefer to do this. call toll-free:855-294-3039 . This item has 0 required items. Otherwise the Instructor Yoga Mat and Option to Teach Yoga will not show up. Hazelwood, MO 63042, USA. Another way to get fit! Free Download: Website: Origin ID: Iron_Seagull About My Sims and SimUniverse: #TheSims4__________Social Media: Twitter: Livestreams on Twitch: Instagram: Tumblr: TikTok: iron_seagullMusic from:Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.comaudionautix.comMusic also from Stevia Sphere: Recorded With:OBS StudioAudacityAudio-Technica AT2020USBPLUS Deluxe USB MicrophoneEdited With:Final Cut Pro X 5695 Campus Pkwy Download the set here. Im using 2 Sim brothers who are bodybuilders. The Sims Resource - Gym equipment set Created By Severinka_ Featured Artist Gym equipment set Sims 4 / Sets / Objects New Meshes / Miscellaneous Published Jan 22, 2016 Installation Help Report this Download Comments (22) Description Creator Notes Set Creations Recommended Add Smilie dunnoooooooooooooo May 3, 2022 PCJ12568 Jul 16, 2021 But thats not even it, your Sims would have the luxury to drink a smoothie or eat sushi when theyre done with their workout. They have produced a total of 29 Nike gym outfits that your male and female sims could use for their sporty sessions. Fitness sign has both english or simlish version. We've even been given exclusive rights to represent some of the industry-leading fitness and health equipment manufacturers such as Precor, Inspire, Life Fitness, Spirt, Nustep, Echelon, TKO, TRX, StairMaster, Water Rower, Hydro, Concept 2, Power Plate and more! Commercial Fitness Concepts is your Ultimate Fitness Warehouse! I find it gives you more "stuff" to do in the game and fun to play. +1 918.259.4000. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Sign up for our VIP Waiting List and be the first to learn more about our studio coming soon to your area- plus, exclusive access to discounted member rates! In today's #ts4 mod review, I take a look at the Let's Get Fit Fan-Made Pack by Cepzid & Hakrabr! All weve got at our disposal is the exact same equipment the public gyms use, and thats no fun! We have included the top 20 Sims 4 gym CC that you could download to make your Sims 4 gaming more delightful. Push Pedal Pull carries a variety of home exercise equipment, including popular brands such as Precor, Life Fitness, Inspire, StairMaster, and much more. Join today for 10% off your first online or in-store purchase! If you want your Sims to be fit and fabulous, you can shape them up with the help of excellent gym equipment and proper fitness gear! So thats it! Nike Elite Socks by Love4Sims4 Simulate the feeling of wearing real Nike socks in the Sims 4! Recent Posts. Freeze current fat and muscle levels for non-active households. Full collection here! For this reason, commercial, government, and military organizations worldwide rely on our full flight simulators and immersive technology for their training programs. This lavish set includes 22 decorative and functional items for your Sims gym such as jumping ropes, weight machines, punching bags, sports bags, dumbells, and more. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. You can start fizzing your own health drinks and add the Live In Store Lot Trait. Sims 4 Functional Gym CC (Equipment and Clothes) - Pinterest The first step is to build a strip club any way you like. Download these shorts here. } Cookie Settings So, another Nike sportswear enters our list! Download the Nike Elite Socks here. Your game code will be emailed to after you complete your _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); Gym equipment are objects which can be used by Sims. } catch(e) {}, by that by closing this notice, interacting with any link or button outside this notice, or by continuing to browse or There are three totally new and fresh designs for the treadmill, with matching rug swatches! Weight machine | 5. [DOWNLOAD] Fitness set | Patreon FSI designs, manufactures, and integrates the highest quality and most advanced simulation products in the world. RELATED: The Sims 4: The Best Items You Can Only Get In Moschino Stuff. Our passion and dedication for fitness have helped us become a recognized leader in the fitness store industry. Unless you also get an indoor pool, there arent many other ways to exercise from home! Another way to get fit! IKEA Furniture For The Sims 4 15 Ultimate CC Packs! Looking for gym equipment The Sims Forums Once you have a few relationships, click on the Sim while theyre working out and offer to Mentor. 2023 FlightSafety International Cookie Policy The location is in The Shops at Lynn Lane, right past Louie's Restaurant. The FX Zone (Functional Exercise Zone) provides HOTWORX members with an area for productive use of time before, after, or in between infrared workout sessions. It will spawn customers looking to shop and add the ability to sell harvestables and collectibles. All of them look fantastic and will still easily fit with any other decor choices you may want to make. I was asked a few times if I could do a fitness center and I thought the fitness club in the San Myshuno world needed a big revamp !!! Use the instructor yoga mat included with the Live In Business mod, click on it, and start yoga class. Download CC Sport & Gym Set If you're looking for a fun and exciting way to keep your Sims healthy and fit, then you need the Sport & Gym Set! Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Any refund we issue under our usual Terms Of Service will have the retail value of $6.99 deducted from the refund price. 40+ Best CC from Ravasheen for The Sims 4, Sims 4 Maxis Match 70s CC: The Ultimate Collection, Best Sims 4 Paranormal Recolors (All Free). Whether your sim is active or just want to look like Rich Froning, this might be the key to a healthy lifestyle. Technically you can focus on the fitness aspect if you do not have Spa Day. I understand that it may be necessary for FlightSafety to disclose the information that I provide to others within its organization in order to properly respond to my request and I hereby consent to such disclosure and any associated transfers. Your submission has been received! This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licensors. I swear, I feel it in my own tailbone every time they do that. - wall bars This gym cc is one of my personal favorites on this list! Hazelwood, MO 63042, USA If you have massage tables set up your Sims will autonomously offer massages and earn money. Choose from 15-minute HIIT workouts and 30-minute Isometric workouts, including Hot Yoga, Hot Pilates, Hot Cycle, and more. All Rights Reserved. There are twelve objects total here to really flesh out your gym, including one large floor barbell, some dumbbells, weight racks, a punching bag, and a shelf of sport balls. Start your VIP Membership from as low as $3/Month, 1999-2023 Enthusiast Gaming (TSR) Inc. - All rights reserved. This redesigned punching bag features a new look, improved durability, and a ton of fun. This build includes two floors of the coolest workout equipment. Well, this creator has given us some options to make our gyms look better than ever. Prostitutes will have a Pimp they owe money to, an aspiration track and traits, urban lot or motel where they can turn tricks, and drugs to [] More, Sex work in The Sims 4 game is possible through several different adult mods. Testimonials. VIP Exclusive Discord - Chat with your favorite Artists & Discuss everything Sims! The cc set is called "Strong" by soloriya and it canbe found on the sims resource. Fitness light sign (also available in simlish verison) | 11. Here are the best sims 4 yoga equipment mods on the internet! I have reviewed the Privacy Notice and Privacy Policy and understand my rights with respect to the processing of this data. - balance beam No pain, no gain! Be sure to remove any older versions and that your game is completely updated too. Hello friends and fellow zombies! This is a VIP feature only. Working out is a huge part of The Sims 4. These are available in 7 swatches, including your standard blacks and grays, as well as green, red, or yellow. Download and place the latest versions of the needed mods in your Sims 4 Mods folder. The Fitness Controls mod is not a single change, but rather a pack of changes that drastically improve the food, weight and muscle interactions. Even if you consider yourself far from a fitness guru, you have more than likely heard of this. Although these are just decorative items, seeing these protein shakes will make your gym time more fun and invigorating! As a VIP member, you can add up to 1 Gb of custom content in your At Push Pedal Pull, we provide high-quality fitness equipment and accessories that will last you for years. And we know youll be able to create the perfect look for your sim with this cute outfit. Whether youre looking to tone up, build muscle, or just stay healthy, these machines are sure to help! Download it all together in just one click! Links to everything you need will be included throughout this article. Below is a list of just a few of the most popular pieces of exercise equipment we carry. Fun content on everything pop culture. Youll be able to create a functional strip club that can earn your sims a lot of money if you learn how to manage it properly. Everything is basegame comaptible, except the functional yoga mat (which requires SPA DAY). October 5, 2020, 5:24 am About. - sports field, Short URL:, Created by Severinka, For number 14, we have these mid-length socks designed by Love4Sims4, which come in two swatches and feature a small Nike logo. Weight machine | 5. Youll need 2 primary mods. Build And Setup The Gym This top-of-the-line treadmill is perfect for Sims 4 gym enthusiasts! Create on Patreon. It combines gym equipment with modern and uniquely designed pieces to create a surprisingly usable collection of items. Sims 4 I suppose it makes sense that most treadmills are black that hides stains better but thats not something you have to worry about in The Sims. VIP Memberships goes towards paying our Artists & improving the website. Simulate the feeling of wearing real Nike socks in the Sims 4! Fandom Experience The Sims 4 game with a new style with this CC. The actual part of running this business can be challenging for one Sim. This location partners with the Miss Broken Arrow scholarship program and is available to the Tulsa suburbs 24/7 to suit any schedule. For the past 35 years, Push Pedal Pull has been the go-to fitness store for all your home gym equipment needs in Tulsa, Oklahoma. By checking this box I consent to FlightSafety collecting, storing and processing the information I provide on this form solely for the purpose of responding to my request. Straightforward and simple, these sporty shorts designed by Littledica are the right type of gym apparel that your Sims should wear whether they want to hit the gym or sweat themselves out through running and other athletic activities. Mine had a dalmatian, and I didnt want to punch at a dog, so it didnt get much use. If you buy something we may get a small commission at no extra cost to you. If youre looking for a hot new outfit for your Sims, look no further than this hottie CC pack! The expansion and game packs I used include Get To Work, Get Famous, and Spa Day for the wellness aspects. For a limited time only, were giving away a free Shockwave game to anyone signing up to our annual Its fully functional as a gym and spa or sorts with the added features of the lot being residential. Hope this helps! There you have it, folks! For building a gym or create a fitness lifestyle at home, this collection will give you 22 new items, with 4 functionals and animated one. Load up to 1 GB of custom content into your download basket from any device. This is something we don't allow. Go to This brand athletic gear collection was a collaboration between MMOutfitters and sim4sue. New Equipment. This top is available in 40 different colors and designs. By checking this box I consent to FlightSafety collecting, storing and processing the information I provide on this form solely for the purpose of responding to my request. This is a set for Sims who wants to train at home with professionnal equipment, or to decorate a city gym with more than just a soccer ball. Start your VIP membership for as low as *Note: games are non-refundable once this plan is purchased. The good thing is you start earning income right away. +1 918.259.4000, FlightSafety Simulation Systems Visual Advertisement. If youre going to add the wellness services to your business, I strongly suggest a household with 2 or more Sims. Are you ready for this list? Another Nike custom content enters our list! You still have in credit - why not treat yourself to some VIP? It comes in three different swatches and its just cute and stylish. The design of the machine itself is a little different. SIMS 4 WICKED WHIMS SEX MOD NEW SFW VERSION WONDERFUL WHIMS, COZY AUTUMN COFFEE STAND WITH BARISTA BUSINESS, SIMS 4 SEX WORKER CAREER AND BUSINESS GUIDE, MUST HAVE OFF THE GRID MODS FOR BETTER GAMEPLAY | THE SIMS 4 MODS, 40 NEW FUNCTIONAL OBJECTS FOR BETTER GAMEPLAY THE SIMS 4 CC DOWNLOADS, THE SIMS 4 MONEY CHEATS AND MUST HAVE MODS, SIMS 4 REALISTIC PREGNANCY GUIDE AND MODS, PROFESSIONAL BOXER CAREER MOD | THE SIMS 4 MODS, BIZOP FUNCTIONAL BUSINESS MOD | THE SIMS 4, FUNCTIONAL BROTHEL THE SIMS 4 WICKED WHIMS MOD, ULTIMATE GUIDE TO MUST HAVE ADULT MODS THE SIMS 4. There are plenty of lighter ways to stay in shape, get toned, and have fun doing it. Creator Terms of Use, This is a Set with 9 5695 Campus Pkwy. They can go to the gyms that are available in each world, jog, or of course, buy the equipment and use it at home. If you're a fan of clean lines, unique modern shapes, and glass tables then . This female Nike sportswear created by LSim comes in ternos, and in five awesome swatches. With 6 poses included, for both males and females, youll be able to capture inviting photos. By letting your Sims wear this gym top by Redhead Sims, they could show others their hard-earned brawny arms. Are you designing a martial arts or combat sports type of gym? Just be aware to [] More, WARNING!!!! Whether its recolors or totally new decor items, this list has everything you need to make a great gym. The Sims Resource - Gym equipment set This guide will help you set up functional and active careers or businesses using these mods. download here! Download Links: You can find alternative non-functional basegame items of the mat as a rug or as a clutter rolled mat. As a VIP member, you can One Click download, install and manage your custom The Fitnesstique Gym Lot created by Xmathyx is a modern and minimalist gym lot available for use in all neighborhoods but is recommended to be placed in San Myshuno, as it fits the aesthetics of the city. Login. Much like books, the mangas can be purchased from the bookshelves and can be conveniently carried anywhere through the inventory. SIMS 4 SEX WORKER CAREER AND BUSINESS GUIDE. A silent trainer video is displayed on a monitor with various routines for recommended use of the FX Zone. Jumping ropes (hanged or on the floor) | 3. Fitness And Wellness Center Business Gameplay Download here! Something went wrong while submitting the form. to learn how to enable it. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. These machines offer a variety of different workout options while matching floor mats keep your floors clean and protected. Theres quite a variety of sports equipment here, including various decorative balls, goals, and floor markers, plus an exercise bike! Language: English (United States) Currency: USD. Yoga Class. The Sims 4: Get Famous; The Sims 4: Island Living; Other. Matching is always a good way to create a more put-together polished interior for a room. What are you waiting for? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Head over to this Patreon page to download. Its not for the weak-willed so not for me, in other words. Download this cc set here. Privacy _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); PRE-OWNED equipment. Working out is a huge part of The Sims 4. For number 14, we have these mid-length socks designed by Love4Sims4, which come in two swatches and feature a small Nike logo. I also included a simlish version of the fitness sign ! All items are decorations only and base game compatible. Your Sims will be more motivated to go to the gym if they are visiting one with style! CC, and Animations/Poses for the Sims 4. Youll love the basketball courtroom, Zumba room, and spacious swimming pool. $3/Month. var _g1; We have collected the best fitness gear, gym decorations, and functional equipment that your Sims could utilize to make their workout sessions so much more productive! For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Most of the gym outfits CC I came across on the internet are short, but this one is a cool exception. With these Greek-type decorations and functional equipment, your Sims will feel like a Spartan and definitely become energized for a good workout session. You free quota has been reached. Treadmill | 2. With its antiquated features, this set is perfect to incorporate into medieval-designed lot types. The yoga mats use Sims 4 game pack Spa Days yoga mats colors (18). (, Best Kanto Gym Leaders: Every Gen 1 Pokmon Gym Leader, Ranked, 20 Best Pokmon Gym Badges (From Every League), 15 Best Gym Leader Character Designs in Pokmon (Ranked), 15 ACNH Gym & Exercise Area Ideas For Your Island, 20 Hardest Pokmon Gym Leaders From All Games (Ranked), Top 10 Most Iconic Gym Puzzles in Pokmon (All Games), Top 12 Worst Gym Leaders From All Pokmon Games. WARNING!!! What gym session would be complete without supplementing with proper post-workout whey protein shakes? No matter what type of home fitness equipment youre looking for, were sure to have it. Accessibility Some will dance and strip, one will tend a bar, and you can assign them to prostitute in the [] More, WARNING!!! If your Sims are more comfortable doing their workouts at home, you can create a home gym for them and incorporate this set of decorative home gym items from Modelsims4. Read more below to find out! List Of Sex Worker Careers Prostitute Stripper / Exotic [] More, Expand your Wicked Whims Strip Club by adding a brothel. I was asked a few times if I could do a fitness center and I thought the fitness club in the San Myshuno world needed a big revamp !!! Functional gym equipment Download here! Your Sims can spar with the cartoony characterizations of recognizable folks such as Miley Cyrus, Ronald McDonald, or even President Obama. Stop into our home exercise equipment store located in Tulsa, Oklahoma today or call 918-493-5977 for more information! If yes, you can make your space cooler and more *thug-looking*, by incorporating this wrestling ring created by Noir and Dark Sims. Are you looking for a way to add some real-life exercise into your Sims lives? The place also has a lot of benches for your Sims to use while theyre working out. During open hours your employees will split into different tasks. Now thats something weve been missing all this time. Bands, weights, ropes, and other equipment are available for any combination of functional training exercises and routines. Good thing our fellow Simmers have stepped up for us, right? If you had one of those inflatable punching bags as a kid, you know how fun it was with the right design, of course. This set includes everything a Sim needs to get serious about fitness. Start your VIP membership for as low as THANK YOU : Playlist :Can't Stay No Longer - DaxtenRendezvous - LeDoreanLose My Head - RambutanStay W_ Me - RaccyToo Dark - CLNGRHold You One Last Time - MindmeToxic Love - LvlyCan't Be Trusted - Flux VortexHiccups - OoyyGranite Stone - Daxten Okay, for our number 9 spot, we have this old-fashioned Hercules Gym Set created by KyriaT. As youre getting started with adult [] More, This guide will show you have to create a realistic pregnancy experience in The Sims 4. Around the Sims 4 | Custom Content Download | Sport & Gym Recreate the crossfit vibe in the Sims 4 by including this crossfit decorative cc from Syboulette in your design. wickedpixxel 17. Subscribe the SnootySims Newsletter to receive a list of the 100 Best Sims 4 Mods! Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Your only choices at times may be to either stick with basic whites and blacks, or just settle for having everything in your Sims home be a different color. One of my absolute favorite sims 4 furniture cc packs! Exercise Equipment Store Tulsa, OK | Push Pedal Pull Download this gym top into your mods folder from here. _g1.setAttribute('src', _g1.getAttribute('data-src') ); (Spa Day Needed) Place massage tables and chairs to perform a variety of massages. Your Sim would surely achieve their active lifestyle with the use of this highly practical Fitness Set. . Add excitement and life to any Sims 4 gym with durable rubber floor tiles! When completed you earn money. } $3/Month. Swiss ball | 8. We use cookies to improve your experience, measure your visits, and show you personalized advertising. Are you a fan of yoga? Stop into our home exercise equipment store located in Tulsa, Oklahoma today or call 918-493-5977 for more information! try { Elevate your Gameplay with The Best Functional CC packs for The Sims 4! Welcome to commercial fitness concepts. Now your Sims can as well, with this detailed set from soloriya. Fitness cc sims 4 - Syboulette Custom Content for The Sims 4 Started Support My Mods You might like See My Upcoming Mods $2 / month Because of their high quality, comfort, and awesome style, your Sims will definitely love to exercise and do their gym reps wearing this clothing. Manage Settings - posters Sims 4 CC: Weights, Treadmills & Home Gym Equipment This exciting new product is perfect for keeping your Sims fit and healthy. TSR Christmas 2021 - Country Christmas - Want your game code to be sent to a different email? For those that use CC and Mods, there is a huge selection of objects that both look great in a build, but also add new gameplay elements. Boxing gloves (hanged or on the floor) | 4. You can sign up for VIP once your account is created. It can be worn by all genders and could be paired with any sneakers. HOTWORX - Broken Arrow, OK | Hot Yoga, Pilates & Barre Workouts It comes in a variety of colors, so your Sim can choose the perfect one to match their personality. Create your Fitness/Wellness center anyway you want. With these floor tiles from creator Wallpaper, your gym can finally have some appropriate flooring. Our HOTWORX workouts are unlike any other fitness program available - we're not your typical gym! Download here! And it comes in seven bright, modern options. - locker Machine equipment are usable but the rest is only clutter. On a budget? As a registered member, you can add up to 10 items in your favorites list. There are racks as well with even more weights, so you can really fill a room with this stuff if you want. And dont forget to check out the bathroom, sauna, and shower facilities.

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