After living in Derry, Maine for her whole life, Alex Kinney has to take an unexpected move with her father all the way to Hawkins, Indiana. Every Step You Take. set after the events of season 2. ((Fluff that will probably serve as my gateway drug to more Mileven)). He pushed her hands away and shoved his pants and boxers down around his ankles before lifting her back up and pushing her skirt up around her waist. when they hit middle school, they grew up. Mike shifts how hes holding her hand so they can work, but when she bites her lip again at the band they tie around her bicep he almost wants to stop them. A Mileven au. Please consider turning it on! "I want you to play with me," he said to her, almost childlike, she hated not having the guts to hang up, he was just further creeping her out, "Don't you want to play with me Chrissy?". Mike nudges her arm softly: Well watch it on Wednesday when I come and visit you.. I think Im that person.You werent supposed to laugh! This just seems unfair, but he battles back his own emotions to try and be brave for her. Light Spoilers. They started out baking a cake, but things started to get hot in the kitchen, and it wasnt the oven. What was meant to be a simple break back home, turns into a visit to the shadows of the twins past which threaten to disrupt their lives for good. Read to find out what happens! There was bitter rivalry between the two schools, nothing good could come from associating with each other. I heard Primadonna by MARINA and got an idea. Arent they beautiful?These stars are nothing compared to the ones Ive seen in your eyes.Shooting star, make a wish.Its actually a comet, but Ill still make one.Imagine if it could always be this way, even in the city.Never thought something so beautiful could exist in natureWouldnt it be cool to name a star after yourself?Y'know, your roof may not be the safest place for us to stargaze.This is why you made me drive three hours out into the middle of nowhere?Is that a Wait, no, just an airplane.I wouldnt mind falling asleep out here. But surprises and shocks are headed for both of them as they navigate around their feelings for each other while dealing with their respective baggage and past. She looks up at him. There, against the wall, the kids, with the much needed help of Jonathan and Nancy, put the tv. He wasn't interested in salvation. They thought that everything would be okay, but will that be the case? El couldnt remember why Blue was her favorite color. she smiles devilishly. But shes not really asleep. Mike turned around quickly to see the confused-looking Steve and a girl he vaguely recognized. Mike pushes his hair out of his eyes and moves, leaning over her. It was a warm spring night. Mike lays very still on his back, eyes drilling a hole on the sheets covering the top of the fort. s , ? I knew it the first time I saw you, and you know it, too. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. About the fact that in twenty-four hours, he'll be seeing his best friendand his girlfriendfor the first time since last summer. request whatever you'd like. The Summer of 1986 continues as Will and Danny experience the highs and lows of being a closeted gay couple in Hawkins, Indiana. Thanks a lot, you have a really good taste :), in the aftermath it is quiet (as we wait for everything to begin again), Friends dont let friends fall off a thing with wheels (and if they do they apologize), beneath the stars came falling on our heads, me making this: don't talk to me or my 353 tabs ofmileven fanfiction again, i've got some tabs on my phone opened that i'll read before i go to bed, Not all of these are Mileven centric but the ship is teased (Im pretty much raiding the Mileven AO3 tag and posting some gems I liked a lot). While sexual humor is present in some of these, the most Mike and Eleven do in these fics is make out and maybe get to 2nd base. Once he finds them, hot against his skin, he grips the reassuringly, almost whispering: I know . "You two behave yourselves now," Dustin razzed as he clattered up the stairs from Mike's basement with the other boys. Mike never paid much attention to it. She tells him secrets in the dark and he tells her stories about kings and queens to chase away the nightmares. She might get cold. In the midst of flashbacks and flash-forwards to her time before and after her imprisonment, Eleven copes with the C-PTSD and mental scars shes left with. El doesnt wake up but Mike watches as he carefully slips it on, his fingers curling around her wrist like he cant quite believe the machine that is beeping out her heart rate. Hopper goes out to talk to them as he helps Eleven change into the hospital gown. A chance meeting leads to new SEQUEL TO DUPLICITY. Theyre a perfect harmony, like God created them especially to be together. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Stranger Things Season 5 Predictions (Ships). It was a way for her to relax, to give her mind some respite and unwind her body without first exhausting it or relying on Mike to do it for her. She just gives him a look and he remembers the five minutes thing. [text]: Come on, come to the party! Sex solves everything.I platonically want to have sex with you. The words get stuck in his throat. i just didn YOU'VE BEEN LYING THIS WHOLE TIME ! Read to find out what happens! Theres a part of her hell never fully understand, but that fact is rarely in the forefront of his head. Kirby manages to get his friends out of harm's way just in the nick of time, but ends up hurtling through the rift, being deposited in a distant universe where a creature known only as the Mind Flayer threatens everything. [text] I gave up great shower sex to be here so dont say I never did anything for our friendship. Its not long before the doctor comes back but every second shes in pain is too long in his opinion. [text] Living alone for four weeks has given me unrealistic expectations of pantslessness. Rated: G. Summary: Mike and Eleven have a movie nightthat ends on an unexpected note. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - [Eleven/Jane H., Mike W.] Lucas S., Max M. - Chapters: 33 - Words: 44,494 - Reviews: 411 - Favs: 218 - Follows: 202 - Updated: Dec 27, 2019 - Published: Nov 17, 2017 - Status: Complete - id: 12728268 + - Next > As of March 2018 Chapters 1, 2 & 4 have been updated. Mike and El get asked to babysit Holly while Karen's out, and they have some fun playing together.Basically Mileven Fluff. But you dont have to hold it in.. he is tracking them and when their daughter ( / !) and eventually grew out of eachother. He stands up as a kind nurse puts a hand on his back and steered him out into the hallway. You can make sounds, he says, you dont have to be scared.. El no longer cared. All of Hawkins knows that something's up with Mike Wheeler. I promise its okay, he says, theyre going to help you.. If anyone sends in which, the new girl learns that there's more to life than test scores. The way her head fits just so below his neck, her cheek resting on his chest, is uncanny. Ill get to the phone before anyone hears.. The gang nods in agreement, much to Elevens dismay. I know, they both say, before meeting each others eyes and smiling. How you gonna reach me, shortie?I recognize that you have reached a decision, but given that it is a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore itDo you need me to kill someone for you?Look out where youre going, asshole!Fuck the sandwich guy!I did not mean for stripping to come out of this.The whole street is blocked off. The Montague and Capulet high schools never got along. I just have to catch my breath sometimes.. If youre not taking a chance, then what the hell are we doing anyway?I think Ive been holding myself back from falling in love with you all over again.What have I told you about the toilet seat?I tried to change the duvet and I got stuck inside.I vote today to be a pajama day.You have to tell me why were committing a felony before we do it. please send some prompts in to @thepoppyday. Please.You cant die. highest ranks: Or, maybe, it had to do with the color of the sugar cookie sprinkles that lined Mike Wheelers lips after she kissed him. Chapter eight through twenty is set post season three. When it's their last day, Mike meets someone that makes his heart flutter like no one else could before. I think its her appendix, he says, then swallows, I thought itd be better if you were he trails off so he can turn before Mike sees the big red emergency sign, were here, he says and puts the car in park. Lucas and Dustin believe that Eleven is dead. Specially then!If youre not scared, then youre not taking a chance. Mike was very whiny, sure, but he was usually hard to upset. She wasn't looking for redemption. With college off in the summer, Mike and his friends go on a trip to Italy for fun. Hes outraged too. As soon as Hopper takes a step away from the kids, Eleven throws herself to Mike, dropping her sleeping bag on the ground with a loud clank. Work Search: Give me suggestions please. M rated Sex Fanfiction | FanFiction And why Hopper sets her down instead of carrying her all the way. (Mileven, Mucas, Lonely Dustin, Jancy) What happens when the five of them (Mike, Lucas, Dustin, Max and Eleven) get caught up in the disappearance of Will Byers, the appearance of a murderous being and new . A series of What If/AU scenarios ideas that I came up with after watching the 4th season of Stranger Things. hope you enjoy and dont forget to tell me your thoughts down bellow!! You can call me, he says, anytime. Mike opens his mouth and Hoppers look goes from kind to venomous and back again faster than Mike can keep up with, this is gonna be hard to keep quiet though, so maybe theres some wiggle room on that year, he adds. Thanks to Dustin, Mike and Eleven get locked in a closet while they're decorating for the Snow Ball dance. He writes down his number, here, in case you need to call, he explains, drawing an arrow, you just dial left to right., Ill see you when you get home, Mike says, promise.. He is suffering, and El is suffering too. Either way, I hope that you enjoy what it entails :). But what happens when two fall in love? Can you explain something to me? she says the words carefully, one at a time. Her breathing came out choppy as she hurried to the windows to peak out the curtains, she was positive he wasn't in her house, there's no way he could be, but she wasn't so positive that he wasn't outside her house. Elevens heard some people say it: love, especially on tv, though shes never had the guts to ask anyone what it really meant. There are kisses and slow dances and hugs that last too long to be just friends. Hopper immediately walks up and starts talking to the nurse. Suitable for teens, 13 years and older. Mike Wheeler is a lonely and mysterious billionaire who falls for Jane the moment he sees her. She tugs on Mikes pajama sleeve and whispers: What does strike mean?. A shift in time and space, to bring us all home. Yes, like that. Mike smiles too, his unruly dark curls brushing on her forehead. Plus there's El's special Saturday event getting closer every day. Milevensmut Stories - Wattpad they find them. The next time he wakes up its because someones looking at him. More importantly to Michael Wheeler, it's been five years since Eleven disappeared. ' A one-shot book of my Mileven obsessions/ideas that come to mind at 3am. Mileven. Maybe it was because it was the color of the bracelet her father had given her. Mileven Fanfic-I Promise I Will Love You Forever Chapter One- Getting Ready for Prom It was Saturday, may 5th, 1989. For once Hopper doesnt say anything and just lets them have their moment. i { } Eleven writes you Mileven {Mike and Eleven} Oneshots! elhopper. We gotta put these on, he says, trying to sound like its normal. Eleven is faced sideways, towards him, waiting for him to speak or for slumber to come and take her away, whatever came first. Rather than summoning his star shield, near the ending of his battle, Magolor decides to cut his losses and opens a Dimensional Rift to another world, aiming to send Kirby, Bandana Waddle Dee, King Dedede, and Meta Knight through so they can no longer threaten his goal of universal domination. The Snow Ball is this weekend, and the Demogorgon is back. M rated Sex Fanfiction PM . El has had a crush on Mike for years. 91 Stories. Pure fluff. its weird, how El has this affect on him. ' s ." Els eyes light up at his thoughtfulness. I think I saw who did this to you.Im weird, youre weird, we could have weird little babies and live weirdly ever after if it wasnt for the fact I find you repulsive.There is nothing wrong with planning a wedding with a video game character.Im gonna lay down and die for like half hour okay? Theres been some real friction in our friend group lately. (Mileven short story, probably around 3-5 chapters) Language: Then they entered High School and feelings go w one-shots of mileven in the future - ages will be stated at the beginning of each part, Mike Wheeler is a new student and El Hopper is a shy girl who befriends him. This wont be the final version (if there even will be a final version at the rate I go), but for now Ill put down what Ive read and add more in the future. Her cheeks are wet but she seems to be fighting the tears. She leans forward and presses her lips to the corner of his mouth. im in the mood to write some short drabbles so send in your fic prompts and ill try to do as many as i can! He wants to run away but he cant move because if he lets go, her hand will just be limp. And things may become stranger still . Chapters . *taking off jacket* i told you to bring more layers but of course you didnt listen and now *piling scarves on her* now look, ive got to make sure you dont FREEZE to death and *taking somebody elses hat* how long have you been cold you shouldve said something sooner. He looks ashen as he turns around, kid were at the hospital, okay? Hopper will be there. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Basically you give me stranger things promts and ill write them. The whole gangs demeanor changes even though Elevens the only one who doesnt know whats about to happen. Trip over his tongue until they magically transform into something else that doesn't really carry the same weight as those three words do. His arms envelop her in a warm hug, inhaling her scent. Eleven looks at him with a bunch of different emotions. He drags the chair closer and sits in it, finding the best way to rest his head. Just a short one-shot where Troy tells Mike he could never get a girlfriend, and things happen. Hopper almost says no but Eleven looks at him pleadingly and he mumbles on his way out. The car stops just long enough for him to yank open the door and scramble inside. Jane Hopper, who works as a stripper in a Los Angeles night club. _.__ ___ .._ (I LOVE YOU), the day is long and ill be waiting for you, oh, there you are (Ive been looking for you forever), more than one best friend(the 6 kids being good friends to El because THEYRE SO SWEET!!! Dr. Owens looks doubtful. Contains both Mileven and Jopper) Interludes. El's breathing hitched unsteadily. {{{{OPEN}}}}. Picture this: its June 1985 in Hawkins, Indiana. I know you do.Those things you said yesterday Did you mean them?Im not going to apologise for this. Super's Mileven Fanfiction Rec List - It'll Get Better. Eventually Was a one-shot but now its a 5-6 part fic. *Characters are from pre-season 3, post Season 2, the month after dustin left for camp.*. [text] I know what you did last summer, Sources: x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Dude. He has to remind himself of that. May contain moderate violence, coarse language, suggestive material, and/or adult themes such as drug addiction that are contextually justified. He realizes that shes got hair now and it has to be covered. He keeps his eyes closed when he does it, but Hopper mutters another swear word like he knows when someones faking. Why wasnt Mike looking at her? Mileven Feel Me Upside Down Chapter 1, a stranger things - FanFiction may i please request a mileven fic where el gets - COUNTING STARS No shit, sherlock, Nancy says rolling her eyes, Chief Hopper called, he says you have to be downstairs in five minutes or hes not stopping.. Thank you so much! Directly in front of it is a small couch, their makeshift cocoon, complete with embroidered pillows and thick, warm blankets. Mike and El are happily back together, and the party is split up for college. love is staying on the line until you fall asleep. Then, behind them, Dustin calls: Come on, guys, they keep hugging in the hallway through Dustins pleas. the byler endgame characters react to the show fic we all deserve. No funny business, kid, Hopper warns. Part 4 of things you said. "Mileven, 1980's High School AU (inspired by the Taylor Swift song 'You Belong With Me'). This fic has many canon divergences. What if Eleven never truly escaped her "Papa"? What is love?. Well At least they think they did. I dont know. her smile fades. Because most of them arent mine, credits are at the end. ), Im Just Taking Care Of You(Steve centric; him taking care of his 6 children), .. ._.. ___ _ . Everything settles back to normal, until the bad men return and a kidnapping changes everything. And now I'm stuck with being his best friend, and though I would not want to miss one minute of our friendship, it hurts so much to watch him being happy with someone else. When he tries to move her, she whimpers and shakes her head, curling tighter around herself. Are we gonna watch Return of the Jedi now? Will chimes in, leaning forward to lower the volume of the tv. How she begins and he shakes his head. so the loss of a major character. There will be fluff and angst in these stories. Work Search: :.,',~ If his cheeks are wet, that doesnt really matter. Or, the slight enemies-to-lovers pop star fic that one person asked for, and I am so grateful they did! Reunited with their family and friends, only to find that Eddie, Raven's boyfriend, is missing presumed dead. Because.. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). She's studying abroad and he's leaving tomorrow. I found a weak-spot on you, didnt I?Are you wearing my shirt?You are ridiculously comfortableIve had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle withYoure so cute when youre half asleep like thisYoure beautiful, you know that?We should get a puppy!. You suck on ice chips and then eventually they bring you to a different room and you go home., They only let family back there, he says and feels awful when her expression falls, if Im not there Ill see you really soon.. He watches in horror as she bites into her lip and blood trickles down her chin. The crew were all sitting down in the basement, their official hang out area, since it held so much sentimental value and memories, including both hard times and fond times. Fuck, Hopper says again, what time does it start?. Stranger Things Crossed Over With Scream (1996). MILEVEN AU. Mike couldn't believe it. When she sets foot in a local metaphysical shop, she starts worrying parts of her past will come back to haunt her. Reviews . Chapter 1 Mike kissed El harder now. Are you really gonna leave without asking me the question youve been dying to ask me?The planet is fine. They lay side by side, not touching (maybe just barely). Mike, Will, Dustin, Lucas, and Max meet her on the first day of school and she's quickly brought into the Party. The bold yellow letters pop out at Eleven. I dont want to say what I changed and didnt because that would spoil too much of the story. Mileven | Shipping Wiki | Fandom Wheres the popcorn? Dustin asks frantically, seeing as though the signature opening music was just starting to play. Shes more awake when theyre settled in her room. He noticed the room was filled with people, He recognized most of them, but unfortunately, he didn't think that was a good thing as he felt dread build up in his stomach. !Kiss me.Are you still awake..?Excuse you?This is all your fault!I cant believe you dragged me into this.Dont give me that look! His name is half a sob as Eleven drags herself over and puts her head in his lap. Okay, he says with a smile, so, I hear its your appendix? Eleven looks at them both for confirmation and Mike nods, does this hurt? He asks, touching her stomach. Its a get-well-soon present, he says, you get them for people when theyre sick. Mileven Romance Fanfiction Stories | Quotev *Book 1 Complete; Prologue - Chapter 8**Book 2 begins with Chapter 9. She looks up at him and he smiles. He just doesnt know how to articulate it. It means to fight back, he murmurs into her ear, her chestnut curls tickling his nose. Its a feeling that hes gotten used to over the last year, even without truly understanding it.
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