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Cost: $5 per adult; children are free. The Monastic Guest Program was born of a desire for men to live the monastic life for a longer period than the usual retreat. Guerric, June 15-19 Contemplating Christ Retreat with Fr. The Retreat Center has a common area with a small library, kitchen, and a chapel. Driscoll, Jeremy, OSB. Manger scenes highlight holiday season at SC abbey - NBC News Moncks Corner, SC 29461. There is an inner light of Christ encountered in the rhythms of prayer, work, and communal living. The rhythm of prayer is taken up again. All of it is recommended.]. Theodore Berkeley, OCSO. email:, Vigils: 4:00 AM 4:40 AM Guerric, Kathy Tosney, Lyndall Hare, and Mary McNamara, March 27-30 Centering Prayer Retreat with Fr. We ask for strength and assistance for what lies ahead. Robert Walton, OSB. Mepkin Abbey. Ed. The sun hangs motionless on the horizon, unwilling to give way to the impending darkness. M. Monica Wagner. One thing I ask of the Lord, this I seek, to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. Inspiring but also challenging words if we really take them in. Start time: Check availability. One of the purposes of the courses is to provide a philosophical and theological foundation which will allow for a deeper formation and integration into the monastic way of life. Opportunities are offered for retreatants to meet with one of the monks for consultation and spiritual direction. Serves 4-5 One thing I ask of the Lord, this I seek, to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. Inspiring but also challenging words if we really take them in. New York: Sheed and Ward, 1936. It is Mary, woman of faith and Mother of God, who enfolds the monk in loving confidence. Offices, study carrels, a rare book room, an archive room, the Tower Meeting Room, and the Laurens Conference Center complete the functions of the facility. Welcoming retreatants is part of the monks commitment to welcoming the stranger and one would welcome Christ. Some men and women may wish to spend several nights in the St. Francis Retreat Center for the purpose of a spiritual retreat. Anselm Hufstader, OSB. fax: 843-761-6719, Niches in Mepkins Columbarium are available to the public. The suggested donation is $300 for a weekend retreat and $350 for a weekday retreat or $650 for a week retreat. MEPKIN ABBEY CRECHE FESTIVAL: Mepkin Abbey, 1098 Mepkin Abbey Rd., 5 miles off SC Route 402 southeast of Moncks Corner, S.C., or 843-761-8509. This access is limited because the church is in the monastic enclosure, the heart of the monastery. How is it possible to live a more contemplative life in the world today? A glimpse into monastic life at Mepkin Abbey with Fr. Cistercian Fathers Series 17. Retreat Center Information | Events & Reservations. Most come for spiritual renewal and renourishment. Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1994. After Terce, the monks assemble in the Chapter Room, the community meeting room adjacent to the Church, where daily work is assigned. Guerric, John and Judith Byrnes, and Jonathan Wright, Oct. 9-12 Sacred Masculine Retreat: Toward a Male Spirituality With Fr. Trans. Lovers of the Place: Monasticism Loose in the Church. Trans. Trans. He approaches the Word not as one trying to extract information, but as one who stands ready to be challenged and formed by the Word. Like deep-sea divers the brothers immerse themselves in the chanting of the Psalms. Armand Veilleux, OCSO. Work - Trappist Monastery, Moncks Corner, South Carolina - Mepkin Abbey Sundays from 1 4 p.m. Spencer, MA: Cistercian Publications, 1971. Work ends at 11:30. God is the mystery to whom the monk entrusts his being in faith and in hope. $1,511.08. The Steps of Humility and Pride. per group (up to 3) Check availability. 1098 Mepkin Abbey Road Mass: 7:30-8:15 AM Compline: 7:35-8:00 PM A few may have quietly awakened earlier in order to sink themselves into the still and fertile silence, where prayer is born. Horarium - Mepkin Abbey - Trappist Monastery, Moncks Corner, South Carolina Our Daily Life - Trappist Monastery, Moncks Corner, South Carolina - Mepkin Abbey Our Daily Life You are here: Home 1 / Our Daily Life Horarium 3:40 AM | Rise 4:00 AM | Vigils followed by Meditation, Lectio Divina or private prayer 5:30 AM | Breakfast available 6:30-7:00 AM | Lauds 7:30 AM | Eucharist, followed by 15 minutes thanksgiving Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1976. Please stay on these two roads. Married couples can be accommodated in adjoining rooms. On the Song of Songs IV. The monks of Mepkin rise in darkness. Liguori, MO: Triumph Books, 1995. At 4:20 AM, the community gathers in Continue Reading, A glimpse into monastic life at Mepkin Abbey with Fr. Vol. Retreatants' donations are gratefully accepted and encouraged to help us continue our mission. People of all faiths and no faith, men and women, make retreats at Mepkin. Finally, weary from the days work and longing for the balm of sleep, the bell for Compline calls the community to gather for the closing prayer of the day. A path has been designated for visitors to see the Church and the library while on tour. New York: Paulist Press, 1957. Vespers: 6-6:30 PM } Mepkin is one of only 15 Cistercian Trappist monasteries in North America and the only one in South Carolina. The Liturgical Sermons: Vol. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of American (CUA) Press, 1959. One thing I ask of the Lord, this I seek, to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. Inspiring but also challenging words if we really take them in. font-size:20px; Cistercian Fathers Series 7. Take time to walk the labyrinth - Review of Mepkin Abbey - Tripadvisor On days when classes meet, the work of the monks in formation ends at 3:00 PM, so that they may do final preparations for their classes. Mepkin Plantation - Moncks Corner - Berkeley County Church Tours are given every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday at 11:30 a.m. The retreat concludes at 10:30 AM on Sunday or Thursday depending on which retreat you attend. Besides the opportunity to pray with the monks, our retreat center offers the space and an incredible landscape that fosters the silence and solitude to come home to ones truest self. Gift Shop | Tues Sat: 9AM 4PM His heart enters into a dialogue with the heart of God. Jeremy Driscoll, OSB. Todonate online, click here, or you may send a check to Mepkin Abbey, 1098 Mepkin Abbey Road, Moncks Corner, SC 29461. I: The Life of St. Pachomius and His Disciples. Its position at the middle of the day provides a pause to rest and reflect on what has happened thus far. Schwangau is a tiny suburb of Fssen and it is a region that has been favored by the Bavarian kings for centuries. Their hearts thus prepared after the half hour of meditation, the monks spend the next hour or so in lectio divina (sacred reading). More conflict arose after the Imperial city of Kempten from 1527 onwards converted to Protestantism in direct opposition to the Catholic monastery. Already, the abbey has cemeteries that contain. At the conclusion of Vigils, replete with the images of the Psalms, the monks spend a half hour in meditation. Ancient Christian Writers (ACW) 26. Mepkin Abbey, the Cistercian monastery on the banks of the upper Cooper River in Berkeley County, is dedicating its new columbarium next month. Vespers & Benediction: 5-6 PM. Gay Rowzie and Sr. Susan Schorsten: The Four Women Doctors of the Church, May 8-11 Midlife Transition Retreat with Fr. The ground of the heart is plowed and the seed of the Word is sown. In the breaking of the Word and the Bread, the monastic church renders present the dying and rising of Jesus. font-size:20px; Most will be occupied on the mushroom farm in some manner. Trans. World University Library. Toward God: The Ancient Wisdom of Western Prayer. line-height:20px; A spirit of thanksgiving infuses the monks chant for all the good that has been accomplished. Trans. Chanting the same two Psalms each evening allows these words to arise out of the heart of the monk, out of the very being of the monastic community. Food is being prepared and cooked for the twenty-one monks and the guests on retreat. The monks of Mepkin rise in darkness. However, to protect the monks, the Abbey's Church is closed to the public at this time. If you are in a financial position, please consider making a donation to Mepkin to help us sustain our life of prayer. The lifestyle did take some getting used to at first. Mepkin appreciates and welcomes visitors and is delighted to share the life and work of Monks who reside there as well as the many other operations and events that occur at the Abbey. On several days of the week, those in formation, novices and postulants, have classes on various topics such as Scripture, liturgy, monastic sources, the Cistercian patrimony, and the vows. New York: Paulist Press, 1985. Upon arrival, please check in at the Reception Center/Gift Shop. Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1981. Vespers & Benediction: 5-6 PM. To maintain their lives of prayer, silence, privacy and solitude, the monks have a few important requests of all visitors: Niches in Mepkins Columbarium are available to the public. Jim Bowler, SJ, Sept. 11-14 Advanced Elder Retreat: Living into the Octogenarian Years with Fr. One of the monks assists the retreatants with the order of prayer so as to facilitate their full participation. Mepkin Abbey is a Christian (Trappist) monastery in South Carolina that runs an egg factory farm to make money. Cistercian Studies 133. Thank you and God bless you and your loved ones. Retreats at a Glance - Mepkin Abbey One thing I ask of the Lord, this I seek, to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. Inspiring but also challenging words if we really take them in. -Grand Silence Ends- While silence is not required in its entirety, most find this to be one of the best takeaways from retreat and we ask that all retreatants are respectful of the Monks and other retreatants; if speaking is necessary, please do so as quietly as possible. At days end, their last words are for the grace of a quiet night and a peaceful death. The Mystical Theology of St. Bernard. Thank you and God bless you and your loved ones. The citizens signed the 1529 Protestation at Speyer and the 1530 Augsburg Confession.In turn, Kempten Abbey joined the Catholic League in 1609. (Closed Monday), phone: 843-761-8509 ask for store The Hours are those fixed times during the day and night when the monks gather to give voice to that inner song of Gods praise found in every human heart. Located about 45. Through this never-ending rhythm of daily, weekly, monthly, yearly prayer, the monk is transformed, little by little, and becomes a living praise to Gods grace and mercy. Upon arrival, please check in at the Reception Center/Gift Shop. Cistercian Studies 77. [Much of Mertons vast output is still in print and readily available. On the Song of Songs II. The Love of Learning and the Desire for God: A Study of Monastic Culture. map & directions Conrad Greenia, OCSO. Trans. Some come for what might be called a short sabbatical, just to get away for a while. and intro. Compline: 7:35-8:00 PM The rest of the days usually are spent on things like reading, walking the beautiful grounds, journaling, and reflecting. Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1989. (Sermons 67-86) Trans. The Monks at Mepkin Abbey - Mepkin Abbey - Trappist Monastery, Moncks Odo J. Zimmerman. Participants live with the monks for a calendar month, usually beginning the first Monday or Friday of that month. (Closed Monday), phone: 843-761-8509 ask for store Mepkin Abbey is a beautiful venue in an out-of-the-way area of Berkeley County. Bed linens, towels, and soap are provided. Please email us at for more information on group reservations. Cistercian Studies 4. Visitors are welcome at Mepkin Abbey, which is privately owned and is home for Trappist monks. Mepkins Clare Boothe Luce Library houses one of the largest collections of religious books in the southeast. The light of the Sun of Justice discloses our thoughts and actions. If you are in a financial position, please consider making a donation to Mepkin to help us sustain our life of prayer. 6-6:30 PM | Vespers This access is limited because the church is in the monastic enclosure, the heart of the monastery. Lauds: 6:30-7 AM Ages 0-120. You do not need a reservation to visit the Abbey, but overnight retreats are by reservation only and can be for 3 nights (Friday Monday) 4 nights (Monday Friday) or 7 nights Monday to Monday or Friday to Friday. Guerric. Wikipedia Photo: Race2Beach, CC BY-SA 4.0. Notable Places in the Area Tabo Church Church Photo: Ammodramus, CC0. In the fading light of day, the monks relinquish the days busyness in order to enter into the descending silence. Registration is limited to no more than 12 persons. Mepkin Abbey Crche Festival - Booking by Bookwhen The 2022 Crche Festival was a wonderful event. email:, Vigils: 4:00 AM 4:40 AM In this series, we will be exploring some of the ways that the monks of Mepkin Abbey pray and inviting you to participate with us, if you feel called, in some or all of them. The Liturgical Sermons: Vol. Church Tours are given every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday at 11:30 a.m. Mepkin to close egg farm | News | This access is limited because the church is in the monastic enclosure, the heart of the monastery. Panorama of Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau Castle. You have to visit to really capture all that this site has to offer. Retreatants came from up and down the east coast, and most had been to Mepkin before, some multiple times. Javascript must be enabled for Bookwhen to function properly. On several days of the week, those in formation, novices and postulants, have classes on various topics such as Scripture, liturgy, monastic sources, the Cistercian patrimony, and the vows. Penthos: The Doctrine of Compunction in the Christian East. 1098 Mepkin Abbey Rd They share our life of prayer, work . Check in is from 2 p.m. 4 p.m. Please stay on these two roads. Cistercian Fathers Series 8. ft. to house some 43,000 volumes on two floors. Sundays same, except no Terce: How to get from Munich to Neuschwanstein Castle - TheMunichGuide Sundays from 1 4 p.m. Thank you and God bless you and your loved ones. Silence, which is so very hard to find in our culture, is an important part of a Mepkin retreat and is practiced for most of the day. De Vog, Aldalbert, OSB. Trans. Date of experience: June 2017 Ask 554yvonneb about Mepkin Abbey 2 Thank 554yvonneb Kilian Walsh, OCSO. Trans. A glimpse into monastic life at Mepkin Abbey with Fr. Baltimore, MD: Helicon, 1962. Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1981. Chitty, Derwas, J. Mass: 10:00 AM Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1980. Trans. The Mepkin Abbey gate is open from 6am-6pm. On the Song of Songs III. Ed. Each day begins with a group session as well as a contemplative practice. 1 . Cistercian Studies Series 53. The Cistercian Heritage. Only two roads are open to the public: the main road which runs from the entrance to the public gardens, and the road which leads to the Reception Center & Store. Fr. At this time the monks may discuss a current monastery project, share information, or listen to the teaching of the abbot. Compline: 7:35-8:00 PM Irene M. Edmonds. Some are making major life decisions (new job, marriage, retirement, etc.) You can opt in to any additional cookies. Trans. Purpose: To afford caregivers and opportunity to come away for awhile, rest, and reflect on who they are in the role of caregiver. The different hours of the day were more like moments which rooted the monks in the now of their day. Mid-Day Prayer: 12-12:10 PM Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1992. Compline: 7:35-8:00 PM Visitors are welcome at Mepkin Abbey, which is privately owned and is home for Trappist monks. Visitors are welcome at Mepkin Abbey, which is privately owned and is home for Trappist monks. Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1982. Week-long retreats may also be available depending on availability from Monday to Monday, or Friday to Friday for the purpose of a private spiritual retreat. People come to Mepkin Abbey on retreat for many reasons. The Shop also offers select books, tapes, religious articles, icons, candles, and other specialty gift items. God is in the darkness. Benedicta Ward, SLG. The Desert Fathers. email:, Vigils: 4:00 AM 4:40 AM One thing I ask of the Lord, this I seek, to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. Inspiring but also challenging words if we really take them in. Access to the Abbey church is by guided tour only. Kilian Walsh, OCSO, and Irene M. Edmonds. Mass: 10:00 AM Mid-Day Prayer: 12-12:10 PM If affords an opportunity to examine where they are physically, and emotionally in that role, and how they may garner strength and fortitude to continue on this challenging journey. Access to the Abbey church is by guided tour only. Visitors are welcome at Mepkin Abbey, which is privately owned and is home for Trappist monks. All meals are taken in silence, an important part of the monastic tradition. Christmas 2019 Schedule - Mepkin Abbey Twelve people can be accommodated at any one time. Vigils: 4:00 AM - 4:40 AM Lauds: 6:30-7 AM Mass: 7:30-8:15 AM Mid-Day Prayer: 12-12:10 PM Vespers: 6-6:30 PM . Our retreat center also provides a network of trained spiritual directors that are available to do individual spiritual direction for those looking for this spiritual practice via Zoom. Mepkin Abbey - Wikipedia Directed retreats on specific topics are offered as well. Joe Tedesco. Dates not mentioned are reserved for folks who wish to make a private or individual retreat (unless the monastery has reserved them for other purposes.) On the Song of Songs I. Trans. We are initiating this requirement to safeguard our vulnerable monastic community and all guests we come to Mepkin. Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1994. Sundays same, except no Terce: font-size:20px; We ask forgiveness and healing for what we have done and what we have failed to do. 5-6 PM | Vespers & Benediction, followed by supper. If you are in a financial position, please consider making a donation to Mepkin to help us sustain our life of prayer. As the monks join the offering of the whole of their life to Christ, they participate in the source and summit of Christian life. There is no need for light to read these words. Joe Tedesco. At 7:30 AM, the community assembles for the celebration of the Liturgy of the Eucharist: the Mass. Classics of Western Spirituality (CWS). We do not provide an option to turn off essential cookies because they are required to deliver security and enable core site functionality. Guerric assisted by a team of other experienced Spiritual Mentors will explore a structure to enable the contemplative life lived in the monastery to take root beyond its walls. Todonate online, click here, or you may send a check to Mepkin Abbey, 1098 Mepkin Abbey Road, Moncks Corner, SC 29461. Thank you and God bless you and your loved ones. If you are in a financial position, please consider making a donation to Mepkin to help us sustain our life of prayer. Cistercian Studies 45. Hard physical labor also provides balance of mind, body, and spirit, central to the life of prayer. Mid-Day Prayer: 12-12:10 PM For more information on how we use cookies, or to change your cookie preferences, see our Cookie Policy. Please stay on these two roads. To book a weeklong retreat, simply book back-to-back retreats. Mid-Day Prayer: 12-12:10 PM One thing I ask of the Lord, this I seek, to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. Inspiring but also challenging words if we really take them in. Liguori, MO: Triumph Books, 1996. Retreats include lodging and all meals. . Do I have to remain silent making a Retreat at Mepkin? The Cistercians: Ideals and Reality. It can be an extremely spiritual experience to be surrounded by nothing but the rustling wind through leaves, the sound of birds chirping, and the smell of salty air wafting around you. Spencer, MA: Cistercian Publications, 1971. Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1975. Mass: 7:30-8:15 AM All meals are taken in silence, and prayer begins and concludes this gathering. Starting July 10th, all those who would like to register for a retreat at Mepkin Abbey must be fully vaccinated for Covid -19. If you are in a financial position, please consider making a donation to Mepkin to help us sustain our life of prayer. Clare Boothe Luce Library - Mepkin Abbey Spiritual Mentoring for a 30-minute meeting with a monk and the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation are available. As the tower bell sounds to proclaim to the slumbering world the beginning of the monastic night-watch, the monks stand in anticipation of the coming of Christ in time and in their hearts. The death of a good monk: Celebrating Brother Joseph's simple and holy life Paul Wilkes February 09, 2023 Photo via Mepkin Abbey The first thing the mourners could view as they entered the. The death of a good monk: Celebrating Brother Joseph's simple and holy Sundays from 1 4 p.m. Mirror of Charity. Does the Retreat Center provide transportation to and from the airport? Mepkin Abbey is a Trappist monastery in Berkeley County, South Carolina. Trans. To maintain their lives of prayer, silence, privacy and solitude, the monks have a few important requests of all visitors: Niches in Mepkins Columbarium are available to the public. Liturgy of the Hours - Mepkin Abbey Hilary Costello, OCSO, and John Morson, OCSO. Odo J. Zimmerman and Benedict Avery. Pachomian Koinonia. This is the hour of Lauds, when the monks greet the dawn breaking upon the world of darkness. The abbey is located near Moncks Corner, at the junction of the two forks of the Cooper River northwest of Charleston, and is located in the Diocese of Charleston . Several days a week a community meeting is scheduled for 7:00 PM. III: Instructions, Letters, and Other Writings of St. Pachomius and His Disciples. Learn More. Oxford: Blackwell, 1966. Trans. Led by a monk, a gerontologist, and two other skilled team members, the retreat begins on Fri- day at 2:00 PM and closes at 2:00 PM the following Monday; or at 2:00 PM on Monday through 2:00 PM on Thursday for mid-week retreats. The abbey is located near Moncks Corner, at the junction of the two forks of the Cooper River northwest of Charleston, and is located in the Diocese of Charleston. Work ends at 11:30. Gift Shop | Tues Sat: 9AM 4PM Week of silence at Mepkin Abbey leads to mindfulness During the Thirty Years' War, the monastery buildings were burnt to the ground by Swedish troops in 1632. Vincent Pizzuto, June 19 Public Lecture Becoming a Contemplative Community, June 26-29 Urban Contemplatives Retreat with Will Bryant and Barbara Pendergrast, Aug. 7-10 Advanced Elder Retreat: Stories of the Second Half of Life, Aug. 10-14 Wisdom of the Mystics Retreat with Carl McColman, Aug. 24-28 Advanced Enneagram Retreat with Dr. Christine King, Sept. 7-11 Ignatian Retreat with Kathy Tosney and Fr. Christian Monasticism. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969. Vespers: 6-6:30 PM After Terce, the monks assemble in the Chapter Room, the community meeting room adjacent to the Church, where daily work is assigned. Spiritual Friendship. Spencer, MA: Cistercian Publications, 1972. A glimpse into monastic life at Mepkin Abbey with Fr. Joe Tedesco,,, Mepkin Abbey Announces New Offering for Spiritual Direction. Mass: 10:00 AM All of these tasks can provide opportunity for quiet simple prayer. While Trappists are an order in the Roman Catholic Church, everyone is welcome to visit and make Retreats here. email:, Vigils: 4:00 AM 4:40 AM It is serene and has beautiful gardens, a gift shop, chapels and is the home of area Monks. Cistercian Fathers Series 32. Monastic Guest Program - Mepkin Abbey Through the voice of the psalmist the Lord responds: With length of life I will content him; I shall let him see my saving power (Psalm 91:16). After a light supper, the monks may take a walk among the fleeting silent shafts. RB 1980: The Rule of St. Benedict. During the main meal at noon a book is read aloud by one of the monks for the benefit of all. They are also given the opportunity to join a Zip Code Contemplation Group, which meets regularly online, to help keep the Mepkin experience alive for them. If you are in a financial position, please consider making a donation to Mepkin to help us sustain our life of prayer. Todonate online, click here, or you may send a check to Mepkin Abbey, 1098 Mepkin Abbey Road, Moncks Corner, SC 29461. Spencer, MA: Cistercian Publications, 1971. Following a short period of thanksgiving after Mass, the community reassembles to pray the hour of Terce. II: Pachomian Chronicles and Rules. Bernard of Clairvaux and the Cistercian Spirit. We are unable to provide transportation, but ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft service the trip to the abbey. Lauds: 6:30-7 AM Trans. Trans. The retreat will help participants answer the questions: What is a contemplative experience? Retreatants are also invited to join the monks in their public prayer as often as desired. These cookies are essential to our website working properly. Timothy Fry, OSB. Cheap Train Tickets | Timetables for Germany & Europe - Bahn At Vespers, all that has been given is now brought before God. Updated ZCC Newsletter - Mepkin Abbey Monastery According to the monastic tradition expressed in the Rule, the refectory is seen as parallel to the Church, where the Eucharist is celebrated. Gift Shop | Tues Sat: 9AM 4PM Access to the Abbey church is by guided tour only. line-height:20px; What Trappist Monks can Teach us about Effective COVID-19 Quarantining Sundays from 1 4 p.m. 1098 Mepkin Abbey Rd. Cover and cook until vegetables are tender. Joe Tedesco, Our Lady of the Mississippi Abbey (Dubuque, IA), Saint Benedicts Monastery (Snowmass, CO). Mepkin Abbey provides housing and vocations for Monks who live the Cistercian Charism, which is living a contemplative and monastic community life. Access to the Abbey church is by guided tour only. There is NO REQUIRED FEE to visit or retreat at Mepkin Abbey; however, we ask for donations you feel called to make. Edgar C.S.Gibson. After None, there is time for a short siesta. And jalapeno in oil until onion is lightly browned. If you are in a financial position, please consider making a donation to Mepkin to help us sustain our life of prayer. Athirst for God: Spiritual Desire in Bernard of Clairvauxs Sermon on the Song of Songs. One thing I ask of the Lord, this I seek, to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. Inspiring but also challenging words if we really take them in. Patrick Hart. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1964. (Closed Monday), phone: 843-761-8509 ask for store Mass: 7:30-8:15 AM

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