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As stated at Maura Murray is Missing, she attended the United States Military Academy at West Point for just under two years. The hosts of the podcast True Crime Garage, known as Nic and The Captain, are the ones to inform me that despite what I see in the Oxygen documentary, James Renner is not 100 percent convinced that Maura Murray is alive and living in Canada (though due to sightings there, it is a theory of his as mentioned in the Oxygen series). Then Maura would go out and smoke the competition. maura murray crash site google maps He wondered if it could have been Maura. Maura was recruited by Harvard out of High School, a pretty good university. Anyone with information about Maura Murray is asked to call the New Hampshire Cold Case Unit at (603) 223-3648 or email them at Despite the fact that it is an intriguing theory, Murray did not make any phone calls following her accident. Erin covers the disappearance of Maura Murray - New Hampshire's most famous missing person case, and O'Dell covers the unsolved murder of Nicole Parsons Bucki. Im sure they have their reasons (some good some not so good maybe), but its regrettable they havent released more. If he left at, say, 8PM then we might want to reconsider the sighting. These are the facts according to the Murray statement that align with my memory of what took place. Sois it her? : r/MauraMurrayCase - Reddit [In this post I will generally refer to him as CW: construction worker, adapted from topix]. He told authorities that Murray seemed to be somewhat disoriented. Its my understanding that Sara was not as close to Kate or Maura. The witness said he saw Murray around 7 p.m. on Feb. 9, around the time she disappeared, police told the Murrays. . Heres a photo of the three of us on one of those 4,000 footers. The prevailing theory is that Maura Murray was abducted by either an opportunistic predator or a serial killer. Julie Murray, Maura Murray's sister, said the Attorney General's office called her this past week to share the alert. 4. . I dont know and I wouldnt say thats an attack on her. Amazon Has Uncanny Dupes of CB2's Popular Dining Chair for Hundreds Less. At around 7:25pm on Monday 9 February 2004, 21-year-old nursing student Maura Murray lost control of her car and span off the eastbound lane of Route 112 in a rural, sparsely-populated area of the . Folks should really check out the Discovery ID episode. All evidence, to include my phone records, validates this fact. Missing UMass student Maura Murray: Search of New . I organized Bills comments into the following categories: On Maura as a person (there is a more in depth section about this but I wanted to start with this). Many believe Maura was abducted by a serial killer - in the minutes between Butch Atwood's last sighting of her and her disappearance. The following week, police set up a blockade to stop cars to see who was coming through on the same day and time as Mauras accident. Maura and I communicated via AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), and she also used AIM to communicate with HS friends. lighthouse, etc./I remember having limited to no cell reception nearly everywhere we went during the search. Maura talked a lot about her Dad with me and he was someone she looked up to and someone who loved her unconditionally. As reported by WCVB, local resident Jeanne Foley said authorities did not search for Murray "along the roadway during the daylight hours for several days," and she "never saw anyone" search the area in the days following the crash. I agree that everyone seems to be at a loss for why she left UMASS. Ive noticed many folks on line totally being unaware or misinformed of their relationship. Maura was one of the loveliest, brilliant, and badass girls you could ever know. James Renner Maura Murray Fact Check - Facebook Author James Renner, who wrote a book about Murray's case, suspects she may used an underground system to leave the country and is likely living in Canada. What disappoints me most about this community is the misinfo about Maura. What are the chances that your boyfriend or girlfriend will go missing without a trace? Im unsure if you are suggesting Maura ran away. Her smile and laugh are what anyone would remember most. The Timeline for Maura Murray's Disappearance: Untangling the - Blogger While Im certain I left from OKC (something that is confirmed by the person who drove me) and arrived in CT (something my parents can confirm as they picked me up), maybe folks here can determine where the lay over was? Despite disappearing over 15 years ago, little progress has been made on the case involving University of Massachusetts student Maura Murray, who vanished without a trace. We know that CW didnt see Maura at 7PM or 7:15 or 7:25. I do not recall if I stayed at the holiday inn with Maura in the past. JR blog per neighbor Cowles: a teenage boy in a hoodie crossing the road quickly in front of him, near 116, several miles East of the crash site. Facebook was only five days old when Murray went missing and yet the case . FBI issues alert for missing UMass student Maura Murray - masslive True it is odd that CW didnt realize that Maura had disappeared on this particular night. "It's a long time, but it also seems like it was just yesterday," Julie Murray said, recalling when her sister first went missing.There have been other potential leads in the case recently. Assertive is a word you could use accurately IMO. The thought was that bc the dog scent went east from the car and the police told us she was heading east. She loved it there and I loved being there with her. The first time I heard the theory of Maura not unpacking her room was during an hours long phone call I had with the Texas Crew Productions team prior to the release of the Oxygen series. On why LE thought she had a backpack and dark coat. Heck, one big reason (there were many) the McDonalds came up to help was bc we wanted more boots on the ground to intensify our search. She went on hour long runs by herself. IT'S ONE STEP CLOSER TO FINDING MAURA. Additionally, its a great work out, she loved being outside and for me the views from those mountains were beyond beautiful. On May 6, 2004, The Caledonian Record reported that a man had come forward with a potential sighting of Maura Murray on the night of her disappearance: "There may be a break in the case involving 21-year-old nursing student Maura Murray who disappeared the night of Feb. 9 after she was involved in a one-car accident on rural Route 112 in . On the day she vanished, the nursing student is said to have emailed one of her professors to tell them that she wasn't able to go to class as she need to go home due to a family bereavement. Heck, 33rd in the country in the 2mi as a Sophomore is a HUGE deal. If several of us were at the station, two would peel off. I talk about this on Erinns podcast btw. Maura was an above average athlete. kenneth alexander axiom financial; primrose school holiday schedule; it will always be new york or nowhere sweatshirt; st henry high school yearbook; It made things difficult during the search which is why we would meet up several times throughout the day (with each other) to provide updates, check ins, etc./I do not recall LE taking my phone for a day altho thats certainly possible. Authorities found bone fragments at the base of Loon Mountain in 2021, but the remains were not identified as belonging to Maura Murray. As someone mentioned, there was a section or two where the river and road were side by side but even there we did not see footprints in the snow or a break/gap in the snow and ice on the river. I felt like she was revealing more of herself to me every subsequent trip and in my opinion NH was a home away from home for her. in the first few days we wondered if she was picked up by a stranger who gave her a ride someplace (we were willing to consider any theory frankly, that we could action on). MamaMia reports her supervisor asked her what was wrong, and she simply replied, "my sister." Missing student's kin skeptical of psychic - Religion News Blog Murray was sentenced to probation with the charges to be dismissed upon completion, according to Family Lawyer New Hampshire. Im familiar with the type of conditions you describe from growing up with winters in Ohio and my time at West Point. By the time police arrived, Murray was gone - and was never seen again. Family members of a missing Hanson woman are calling on New Hampshire legislators to create a permanent state highway marker at a memorial site. I cant speak to if or why she did or didnt try to drive the Saturn after the accident. "It is a way for multiple agencies and different jurisdictions to share information," Julie Murray said.Maura Murray disappeared in February 2004 after crashing her car in North Haverhill. To follow up on this lead, a search was conducted on May 8, 2004 involving 15 Fish and Game officers accompanied by 6 dogs (from the New England Canine and the Upper Valley Wilderness Response Team). I basically copy/pasted his answers to questions, took out filler and organized into categories. Its a big bridge from incompetence to being involved. Into VT (it was v close) and over to ME. Maura placed great value on kindness in others. The Caledonian Record 5/6/04 calls the sighting about an hour after the accident, whereas the Boston Globe 5/7/04 notes The witness said he saw Murray around 7 p.m. on Feb. 9, around the time she disappeared. Law enforcement verified his work records. CW and some neighbors where (sic) talking and he mentioned seeing someone running but wasnt sure when and then he went to look at the missing poster and call NHSP. I believe Im the only one on reddit that was in her dorm room and I do not know if Maura packed it up or if she never unpacked it. Some believe it was packed up. 2021 BROUGHT ANOTHER DEAD END. This was when we were told that Maura would prob show up in a day or two, we asked a few questions, and gave some answers to LE questions./We all stayed at the Wells River Motel every night. I was driving my dads truck the time she recommended picking someone up, and after the hike mentioned in the ep, the I believe the vehicle Maura flagged down was a truck. On August 3, 2011, James Renner offered a similar explanation on his blog: I spoke to Diane and Rusty Cowles, who lived across from Forcier on Bradley Hill and still see him to this day. True Crime Society - The coldest case - where is Maura Murray? NHSP refused. IMO that might be why there are so many wild theories out there, esp as people start to replace facts (Maura loved her father more than anyone) with fiction (Maura was running away from her father!!!) re tomboy, she def was and elegant at the same time. Beyond cute, 100%! I think there was an intersection a bit before you got to 116 but other than that there were no roads from that immediate right after the Saturn until 116. Later that same evening, Murray was working her job at a campus reception desk when she became visibly distressed. Maura's dad told the Associated Press on the 10th anniversary of the student's disappearance: "There's no letting go. The call left her in tears, and her supervisor had to walk her home as she was too upset to do her job. "We have had people support us from the beginning and people joining all along the whole journey of trying to find out what happened to Maura, so on behalf of my family, I want to thank everyone," Julie Murray said.Can you help police solve this case? Kedungadem, East Java, Indonesia Evening Weather | AccuWeather I will provide updates as appropriate. However,WCVB reports authorities never found any tracks or footprints leading into the woods. For all the talk of theories, the idea that someone with good intentions giving her a ride somewhere has fallen by the way side. Few have done more to find Maura and I am proud to be associated with them. True Crime . Nevertheless, the 16th . Only years later have both topics been manipulated into conspiracy theories (e.g. Vermont, 66 miles (110 km) away from Murray's last sighting in Woodsville, drew comparisons from media and law enforcement due to the similarities in disappearances. I believe she was a week into the new semester [at umass] (someone correct me if Im wrong). I talked to them about anything and everything that we/they could think of to try and help. I still dont know what happened, just like most of you. Enhanced RealVue Satellite - AccuWeather I never stayed in my barracks/dorm at West Point when my folks visited. We did not independently verify this, altho I wish we had given the issues/problems with the police investigation we later discovered (LE not interviewing witnesses, not calling phone numbers Maura called the day she disappeared, refusing help from the FBI, etc). Whether Maura meant to temporarily . There's a mother and daughter, and with the James Renner theory about her leaving cause she was pregnant. In the same vein I dont see how it humanizes Maura to say that she and Kate had an orgy with respectable business men which was said by a common poster on this sub. Our initial assumption was that it was packed up. Now they are ongoing again with Julie. We will fact check the claims and set the record straight using parody,. We walked Rt 112 on foot heading east and did not see any foot prints in the snow between the rd and river. It was an unforgettable weekend. In an interview with WCVB, Murray said the police were initially on the scene for fewer than two hours. It was my understanding Fred immediatedly contacted CW.The EX saw it in the news then she jumped on the ban wagon with the LE/PIs. The shop wasnt that big. Not nearly as lovely as her but the best I could afford back then! "It's a long time, but it also seems like it was just yesterday," Julie Murray said, recalling when her sister first went missing. Kedungadem, East Java, Indonesia's evening weather forecast for today and the next 15 days. She knew she shouldnt be driving it. On Monday, Feb. 9, 2004, the 21-year-old nursing student born in Hanson, Massachusetts packed up her dorm room . After a couple weeks and later months our assumption was that wed covered so much ground with posters (5,000+ btw) and done so much local, regional, and nation media (print, tv, radio) that we felt if a good person picked her up they would have come forward saying theyd seen her. Major update in case of missing student, 21, who left a creepy car clue Logistically you start in the center and work your way out. Id like to think they followed up but given the other mistakes LE made, I just dont know. ALMOST 18 YEARS AGO MAURA MURRAY CRASHED H ER CAR ON ROUTE 112 IN HAVERVILL, NEW HAMPSHIRE NEVER TO BE SEEN AGA. Ill be the first to admit my memory isnt perfect, but Ive confirmed I flew out of OKC and that I arrived in CT. Just as folks in this sub know details of Mauras case better than me, I certainly know what I do and dont remember better than others. Have you heard the story of her winning a free throw competition at Boston Garden? Murray's parents contend she "was an overachiever that excelled both academically and athletically." An overview of search efforts in the Maura Murray case | Not Without Peril | The Maura Murray Blog. I still wonder if people realize that he drove to NH every weekend for years and years searching for Maura. Post author: Post published: April 16, 2023 Post category: what size to get for oversized hoodie Post comments: izuku betrayed by ochako fanfiction izuku betrayed by ochako fanfiction We printed off the phone records at the police station bc LE were waiting on a subpoena. General Feelings and why hes participating on social media. Could she have been drinking and driving? Horror Movies Maura Murray True Crime. To confirm your assumption, she was familiar with North Conway. LINCOLN, N.H. (WCAX) - A potential lead in a 17-year-old missing person case after construction crews uncovered human remains on Loon Mountain in New Hampshire. She then drove to a liquor store, where she purchased around $40 worth of alcoholic beverages. IMO the note NHSP refer to is prob the email. As reported by Christopher Peak, Guy also said "everything about the accident scene was weird.". He noted that the young person was wearing jeans, a dark coat, and a light-colored hood. Someone mentioned on another thread that the phone records show a roaming call from Burlington, VT on 2/11 which is interesting bc my parents drove us straight to Haverhill after picking me up at the airport./IMO thats a good baseline for understanding that the roaming location for calls clearly does not match up with my physical location. In doing so, perhaps it can draw more awareness to the case and possibly help Julie [or anyone] find Maura and bring her home. Looking back, I dont know if it was Maura, altho I believed it to be at the time. We learned of the three men at the party after Maura disappeared.

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