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You didnt even realize he had been sitting there while you kicked your shoes off by the door. You were beyond stressed out and tired. I- I I was worried about you. You stuttered out, watching the pure hatred on his face as he stared at you- feeling nothing but anger. Your father has allowed you to choose between the two of them, for the betterment not just for yourself, but for your people. Eventually leading you both to an empty classroom. Bakugo Katsuki didnt like this new girl. Bakugou x reader Ep 13 Jul 16, 2020 like 117 #13. U-Um can I sit here? (y/n) asked her hands fidgeting with one other. If you needed a sparring partner, the hot head would glare at anyone who tried especially the pervy grape head Mineta. Your heart pounded inside your chest but it also ached at the same time. Which was probably why you were now being boxed in against the wall next to your class, flinching away as Bakugo all but snarls at you with a scathing venom that drips from his every word. So not only did you have to put up with being an omega, NOW you had to deal with the fact you had found your mate. After an accident with your father, you are forced to move in with your uncle Aizawa, giving you the opportunity to enroll at the school of your dreams, U.A. As she begins to open herself up to the people around her, trouble follows. pairing: (dad! "Are you okay man? She caught your gaze and smirked, causing you to go into the kitchen to get yourself a drink, unbeknownst to you she followed you to the kitchen. While carrying your own secretive but deep-rooted dreams of being a hero, could your wavering love for dance and changing plans for the future be up to the task? She never even wanted to be a hero before Shota Aizawa pulled her out from the rubble of her destroyed home. Betrayed by the humans she once cared and protected, Gatria's hatred knows no bounds. However, lightyears away, Prince Saleth, your foul-tempered elder brother, continues to despise each and every one the bastards. You couldve at least let me properly turned him down Bakugoupoor guy, Tch, I dont give a shit. Why did you- You were cut off by a loud voice,What the fuck was that for (y/n)? But when every different version of your boss starts showing up, you start to question if maybe you had the idea of what a soulmate was wrong from the start. #myheroacedemia some nice sweet domestic fluff. he smiled in response, his aura slowly brightening. But when she meets others aspiring to be a hero, will her path falter or become stronger? He ran and ran, screaming your name, in hopes you would just pop up and appear in his arms once again. Warnings: female reader, fluff, platonicp love. Bakugou was always known to have a brash personality. hello! Before he turned to the direction of the company van, he caught your eyes. Having tried to coax you out of the habit in vain, Saleth covertly works to end this rebellious streak of yours, even if it means Earths annihilation. cheater bakugou x reader - She called on everyone except a handful before choosing her next victim. She may never run from her past, as it will always follow her. Bakugou on . reader) warnings: none genre: fluff overload word count: 782 words. - After a night filled with cuddling, Bakugou woke up to get ready for work. The boy nearly tripped running away from the angry blonde escaping the scene as fast as he could. Visiting him at work (ProHero!Bakugou x Pregnant!Reader) Words; 872. The two have a secret that theyd die to keep, but it gets unravelled when Y/n ends up overusing her quirk a little too much. Your eyes rolled back and you bit your lip hard to restrain a high-pitch moan as said man lulled his tongue along your sensitive bundle of nerves. You had asked yourself repeatedly why you were doing this, why were you following him, why were you allowing this but just the glimpse you caught of Bakugous face, your vision blurry and your mind convincing you this was sixteen year old Katsuki holding onto your arm. You were oblivious and stupid, you wanted to believe this was the old him and you wanted to simply believe he can come back from this. My Hero Academia Oneshots - (NSFW) Katsuki Bakugo x Reader You can call me Katsuki.. How did you even end up here? Maybe you just werent what he wanted anymore, and it hurt you so much. No I dont want to talk about it any longer. You couldn't even call it a lie, because it had been entirely on accident. Mina finally had enough and she made her way over to you before grabbing your wrist and leading you to the roof. Bon appetit (The Great British Bake Off), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Bakugou Katsuki/Original Female Character(s), Original Character Has a Quirk (My Hero Academia), Protective U.A. You were accustomed to his swift presence many times before, him usually consulting you for money issues on a whim, but this was different. Sure, dumbass. With a puff in your chest you let it come out by itself. That sucks even more. Its a romantic comedy! In this moment as you two drowned in each others gazes it felt as if time stopped and you were the only ones who existed. His hand snatched up your wrist, holding it tight and he smiled at you again. What wrong with me? Bakugou scoffed,Maybe if you werent trying to get me to stop talking to my friend, there wouldnt be anything! He yells, losing all sense of self-control before he leaves the classroom, and leaving you alone. Catching up to them, you reached for Bakugous hand only for him to look at you before pulling his hand away and continuing his conversation with (g/n). Why wouldnt I!? Between the shivers and the sobs wracking your body, you couldnt hear the footsteps behind you. "Sure Bakugou, sure" you chuckle, a matching flush dusting over your one cheeks. How could he explain himself out of the situation? Kaminari has the best parties! Mina said as she had sparkles in her eyes. You saw a small smirk out of the corner of your eye placed upon her lips. Chapter One - Female Reader Chapter Two - Male Reader Chapter Three - NonBi Reader Notes: (See the end of the work for notes .) Dont you dare walk away from me right now (y/n)!!. His sibling has the quirk Starwatcher, a quirk that is inherited and mixed with their grandmothers star gazing quirk and their fathers explosion quirk. You know how badly I wanted you at UA? But your temperamental deskmate just HAD to hold a grudge, and things had been rotten ever since. Ive just been very busy with university i barely even have time to breathe ;. Couldve been something good, something right but of course.. Deku this Deku that. Caught - Bakugou x Reader angriestpineapple Summary: Your study session ends up getting crashed by one Bakugou Katsuki, which is problematic for you. He couldnt believe how much power youve gotten since UA. He flinched at the use of his last name, watching as your form disappeared through the slammed door of your shared or once shared apartment. He didnt treat you any differently than the other extras, okay well maybe a little differently. This story follows Y/n, who is attending UA High School.She didn't want to tangled up with pointless friendships but that's not really an option with class 1-A. You were beyond stressed out and tired. my ongoing bakugo x reader smau - my writing masterlist . . Where the student becomes the teacher, maybe the hotheaded blonde, with seemingly a dozen tricks up his sleeve, could show you a thing or two along the way. THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT PERTAINING TO SEXUAL INTERCOURSE AND MILD LANGUAGE!! Your arguments would suffice. Thank you so much! so with that being said how have you all been doing? He would look at you out of the corner of his eye and maybe a smile graced his face, not that he would admit this and would kill anyone who said anything. Days after that he started to get worse before your very eyes, releasing his anger and hatred on everyone around him and suddenly you had enough and went up to his dorm again to pound on the door with your fist. He noticed you staring at him, his red eyes piercing into yours and it frightened you a bit. I just want to be enough for you. You said as your smile faltered, not that you think he noticed anyways. Dont tell me that you dont see it? Not like he would tell anyone that, but he was tired and would very much like to sleep to the sound of (y/n)s heartbeat. You were shy, and you barely stood up for yourself, because Katsuki said he would. thank you all for checking up on me. You completely blamed yourself for not pushing more to help him years ago. His fiery eyes looked down on you, a tense feeling of dominance shining through that sadistic grin on his face. ALso! Still, you managed to sneak one look. Now if this was the old Bakugou, you wouldve felt a lot of different emotions. In your boss's home, naked and vulnerable, ready to take him? The air outside was cold, you left your jacket with Kirishima because you didnt want someone to take it, but now as you walk towards the dorms you realize how stupid that was. #izukumidoriya It wasn't until he started dating you that he chose his words more carefully. How did this happen in just the span of a few hours? Aizawa doesn't like it, doesn't like the implications, and doesn't like the pit it creates in his chest.___. Whatever, let me know when this is out of your head. He says before slamming the door behind him, and causing you to finally let the tears fall. Bakugou bit the inside of his cheek, neither did he. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Why do you let (g/n) touch all over you? The second you finished the question you could see a change in his whole demeanor. This lady? What was so intriguing about her that he had to keep talking to her, ignoring his friends and his own girlfriend. Lets end this Bakugou.. You, and Mina were in the kitchen and pantry to find snacks for the movie. I shouldnt have ignored you, I was being stupid. His grip on you getting tighter. Itll be so~ much fun! So (y/n) you and Bakugou have been dating for a while now huh? he took a swig of his liquor, his cheeks dusted a pink and his eyes glazed over from the amount of alcohol consumed that night. Warnings ; Angst, cursing because Bakugou, and fluff, Ehm..what about bakugou has a friend and hes so close to her and she has a crush on him but he doesnt know and his girlfriend y/n knows about it and gives him a lot of hints so that he stop talking to her but he doesnt get it and one day y/n and bakugous friend had a fight and bakugou believed his friend and it wasnt y/n fault and at the end he realised that she was right and he fuck up and apologise to her., _____________________________________________. Nobody was perfectly made for another person. Bakugo has a sibling, they are twins although Bakugo is a few hours older. FEEDBACK AND CRITIQUE IS GREATLY APPRECIATED. He may be yours for now, but I know that youve been having some.. rough patches. Saying whatever he wanted, when he wanted, and not thinking even for a second of the words that were to come out of his mouth. Disguised as a renown pediatrician in the human nation of Japan, your double life is artfully hid among the turmoil of post-All-Might society. As you jiggled the keys, turning the lock and stepping inside- you turned on the lights and dropped your bag on the floor. in the future. You blamed yourself for a while but soon, you had forgotten about him altogether. Waking up into a world where the unnatural was natural? What do you want then? For seven weeks, 256 contestants must duel until only one remains. It just brought everything back to you. He had just admitted to proposing to you, he almost afraid to look at you. _______________________________________________. /dies/. #katsukibakugo well i have a lot nothing to do rn so im looking at my drafts and wondering what the hell i was writing in the last chapters of College is a Scam and Your Highness. Bakugou let out a, Tch and that was all (y/n) needed to know she could sit next to him. Fuck you. You threw his phone at him, walking towards his door and he laughed louder. Now you stood in front of him, feeling all of those emotions and memories coming back to you. Word count: 800. pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader. is when he had completely fallen into the bottomless pit called a crush. Hes not something you can justsnatch up. The one who was the reason this all happened? Tag list: @keigod @dragonhrte @mrs-takami-keigo @fanfic-me-up @royal-after-dark @hawks-senseis @bnhabookclub @pixxiesdust @diorsho A/N: HOHOHO Merry Christmas @unbreakableeiji !!! How could you know though? "You're so pathetic," he said in a raspy, husky voice that only turned you on even more. bakugou x reader fluff. Before you had a chance to greet him, the nosy, unprofessional new receptionist sitting at the front desk spoke first. With that she was gone, and Katsuki held your hand as you both walked to the elevator and into his office. Keep reading. Bakugou stops in his tracks, turning around to find a teary eyed girl in a different uniform running towards him at full speed. **, A/N: Oh boymy first BNHA lemon. Will she succumb to or will she embrace her fears? Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Izuku Midoriya, Denki Kaminari. You were accustomed to his swift presence many times before, him usually consulting . Some sick revenge?. Instead your head was down, your (color)ed hair covering your eyes before you picked up your lunch and your bag and left to sit somewhere else. It had been a long day, the mission just now being finished and dealt with after weeks of handling it. The arms that securely wrapped around his neck pulled him in for another kiss as he twirled you around in the perfect weather on the happiest day of your life. who hooked up over the years already holding little mini mes of their own. cw: fluff everyone !! but there was always something that lingered in the back of your mind. Katsu, can we talk? You said as you both sat in his room working on homework you had gotten from Aizawa. And ok, maybe that was partially your fault at first. The small smiles, the touches, the hugs, the laughs. The amount of guilt you carried, the amount of sadness you had- it all came rushing back as you stared at his face. Going through the ups and downs and experiencing many firsts, as you would in a relationship. Caramel. From the staring when the other doesnt notice, to making the tiniest bits of smiles (at least on Bakugous part). Haha, very funny (y/n). One last time Mina. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). Let me help. You practically pleaded with him and his whole mood had changed, a completely different personality coming out of him. He didnt think too much about how you were so caring about his well being, and for others as well, and how your presence just lit up any room you were in, how your voice was literal music to his ears, or how he couldnt just stop staring at you. (y/n) felt nervous, if she chose truth, Mina would ask her who her crush was, and if it was dare, (y/n) shivered slightly at the thought. If you wanted some food, Bakugou would make it. Fast forward past graduation, youre all pro-heroes now, and youre still with Bakugo. You two werent all that close but it made you become worried enough that your feet made their way to his dorm and knocked on it repeatedly. Bakugo smirked at your cries of pleasure and finally decided it was time to stop teasing you. You need to treat him that way. His red eyes looking into yours, the tattoos on his arms noticeable and you gulped the lump down in your throat at how tall he had gotten since high school but you kept your composure- you couldnt allow him to see you freaking out.

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