2 years ago, Posted Q: Do you have a collective knowledge of trees, in other words, is your knowledge of trees similar to that of other people? third to my neighbour. Consultant 3: What I can add to the above is that in most cases the neighbour provides the information concerning planting such trees and yield. One consultant stated that most farmers would be able to plant unknown species if they received sufficient information about the potential benefits, planting methods and best location for planting beforehand. The size of the plant hole depends on the species: timber trees need big holes, but small holes suffice for species used as vegetables or medicine. Elon Musk >99.9999999% [54], Nick Bostrom 20-50% [55], Neil deGrasse Tyson 50% [56], Hans Moravec almost certainly [1], David Kipping <50% [57]), many scientists and philosophers [16, 58-65] have invested their time into thinking, writing, and debating on the topic indicating that they consider it at least worthy of their time. Next, agents study available evidence for the simulation and may find a consistent and perhaps exploitable glitch in the simulation. More formally the question could be phrased as: Could generally intelligent agents placed in virtual environments jailbreak out of them? Qualia mining simulations can be classified as a type of entertainment simulation and would have comparable security. One choose Grevillea, and less than five chose to try Leucaena leucocephela, Calliandra calothyrsus or Sesbania sesban. To study a link between variables, an experimental design is a series of methods that are planned. Were the solution steps not detailed enough? This chapter looks at farmers' experimental or knowledge-building activities, in terms of how farmers themselves define knowledge. There are a number of inter-related activities associated with these processes including decision-making about species choice, farm and field location and planting methods; implementation of a species trial; and evaluation and determination of suitability, usefulness and benefits. So he put those in the ground. of tree products such as yeasts for brewing beer, seasoning, medicine, fuelwood It washed away crops, houses, people, livestock. How do farmers deal with risk associated with introducing new, perhaps unknown, technologies? If the simulation is interpreted as an experiment on conscious beings, it is unethical, and the subjects of such cruel experimentation should have an option to withdraw from participating and perhaps even seek retribution from the simulators [35]. introducing. Figure 2: Left Hex Editor Overlaid on SMW [129]; Right Flappy Bird game installed in SMW [129]; Since it was possible to write code with precise Mario movements and spin-jumps, that implies that if Mario was sufficiently intelligent he could discover and code this hack from within the SMW (assuming Marios actions are writing to the same memory locations as actions from the controllers used to generate Marios actions). In some religions, certain words, such as the true name of god [49-51], are claimed to work as cheat codes, which give special capabilities to those with knowledge of correct incantations [52]. Similar farmer-led experiments have begun around the country. Simulating reality A similar proposal calls for engaging in computationally intense activities in the hopes of overloading the simulators hardware causing the simulation to crash [140]. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/27/climate/malawi-farmers-agriculture.html. It inundated the fields. As much as we have all the treasured memories, its time to let it go.. Increasing overall computational burden of simulation, as with bitcoin mining [194], doesnt crash the simulation, but it may simply not be sufficiently demanding computation to overwhelm simulators resources. These reasons speak for themselves: We walk forward for progress. A canonical example is the jailbreaking of the Super Mario World (SMW). This year he was like, Im done.. We suspect you are there. As we currently have no capability to read/write simulations source code and do not know if our attempts at social engineering attacks have any impact, our best bet is to investigate the structure of our universe at the smallest possible scale (Quantum Mechanics (QM)) in the hopes of detecting exploitable effects. So you can eat something., She has seen diets improve. middle of the fields (remnants of former home compounds) where, according Please purchase a subscription to get our verified Expert's Answer. Consultants want prior information so they can deal with possible negative effects of new species. In guessing algorithms generating our simulation, it may also be fruitful to consider algorithms which are easier to implement and/or understand [200], or which produce more beautiful outputs. Others felt this wastes scarce manure because they believe manure is only necessary for fruit trees. Or, a large statue of Lawrence Fishburne as Morpheus would probably get the point across. ", With Anders Sandberg, Massimo Pigliucci, Sabine Hossenfelder, Gne Taylor, Anil Seth, /articles/can-we-hack-our-way-out-of-the-universe-auid-2327, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/364811408_How_to_Hack_the_Simulation, Quantum mechanics gives us power, but no answers, The science of uncertainty with Tim Palmer, A lot of very smart people have considered the escape problem, unfortunately not all are willing to publish on it outside of April 1. d) There is no control group. Canonico proposes what he calls The Ex Machina Plan for an assisted escape: Step 1) Convince the simulators to engage in communications with us. We want to plant this tree for future generations who will discover that once upon a time this tree was introduced to the region by us. Save on your first order! For example, it should be possible to get controlling code from a Koopa in the Mario video game and upload it as a controller into a turtle-compatible robot body in our world, essentially leading an assisted escape. After I have discovered their utility, I can look for places to plant additional trees/species you give me by eliminating and replacing some trees I already have. Fairly recently, Eucalyptus was introduced in the same manner. For farmers who have little land, the risk associated with experimentation may be too great because they need all that land to produce sufficient food for their families. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. in order to free space in the banana fields for crops. to the home compound, all the children are informed about the nature and poisonous The best informed persons will talk about their economic or medicinal importance and advise people not to cut these trees. This may or may not involve experimentation. But the idea of 500 seedlings took them aback. But then, the rains refused to stop. The consultants said they consider such elements as utility, benefit, desired end product of the tree, farm size, soil conditions, slope, competition between trees and crops, allelopathy, preferences, motivation, interest or possibility of theft. It is hoped that our minds exhibit not only substrate independence, but also more general physics independence. short descriptions in Kinyarwanda of each species and consultants were asked If the species still shows promise and possible benefits to the farmers, the information gained from the experiment will be passed on to neighbours, friends and future generations. If the seedling showed positive aspects such as fast growth, potential for profit, non-competitive behaviour and provided useful products, the consultants would increase the number of trees. That might save your season.. Can we hack our way out of the universe? | Roman V. Yampolskiy All the things, all at once. So you do what you can. Pumpkin vines crawl on the ground. Some common ideas for attempting to hack the simulation have been already tested and didnt produce any measurable impact: The reason our attempts to escape may remain fruitless, is because our model of the simulation " makes too many anthropomorphic assumptions - that we are a simulation in the conventional sense of computers, that the creators themselves are living organisms akin to us, that we might live at the same time-speed as them, that they are fallible enough to make glitches that we'd be able to notice, etc. to maintain woodlots. Don't panic! The total acreage devoted to maize in MchinjiDistrict, in central Malawi,has declined by an estimated 12 percent this year, compared with last year, according to the local agricultural office, mainly because of a shortage of chemical fertilizers. Knowledge depends on intelligence Out of time to handle your paper? Most consultants again emphasized they obtained much information about planting methods through observation of other farmers and by asking for additional instructions if necessary. Consultants were well aware of the risks in trying new technologies, especially if they had not been able to observe them somewhere else. On the other hand, consultants expressed strong feelings about the importance of experimentation with new technologies for development and progress. [199]. Recently design of clever multistep exploits, AKA quantum experiments, has been delegated to AI [169, 170], and eventually so will the role of the observer in such experiments [171]. Come back. In addition to the inherent risks (i.e. They are planting vetiver grass to keep floodwaters at bay. This tree does not yet exist in our region. It left her uncle, who lived there, devastated. Farmers have evolved from being primarily exploiters of natural vegetation to active tree planters and managers. purposes. If they take the simulation hypothesis seriously, with probability of at least p, they should likewise contemplate on hacking the simulation with the same level of commitment. which you have just seen for the first time". If all of this worked, the universe as we know it might crash, revealing itself as a mirage just as we winked out of existence. Crashing the simulation is the ultimate existential risk ([142] section 5.1), but it does end all suffering in this world [143]. This year, fertilizer didnt either. What can he conclude about his hypothesis? The exact location also depends 43) what is the independent (treatment) variable in the Farmer's experiment? Many such action sequences will not work as intended if Marios location is off even by a single pixel, so it is just as important to have meta-data for implementing the actions, as it is to know the necessary sequence of actions. If one of these trees is close Rwandans themselves do their little research. It is not a process aimed at designing a specific agroforestry system. confined to species identification, naming of species, and the use and harvesting Theres only so much small farmers in a small country can do, if the worlds biggest climate polluters, led by the United States and China, fail to reduce their emissions. As the society moves deeper into the metaverse, this work attempts to move us closer to reality. Other persons are more carefree. The tree experts at these meetings were interested in testing new species and would very likely have accepted any proposition involving only a small number of seedlings. [153]. Would I If these species do not reproduce, the neighbours will have nothing as a Similarly to those who exit the Platos cave [53] and return to educate the rest of humanity about the real world such outsiders usually face an unwelcoming reception. Lost in the Matrix Somini Sengupta and photographer Khadija Farah traveled across Malawi to meet farmers adapting creatively to the climate crisis. If it fails, we will still be together. We suspect you can see this. 3) Find a reason for simulators to want us to join them in the real world. Q.3.6 The farmer's experiment was widely considered to be well-designed and well-implemented. The consultants agreed it is important to plant all the desired species at the same time when building a home compound, so they develop together and make a strong, dense fence. Everything is free, he says. Another approach to attracting attention of simulators, assuming that simulation is being monitored, then it might be a very interesting turn of events indeed if we decided to build a monument commemorating our realization of this. The rains dont come on time. If the results are positive, I can plant up to 1000. In contrast, farmers do something resembling a scientific experiment when testing new food crop varieties. And the way to do that would be to build our own simulated realities, designed so that within those virtual worlds are entities creating their version of a simulated reality, which is in turn doing the same, and so on all the way down the rabbit hole. For example in the case of medicine, a person will be recognized as a healer if he or she is capable of curing diseases. How does s/he evaluate trials with new species? Consultant 1: One day I went to Butare. First, we need to address the question of motivation, why would we want to escape from the simulation? Beyond Among these species, there is no doubt one that will be more important than the species we are used to. But, now we have exchanged our knowledge and we have harmonized our treatment of ifumbi. b) The covered rows. However, there is no central depository for this knowledge and this knowledge is not recorded in any written form, so any collective knowledge remains stored in the wisdom of many individuals. Such extension appears to be an im N. treats ifumbi from which his mother suffers. AcademicAcer provides students with professional writing and editing assistance. Thus, in principle it is possible for everyone to try new technologies, but in practice not everyone will do so because of a lack of interest or curiosity or because of insufficient resources, especially land. We only had heard talks about them. Thats if we continue on our current trajectory.. If it proves useful, everyone will He decides to first test the hypothesis that birds are eating his berries, and consults with a local expert on how best to prevent the birds from eating berries. What is the probability that a randomly selected CMSU student will be male? Q3.6. Such type of attack is speculated to be possible by both physics ( the past has no existence except as it is recorded in the present. [148]) and humanities ("Who controls the present controls the past" [149]). Table 10 provides an overview of the opinions expressed and the response frequency. Maize, the main source of calories across the region, is in trouble. The second part of this chapter looks at farmer-based innovations in agroforestry related to these changes. SUGGESTED READING The farmer'$ experiment was widely considered to be well-designed and We suspect we are in a simulation. This monument could look like the monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey, except it would be black and white, representing binary systems. This is to increase the number of tree species we have at our disposal, to have as many varieties (species) as possible. Me, I will accept four seedlings which I will plant close to the home compound. field research. Others talked about the benefits of planting unknown species, even though they may not always be obvious at planting: Experience has shown that it is always beneficial to plant unknown trees, what. A farmer who grows blackberries has found his harvest Jafari Black, left, and Kidney Balala showed how deep they would need to dig to replant a flooded field. Attempting to keep our escape plans secret via quantum encryption [156] may be a good idea. Women's knowledge is Many explanations were given for the different levels of agroforestry knowledge, many of which are beyond the control of the farmers. Keep I uprooted it and the next day I planted it on my farm. vest them and share some with the neighbour. been cultivated for a long time in Rwanda. Likewise, even detecting if we are in a virtual world is not generally solvable [136]. (Even the argument about the Simulation Argument had a bug in it [62].). At the very least this would allow us to impact the real world by generating excessive production of heat and increased consumption of energy [140]. During the focus group meetings, several questions were asked You are imposing these 500 trees upon us. Or, a person who has planted many species of trees and then takes good care of them will be recognized as being knowledgeable about trees. As an additional test of how they react to new technologies and how they would approach the incorporation of such technologies into their farming systems, the consultants were presented a hypothetical scenario. There is also the problem that there is not a regular, organized way for individual exchanges of information to take place, as this conversation between a female healer and the researcher demonstrates. Everyone did even Malawis founding president, Hastings Kamuzu Banda, an authoritarian leader who ruled for nearly 30 years. Other criteria mentioned were availability, ease of planting and whether or not the species demands a lot of manure or fertile soils. In this speculative long read, Roman V. Yampolskiy argues if we are living inside a simulation, we should be able to hack our way out of it. Other than adding vocabulary, what developments occur in You experiment. You share manure with your neighbors who have had to sell their goats in hard times. Consultants were asked what they would do if they were given 500 seedlings of this species. This may have been because of the traditional belief that women cannot admit they have more knowledge than their husbands (Bucyobukiro, personal communication). Birds are not eating the berries Several thinkers have suggested plans, which in their opinion may lead to a successful escape; we briefly outline their proposals in this section: SUGGESTED READING a medicine against diarrhoea. If these are profitable, I will ask you for additional ones. [197]. Across southern Africa, climate shocks have dampened maize yields already, and if temperatures continue to rise, yields are projected to decline further. Or they might go on nonstop for months. Special price(Locked). As for his one acre of maize, it gave him half a normal harvest. It is likely that if technical information about escaping from a computer simulation is conveyed to technologically primitive people, in their language, it will be preserved and passed on over multiple generations in a process similar to the telephone game and will result in myths not much different from religious stories surviving to our day. The importance of neighbours and friends as a source of knowledge and new ideas is also expressed in the following Rwandan proverb: These three consultants offered anecdotes to illustrate why it is a good habit to take a risk and try new species without any prior knowledge in order to learn something new. Part of dealing with risk is accepting that it is there. Given primacy of consciousness [94] in our world it may also be designed to generate large number of diverse experiences to select from, serving as a qualia mining farm [95], with top experience recreated for enjoyment by simulators. knowledge in particular. Good or bad, we will plant it. With a successful escape might come drives to control and secure base reality [29]. 4) Let the simulators figure out the best way to get us into the real world [105]. These examples also explain why the few farmers who had planted Calliandra calothyrsus had done so primarily to produce timber, not fodder, stakes or green manure. It is umunvegenyege (Sesbania sesban). tell you I will not accept these trees. What are the experimental units in his experiment? anti-erosion ditches, the planting of Grevillea alongside these ditches, Eucalyptus woodlots and cassava cultivation). Maize had been promoted by British colonizers long before. Q.42) What is the experimental unit in this study e. The bird Q. If we dont get a favorable response from our simulators we can also try appealing to their simulators, who might be more ethical/helpful. Saying "I no longer consent to being in a simulation" [195]. ICRAF also provided His field looks like a chaos garden. What can he conclude about his hypothesis? Birds are not eating the berries. [133]. On one hand, these themes relate to individual characteristics of tree experts such as curiosity, desire for knowledge, an internal drive for discovery and the hope to leave a better world for children. It appears that simply realizing that we may be in a simulation doesnt trigger a shutdown as experimentally demonstrated by the publication of numerous papers [3] arguing that we are being simulated. Aclimbing yam delivers year after year. there were women who knew nothing about them. He has tall trees in his field whose fallen leaves act as fertilizers. A simple practical exercise for students could be a project to get a character to escape from a video game into a robot body. a) The independent variable is number of rows and the dependent variable is number of berries harvested. Chemical fertilizers were subsidized. Therefore, it is possible to plant a tree without knowing its name or its utility. The robot body itself may be customized with 3D printed components to be maximally similar to the rendering in the game. Round answer to two decimal places if necessary, The number and frequency of Atlantic hurricanes annually from 1940 through 2015 are shown on the next page. Rain or no rain, sorghum usually did well. Wei Dai suggests that simulators may helps us escape for instrumental reasons such as wanting someone to talk to or play with. [26]. Quantum phenomena of the observed design may suggest that exploitable loopholes may exist, and interaction of quantum systems with conscious agents [159-161] likewise might be exploitable. Give me my two seedlings as I have a small farm. In one meeting, consultants accepted much higher numbers of seedlings (100 to 200) after one consultant speculated out loud that, since umuvumbuka resembled a Crotolaria species, he could plant all 500 seedlings because, just like Crotolaria, it probably would fertilize the soil. Its because they rely on the weather to feed themselves, and the weather has been upended by 150 years of greenhouse gas emissions produced mainly by the industrialized countries of the world. It may also be the ultimate Escape Game (Escape Room) specifically designed for discovering clues and solving puzzles in order to escape, with a side benefit of discovering agents capable of escaping or those most capable of developing a superintelligence. We may not be smart enough to hack the simulation, but superintelligence we will create might become smart enough eventually [173]. I start with a trial. cutting of the whole tree). it no longer harms other trees. If it is a species that provides timber, we are going to saw it for boards. The farmer's experiment was widely considered to be well . We also observe if the tree yields The maize can fail. The more extensive experience you acquirethe more defined the structure of reality becomes for you. "Finding the language of this universe is a step towards Hacking the Universe." tree does not grow, we will uproot it. Farmer Experimentation and Innovation. A case study of knowledge - Timber and fuelwood trees and those that are highly competitive and/or What can he conclude about his hypothesis? As can be seen from these examples, fuelwood is often not a major objective for planting trees 3 Farmers experiment primarily to discover the utility of a new species and to determine whether the species provides more benefits than those they already cultivate: We are going to consider these species, and we will demand others of those Q3.4. A Winner is You! But, I do imagine something strange and far out enough in the margins might indeed occur, although it will likely still be tenuous enough for the dogmatists to reject. [44]. When it comes to growing food, some of the smallest farmers in the world are becoming some of the most creative farmers in the world. learn more about experimental design here, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . From that point, their future capabilities will be mostly constrained by the physics of the real world, but may include some degree of control over the real world and agents in it, including the simulators. The others plant new tree species, and you remain with empty hands. If our simulators are AIs (which is likely [96, 97] the simulation may be a byproduct of their thinking process, for example in the context of trying to better understand human preferences [98]. In 2019, George Hotz famous for jailbreaking iPhone and PlayStation has given a talk on Jailbreaking the Simulation [71] in which he claimed that "it's possible to take actions here that affect the upper world" [72], but didnt provide actionable insights. We do not know what they know, as they also do not know what we (i.e.
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