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Well fret not! Star Boy fills the role that Little Chimera did in Blaze of Destruction. Tech Report: Approaching the End of PHHY Format. Cyber Emergency. Ancient Gear Engineer is an ok tribute for backrow removal, even with its weak ATK and the fact that Ancient Gears ignore backrow when attacking. They can be good cards, just narrow, such as Halana and Alena, Partners or Edgar, Charmed Groom. Tech Report: Approaching the End of PHHY Format. Little Chimera is a little monster to boost your FIRE monsters while weakening any WATER monsters. 1575.00. Gearfried the Swordmaster can be hard to get out in this Deck with only 2 original Gearfried and 1 Release Restraint. Card of the Day, This Creepy Little Punk Yu-Gi-Oh! Use your small creatures to curve out and quickly overrun the opponent. Covering Fire boosts your monster thats being attacked by the ATK of another monster you have. Get ready, cause this is going to be a fun one. Right click and save image or click the button. 2 copies of Magician of Faith is great considering it was an amazing card around this time. 4012927843864 Trading Card Game Speed Duel: Battle City Box, 6+ years, Yu-Gi-Oh! Obnoxious Celtic Guard is safe against very strong monsters when it comes to battles. A different take on Dimir, this deck utilizes the Phyrexia cards in order to slowly Proliferate your way into a victory! Dust Tornado is a fine reprint, though Kaiba Evolution had it as well. Speaking of which, you had the TCG debut of Red, Green, and Yellow Gadget in this Structure Deck and they were somewhat meta relevant for a few years upon release, especially with Ultimate Offering. Roc from the Valley of Haze is a decent tribute body with an effect you wont likely use. Pirates Card of the Day Over 800 Reviews! Overall the Deck feels more coherent, as its focused around A Legendary Ocean seemingly since its always treated as Umi, and the cards seem better. You can also go straight to the Budget deck section itself for the complete list, and for more ideas, be sure to visit our Standard Artisan section (a format where you are only allowed commons and uncommons). Gigantes gives the Deck a Special Summon, which is nice. Tail Swipe helps bounce lower Level monsters to the hand with your bigger Dinosaurs. YGOPRODeck, your ultimate Yu-Gi-Oh! This is another Structure Deck while not great, at least has a coherent strategy that works better. The deck is a solid combo deck, with a ton of consistency that can easily . Finally, Seismic Shockwave is a very weird card that locks the opponents backrow for your Dinosaurs being destroyed. World Championship 2005 Deck. See the top decks and measure the meta. Molten Destruction is a Field Spell for you to make your FIRE monsters stronger. Trading Cards And all kinds . Copyright 2013 - 2022 breakninja.com All Rights Reserved. You got a great card like Magical Dimension, but the other new cards arent too special and the reprints arent as appealing the more Structure Decks we get, even some of the cards that werent in other Structure Decks. Armed Samurai Ben Kei is perfect for a Deck around Equip Spells since it gains attacks for each one it has equipped to it. Theres a few cards that might feel like weak links if you dont do 3 Structure Decks, but still a ton of good generic cards and Dragon-based cards. Reprints give us Sonic Duck for a vanilla beater and Harpie Girl since the rest of the Harpies are in here. Contractor Coatings, Inc. Our company markets specialty coatings for all types of interior and exterior walking surfaces. A History of Competitive Play: April-Oct. 2005 All other content 20162023 YGOPRODeck. Hunting Instinct can help summon big Dinosaurs quickly when the opponent Special Summons. Creature Swap can be fun to give the opponent a Mother Grizzly. In One Ebay Search which quickly shows 3 kinds of results Sebeks Blessing is likely just here for the prehistoric creature on the card. Swords of Revealing Light, while decent, was previously in Yugi Evolution. Card of the Day, Barian Untopia Yu-Gi-Oh! 13 New Cards: Charmer, Phantom Beast & Altergeist, Tear-Toppling Techs: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, TCG PHHY Metagame Tournament Report: 250th YCS Los Angeles, Fire Archetype Support in new Legendary Duelists Set, Leveling Up for Limited Formats #4: Interview with Cocobird, 11 New Cards: Dinosaur, Dark World, Rock & Cyberse, 6 New Cards: Beast, Fusion, Pyro & Spellcaster Support. Gear Golem the Moving Fortress for strong Defense. MTG Arena Zone 2023. ", Yu-Gi-Oh! Decklist - World Championship 2004 Top 32 - Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki Visit our Standard deck page if youd like to see what some of the finished products look like. Cards Legendary Hero Decks - 5 Ultra Rare | Contains 150 Trading Cards, Yu-Gi-Oh Structure Deck - Yugi Muto - 1st Edition Factory Sealed, YU-GI-OH! Mono Green Aggro - Budget Standard Deck. Ancient Gear Tank is an Equip to boost Ancient Gears while burning the opponent when Tank leaves the field. Vanguard, Score Dragon Ball Z (DBZ) Card of the Day Review Archive, U.S. Dragon Ball Episode List and Summaries English List, U.S. (English) Dragon Ball Z Episode Summaries, Japanese Dragon Ball Z Episode Guide: Titles & Summaries, Harry Potter Spell List All Spells on one page, Harry Potter Card Reviews Trading Card Game Archive, Harry Potter Trading Card Game Price Guide, Transformers TCG Card Lists and Set Lists with images, HeroClix Clix of the Day HeroClix Reviews. Master Duel or Neuron using our Web Browser extension! Harpies Hunting Ground is another logical choice at 2 in this Deck. You got Slate Warrior with an okay Flip Effect and a better body on board. Magical Dimension is actually a pretty good Spellcaster support card, and you get 2 in here. This card was listed as "illegible" in a recorded Decklist, between 2 listed Monster Cards. Lands should always be your first priority as those are generally going to be the most ubiquitous cards in Standard. Reprints give us the Dark Magician for your new boss monster. Mage Power is a nice reprint to make your monsters super strong. This tool attempts to find the lowest Market Price for each card on Chimeratech Fortress Dragon. 2 Flying Kamakiri #1 is interesting when previous Decks had 3 of the floaters. You got staples like Mystical Space Typhoon, Nobleman of Crossout, Heavy Storm, Reload, Lightning Vortex, Dust Tornado, Call of the Haunted, Magic Jammer, Reckless Greed, and Sakuretsu Armor. This list was an update to the previous February 2004 list for the release of Invasion of Chaos, adding four cards from that Booster Pack and changing one card from Limited to Semi-Limited. With cheap threats and disruption, Dimir Ninjas looks to tempo out the opposition! Mono White is one of the cornerstones of the format and even without the rares you can still make a really powerful deck. Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Best Warrior Decks - The Gamer Ancient Gear Castle is better for tribute bypassing than Factory is. This card was listed as "Roboyarou" in the Fusion Deck section of a recorded Decklist. With an amazing curve and cheap Burn, Mono Red Aggro can pack a serious punch on a budget. Weapon Change swaps a Machines ATK and DEF where the only cards to benefit from this are probably the weakest links in the Deck. Master Duel Ban List Announced for May 2023, 3 New Cards: Dark World, Illusionist & Synchro. Reviewing Every Yu-Gi-Oh Structure Deck: January 2005 January 2007, Pojos Pokemon News Archives of Pokemon News. Mythical Beast Cerberus seems interesting with its effect to get stronger the more Spells you use. World Championship 2005 Deck - YGOPRODeck The best Yu-Gi-Oh! In reality . Then, you got Nightmares Steelcage as a worse Swords of Revealing Light. Neko Mane King, Mystic Swordsman LV2, Seven Tools of the Bandit, Trap Dustshoot, Creature Swap, Bottomless Trap Hole, Electric Snake, Legendary Jujitsu Master, Greenkappa, Threatening Roar, Jinzo, Mobius the Frost Monarch, Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer, Ceasefire, Lightning Vortex, Skill Drain, Royal Oppression, Royal Decree, Mind Control, Mind Crush, Nobleman of Extermination, Blade Knight. When you buy codes through the link here, we may earn an affiliate commission. One of the best aggro decks around right now, Mono Black packs a punch with its combination of a quick clock and strong interaction. 1599.95. Premature Burial was also in here as well as Kaiba Evolution, but this time you only got 1 in here. Mystical Space Typhoon begins its legacy for being in many Structure Decks throughout history until there were more options. Tags: Deck ListTournamentWorld Championship. franchise. Three Pyramid Turtle is perfect for this Deck. You get 3 Stamping Destruction, which is fine even though it was previously a common still. Cindie Uddstrom (New Zealand) incorrectly labelled as Canadian, Yu-Gi-Oh! The latest Yu-Gi-Oh! Gravity Bind is at two in this Deck to keep your monsters until you get to your Daedalus monsters so they can destroy it later. It actually isnt that bad compared to the last two. The first Structure Deck ever released and it shouldnt surprise many that Dragons were one of the earliest types to get a Structure Deck. Format is new so Stats will change as time goes on and we will see which deck can hold up in high rated. Funny this is the Deck that the Dinosmashers Fury Structure was based off of. Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. The game has been released on the Game Boy Advance. Medusa Worm can be a solid card. Best Decks Meta Tier List | Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel - Game8The Top Well again the strategy is clear, and at least there is the Attack Power to win the game, and it has that in spades. Overall a good Deck for the time, even if it was never really going to do that much in a tournament, but I could see someone maybe doing well with an optimized version. decks! Ancient Gear Drill can retrieve a Spell you cant immediately use. A Legendary Ocean is key for this Deck, basically being your Umi, and you get three of it. see plenty of pictures of trading cards and other cool collectible Creeping Doom Manta is fine since it can nearly guarantee its summon by preventing Traps from being activated when summoned. Lightning Vortex makes for a solid reprint to have. Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower isnt too useful in this Structure Deck. Asia Championship Winter 2020 Taiwan Qualifier, Yu-Gi-Oh! Double Coston is a good beater, though has only 1 monster it synergizes with in Despair from the Dark. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Yu-Gi-Oh!, including card images, the attribute, level/rank and type symbols, and card text, is copyright 4K Media Inc, a subsidiary of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. 2 HERO. Twitch and Discord. These reprints do become less impressive as we get more Structure Decks with them inside, though. You got some of the same reprints from Blaze of Destruction like Snatch Steal, Mystical Space Typhoon, Premature Burial, Pot of Greed, Heavy Storm, Reload, Dust Tornado, Call of the Haunted, and Spell Shield Type-8. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Chimera was far inferior in the sense it was a 1 tribute card that wanted to tribute the Gadgets for effect, though nobody wanted to do that with Gadjiltron Dragon and its 2 tributes. Meteor of Destruction can be an easy 1000 damage at the start of a duel. Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering, and their logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. You got Sabersaurus and Kabazauls for beaters. You got good reprints for staple-like cards such as Snatch Steal, Mystical Space Typhoon, Giant Trunade, Heavy Storm, Lightning Vortex, Call of the Haunted, and Magic Jammer as well as a card that can be useful with Swords of Concealing Light. Phone: (714) 529-2855 Address: 1020 Tamarack Ave, Brea, CA 92821 Email: prodeck@sbcglobal.net Prices not found for the following cards: This will download all images used in this deck and zip them up for you. Gilford the Legend cant be Special Summoned and upon summon will equip as many Equip Spells from the grave as possible to Warriors you control. Magical Mallet can be a better or worse Reload. Azorius Midrange - Budget Standard Deck. Simply install the extension, and click the button below to export your deck to Master Duel or Neuron! Rare Cards Guaranteed in Every Order!! Divine Sword Phoenix Blade does boost your Warriors by another 300 ATK, but its been known throughout the years for banishing Warriors to get back in the hand for your Airblade/Diamond Dude Turbo Decks that came later as well as future Warrior Link Decks. Wait, Ido Marcus has been at the World Championship multiple times? And to weed out the silly listings, they Waboku can be decent for stalling. Raidraptors are the strongest swarming deck in aeons. We see some more staples in this Deck like Snatch Steal, Mystical Space Typhoon, Nobleman of Crossout, Premature Burial, Pot of Greed, Heavy Storm, Dust Tornado (x2), Call of the Haunted, and Jar of Greed. Entertainment and so much more. Modern HERO decks play every flavor of HERO, from Destiny to Elemental. UFO Turtle comes in triplicate so you have a strong floater. Warrior Lady from the Wasteland is a good floater that gets you to your EARTH Warriors with 1500 or less ATK, basically being a more specific Giant Rat. YGOPRODeck - Download and Share Yu-Gi-Oh! Decks Giant Trunade was exclusive to this Deck and its a pretty good reprint to have. That new card was the Ultra Rare Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon, which isnt as painful to summon compared to other Structure Deck bosses, and the effect isnt terrible in the sense that it doesnt have a real downside, its just one of those Structure Deck bosses that got outdated fast. Mad Sword Beast is here for piercing. Spell Shield Type-8 is yet again in a Structure Deck. Trading Cards Cyber Strike Structure Deck, Multicolor. World Championship 2005 Deck Goat Control. Community content is available under. Decks Home Decks Deck Archetypes Toon Decks The latest Toon type Yu-Gi-Oh! Now of course not every card in a Structure Deck is going to be good, but this is the best weve had so far with meta relevance in Gadjiltron Dragon and the Gadgets. Exodd, Master of the Guard requires a very specific subset of monsters of which I can count on my hand the amount there actually are, which are the Sphinxs, and for that you get 1000 burn for flipping your EARTH monsters. Goat Format tier list! Here is a download link to all 11 of these YDK files, for those that want to upload these deck lists onto Duelingbook and use them. Machine Re-Volt is the last Structure Deck in this era as there were many that were released in the OCG but not the TCG, but that did later change and those OCG Structure Deck cards were mostly Secret Rares in GX sets. Fox Fire is a monster that can revive itself, but is very specific on the conditions about it and it cant even be tribute material. Levia-Dragon Daedalus is in here since you need it to summon your boss, and its a good reprint from Invasion of Chaos as well as another potential field nuke. Cyberstorm Access Premiere Event is on the Horizon! Arkbrave Dragon- Yu-Gi-Oh! Placing small bets on crafting and gradually opening cards until you find an expensive deck youre sure youll love is the best way to go, at least while your resources are so limited. Card of the Day, Saga of the Dragon Emperor Yu-Gi-Oh! Aqua Chorus boosts same named monsters, which works with Harpie cards. Prices not found for the following cards: This will download all images used in this deck and zip them up for you. Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Tournament 2004 Harpie Lady Sisters at 2 makes for some bad bricks. This is a pretty general category, but what I mean here is to next craft Rares you see in multiple decklists. Magical Arm Shield can help keep your smaller Dinosaurs safe to get the bigger ones out. Dark Blade is the lone vanilla beatstick in the Deck, but you also got Goblin Attack Force with stronger ATK and a bigger downside. The Deck consisted of 28 unique cards, meaning many multiples in here, and it only gave us 1 new card in general. Mono Green Aggro is one of the best decks in 2022 and even completely budget versions of it can still be potent. The Yu-Gi-Oh! Hello Pojo Readers, Crunch$G back in this series of me going through many of the products released throughout the years of Yu-Gi-Oh and giving a review on how I feel about them. Trading Cards Yu-Gi-Oh! Its a fairly strong start for Structure Decks in terms of reprints, just the new card isnt really competitive. Super Conductor Tyranno can at least be Special Summoned, but the restriction on its effect is very not warranted still. Its uphill from here in Structure Deck quality, where there wont need to be as much of a curve for some of these. Click here for our dedicated guide to Historic Budget decks and Explorer decks! Heres a set of parameters we build our budget Standard decks around, to ensure theyre at their most useful to you: This is a great question that doesnt have a concrete answer, but I believe theres an order you should upgrade your decks in. You of course have Red-Eyes B. Dragon to summon Darkness Dragon, but it wasnt like that card was short on reprints, even in 2005. Molten Zombie could be draw power if you could keep Special Summoning it from the grave. Mother Grizzly is also at three in this Deck for floating capabilities. If you want to make this as competitive as possible, the list below is a great base. Heavy Storm needed a reprint outside Metal Raiders. Mataza the Zapper is good for a double attacker that the opponent cant steal. If you want to upgrade this deck, I would opt for Mono Blue Tempo which is a similar playstyle, and in itself, is a relatively budget deck already!. Breaker the Magical Warrior was especially welcome at this time. You can export your deck directly from YGOPRODeck to Yu-Gi-Oh! Tribute to the Doomed adds some more monster removal in here. - Rise of the True Dragons Structure Deck [Sealed Deck], Yu-Gi-Oh Cards 5D's - Structure Deck - LOST SANCTUARY, Yu-Gi-Oh! Finding top decks since the beginning : yugioh - Reddit Trading Cards: Legends Of The Crystal Beasts Structure Deck, Yugioh TCG Toon Chaos Booster Box - 24 Packs of 7 Cards, YuGiOh 5Ds Crow Duelist Booster Box 36 Packs, yu-gi-oh KONMEMA Mechanized Madness Structure Display of 8 Decks, YuGiOh Trading Card Game - Speed Duel Starter Decks: Twisted Nightmares, Konami Yu-Gi-Oh! Overall another solid Structure Deck with a strategy that feels coherent, even if the quality of these Structure Decks look less impressive over more time. Invited Players List for the 2023 European WCQ Announced! Community content is available under. TCG Duelist Nexus, The Abyss Dragon Swordsoul Yu-Gi-Oh! Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Yu-Gi-Oh 2005 Dragon's Roar Structure Deck 1st Edition Factory Sealed at the best online prices at eBay! White Magician Pikeru and Ebon Magician Curran are fairly weak to have here. The Graveyard in the Fourth Dimension wasnt necessary, especially since this Deck only had a total of 3 LV monsters. Hunders, Running Denko AND Thunder King Rai-oh with Honest to keep them on the field. The strategy is very outdated, this Deck would of been better a few years ago, but it can at least win some casual games. In order to receive an invitation to the World Championship, a player generally must win a National event in their native country (during that year's main tournament season). Twin-Headed Behemoth is reprinted in here for the first time. Dark Magician Decks - Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Database - YGOPRODeck You can get started with this version for those who like to grind opponents into the dirt, or you can look more towards a tempo oriented game plan. Vampire Lord is important to have, even if just 1 copy makes Vampire Genesis inconsistent with having 1 copy each per Deck, and its the first guaranteed copy of Vampire Lord since it was previously a Secret Rare in a main set and a Special Edition promo. Plus you got some decent monsters overall for the context of a Structure Deck at this time and some solid Spell and Trap support. On our pages you will This website is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or affiliated with 4k Media or Konami Digital Entertainment. Royal Magical Library is a very notorious card. Cards: Albaz Strike Structure Deck, Yu-Gi-Oh! Best swarming deck? : r/yugioh - Reddit Decks Fun/Casual Decks GOAT Control - 2005 Format!! My main source is the Master Guide 2, and they dont have Blade Knight listed down in his deck. Spirit Reaper was a useful card to get in here. Some of the Side Deck choices for these decks: Pojos Pokemon News Archives of Pokemon News. Take advantage of our All Moai Interceptor Cannons, while I get getting an Attack in then going to Defense, just makes the opponent not want to Attack it. Dragon's Roar Release Date: January 1st, 2005 Cover Card: Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon The first Structure Deck ever released and it shouldn't surprise many that Dragons were one of the earliest types to get a Structure Deck. The base deck will aim to have as few rares as possible, but if one or two different cards are exceptionally important to the archetype and theres no easy replacement, then you might see them. Unshaven Angler can be treated as two tributes for your Daedalus if you dont have A Legendary Ocean. Tornado Wall prevents you from taking damage with your A Legendary Ocean on the field. Trading Cards TCG: Duel Power Box- 6 Rare Cards & Booster Pack, Multicolor, Yu-Gi-Oh! Card of the Day Review. In the game, the player can assemble three Decks and can play Duel Monsters against a variety of computer opponents. We're dueling with two early 2005 Yu-Gi-Oh structure decks: Blaze of Destruction and Fury from the Deep, the first FIRE and WATER based decks in the game! Dark Dust Spirit makes for another good tribute monster, and while it was previously Common, this time it isnt a short printed Common in a set. Cover Card: Ocean Dragon Lord Neo-Daedalus. Card of the Day, Scareclaw Defanging Yu-Gi-Oh! Elegant Egotist makes sense at 2 with your Harpie monsters. Your stapleish cards include MST, Heavy Storm, Lightning Vortex, Magical Mallet x2, and Negate Attack. If youre looking to make upgrades to this deck, you can check out the list below. It will bring you to the Official Konami Database. MPReviews 0 Comments 5,817 Views Uploaded 3 years ago Fun/Casual Decks Control Eyes Restrict 40 $113.00 180 750 300 180 Purchase Deck Playtest More. Amazon.com: Yu-Gi-Oh Card Decks Finally you got Backfire for more burn when your FIRE monsters are destroyed. Tsukuyomi was another card that was good in its time. Card of the Day, Needlebug Nest Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament Meta Decks - Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Database - YGOPRODeck These are Rares that may see minimal play or only see play in one to two strategies. 1 Mystical Space Typhoon 1 Heavy Storm 1 Graceful Charity 1 Pot of Greed 1 Snatch Steal 1 Premature Burial 1 Delinquent Duo 3 Scapegoat 2 Metamorphosis 2 Book of Moon 2 Nobleman of Crossout Traps: 8 1 Ring of Destruction 1 Mirror Force 2 Sakuretsu Armor 1 Torrential Tribute 1 Call of the Haunted 1 Ceasefire 1 Dust Tornado The Yu-Gi-Oh! This Deck did something different as it gave us 3 new cards instead of one.

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yugioh top decks 2005