The additional firepower, resources, and soldiers of the U.S. helped to tip the balance of the war in favor of the Allies. The war might have ended in 1915 or 1916 with a negotiated peace More than 20,000 Katyusha mobile multiple-rocket launchers were mounted on the chassis of American Studebaker trucks. As noted, it dragged the Germans into campaigns that were unnecessary including in Greece and North Africa, and then when Benito Mussolini's government was toppled Germany was forced to occupy its former ally. Had the German invasion of Russia occurred in other climatic conditions, and with the Japanese army attacking in the eastern region, perhaps the result would have been different. The Moscow Victory Parade on June 24, 1945, involved some 40,000 Red Army soldiers and nearly 1,900 military vehicles. On December 8, 1941, one day after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States declared war on Japan. There may have been mass starvation in the UK. In addition, the Lend-Lease program propped up the Soviet railway system, which played a fundamental role in moving and supplying troops. Web1.7K views, 156 likes, 1 loves, 4 comments, 22 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Dark Documentaries: Japan's Most Desperate WW2 Attempt to Destroy the US Air Forces Many experts have considered the US impossible to invade because of its major industries, reliable and fast supply lines, large geographical size, geographic location, population size, and difficult regional features. Russian Federation Soviet Union Copyright 2023 Center for the National Interest All Rights Reserved. On the Soviet side, the Western Front still had 328 tanks left in thirteen tank brigades and the 1st Guards Motorized Rifle Division (1GRMD) by the end of October: thirty-three KV-1, 175 T-34, forty-three BT, fifty T-26 and thirty-two T-60. Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, fifteen years older than FDR and highly respected by him as an open-minded, patriotic Republican, had had Hopkins to lunch in his office at the Pentagon the day before he left for Tehran expressly to explore how they could stiffen the presidents resolve. He is the author of several books on military headgear including A Gallery of Military Headdress, which is available on On: July 7, 2022. In the Western popular imagination -- particularly the American one -- World War II is a conflict we won. More from the necessity of preventing a total Soviet takeover of Europe, coupled by the promises FDR gave years ago, than any initiative or lack of malice on the part of Churchill. He believed that a war with Russia would lead to the downfall of both empires.. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. WWII- Whenever driven from Libya in defeat, would Axis forces have always retreated to & occupied Tunisia? Though after landing and adapting to Western Front warfare after a while US forces were the backbone of the effort in Western Front, by the time they started making advance into Germany the war was more or less considered over by many on both sides. There was another sad example of not learning from history. Whether Stalin would have still invaded and annexed the Baltic States, eastern Finland, eastern Poland and northeastern Romania from 19391940 is unclear. Victory for the Allies was never guaranteed, and historians agree there were countless ways Germany could have won the war. Such machines were of higher quality than analogues produced in the Soviet Union, which made a significant contribution to boosting Soviet industrial production. The consideration that the possibility of landings tying German forces before invasion comes to mind. without the US sending in Millions of troops and supplying material I dont see an Entente victory. On April 23, 1947, this C-37 was forced to make an emergency landing with 36 people on board near the village of Volochanka on the Taimyr Peninsula. And they would have been perpetually hungry without American canned meat and fats. Lend Lease for USSR was important in non-combat equipment radios, trucks and similar. It is our living history. British-built armour plate also had a much higher nickel content 3 per cent versus 1 per cent for Russian-made steel which reduced the risk of armour spalling (i.e. Despite the self-professed role of the US as the guardian of freedom, democracy, human rights and the world order, and the huge sums of money it spends on its military, it has never led a successful campaign to achieve the goals it set for itself. So, until 1944 summer, Soviets were practically alone in Europe. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. For asking casual questions about History. Allies couldnt have won WW2 without full US support Allies could have won WW2 with US material aid but without US manpower Results are only viewable after voting. Again I asked myself the question would the Allied powers had won without US involvement, and it is harder for me to say than the previous thread. Asked by: Quincy Bins. WebTo give an idea: IIRC, just before Japan's defeat, in one year the United States pumped out as much material as Japan did over the course of the war. Instead, he is universally despised as the German leader who killed five million Jews in the Holocaust and presided over the destruction of Germany in 1945. We have seen a hundred times, especially in American cinema, references to how the help of the USA was indispensable for the allied victory in Europe. Fact: Adolf Hitler Could Have Won World War II Of course, we are not taking tactical considerations into account. Although Allied aid was used directly to supply the armed forces with both durable goods and consumables, indirectly it probably released resources to households. The lend-lease deal wasn't signed untill september 1940 and therefore didn't affect the decision to "pospone" sealion. WebFact: Adolf Hitler Could Have Won World War II As we celebrate the ending of the war 75 years ago, know this: victory for the Allies was never guaranteed, and historians agree The war may have lasted into 1946, but the Soviets would still have captured Berlin and probably would have overrun the rest of Germany, too. Historically, Germany already outproduced the USSR in certain areas like locomotives, trucks, and even bombers, with 12,664 produced by Germany in the years 19411943 as compared to 11,359 built by the USSR.170 Without Allied intervention and Lend-Lease, Soviet margins in these areas would most likely have widened, while margins in areas such as tanks would have shrunk significantly. But it would also take longer and cost more loss of lives. But we must also note that Lend Lease started without US joining the war, on FDRs initiative, andit would be there until the end of the war even if US did not join the war. Instead of the four Allied powers the United States, Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union then standing together in a final Allied Victory Parade in a defeated Berlin in September 1944, the Germans could have celebrated the defeat of the British, marching through London and Moscow as they did Paris. Malyshev encouraged the use of stamped parts and a cast turret in order to cut corners, accepting a certain temporary reduction in quality in return for much greater output of tanks. Germany had the military The United States and the British Commonwealth provided 55 percent of all the aluminum the Soviet Union used during the war and more than 80 percent of the copper. However when we look at the sizes of the fronts, we see that even at the end of the war by mobilizing even teenagers, Germany would have still been at half strength compared to Soviets even if they moved all their divisions from Western Front to Eastern Front: The count of aircraft, tanks and especially guns follow a similar pattern, and especially in the case of guns or artillery, the disparage is greater. Could we really have set up the production of our tanks without American steel? On May 11, 1947, 27 people were rescued, having spent nearly three weeks in the icebound wreck. Won Overcoming massive defeats and colossal losses over the first 18 months of the war, the Red Army was able to reorganize and rebuild to form a juggernaut that marched all the way to Berlin. Hitler could have accepted Britains generous offer and scheduled the conference for late 1938 or early 1939 rather than foolishly violating the Munich Pact in March 1939. He motivated factory managers by reminding them what happened to people who didnt meet Stalins quotas and pointedly said, I am responsible for the tanks with my head. While Soviet efforts to mobilize labour and industrial resources were prodigious, it should be noted that the rapid expansion of Soviet tank production would have been handicapped without the delivery of Lend-Lease raw materials and machine tools to replace equipment lost in the hasty evacuations. This article examines the claim made by Soviet historiography, and it comes to the conclusion that both Western supplies and military intervention were far more helpful than claimed by the Soviets. FranceWhich countries have won the most battles? The thing that is certain that war would last even longer in that case, and cost many more lives. metal splinters inside the tank) when the tank was hit by non-penetrating rounds.137 Although designed as infantry support tanks and employed in that role by the Red Army, the 2-pounder gun did not have an HE round, which reduced the value of the tanks in that role. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. They are related because both buildups on both sides of the cold war started during WW2 to fight the Axis powers. What if D-Day had failed You are using an out of date browser. This abrupt reversal in policy ended up triggering a world war which would cost over fifty million lives. During World War II the Soviet Union received large amounts of aid from the Western world in the form of supplies and military intervention, both of which were declared to have been irrelevant for the Soviet Unions victory over Nazi Germany by Soviet historians. WebThe war may have lasted into 1946, but the Soviets would still have captured Berlin and probably would have overrun the rest of Germany, too. Robert Coalson is a senior correspondent for RFE/RLwho covers Russia, the Balkans, and Eastern Europe. Had Hitler not violated the Munich Pact and instead used a Four Power Conference to settle his claims to the Polish Corridor with Poland, then he might have been remembered as the most successful German Chancellor in German history (with the exception of Otto von Bismarck) for accomplishing the never-before realized dream of a united Germany. Without U.S. entry, there would have no Versailles Treaty, termed a diktat by Hitler, who used it to arouse Germany against the Weimar Republic and Wilsons League of Nations. Why Dont Americans Remember Having to only fight a one-front war against the Soviet Union might have enabled the Poles to hold out for a few months instead of a few weeks against the Soviet onslaught perhaps resulting in a few hundred thousand more Red Army casualties. Yet, the Germans lacked in numerous other ways. But Lend-Lease also sent aviation fuel equivalent to 57 percent of what the Soviet Union itself produced. Strangely, Hitler did not appear interested in convening such a Four Power Peace Conference. The Short History Of The Great Patriotic War, also from 1948, acknowledged the Lend-Lease shipments, but concluded: "Overall this assistance was not significant enough to in any way exert a decisive influence over the course of the Great Patriotic War. Anyways, while I think you might just have a stalemate, especially if the war drags on, in order to win the Allies might have to at least get more US materiel. Copyright 2006-2022 Historum. Sorry Soviet and British Nationalists: the USA economic, industrial and operational/tactical contributions were key: You know, that's the crux of the problem in all these discussions: practically. It is a little known fact that Hitler passed up a huge opportunity to satisfy his few remaining territorial demands after the signing of the Munich Pact for the return of the free German city of Danzig and/or the Polish Corridor along with some former German colonies in Africa and the Pacific without the need for war between Germany and Poland, let alone between Germany and the United Kingdom and France. Ukraine war latest: Boy, 6, cries as sister killed in Russian attack Malyshev took charge of an industry that was in chaos, moving the Leningrad and Kharkov tank plants to the Urals. In announcing he had achieved peace in our time at Munich in September 1938, Chamberlain revealed his belief that the Munich Agreement was just the prelude to a second and much more comprehensive Four-Power Peace Conference between the UK, France, Germany and Italy. That neatly sums it up. If Hitler had accepted Czech President Emil Hachas request to make the Czech Republic a German protectorate without actually occupying it with German forces, then he would not have been in violation of the Munich Pact. All kinds of approaches exist for this topic, as well as all kinds of counter arguments to all kinds of propositions. 2 US taking on Japan and preventing them from attacking anyone else. If you would like to understand what kind of bloodbath happened in Italy because of Churchills political plays, here: It didnt end there. This proved crucial in the Blitzkrieg against the Low Countries and France. It was quite well equipped with 9,248 tanks, 6,584 artillery pieces and. This, in turn, would have delayed the Soviet invasion of Finland until 1940. After the war, it was transferred to civilian aviation, carrying passengers over the frozen tundra above the Arctic Circle. The War of 1812 lasted for two years between 1812 and 1814. Additionally, without bombing, and the need to maintain a large enough army to fight on several fronts, there would have been less need to use forced labor in the factories, thus boosting production. Could Nazi Germany conquer Britain in World War II. This naturally means that though lack of such supplies like radios and vehicles like trucks would be detrimental, they would not have been critical. But as most historians are aware, German defeat in the war would have been far from inevitable had Nazi leader Adolf Hitler refrained from making certain critical mistakes. British armaments orders would have started to dry up in late 1940 early 41 as currency reserves ran out. But we have much to learn from that achievement as we face our troubles today. Would the Allies have won WW2 without WebGermany and Italy Japans alliesresponded by declaring war against the United States. I am not one of those Americans who enthusiastically embrace the "chestnuts out of the fire" myth. Germany had the military potential to defeat France and could have likely forced Britain to make peace, but with a Navy less than one-sixth the size of Britains, it had no means of attacking U.S. territory, let alone defeating the U.S. military. How behind Japan was in regard to war production and technology, we see in 1939 in Khalkin Gol, where Zhukov had devastated a sizable Japanese army during the course of ~4 months. "One-on-one against Hitler's Germany, we would not have withstood its onslaught and would have lost the war. Isolation was no longer an option. At the same time, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini could have made demands for France and Britain to honor their promises to Italy for more Yugoslav territory in return for entering World War One on the side of the Allies. Germanys resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917 became the primary motivation behind Wilsons decision to lead the United States into World War I. In addition, much of the $31 billion worth of aid sent to the United Kingdom was also passed on to the Soviet Union via convoys through the Barents Sea to Murmansk. 'We Would Have Lost': Did U.S. Lend-Lease Aid Tip The Balance In Soviet Fight Against Nazi Germany? The effect of such a negotiated settlement might have been a long-term peace for Europe, (with the exception of Hitlers plan to invade the Soviet Union of course), likely transforming both Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy into mostly satisfied, rather than revisionist, powers generally supportive of maintaining the British-led world order. Churchill would have been ousted by a pragmatist, perhaps RAB Butler or Sir John Simon who would have sought peace with Hitler in exchange for some degree of self determination, which would in effect have counted for little. Some of the add-ons on this site are powered by. All rights reserved. Overall, the Western Allies were responsible only for a small fraction of the losses sustained by German infantry and armor between 1941 and 1943 (around 10 percent); however, their contribution in the destruction and occupation of the Luftwaffe was overwhelming. From the depths of the Cold War to the present day, many Soviet and Russian politicians have ignored or downplayed the impact of American assistance to the Soviets, as well as the impact of the entire U.S.-British war against the Nazis. By the onset of the great depression, Americans no longer cared to talk or think about the great war; even veterans felt that way. America fought five major wars after 1945 including Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, Iraq, and Afghanistan in addition to some minor wars in Somalia, Yemen, and Libya. What were strength estimates of German forces in Budapest and Munich? A Japanese attack on the Soviet Union, on the other hand, would have put Josef Stalin in the very difficult situation of also fighting a two-front war. 4, issues 17-20), Captain America awakens from suspended animation in 1964 to find thatdue to a The lack of lend-lease would have made life very difficult, and it would have taken much longer to assemble any kind of invasion force - possibly allowing Germany to develop atomic weapons and extended range missiles. Thus, landings in 1944 came at a point at which Soviets broke German armies and were racing towards Berlin. Though this indeed tied some German forces, the forces were not anything which could be compared to what was being thrown to Eastern Front, with one notable panzer group being stationed ner Pas de Calais (Hitlers folly), and most of the preparation taking the form of elaborate fortifications that were called Atlantic Wall prepared mainly by Rommel. Stalin was of the same opinion but naturally did not admit it publicly. In all, the United States shipped $50 billion ($608 billion in 2020 money) worth of materiel under the program, including $11.3 billion to the Soviet Union. What were the 3 reasons the US entered WW1? The captain, two crew members, and six passengers had left earlier in an ill-fated effort to get help. WebIf the US continued to send supplies to the Allies, then the Allies probably win, nothing else appearing. The allies won WW2 and the allies won the cold war. When we analyze these, a quick conclusion comes as described below: 1 US help in Lend Lease to USSR and Britainwas considerable. "If the United States had not helped us, we would not have won the war," he wrote in his memoirs. During 1942, the Red Army lost over 15,000 tanks, including 1,200 KV-1, 6,600 T-34s and 7,200 T-60/70s.100 About half of the 10,500 Lend-Lease tanks (3,000 British, 7,500 USA) delivered in 1942 were also lost.101 Soviet industry built 24,231 tanks in 1942, including 12,535 T-34s and 2,426 KV-1s. The Lend-Lease act was enacted in March 1941 and authorized the United States to provide weapons, provisions, and raw materials to strategically important countries fighting Germany and Japan -- primarily, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and China. They did not have the important critical resources, minerals needed for war production, hampering their already technologically backward equipment. Prev 1 2 3 Jul 28, 2022 1 #41 Garrison Donor Tiredworker said: without the US sending in Millions of troops and supplying material I dont see an Entente victory. Churchill is particularly a factor in this. Unless you can refute the other scenarios for Allied victory before 1941 then the answer to the OPs question remains yes. Even if Japan wisely realized this (and it seems they did, in Khalkin Gol) and refrained from pushing towards USSR, Soviets would still keep divisions across the border even if themselves did not advance that would force Japan to keep defenses and divisions here, reducing their war effort elsewhere. Instead, Hitler strong-armed Hocha to sign a decree authorizing the entry of German troops into his nation effectively ending Czech independence. British Matilda tanks are loaded onto a ship for transportation to the U.S.S.R. as part of the Lend-Lease program. In addition, almost half of all the rails used by the Soviet Union during the war came through Lend-Lease. WebThe Big Three. The United States was never within striking distance of Germany and it should have been obvious that Japan couldn't mount an invasion of the American west coast. The United States is a country of machines. American aid also provided 4.5 million tons of food, 1.5 million blankets, and 15 million pairs of boots. Defeat never came down to one battle or one campaign. Nevertheless, British Lend-Lease tanks helped the Red Army to restock its tank units until domestic production could catch up and are estimated to have comprised about 10 per cent of the tanks defending Moscow in NovemberDecember 1941. Lend-Lease trucks and jeeps put the Russian Army on wheels for the first time ever while US food (including, famously, spam)kept the Russian population going. The plane spent 69 years on the tundra before a Russian Geographical Society expedition rescued it in 2016 and returned the wreckage to Krasnoyarsk. Considering all the above information, it is reasonable to conclude that the war could be won without participation of US, or even Lend Lease, but it would cost much more lives and take much longer, and affect broader segments of world population. Would The Allies Have Won Ww1 Without America? - Bliss Tulle There were the puppet states of Slovakia and Slovenia, volunteers from across Europe including neutral Spain, but all this was matched against Great Britain, France, Poland, the Soviet Union, and notably the United States. If we consider Lend Lease never happened, these resources would need to be spent by USSR, and hence hamper war machinery production. Biggest Myths About What would have happened if the United States didnt enter WWII? Quora - A place to share knowledge and better understand the world So Lend Lease should not have been a factor in this analysis. 117,000The armies of the Central Powers mobilised 25 million soldiers and 3.5 million of them died.World War 1 casualties. WebIn 1941-2 we started to lose shipping to U boats faster than we could build them so we would eventually have brought to starvation without the US Liberty ships. ), and France. By D-Day, Germany had only 600 fighters left, essentially nothing. Would the Allies have won WWII if the USA had never entered the war? And as it happened in the real life, that means the fall of the entire German south flank in East and the loss of the Balkans. Given the way the events of the war played out, there was no other foreseeable outcome other than her defeat. After all the euphoria in London and Paris over the avoidance of war with Germany in 1938 with the Munich Agreement, which enshrined the Wilsonian principle of self-determination to allow the 3.5 million Germans in the Sudetenland to unite with Germany, Chamberlain viewed Hitlers violation of the pact as a personal insult and breach of honor. The root cause of world war II is industrial and imperialist circles in the west fostering and backing fascist movements, When we look into the reality on the ground circa the time period when Operation Sea Lion was supposed to, Without demeaning the sacrifice of those who fought in the ranks of the British, lets do a simple review: In. In other words, Lend-Lease was stabilizing. [Total: 0 Average: 0] Without the backing of American weaponry, munitions and loans, the Allies would have been forced to abandon their goal of the knockout blow. His intended purpose of this second conference would have been to redress Germanys remaining legitimate grievances stemming from the unjust Treaty of Versailles and thereby secure a more just and lasting peace to avert the potential outbreak of World War II. Franz Ferdinand was the strongest spokesman for peace in Austria-Hungary. Would The Allies Have Won Ww2 Without Russia? So we have US as a major factor in Western Front. That bogged down the men and material that could have been used in the invasion of the Soviet Union. By To this day, there is still a tendency among Germans to believe that they lost only because they were outnumbered, and to minimize or ignore the extent to which they were outfought. Japanese staff knew this, hence the plan for war against US was a quick strike which would cripple a decent amount of US Navy and therefore hopefully force a quick, favorable peace. WebIn the 20032004 Captain America story arc Cap Lives (Captain America Vol.
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