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WebThis is from a video of Mr. Putin making some kind of ceremonial entrance into the Kremlin. They can speak the same language; they understand the same jokes. In If the null hypothesis is never really true, is there a point to using a statistical test without a priori power analysis? Dr. Ragen McGowan, an animal behavior scientist at Purina, says dogs often tilt their heads when they hear a word they understand or a novel sound. Is it normal for gliders not to have attitude indicators? The commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Vice Admiral Igor Osipov, salutes the head of the Black Sea Higher Naval School After P. S. Nakhimov, Rear Admiral Alexander Grinkevich, What about returning the military salute? So far, more than 4.8 million Ukrainians have escaped since the beginning of the invasion, according to datafrom the United Nations Refugee Agency. Why do By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Russian military "Ravnenie na" Since 1997 the Kremlin Regiment has resumed guard duties by presidential decree on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and its Eternal Flame, keeping alive the legacy of those who served on the Eastern Front. However, with the growing number of military men and the difference between their headwear (helmets, shakos, caps, etc. Note the roll angle and its indicator in a right turn above for both styles. This question flows through most books about Europes 20th century, especially those covering the Second World War. How could "aggressor" pilots fly foreign aircraft without speaking the language? Ukrainian intelligence said in a Facebook post that the call between the soldier and wife makes it "obvious that the Kremlin is indifferent not only to its military, but also to civilian Russians, who also suffered from the shelling of Russian troops.". I get that soldiers 'snap' to a specific pose or posture during salute and attention. I'm not a professional pilot on a large glass cockpit aircraft, but I have PPL with some Instrument flight time logged, and find that the "Russian" attitude indicator might be more intuitive and easy to read in some situations. WebRussia is facing growing accusations that its military committed war crimes in Ukraine after more details and witness accounts emerged over the weekend about civilian executions in But as Russian soldiers find themselves face to face with Ukrainian civilians more and more, it does raise the question of how far they are willing to obey orders. This website uses cookies. | Efrem Lukatsky/AP Photo. The gauge is relative to the pilot so it always appears 'square' from their frame. 11 Russian Superstitions (Because We Were Scared to Do 13) The Security Service of Ukraine released an audio clip of the call on Friday, in which a man's voice can be heard saying Putin's forces have been opening fire on a Russian town. Instead, they meet a grandpa who reprimands them for coming to Ukraine and tells them, Im also Russian. When their tank runs out of gas on the road, they meet a Ukrainian driver who asks them if they need a tow back to Russia, and they all share a good laugh. The pilots were manually flying in a busy phase of flight. Why do Russian soldiers hold their head at a weird angle while saluting or while at attention. He walks up this long stairway lined with soldiers holding their rifles at the salute, and as he Russians Kill Ukrainian Civilians'Squashed by Tanks - Newsweek WebIn contrast, on the Russian instrument, the aircraft silhouette is moving in front of a static horizon. I had always wondered what that meant, but these soldiers are making this very distinctive expressive salute-like movement, and I suspect that this is what he meant. Because fighting bad guys and building missiles is not the only thing we do here. When standing in present arms position, the military salute is performed by assuming position of attention, looking the senior in the face and turning one's head as the senior moves. ", Western planes should have had a sphere/trackball to turn the "rest of the world" instead of a yoke/sidestick to turn the plane. In both of the instruments shown in the question, there is no doubt that brown is showing above the left wingtip of the airplane icon, meaning that the airplane is banked left. READ MORE: What Russians meant to do with Lenins mausoleum, Yuri Gagarin delivering his flight report. Russian President Vladimir Putin enters the Alexadrovsky Hall to head a meeting of the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, on Oct. 1, 2015. For military salutes performed massively (e.g. @Claudix sorry you feel that way, I wasnt attacking you personally. This possibility for confusion is one reason among several why many pilots prefer the traditional "turn rate indicator" (aka "turn and slip indicator") to the "turn coordinator"-- despite the fact that by sensing roll as well as yaw, the "turn coordinator" tends to give a stronger indication than the turn rate indicator when an aircraft first starts to roll into an unwanted turn. True or False: Can this happen to you in the Russian Army. To convince them to continue, the scientist would often have to assure them that the pain they were inflicting served a greater good in this case, Science. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. This product (unlike some later products by the same company which really are turn coordinators with a sensing axis canted away from the vertical to pick up roll as well as yaw) is really just a yaw rate indicator and nothing more. When one says "" to Russian speaker this is more about firing, raising hand to the head (there's also an informal verb for this) - but still, technically what we see can be counted as . Russian soldiers WebWe would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Have your say in our news democracy. Go home with a clear conscience; Putin has lost. "These are our heroes," he told his wife. And never, under any circumstances, was a soldier obliged to take off his headwear even in the presence of the Tsar. What means of navigation did commercial Soviet airplanes use in the 50s-90s? There is also a critical human factor: The will to fight. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. How is a confusion possible between Western and Russian Attitude Some pilots have felt that a simple arc of LED lights across the top of display representing the movement of the needle of a traditional turn rate indicator, with the airplane symbol completely omitted, would have been a more effective presentation of the information sensed by this instrument. But there is one more dimension to it. Its confusing even at 1-g, I wouldnt imagine an unusual-high-adrenaline situation. Kremlin Regiment - Wikipedia Unexpected uint64 behaviour 0xFFFF'FFFF'FFFF'FFFF - 1 = 0? Reality is broken into parts, distorted, and reassembled into something grotesque and barely recognizable. In Russia, the salute was to be performed solely when the head was covered with military headwear. In a left turn, the lower left and upper right LED lights would be illuminated. Fox News Fires Its Biggest Star - The New York Times Re the last comment: not really. It's possible to train for everything, but in stressful or confusing situations instincts will take over, it's just a question when. But, honor is a mutual affair and those officers who do not return the salute given to them by the lower ranks, do a bad thing, for they show that they are less well-bred than the soldiers and, in addition, give the soldiers an example of non-compliance with the regulations. Leave! But what about Russian soldiers? There was little to no external visual reference due to cloud. Folder's list view has different sized fonts in different folders. Just as Kremlin watchers would pore over photographs during the Cold War days of the Soviet Union to see who was in and out of power, the group looked for other evidence in videos. Two MacBook Pro with same model number (A1286) but different year, Adding EV Charger (100A) in secondary panel (100A) fed off main (200A). Three battalions from the regiment took part in the Moscow Victory Parade of 1945 on Red Square. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. WebAnswer (1 of 5): It actually has nothing to do with Putin or Presidential Regiment. WebThe Russian military repeatedly flouted the laws of war by failing to protect civilians and even attacking them directly. IE 11 is not supported. Edited by Liz O. Baylen and Mike Benoist. In modern dress, all soldiers wear golden aigulettes and golden belts. These rules are still employed in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (with the exception of giving the salute to the Lenin Mausoleum). Just something I noticed during late night YouTube watching around the whole conflict in Russia Boeing and Airbus aircraft use the style on the left, whereas Garmin (and mechanical gyros in light aircraft) the style on the right. You may have never noticed it, but Russian President Vladimir Putin walks a little funny. WebThe Russian reserve has more than 2 million former conscripts and contract soldiers, but few are actively trained or prepared for war. Thanks for that answer. The old tradition of giving military salute only when the head is covered is still preserved. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Of course, if he was on top of his game, he would have remembered that even on the Soviet indicator, the artificial horizon should have been level. I agree with previous commenters - some understanding of pilot perception and context is needed. It just seems weird that the Russians would always angle their head either upwards or upwards and to the side. Officers of the 13th Yerevan Grenadier Regiment of the Russian Imperial Army, After the mid-19th century, the Two-fingered salute was replaced with a full-hand salute. Russian propaganda has taken language and concepts from the Soviet war against Nazi Germany and turned them on their head. Since in recent years the date has also been the day of Russian presidential inaugurations, the new President of Russia, following his oath-taking ceremony, receives the salute of the regiment on this day. The Moscow Times highlights 10 of the most common superstitions travelers to There is no question that Ukrainians have the will to fight and have already put up a heroic resistance. Why is it shorter than a normal address? The regiments casual dress is navy blue & features either a peaked cap or cornflower blue beret. The military regulations require that the military salute is conveyed "in a precise and dashing manner" ( ). Is there a word or phrase in Russian for this particular salute-like gesture? A Russian armored vehicle arrives at the scene at the end of the video, presumably to support the underfire soldiers. For the subjects to remain willing participants in a process they found morally repugnant, their actions needed to be cast not just as morally justified, but as morally necessary. Was Aristarchus the first to propose heliocentrism? In the West, its called the Briton shirt, but in Russia we call it the telnyashka. The whole world is with Ukraine! Thank you, I finally understood the reason behind the confusion. Is "I didn't think it was serious" usually a good defence against "duty to rescue"? One can not instill diligence, when one himself does not comply with it.. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Victoria Smolkin is associate professor ofhistory atWesleyanUniversity and the author of ASacredSpaceIs Never Empty: AHistoryof Soviet Atheism. But there are fields where Russian military and industrial complex need to work on. The basic premise has been mentioned by everyone above: the basic instinct is to 'right the wrong', and if we see some indication tilted left, we instinctively want to move it right. Is it possible for an indirect (Russian) attitude indicator to work in 3D without tumbling? https://focus.ua/files/images/0/-87397.jpg, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition. And after all, it's just 'obvious' that Artificial Horizon should show, well, horizon! But why is it raised to the head? They've described hearingmissiles fire through the skyin the dead of night, having toshare a single bulletproof vestas Russian soldiers tear through their towns, andtroops shooting at homes and hospitals. A key factor in understanding how Ukraine is still standing, then, is military morale, and especially the morale of the Russian army. Are there any canonical examples of the Prime Directive being broken that aren't shown on screen? It demonstrates how a left turn on the Soviet display is similar to a right turn in a Western display. Russian Soldier Says Putin's Troops Are Blowing up Their Own This is from a video of Mr. Putin making some kind of ceremonial entrance into the Kremlin. Russian Guards But why is it raised to the head? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The Kremlin Regiment, a group of special guards tasked with protecting high-profile Russian leaders, seem a bit odd. ASacredSpaceIs Never Empty: AHistoryof Soviet Atheism, in the fight against the ideology of Nazism and neo-Nazism. Identify blue/translucent jelly-like animal on beach, "Signpost" puzzle from Tatham's collection. Spoiler: It's a lot. I was taught in and flew single and twin Pipers, Beechcraft and Cesnas in the 1980's. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. How can a pilot interpret that the plane is rolling left? "wonder how on Earth pilots get things wrong. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Do they understand what they are fighting for? Can I use my Coinbase address to receive bitcoin? One of the factors that might have contributed to the accident was the confusion of the pilot on interpreting the attitude indicator; he was initially trained with Russian model (right) instead of Western model (left): But looking at both type of indicators, could anybody tell how the confusion is possible? Bloems a movement disorders specialist and he and some colleagues had briefly wondered if it might be Parkinsons disease, which can cause stiff movements. Vladimir Putin's walk: the 'gunslinger gait' video Ukrainian intelligence officials claim to have intercepted a call in which a Russian soldier says Vladimir Putin's troops are shooting their own people in Moscow. Yet confusion could arise when a pilot used to seeing the Western style artificial horizon, where the moving thing is the horizon not the airplane, assumes the moving on the Russian style is also the horizon, not the airplane. Earlier this week a friend in Kyiv posted a photo she took of a billboard message addressed directly to Russian soldiers and imploring them to stop: How will you be able to look your children in the eyes? it asked. You can only really get a sense of what it is like when you watch a video of the guards in action: Sign up to our free Indy100 weekly newsletter. All these aircraft had the Russian style FAI, although we referred to them as ground pointers. They appeal to the Russian soldier not as a military combatant or moral monster but as an ordinary person with a family and children, a human being with a conscience, someone like themselves. In the army of Medieval Russia, no military salutes were performed there were few certain military ranks, no common uniform and high-ranked military persons were at the same time high-ranked people in the state hierarchy, so they greeted each other with bows. Adding to @Ben's answer, another source of confusion when it comes to human factors is even present within Western attitude indicators. There was a research (I'd need to find a reference, but it will probably be in Russian) that fighter pilots with this second type of mind perform better in a dogfight. The second day of the VIII International naval salon in St. Petersburg. Why do Russian guards tilt their head and watch when leaders walk On January 28, 1936, the battalion and the Kremlin Garrison (Komendatura Kremlya), to which it was subordinated were transferred from the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR to the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD) of the USSR. Do they feel the support of public opinion back home? What is this odd military salute-like gesture? WebWhen the Russian soldiers occupied Bulgaria in the last century, they had trouble understanding the locals because the Bulgarian YES nod looked so much like the Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. You can see this on military parades a lot. ), there came a need for a universal military salute. Russian soldiers have been told they are there to liberate Russian-speaking Ukrainians from a genocidal Nazi regime bent on eradicating their language, culture, and identity. The soldier said Russian forces bombed Klimovo, a Russian city straddling the border between Russia and Ukraine. [3] On February 23, 1944 the Kremlin Regiment was decorated with the Order of the Red Banner. Go back to your family!; Do not become a murderer. by the whole regiment in the presence of a general at a parade), such rule was installed: A full hand military salute is performed by the head of the military unit, while all members of the unit standing at attention, their eyes looking in the direction of the high-ranked commander. Russian Defense Ministry Press Service/Associated Press, NOW WATCH: VIDEO: Why Russia's military is failing so far in Ukraine. Some (apparently, about half or even the majority of) people perceive it better as them being at the origin and the world moving around them. WebFor foreigners visiting Russia, it is useful to be aware of these "do's" and "don't's" of local culture. "The same crap was in the Chechen war," he told his wife. Tsar Nicholas II Visiting The Russian Front, May 1915. In October 1935, the officers' academy left the Kremlin for the Moscow district of Lefortovo and a Special Purpose Battalion was created to replace them on Kremlin and Mausoleum guard duties. We propose that this new gait pattern, which we term gunslingers gait, may result from a behavioral adaptation, possibly triggered by KGB or other forms of weapons training where trainees are taught to keep their right hand close to the chest while walking, allowing them to quickly draw a gun when faced with a foe, they concluded. Uniforms based on the ones used by the infantry of the Regiment during the Second World War were worn for the first time by a platoon from the 1st Honor Guard Company during the 2015 Spasskaya Tower Military Music Festival and Tattoo. On Tuesday, NBC News reported that US intelligence indicates Putin is furious at the slow progress of his attack, which met unexpectedly strong Ukrainian resistance. So, while it may seem easy-peasy to adapt to, until the western format has been internalized as deeply as the Russian one, there can be a tendency to start to mentally revert, causing more mental conflict and accelerating the mental tunnel vision effect, ending up in mental freeze mode. Aviation Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for aircraft pilots, mechanics, and enthusiasts. Click here to find more about the telnyashka and why paratroopers started wearing it too. How will you be able to look your children in the eyes. Its confusing as hell. A new study describes the art of the severed head as practiced by the Celts, an Iron Age tribe, living in the southern Gaul region.

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why do russian soldiers tilt their heads