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When bad things do happen, he doesnt cause it, he allows it because he wants you to come to him. All you need to do is to quit the distractions that are taking your mind and heart away from the remembrance of Allah, and just speak to Him. Do you study? Being eaten by a wheel, preaching an entire life without followers. Insan( human ) is not a weak being.. a normal human is a weak being but one who trusted ALLAH, ALLAH grant him power that no one have. I prayed YEARS to beat my addiction, nothing happened yet. And I do not want someone to tell me to be thankful. Hello my fellow Muslim sisters and brothers! One time I was so upset I ran out in the rain and spent hours walking in the cold telling myself not to go back home. I truly doubt that your parents and family and friends are disgusted by you and that your reputation has been ruined because you have a disease. Just pray to Allah, pray long and hard. What was really interesting is that he doesnt have a car, bus pass, bike or any sort of transportation, except that he walks there. Everyone have his own story, i have been in pain for 22 years i can write story but NO. I am the unluckiest. What else? You need to find ways to boost your self esteem and believe that you are an amazing person who is able to do anything she wishes. "Why Does Allah Hate Me?" Rescripting Negative Self-Talk I ask Him why I feel like this. Some one says to Allah:O Allah I hate my life.. I'm just going to deal with it. You are not the only one going on a hardship, Allah (SWT) makes us need him ALL in a different way. let me give those answers. So Allah gives them a taste of evil just a pinch, maybe they will return if not a little more maybe that will make them realise.. She only kept returning to my physical illness which was making me feel sick. When this whole thing was starting out, I did see a counselor. 2. When you do bad things you may feel good - this might be because you think that Allah hates you. i wanted to have a strong social hold but This is more than all of that. But I feel like I am drowning in this program and sometimes I feel like what am I doing here? Prophets, those nearest to God, always had very difficult lives. If I have a choice I would give this beauty and all my money just to have a family as you. I am tortured day and night by not only my mind but the physical effects it has on me. but it doesnt happen right?, good. Peoples hearts are becoming hard and what melts a hardened heart? when i was in university, my father retired and economical situation was worst in our home, my elder sister had and engagement but that man was a fraud and the engagement was broken (but with difficulties). I've been to doctors, done every imaginable thing, but here I am. I urge you to make an appointment to see a psychiatrist and counsellor immediately. Please, anyone help. Scared? This has been precisely my feeling the last few months. *Comment above is posted in a personal capacity and may not reflect the official views of MuslimMatters or its staff*. Try to cover most of the materials in the morning if possible. It started out with the physical problem, which in turn created the mental problems. Stop acting so innocent all the time. And when is him who says something whether its true or not (he lies mostly), my parents listen! Please read these articles on Muslims and racism. Disclaimer:The conceptualization and recommendations stated in this response are very general and purely based on the limited information provided in the question. Nobody in my family wants to acknowledge I have a problem (OCD and anxiety) so they simply act like I don't have it. Like you said, those other things would be more 'desirable' tests for me, which I would have no problem taking. My friends left me. Answer. Do you know how many people have problems yet they do not dare to write to us? Also Allah gives us problems in this life like diseases, loss of money, loss of family and loss of food to help us. I think I'll come back and read what you wrote over and over again in the future. shaiton's goal is to make you do bad deeds. Sometime suicide seems tempting and I have been tempted. But I don't get why do I get treated so badly when I didn't do anything I don't get why bad things keep on happening to me. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. He knows Ive never tried to intentionally hurt someone or lie about them. On a more spiritual level, while it may feel like Allah subhanahu wa ta'alaa is punishing you, He is probably actually just testing you. We life in the Matrix, like it or not. Allah knows best. I understand that you have heard a lot about patience and this is not what I am going to talk to you about. If Allah swt is with you, nothing can hurt you. You whining about having daughters. or be a human or some creepy animal ? I really do. or cant ALLAH put Khair (betterment) for us in what we are requesting ? There are some people who dislike this transient world and long for that which is with Allaah of reward, and who love to meet Allaah. Hello, Will Allah forgive me for swearing at my dad? Al-Ma'idah(93), Surely, Allah loves the God-fearing. I worry daily i'm not a good enough believer and muslim. I know I wasnt wrong to believe in allah and connect my hopes but now I find myself just questioning my believes. even when they treated me badly I kept to myself and just stopped hanging out with these people and cut them off because they caused me alot of heartache and problems but they keep on pushing my boutons for no reason. And the people of Thamud and the people of Nuh and the people of Lut? did you, me and all other human kind wanted to be in this world ? I feel like I'm beyond help. Brave as you were to write to us, be brave to reach out and connect with other like minded Muslims. My prayer was invalid, but time ran out before I could redo it. It would be my second way of worshiping Him. But? The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. I would also write Honesty. I feel like Allah hates me. My other elder sister started to do the job, same teaching job to help the father, luckily or unluckily my parents were able to find some other groom for her, she was married but now i see her life is miserable, her husband dont work any more, she has to run both the economic and house hold affairs. Then I was bullied for being that fool to become a Muslim. And the effects of it are disastrous, to the point where I simply refuse to be around people because of the embarrassing side effects. I smiled and said, As-salaamu alaykum!. You say you have ugly face and you are poor, let me tell you: Im a woman of 32 years old, beautifull face, beautifull body, well educated, I have a good job BUT Im not married, people are always shocked and always tell me how comes that a beautfull woman like me is still not married! If possible, get up early in the morning, say at 4 and start studying. My bestfriend she is being respected by everyone and on the other hand i am being abused because i am too friendly,a little free and yeah ugly.My family always curses me,hates me and beats me. I don't understand why is it that when I stand up for myself and confront the person for their rude behaviour, I get treated like dirt and I become the bad, selfish, arrogant person. So when we DONT see our prayers being answered.. it is something that sort.. that we feel like we are forsaken.. yes we need our blessings in Akhirat.. but we need to see it ALSO in this life so we can go on.. its one of the biggest burden to not see our prayers been answered. When you are stuck in traffic, you are being protected from being in a place where something worse would happen to you at the time you would have been there if you had not been delayed. I have answer to this question also. Ur sins are being cleared. in 3rd Chapter of Quran ALLAH Says: I am the source of power, owner of power, i will/can give power to whom i will, i will/can take power to whom i will., And According to your question Shetaan is not powerful, he is hungry, he is in bad position. Yet nothings happening. It's hard to explain. I fell into deep depression and I used to cry all the time. That is because we want to be educated and learn some skills to full fill the human body needs. How to subdivide triangles into four triangles with Geometry Nodes? i have founded my self in pain, but not just pain, ALLAH was with me, this was my believe and this really happened, If you start calling ALLAH in public, i will call you in public, if you start calling ALLAH in loneliness i will call you alone, if you came to me, i will came to you, if you have wrong thinking about me ( That ALLAH will not help me, ALLAH will make me this, ALLAH will make me that ) then ALLAH Says whatever you think i will bring that to you, think of good from me, i will bring you good, never loss hope on me, Then ALLAH Says In Quran I do not need anyones anything, I am sufficient. The saying of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wa sallam. hir Children was murdered in front of her eyes, but he still knows this life is temporary he cannot harm, ALLAH will safeguard us, Do you know what happen then? You pray and still keep asking Allah. My Istikhara result was ambiguousany thoughts? I wasnt in the right state of mind that night and so many things could have gone wrong. Actually, no, Allah did answer it and there was a benefit in your duaa. I have lost my way. At this point, it feels like Allah is punishing me. I would rather do all of the above or even die than deal with this. May Allah bless you with joy and peace. In exchange, maybe we wont get any satisfying answers or even worse, consumed by other people for their own popularity or benefit. First time I gave A Levels, I got mediocre grades you know. Folder's list view has different sized fonts in different folders, And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good. He also rips off an arm to use as a sword. I've tried calming myself down. ! Do you think ALLAH will snatch your money/income or snatch your persons? Did the drapes in old theatres actually say "ASBESTOS" on them? :'(. Allah will not change the condition of a people unless there is a change of what is in themselves. when i had my first baby as daughter, i controlled myself, satan tried to deviate me from my lord, but with the help of ALLAH i was able to get rid off of him. Think about it. I am invisible to everyone really. I may just do things hereafter what I feel convenient. Going to Friday prayers gives me peace. hard work? How he cried for Hamzah, how his tears covered his face upon seeing his own children dying, one after another. We are human beings though its extremely legit to feel like that when prayers arent being answered as it seems. Horrible! ALLAH loves u and puts the best of people to tests Its mean that Allah leave me alone ? Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. I try my best to be a good muslim, i pray, i read the qoran, i help kids with the qoran. Dear Talha Habib, I feel like everyone hates me including Allah. Ok if Allah doesnt respond to me in this dunya, life, nor He lifts a hardship that was about to fall upon me, then whats the 3rd option? Many people lie to themselves their entire life. I was a very good girl, the smartest in elementary school.. in high school, I was one of the top and a teacher actually told me she wants a daughter just like me.. another told me I was too . Back to the topic, Its obvious for many people seeks their absence of God, why God is silent in this twisted-seems-unbalanced-harsh-world. Keep praying to Allah, ask Him to guide you, find your call, your direction. No matter what, I won't do it. The happiness comes in a count but the sadness it comes in a bundle of count.I am afraid of being happy because it doesnt last forever or it will give sadness at last. Thats the only thing that scares me, I dont want to break to the point of no return. Why are you upset for having a daughter as your firstborn? Please write us back at any time you feel! Dont make any sense, what was the response of the brother you went to see????? The only statement of his existence is a book and that is all. Because at this point, there is nothing more left in life for me. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Yet, there are some exercises you can do yourself. Generally Id just read and run with this but i feel something must be written from me here even theres no one will be reading it and I may never came back here again. I simply cannot take it anymore, I'm broken. I am a convert sister who became a Muslim in her late teens. entertainment, news presenter | 4.8K views, 31 likes, 13 loves, 80 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from GBN Grenada Broadcasting Network: GBN News 28th April 2023 Anchor: Kenroy Baptiste. What I learned from that period is that I need to find ways to help myself. Recently, alot of bad things happened to me, one thing after the other and it keeps on piling up. i had 4 sisters, two elder and two younger and in between we are two brothers. It was obvious to me at that point that perhaps he got really sick, like REALLY sick; so I decide to go and visit him. Al-Ma'idah(42), Allah loves those who are good in their deeds. If I only had the 1st disease, I think I would have beared it. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. As you didn't reveal what these thoughts are we can't directly address them. God does test those people whom He loves most. If you can only fail, how come you have written us such an honest and touching email? What if a person needs/wants that thing in this dunya and dont want the reward for it in Jannah! just googling the parallel universe or String Theory to begin with. Allah has made you especially on His Earth. People stop praying/never start for a lot of reasons. There is really no one I can talk to, like I said, my family will simply not listen to me so I've given up on them. What is this brick with a round back and a stud on the side used for? class? isnt that the division of ALLAH. It was hard to move on from that but I made tawba and hoped Allah swt will send someone better for me. When ALLAH created us and he ordered the Malaika to do Sajdah to his creature i.e human being and satan didnt do it. I never do that, but strangely my parents never notice it. Brother Im sorry for what you are going through. I pray Allah helps you with your daily struggles. When Iblees ( Devil / Satan ) Disagree to do Sajda do you know what was his words and what was my LORD words? Spend an hour studying, take a five minute break and get back to studying. Will I be punished? Ali 'Imran(134), And Allah loves the steadfast. Allah has made you especially on His Earth. He is all merciful after all. O Children of Adam (AS) you have some desires, i have my own, But only my desires will be executed, If you do what is my desire, i will return you with what is your desires, if you do not fulfill what was my desires, i will make you tired and then at last again my desires will be executed, And ALLAH Says It's not uncommon for people who have untreatable diseases to develop emotional problems and that's clearly what's happening to you, and it's coloring your perception of everything around you. and our he cannot even eat if we say BISMILLAH before eating, he cannot drink, and a person who is righteous is way to strong in front of satan, Satan can not even give him advise. I thought he was unfair as life has always dealt me a bad hand. You are Allah's creation. Its not over til the Trumpet is Blown Sin and Repentance in Islam, The Sin of Fornication and Adultery Part 1, The Sin of Adultery and Fornication Part 2, The Sin of Adultery and Fornication Part 3, My husband and his previous partner recited Kalma Nikah to remove Zina!, I dont want a friend who negatively influences me, My friends are all married but I cant even finish school. The question is: what you can do about your situation? Dr.Phil Show 2023 - Sleeping With the Enemy - Facebook You live in Ireland. The people of Taif threw rocks on him while he was leaving their city. See: Islam SE: Not an Muslim Peer Support Group. If I lost an arm I would bear it. I have no energy to get out of bed and I can spend hours staring at the ceiling not doing anything. Don't think that. Allah is the Source of all things. That's what I've been currently doing to 'combat' it. you are going to die in 21s majority cannot live 100 years. It's not them. At one point iblis was considered a very pious jinn who worshiped Allah swt like no other, but upon coming to know of Adam AS, he was tested with that test that would determine his sincerity. You wrote an honest message to us about your feelings, your traumas and you dared to be honest with you that you feel upset from Allah. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". I love Him because if I draw near to Him a hand span, He draws near to me an arm's length, and if I draw near to Him an arm's length, He draws near to me a fathom's length. Use your journal to explore this. I cant pray properly or do dhikr properly. So what if life gets harder the more we try to do good.. What you are going through are severe trials and may Allah (SWT) grant you steadfastness and guidance in these terrible times. As the pressure increases turn more towards Allah, increase your Zikr, seek protection from the Shaitan, and keep giving Charity (even though at times you are in a state where you are down literally to the last dollar). why does it feel like Allah is punishing me? : r/MuslimLounge - Reddit Prophets, those nearest to God, always had very difficult lives. Also he had 7 children, all of them died during his lifetime except Fatima. A physical one and a mental one. There are many people like you who are struggling and above all Allah is ALWAYS with you. It only takes a minute to sign up. Dr. Phil | 13K views, 122 likes, 2 loves, 23 comments, 7 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from DrPhil Show 2023: Dr.Phil Show 2023 - Sleeping With the Enemy In one way a person needs to feel like they can see the end of that trial, within their own lifetime or within sight. Why Does Allah Keep Punishing Me - WHYSI Very heart lightening article and comments Exercising your criticial thinking is a the best way to free yourself from the oppression of thought that comes with Islam and religion in general.

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why do i feel like allah is punishing me