For more information on Whitetop Laurel, please contact: Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources Located in Washington County in far Southwest Virginia near Damascus and Abingdon, Whitetop features mountainous scenery and classic trout habitat with plunge pools, runs, and pocket water. Phantom of the flats. Went the whole way but watch died! Experience this 11.6-mile out-and-back trail near Damascus, Virginia. Signs to the parking areas and the Virginia Creeper Trail are along 58 east. Midges hatch throughout the entire year but are most important during the winter. There is a 12-inch minimum size limit using artificial lures only, with a number limit of 6 per day. Good hatches are taking place. Whitetop Laurel Creek Fishing Report Updated 04/27/23. Approximately seven miles are stocked trout waters located on both private and public lands with an additional five miles of special regulation waters flowing through the Mount Rogers National Recreational Area. Whitetop Laurel flows along 58 east, where it can be accessed easily. The browns are the major attraction at Whitetop Laurel. For one reason they have both the true Sulfurs and the Eastern Pale Evening duns, both called sulfurs by the locals. Fish this combination with confidence, and a long 12-foot spring creek-style leader, well into the low water of fall. Both sections are turning out trout in good numbers. Phone: 540-475-3831, 2014 Whitetop Laurel Angler Survey Report, 2012 Whitetop Laurel Special Regulation Trout Section Biologist Report, 2010 Whitetop Laurel Special Regulation Trout Section Biologist Report, 2023 Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources. We received two good reports from customers fishing yesterday in the wild trout section. Fishing Magazine, Coastal Angler & The Angler Magazine is your leading source for freshwater fishing and saltwater fishing videos, fishing photos, saltwater fishing. We also market what we call the Whitetop Box, a custom fly box with patterns for throughout the year.. Spicebush and eastern tiger swallowtails are easily visible as they cruise the paths, while smaller butterflies, like eastern-tailed hairstreak, require a more careful look. 01/24/22 Levels are still near normal and the water mostly clear. However, the best advice for an angler considering a trip to Whitetop Laurel is simply go for it. They arecatching nice trout in both the stockedand wild trout sections.11/20/20 The stream levels are a littlehigh. Months of dry weather had left Beaverdam almost devoid of good trout-prospecting flows, but we decided to try it anyway. Whitetop Laurel Creek is one of the best Virginia trout fishing streams - perfect for Virginia trout adventures whether you are fly fishing or spin fishing. We received a good report from a customer fishing two days ago.. 10/27/22 The stream is still in good shape with good hatches. Virginia's Whitetop Laurel Creek ranks as one of the finest natural wild trout streams in the Southeastern U.S. Paralleled for long sections by both the Appalachian National Scenic Trail and the Virginia Creeper Trail, the creek offers backcountry adventures within a 15-minute drive of Interstate 81 in southwestern Virginia one of the major Its book perfect, small stream fly fishing. While Beaverdam is smaller than Whitetop Laurel, its fishing rivals that of its larger neighbor, especially for wild browns. Rogers, Appalachian Trail and Virginia Creeper Loop, Beargap Trail to Appalachian Trail to Virginia Creeper Loop, Helton Trail and Elk Garden Trail Loop via Appalachian Trail, Beartree Gap, Shaw Gap, and Beartree Lake Trail Loop, Straight Mountain and Beartree Lake Trail Loop. Explore this 8.6-mile out-and-back trail near Troutdale, Virginia. Recommended Tackle & GearFly Line:4,5or 6weightLeaders:Dry fly: 9to 12ft., 5or6XNymphing:71/2ft.,3or 4X, Streamers 0-2XTippets:Dry fly: 5or 6X,Nymphing: 3 or 4X,Streamer0-2XBest Fly Rods:Perfect FlySupreme Four,SuperbFiveorUltimate SixFly Reels:For4/5/6 fly lineFly Floatants and Misc Items:Floatants, KISS Strike IndicatorsTools & Accessories:Nippers, forceps, retractors, etc. 01/08/22 The stream is near a normal level in good shape. 03/21/22 The stream is flowing near a normal level in good shape with hatches of Quill Gordons, Blue Quills, Little Black Caddis, Blue-winged olives, and Little Brown stoneflies. The pH of the water is good and there are several mayflies and caddisflies that reside in the creek that you wouldnt expect to find in most Eastern Appalachian mountain freestone streams. The colorful leaves along the Virginia Creeper are worth the trip, but the fishing is great as well. This dry fly can be tied to match any mayfly. There are outfitters like the Virginia Creeper Bike Shop who will rent out bikes and provide shuttle service to the trailhead for a very reasonable fee. Docks suspended above the stream add to the accessibility. 03/22/34 The stream is down below normal level and clear. Purple, red and silver bands seem to attract trout any time. perfect place for a good long walk and we also had our baby in a stroller. PDF Grass Lake Status of Fishery Report 2012-142 - Good hatches, Quill Gordons, Blue Quills, LIttle Brown stoneflies and Little Black Caddis are hatching. Numerous wild rainbow trout are found in Whitetop, a rarity in the Southeast; and also a surprise in a stream where whirling disease has been detected but mostly held in check. 06/03/21 The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. 03/11/23 The stream is still turning out some good fish. Within the special regulation sections of Whitetop Laurel the stream is managed as catch and release, in addition to a single hook artificial lure only regulation. A freshwater fishing license and National Forest Permit is needed to fish the two special regulation sections. Highway 58 continues up to a gravel road leading to Creek Junction where there is access for fishing as well. Plus, two special regulation sections exist as well as three segments managed as stocked trout water. 06/12/22 The stream is near a normal level and mostly clear. Rogers down into the Holston River. Whitetop Laurel Fishing and Viewing Area | Virginia DWR There is more rain coming the next two days and it will likely be high. Orders over a $100 are shipped free via Priority Mail. Please see the bottom of this column for ordering options. Fly Fishing On The Whitetop Laurel Creek, Virginia. A small levee and control structure exists on the east end of the flooding. Most stocked trout range from 10 to 14 inches. D183-ML Sold On December 14, 2021 2 Beds 2 Baths 1080 Sqft 2.900 Acres $235,000 Sold Enjoy all amenities of Laurel Creek and the Damascus area with this sweet mountain cabin offering easy access and frontage on Whitetop Laurel Creek. Stream levels are near normal. The wild trout section is still the best section to fish. Whitetop Laurel Creek This stream is up there with some of the best wild trout rivers in the entire Southeast. Look for larger browns up to 20 inches or more sulking around logjams, undercut banks, and boulders. A perfect imitation of the ubiquitous dragonfly built with a compelling yet simple approach. There are new hatches that should start anytime now in addition to the BWOs and midges Quill Gordons, Blue quills, Little Black caddis and Little Brown stoneflies. A National Forest Permit is required on some sections of the stocked portion of stream. By the way, the fishing is also good downstream at the end of the #725 paved road. Both sections are turning out good numbers of trout. Whitetop Laurel Creek is a stream located just 1.3 miles from Damascus, in Washington County, in the state of Virginia, United States, near Laureldale, VA. Fishermen will find a variety of fish including brown trout and rainbow trout here. It should be good the coming week. Within the special regulation sections of Whitetop Laurel the stream is managed as catch and release, in addition to a single hook artificial lure-only regulation. Before heading out to visit a site on the Virginia Bird & Wildlife Trail, be sure to check if that site has any COVID-19 policies or closures in place. When the road leaves the creek you can use the Virginia Creeper Trail. . Quill Gordons, blue quills, little black caddis, BWOs, little Brown stoneflies and Hendricksons/red quills. Whitetop Laurel in Washington County, Virginia is one of state's largest and most beautiful wild trout streams. The long days of summer bring low, clear flows, and anglers must adjust accordingly to be successful. Sections of Whitetop Laurel that are not adjacent to 58 east are easily accessed from the Virginia Creeper Trail. Recently, I spent a morning on Whitetop and a major tributary, Green Cove Creek, with Zac Stovall of FeeldTrips Outdoors in Damascus. Of course the Whitetop Laurel Creek can be accessed fropm the Virginia Creeper bike trail. Locals refer to both of these hatches as Sulphurs and they are very similar. Phone: 540-783-4860. In addition to above, American March Browns and Slate Drakes have started hatching. All Fly Fisherman subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. My wife M. J. and I wanted to avoid crowds on a recent Labor Day weekend and planned a first course of some big Virginia smallmouth bass, followed by Whitetop Laurel Creek trout fishing for dessert. A size slot limit helps protect the fishery from the tailwater angling hordes. Brook trout are rumored to be in its headwaters and feeder streams. However, access is limited, and visitors must obtain landowner permission if they have to cross private property to reach the water. You will see the trout go nuts over the spinner falls late in the afternoons. Fish the wild trout section or the uppermost section of the creek along the road. For anglers, the place to begin on Whitetop is the 6 miles of stream that flows below Konnarock, Virginia, beginning at Creek Junction, near the confluence of Whitetop and Green Cove Creek. We did a side trip at the north entrance to Whitetop. The most consistent hatch is the usual Blue-winged Olives. While small-stream fishing is the name of the game in the Whitetop Laurel area, two of the East's premier tailwater fisheries, the Watauga and South Holston, are located less than an hour away. It offers easy to access areas with stocked trout as well as lots wild trout in secluded areas you can access with a little effort. 11/20/21 The stream is flowing just a little above normal level. Harry Murray's springtime Virginia Wulff flythe Mr. Rapidanis the best-known example. There are very good hatches taking place and we have been getting good reports from customers fishing. Whitetop Laurel Creek flows from Mt. Fly Fishing Whitetop Laurel Creek VirginiaIt seems like theres a Laurel Creek everywhere there are trout streams in the Eastern United States. Beyond the scenery, the region is also renowned for celebrating the culture of thru-hiking, famed for . 02/09/22 The stream is down to a good level and we received three good reports from customers fishing the past week. The Dirty Sally represents a number of small yellow/tan stonefly and caddisfly species, and doubles as a Sulphur imitation in a pinch. Trout are being caught along the stocked section and wild trout sections. 06/04/22 The stream is down to a normal level in good shape. 04/14/22 Conditions remain good. We received four good reports from customers this past week. Learn to tie Barr's Damsel with master tier Charlie Craven. We were getting goodreports from customers prior to thehigher level. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week. There is a second hatch that occurs in October and early November. Air Quality Excellent. Brown, rainbow and brook trout. Fish are coming from both the stocked and wild trout sections. Large streamers such as muddler minnows, wooly buggers, and woolhead sculpins are the best choices for the fly angler seeking a big brown. Zac Stovall selecting a fly for Whitetop Laurel. one outlet known as Grass Creek. 02/18/23 Stream levels are high but will fall out fast. Those big browns dont have much room to roam when you hook them. Trout arebeing caught in the wild and stockedtrout sectons.05/27/20 Stream levels are still just alittle above normal but trout are beingcaught in both the wild and stockedsections. The Whitetop Laural Creek can be easily fished all year long. Downstream of Konnarock, Whitetop Laurel, by now a medium-size stream, enters a narrow gorge where access is via foot or bicycle trail only. You will find them in the faster water. While fishing the put-and-take waters is generally reliable only during the stocking season (October through June 15), the special regulation areas offer excellent fishing opportunities throughout the year. The Cinnamon Sedges and a few Spotted Sedge species of caddisflies hatch from about the first of May through July. Emailusat ( with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations. The wild trout section has really been doing well this past week but good numbers of trout are still being caught in the stocked section along the road and old track. The spinner fishing with these mayfly imitations is especially effective in the late afternoon. The stream is a little below normal. Fly Fishing On The Whitetop Laurel Creek, Virginia In the late 1830's, Sizemores are said to have taken in Cherokees who escaped the Trail of Tears. We not only will help you with selections, you will learn why, after trying Perfect Flies, 92% of the thousands of our customers will use nothing else. Keeping a low profile and making long, quiet help prevent spooking the trout, which often readily take imitations of terrestrial insects if no other hatch is occurring. Whitetop Laurel just might be the most unique trout stream in the Old Dominion. Turn left and follow the Creeper through Taylors Valley and up to Whitetop Laurel Creek gorge to junction with AT at Creek Junction. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week. Mount Rogers National Recreation Area - Virginia Is For Lovers The trails in this area are relatively open and flanked by numerous wildflowers including bee-balm. Quill Gordons start about the same time and last about a month. United States. little BWOs and other insects hatching. 04/02/23 Good hatches are taking place. We also market what we call the Whitetop Box, a custom fly box with patterns for throughout the year.. Directions Location: Adjacent to Damascus Town Park, located at 301 South Beaver Dam Ave., Damascus, VA 24236. In reality small-stream angling can be easy, though only after a number of specialized skills are learned, such as cross-body roll casts. Nice trail and almost always in shade from the trees. Charlie Craven is giving step by step instructions for tying the Perdigon Fly. 1st half road. This has the effect of keeping those desiring to catch the stocked trout in easy to access sections of the creek and leaves most of the wild trout for those who are interested only in the sport of catching and releasing trout. Weather, flows are worthy. 10/03/21 The stream is a little above normal level in good shape. Click Here To Order or Call us at 800 594 4726 or email us at We have been getting lots of good reports from customers fishing the stocked and the wild trout sections. Camping is also allowed in the national forest sections of Whitetop Laurel. We received two good reports from customers fishing yesterday. After Stovall and I finished plying Whitetop Laurel, we went to Green Cove Creek and caught rainbows, considerably lessening my misery about losing the large brown. With over 1 million print readers per month and the industrys most expansive distribution network, we have emerged as one of the largest outdoor publications in the United States and abroad, thus solidifying our place as a preferred resource. There are good hatches and our terrestrials patterns are also working. All Rights Reserved. 02/25/22 The stream is flowing at a high level. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. From the Florida Keys to the Bahamas to Hawaii, bonefish are an iconic inshore species with many monikers and a presence that is often felt but rarely seen. Easy ride down to Damascus from WH Station. Whitetop Laurel: Virginia's Most Unique Trout Stream Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. While Whitetop offers a hike- or bike-in backcountry experience, the best sections of Beaverdam are roadside, via Tennessee 133, in the Cherokee National Forest. Learn to tie the Woolly Bugger fly with master tier Charlie Craven. 2023 Outdoor Sportsman Group. This is one of the better hatches of the Whitetop Laurel Creek. Whitetop Laurel Creek Virginia | Trout Pro Store The Blue Oak Ranch Reserve, a unit of the University of California Natural Reserve System, is an ecological reserve and biological field station in Santa Clara County, California.It is located on 3,260 acres (13.2 km 2) in the Diablo Range, northwest of Mount Hamilton, at 1,500 ft (460 m) elevation.. Because of the prolific nature of the winter stonefly hatches, pay close attention to the possibility of good mid-winter dry-fly fishing during periods of low water and warmer weather. Follow us and be up to date with upcoming giveaways & outdoor news! Parking areas have maps and trail information on display. This should be a good coming week. 05/28/22 The stream level is up due to recent rain but should fall back down soon. Walk the trail along the creek checking the creekside brush for Louisiana waterthrush, which can often be seen flying along the creek. Fly and Gear ordering and delivery:We can get flies to you within two to three business days from the time you place your order via Priority Mail. 12/29/22 Stream levels are still above normal but falling. Trout are being caught mostly in the wild trout section but some along the old railroad track. Prince beadhead nymphs work year-round there. While most anglers who fish the special regulation waters use fly fishing gear, spinning tackle can also be very effective. The wild trout section is the section right now. The headwaters are in the Konnarock portion of the Mt. Elevation: 2685 ft. Learn to tie the Pheasant Tail Nymph with master tier Charlie Craven. The Whitetop Laurel Creek ranks as one of the best natural freestone wild trout streams in the Eastern US. 10/13/22 Sorry for the missed reports. If you provide a budget for flies, we will select them to match the budget and get them to you on time for your trip. If you want to catch gator trout consistently, youve got to target them. George Washington & Jefferson National Forests - Creek Junction Stovall says he prefers a 3-weight fly rod with a 7-foot, 6-x leader for Whitetop and Green Cove Creek. Give it a day or two to drop. ALLTRAILS and the AllTrails Mountain Design are registered trademarks of AllTrails, LLC in the United States as well as certain other jurisdictions.