We continued to praise God and thank Him, and then we went to bed in awh, really unaware of what had just taken place and to be honest really had no desire to tell anyone for fear of what they might think. Have you ever heard of this? Consider that one of the reasons David did not kill King Saul when he had a few occasion to do so was he knew Saul was still the King. Elijah didnt even know who Elisha was until God told him where to find him when he was hiding from Jezebel. In addition, it was their assignment from God to speak truth to power. I then began to prophesy over my life, but this is very foggy and I didnt write these things down, everything seem surreal. Deborah was known as a prophetess. Watch or subscribe here. A mantle for deliverance worship. Eleven years ago the Lord woke me out of a dream ~ in the dream someone placed a very heavy object on my shoulders (sort of like what a drummer hooks over his shoulders to hold drums in a band) I remember it was VERY heavy (in the dream). David Oyedepo Ministries Intl on Instagram: "Second Word Session It was also a symbol of sacrifice and commitment. But It also represented his appointment as a prophet of God. 449 likes, 9 comments - Winners Chapel Maryland (@winnerschapelmd) on Instagram: "COVENANT DAY OF EXEMPTION AND SPECIAL PROPHETIC MANTLE SERVICE Declaration of The Exemption Mark . I ran over to that thing I grabbed it by the base and plucked it up! I consent to receiving emails and personalized ads. You progress into that role but you are moving up different levels. And I woke up! Your email address will not be published. David had the anointing to be King, but Saul had the mantle, Elisha was anointed to be the prophet of the land, but Elijah had the mantle, Prince Charles is anointed to be the Sovereign of the UK but Queen Elizabeth has the mantle. A friend of mine has committed suicide which I wont go into here other than to say he used to talk in tongues for no reason and seemed to know certain things without me telling him. Remember Noah had to prophesy for a very long time before the Flood happened and note this nobody but his family was saved. Now am doing review of angelic ministry. I like your post and what you have said is very true. 4 Prophetic Discernment TypesWhich Do You Have? Thank you! The gift of prophecy is an awesome gift. He failed and failed miserably. does it mean God has forsake me even though im cryin to him 4 mercy? I always thought a mantle had to be passed on to you from another person and Im not sure what this really means for me. PDF THE PROPHETIC MINISTRY - wpo-gregor.org Colossians 2:8 (NKJV); Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. Many unfortunately do not understand when it comes to the prophetic. One because I am scare. The mantle was originally a cape worn simply to ward off the cold. He was a hypocrite according to Paul and so on. Mantle Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster God is so amazingly creative that He created each one of us to be so unique and special (yes, snowflake generation) but yet so much alike. i am a seer prophet. Many will want you to simple give them a WORD because you walk in the prophetic, but this must never be the case. someone said to me a long time ago that they pray that I except the mantle, at that time I didnt even know what he was talking about, I have always walked alone and I REALLY get tired of people asking me for a prophesy. We need to put all the other things aside and seek after the things of Christ. VALUE FOR THE PROPHETIC MANTLE - Dr Paul Enenche The Most High Ruling in the Kingdom of Men, There is an Opposite in Everything in Both Kingdoms (Updated), Declarations & Decrees for the Nations Against Destruction. So I started to prophesy over her and I told her the story of what happened at that concert. of the king of Israel Elisha was working in his family's business the day Elijah came by with his mantle and prophetic calling. prophets garment, robe. Do you not perceive that whatever enters a man from outside cannot defile him, because it does not enter his heart but his stomach, and is eliminated, thus purifying all foods? And He said, What comes out of a man, that defiles a man. Again, he changed his mantle! Mantle - Encyclopedia of The Bible - Bible Gateway Mark 7:1-23 (NKJV); Then the Pharisees and some of the scribes came together to Him, having come from Jerusalem. However, it is much weightier than you may know. Then He told them FREELY RECEIVED, FREELY GIVE. Mantle of GOD - Kindle edition by Rosas, Carlos Luis. Religion Thank you for this very helpful article. PDF Prophecy and Prophets Some are given the calling to evangelize and they are so effective in doing that. However, evil has gained positions of power without being anointed for such a position. First let me say that once someone is born-again, they become children of God, and because they are children they will always be children, though they can return to sin. Now, I am asking Jesus Christ why He allowed me to read your post. Its a progression. The Bible is filled with examples of how God speaks through dreams, visions, and prophetic words to give direction, strategy, and understanding to His people. Matthew 23:23 (KJV); Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Then my young son appeared to my left and he was meddling around and I said son be careful theres a hole in the floor and you could fall through it and if you did you would fall through the ceiling. I said to him let me help you I walked over to the mud that was globbed on the wall and pulled a knife to it and straitened it right up I stepped back and said there thats better and his eyes were opened with amazement and relief. I need to step back a bit probably 6 months before what I call the rebellion, to when I was anointed with the gift of prophecy. Aaron was punished later by not being allowed to enter into the promise land (Numbers 20:22-29). Personal or corporate prophecy which is given by those who are not fivefold . But I was to stand strong that He would strengthen me. There were various types of mantles worn in biblical times. The good news is, when you get a mantle you are given the opportunity to live and glorify God in the same or similar calling that these children of God had. Sometimes I go in tell people did not even know I was prophesying. Full time Prophetic and Healing and working in the supernatural and deliverance Ministry The Lord told me in my sleep that He was giving me the mantel of peace. He stayed behind, and then what happened? James what do I do next? No one who has been given Davids mantle would have the same exact life events and anointing as David himself. Themes: Four moments when "Garments" play a key role in the stories of Elijah and Elisha. These people are praised more so than our Lord God; more than our Lord Jesus. The Bible warns us about the traditions of men in Mark 7 and Colossians 2:8. Your email address will not be published. Is it that am suppose to understand them may the will deliever as the Lord lead me to speak or the spirit take whole of the meeting. Our works dont also. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 (NKJV); Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. Blessings in the Name of the Lord Jesus! Then the next time I go in I paid attention and it happened again. Required fields are marked *. The spirit does seem stronger on my life now and I have a deeper sense of peace. 1 a : a loose sleeveless garment worn over other clothes : cloak b : a figurative cloak symbolizing preeminence or authority accepted the mantle of leadership 2 a : something that covers, enfolds, or envelops (see envelop sense 1) The ground was covered with a mantle of leaves. True prophets do not charge or take gifts for their prophesy, as this could persuade to speak the will of the people; instead of the will of God. Notice that one of the meanings is related to King Cyrus, who wasnt saved. Whether you like them or not. is the a possibility for the mantle 2 recover after it has been damaged or torn if that is possible? So you see there is something to this God save the Queen. For example: Subscribe to From His Presence! You may agree or disagree with the points I will make but Im going to back up all of it with scriptural references and I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments. Romans 13:1. Prophetic Word: New Mantles of Intercession - From His Presence She still needs to learn, train, serve , position herself so that when the time comes she can step into the role. Dr. James Henry Harris, Apostle Roger Collands, Apostle Amos Howard Sr., Bishop Randy Borders, Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Coach Jean Lloyd, and many more. People were delivered from so many demons that night. Therefore, I dont think that Losing your salvation is a correct term. Then over the next few months leading up to the pass over I had three dreams. For example, if you notice that youve been experiencing a prophetic download and it is something controversial, but you feel your bones aching and your heart wrenching from not publishing or writing or telling this prophetic download to the people God intends you to convey to, then you have been given the mantle of Jeremiah. This is a free school and you can find it here https://glorytogloryschool.com Blessings. 6 Levels of the Prophetic - Ralph Howe Ministries I recently left a church I attended for several years because the Lord began to open my eyes to the things that were going on. If they were like the Colossians or Laodiceans etc. When people preach about new sounds from heaven, think about this. Yes I have been called to the body of Christ to prepare her, and wake her out of her sleep. What you have seen of prophets are not necessarily what a prophet is. While both handled wealth, Solomon was the owner of what he had while Joseph was a distributor of what he had and he didn't own it. He said two things. If someone is in a position of power it is because God has placed them there despite who voted for who. It applies to the guardian function of the. Trust in The LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall [a]direct your paths, Proverbs 3:5-6. In Matthew 10:8 the Lord Jesus instructs His disciples to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. A mantle in the natural is a cloak or outer garment for covering the body. At the end of service, that man went on to do offering. I didnt understand what he meant by that and I didnt ask him to explain what he meant by that response to me. 1 Corinthians 5:12 (Amplified); What [business] of mine is it and what right have I to judge outsiders? The Bible says SUBMIT to worldly authority. Thank you for writing on this subject. What was a prophet in the Old Testament? | GotQuestions.org It also changed my perspective on this verse. The Lord blessed me in the prophetic and that spoke right to my heart Thank You! For any questions, please reach Julia at Julia.A.A.B.Ministries@gmail.com. Only one. As we know in the later chapters of 1 Kings and 2 Kings, Elisha received a similar anointing to Elijah, but of greater power. A prophet walks in a level of authority given to them by God for the purpose of "the edification of the body of Christ" . I thank the Lord for working and moving in your life. It was a story like all the other stories in the Bible. I to have been called I have been in training for sometime. I have carried out His instruction. Theres been nothing but destruction and chaos since because the anointed mantle holder is not currently in the office. JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. Once you know what your mantle is, ask God to show you where you need to serve and serve. There are people who have mantles of authority that dont wear an actual robe. Acts 2:43 NKJ; 2 Corinthians 12:12; Acts 5:12; Acts 19:11-12. "The prophet's cloak was a sign of the prophet's vocation . Read it. I saw a video on my feed and the title says Join ourLIVE Conference Call! I had to and I truly thank God for setting me free. The statement everyone in authority has been put there by GOD is erroneous and misleading. This is the 'adderet,' a cloak that could be made of animal hair and was a garment of distinction worn by kings and especially by prophets.The mantle automatically marked a man as a prophet, a spokesman of GOD. The Prophetic Mantle | James Bligen's Blog The Prophetic Perspective A podcast on Spotify for Podcasters May God bleease u sir, I love all u said mostly all to de glory of God in fact if not money problem i could hv asked u to send the mantle for me but my problem is dat i just passed out from bible college with ordination,am intrested. 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 (NKJV); I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people. It appears to have been his only garment, a strip of skin or leather binding it to his loins. I know that your post was not put on here today , but this is a todays word ! Prophetic Meanings Colors & Symbols - Flameflags However they are both similar and different in some ways. Then his final mantle was given when he became Prime Minister of Egypt (Genesis 41:42). When the Lord wants to accomplish something He will use whomever He chooses. The True Prophet p.51 XII. I was standing @ the entrance like I was walking down an aisle; there was a straight back chair @ the end and I said I have to carry this heavy thing way down there? and woke up; as soon as I awoke in my bed, I heard the words I want to place my mantle upon you I have never gotten an understanding. He had a cowardly attitude by lying to the Pharaoh about his wife and he could not trust God but made an Ishmael instead of waiting for his promised Isaac. It is clear in the Bible thAT NO ONE is in charge without God putting them there. You can watch some of our previous videos from church service, Prophecology, and more. The guys in the meat department at my supermarket dont like me, LOL. Gods people are blindly going around calling evil, Good and whats Good, evil (Isaiah 5:20). Therefore, if a prophet encounters a demonic spirit that he/she is unable to cast out, this means the demon out ranks them. My Prayer in the Battles, the Desert, The Fire! The mantle lies between Earth's dense, superheated core and its thin outer layer, the crust.The mantle is about 2,900 kilometers (1,802 miles) thick, and makes up a whopping 84 percent of Earth's total volume.. As Earth began to take shape about 4.5 billion years ago, iron and nickel quickly separated from other rocks and minerals . Bless you Daddy sir,help me for the work God please tell me what it may take. Thank you for reading this and sharing your blog the word you are receiving I testify as your brother it is from the Lord! Assume nothing, he has given us authority this is true..but the power is still Gods. How do I work around thatI know the voice of god it is very clear to me. In the pool, the prophetic mantle deals with a deeper prophetic anointing than simply operating with a spiritual gift. Even then God had a purpose and a plan for them being there. Saul was requested by the people and allowed by GOD and not everyone ascends to authority that way. She realizes that Gods call for her is to recognize His heart for the world for the glory of His Son, Jesus Christ. Some of the previous guests include Rev. Sence then I have been tryig to find the real meaning of the mantle and how to carry out the will of God with the mantle. If you have been a farm boy, cowherd, shepherd, or pet sitter as a kid, and singing and making music in your youth and God made you a pastor, director or CEO of a large organization such as a church or a company, then you have been given the mantle of David and so on. 12:13) The prophet is key to safety and security in life The prophetic mantle is key to prosperity of life and destiny (2Chron. I tried my best to recollect these dreams with great detail not leave out any detail. Only a true born/called prophet can do this. We must never operate from our own emotions or feelings, but strictly from the presence and power of All Mighty God. However, the not so good news is that the Bible wants to forewarn us the saints that with greatness comes responsibility. The work of the end-time church and for the blessing of His Beloved Israel will depend largely upon direction given by the prophets who are led by the Holy Spirit. Elijah & Elisha Part 8: THE PROPHETIC MANTLE | Pastor Todd Hudnall Salvation is not lost until someone dies outside of the will of the Lord. Before You Accept a Mantle, Understand What God Expects Zoe Ministries, Inc., Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan and Pastor Debra Jordan are not affiliated with MJM Ministries and/or Prophet Manasseh Jordan. As people who operate in the prophetic realm, we are often drawn to the biblical account of Elijah and the prophetic mantle. I honor the office and the carrier of the grace and the gift of God. Ive been using the word Mantle as an ultimate position so far but I want you to think about it as something that is progressive so that you will be able to determine where you are in your own process. Elijah was a prophet in Israel and Elisha was his student or . A mantle is a symbolic representation of the anointing. God has been moving me deeply in the prophetic in dreams, visions and words. So many think tithing give them a place in Heaven.
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