Absolutely loved this!! Many never leave it. He made shoes. I lived through that strike, my dad was in charge of security for Eastover, so I guess that made him the head gun thug to many. Its amazing how many of Moms students I still run into. They are my parents. I LOVE where i am from and am harlan county proud even when i dont have much to be proud of.lol. My Mom was a nurse at the hospital there (where I was born in 66). I called some place the other day, got an automated machine.your name, address, (Im sorryI didnt get that could you repeat that again. Charles Leonard Birmingham, AL. I made another U turn and started back toward Harlan at a much slower pace and was directed to take the Loyall turn off. I dont remember Chappells slogan, but I do remember: Thats what I saidBunny Bread! I also remember the 1st grade field trip to Chappells, Bunny Bread and Harlan Ice. Just found your blog while attempting to refresh my memory about the name of the theater, the Margie Grand, in Harlan. They say that when they see I use Scotch Tape, staples or safety pins to fix a hem in a pair of pants. I wanted more for my kids and wife. My mother moved to Harlan County from Pike County at around age 12 and never left except to attend college. IM RETIRED AND LIVE IN TN NOW BUT I GO BACK TO HARLAN ONCE OR TWICE A MONTH. Basil was a neighbor of ours when I was a kid, so I know he was real. Thanks for the article. My grandfather was from Island Creek, and my grandmother was from Harold. WebSeveral members stabbed a local sheriff when he dragged a woman violently off the road on 28 February 1974. Its quiet now. My Mom taught at Evarts from 1951 to 1980. Both my Grandfathers worked in the mines their younger years and I still have a 1st cousin working the mines. Very funny (and true). I need to work Watts Creek in to a future post, for sure. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); https://www.facebook.com/groups/WallinsCreekers/, http://www.kentuckytourism.com/places_to_stay/holiday-inn-express/73/, SoWhere Are You From? I, too, am from Harlan an outlander like yourself, and I was left laughing and shaking my head at all the things only people like us would know to be true I would love to include a link to this in my own blog, but I dont yet know how to do it, lol. I dont know exactly when died, but it was sometime in the 1980s. When attempting to explain to someone where I grew up it was easiest to say somewhere between Harlan and Hazard. I actually grew up on Beech Fork in Leslie County. The culture you describe in Harlan is very similar to Leadville-only the accents are different-except for my dadhe never lost his. My mom is from Cote (Evarts) I cant wait to read this to her! Pingback: Im Baaaackmaybe | Coal Troll's Blog, Loyall kid hereloved finding this. Of course you have to wash it all down with whole milk from Chappells Dairy! People may had been living on Government cheese when you grew up and the first may had been like a amusement park, but all that has changed. Then, I moved to Lexington, Kentucky and found out that I was pretty tough by Lexington standards. Harlan County, Kentucky You talked funny. Wayne brought u shea and ur mom n I think he took pictures. art halcomb. .I didnt think to ask them while they were alive. Grew up in Loyall. Harlan County, U.S.A. The Revealer I remember it seemed like every time my high school played Cawood there was a knife fight. Miss the trains. Doc Gray? And they didnt. Im not sure where you found this, but most folks realize that some of it is tongue-in-cheek. Harlan County, U.S.A. (1976) captures the story of strike conducted by the United Mine Workers of America Local Union in Harlan County, Kentucky. They deal with a drug problem that I cant imagine. I knew your father-in-law, and mother-in-law. Arthur died when his house burned a few yrs ago. Love the article. Mrs Abraham was my Home Ec teacher @Hall High. Loyallalso had a theaterthe Roadenuntil I was about 6 years old. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. I live across the mountains from Harlan in a little off the map place called Leatherwood in perry county. It would occasionally be condemned but re-open at some point. Publicado el marzo 4, 2023 por marzo 4, 2023 por Then it was quiet except when the trains ran, which seemed like every 15 minutes or so. I had to laugh at your reference to government cheese. It really was good stuff! http://www.kentuckytourism.com/places_to_stay/holiday-inn-express/73/ just saying. We once had a train full of nerve gas pass through Loyall. Inside the Harlan County Coal Miner Protest Rolling I JUST RAN ACROSS YOUR CONVERSATION AND THOUGHT I WOULD COMMENT ON HARLAN KY. My older brother and sister were both born at Lynch Hospital. They were pretty quick to tell you that they were from Harlan. What did he end up doing after the strikes? These folks are Harlan Countians, but they dont like it. I knew the Clarks well. And of course, I mean that in a funny, I`m laughing kind of way. Yes. I dont believe Ive ever been called a mooron before. Elected wives president by Lois. We werent eligible for cheese, either, but my Dad would get it anyway! Only if were talking to another Harlan Countian would we narrow the description to the town. I love your blog, it is a great read. She was stationed in Newport News, Virginia when the war ended. It was a movie experience like no other. Theyre usually the folks who dream of turning all of Eastern Kentucky into a massive tourist destination by having all the people who live there pack up and move. McCreary just has that Eastern Kentucky feel to it. WebHarlan County U.S.A. 8.2. Harlan County was fighting for the right to have a union. Were the last group thatcan openly derided. My cousin posted the link on Facebook and I have not been able to move till finishing the read. what happened to basil collins For many years now, Harlan has had a multi-screen cinema. I have got too much time and information invested in my research to keep up with to just ignore my research. Like anywhere else, you have to hope to you dont cross paths with the bad ones at the wrong time. SOMEONE MENTIONED SMITH. Your mother was my teacher at Hall High for four years. I was born in Pike County but grew up in Flatwoods in Greenup County. Weve been in the Lexington area since then, but we still say back home when we are talking about Neon and Jenkins. There are a lot of us spread over the country, but we still think of ourselves as being from Harlan. I have three amazing great-grandbabies. Unless you lived in the town of Harlan, you dont go to the city schoolsHarlan High Elementary and Harlan High School. 360NG - Basil Collins Harlan County Obituary - Facebook Justified portrays Harlan as a lawless frontier of wanton violence. Pingback: My Life in Harlan County | Williams Kilpatrick, PLLC. Thats pretty cool. I WAS BORN AND RAISED IN HARLAN,CO. WebWives leader, short black hair. Then we moved up on Park Hill in Loyall. He died in 1980 at age 63, and 42 years later his name is presented on the roads of Harlan. Girl fights were always the best. Crackin me up. Nothing will get a hard-working coal miner or school teacher fired up like a discussion about those drawing a check. Thats how it was when I was a kid, and it hasnt changed. Webcharity bell guilford county schools; did choi woo shik serve in the military; is impeachment an effective check on the president; joseph moran jr son of thelma ritter. Me, my brother and sister went to church every Sundaywe werent allowed to even go to the toilet until after church. Barbara Kopple Reflects ENJOYED YOUR ARTICLE, WOULDNT TRADE THE PLACE I GREW UP FOR ANY PLACE IN THE WORLD . now let me add to your story, Harlan has taken a step ferder, and now has a Huge new Comfort Inn Hotel.Yep, John this is LONZO, and we now have more southern hospitality hure..Come see us sometime. It rated right up there with his song about Jim and Tammy Baker, pretty good actually. WebHarlan County is a county located in southeastern Kentucky.As of the 2020 census, the population was 26,831. I instructed her to be on the lookout for a Harlan countian. My Mother married her high school sweethart Robert Kitts right before he left for the army as WWII started. This strike had only one death. This has been the driver to be obsessive about work and a career. On future blog give Watts Creek a mention. There arent running gun battles anymore like the famed Battle of Evarts many decades ago. What is Eastern Kentucky? We had our own post office, City Hall and fire station. Of course, it doesnt. Ben Joe Harris disarmed the guy so that it would be a fair fight. Still have a few family members there and many friends. Theres no future. Ive really enjoyed reading this article. The county is big, about 50 miles across, but sparsely populated. Harlan County Give me about 30 minutes, and its like I never left. We always found lots of mutual interest things to gab about. My great aunt Alafair lived there till she died and her beauty shop was still there, run by one of daughters the last time I was there. I was born and raised in Leslie County. How do we know they dont live in a ghetto. It has been both fascinating and sad as well to learn so much about the history, struggles, strength and resilience of the Harlan countians. I just know that by writing all this misinformation as if it were this day in time, you have disgraced and embarrassed your people, an you should be ashamed of yourself. In Atlanta, some of the New Yorkers that worked with me at the ad agency used to continually ask me where I was from just to hear me say it. I left a long time ago and went back to live there once for a few years. I have always considered Harlan my second home. I loved growing up there and go back frequently. My mother drove through Brookside to go to work every day, so I also know the strike was real. Maybe 700 or so now. Elliott County. I was raised over the mountain at Little Laurel. Loved Justified. How can I contact your Uncle Clarence E. to find out if he has any information to help with my research? Hi aurea, Ive helped ur grand paw make many many gallons of moonshine just over the hill from ur mom n dads house. Im sure they knew each other. filmboards.com - Basil Collins Paddling. I went back through my Ancestry.com files and I found 2: Clarence Leonard, born 24 May 1914, Walker County, AL and died 27 July 1985 at Corbin, KY, it shows he had no wife or children, and his father was John D. Leonard and his mother was Jeanette McKendrick Leonard. His name was Arthur Johnson, he was from Cumberland, but lived at Hes married married to one of my first cousins for many years. I dont know. preston and i have lived here in lexington since 1999. bu i consider loyall and that little house my adopted home. So you see, all of this rambling I have just done is to state the obvious because you have made us sound like we are backwoods, unlearned, in-bred no accounts. Bloody Harlan is just badass. I can relate to alot of it. I was born and raised in Harlan, KY a lil place called Sunshine. We knew Jimmy Meeks very well. LOL! One person wrote that people visiting here didnt have hotels or anywhere to stay unless they stayed with family. Change). First, there is a Holiday Express in Harlan, and a few other places to stay if you want to visit our town and county. We live in McCreary Co now, so still SEKY. Once you push too far north, you get out of the mountains, and we have to exclude you. We liked him! I grew up in this wonderful town, going for summers and Christmas in Atlanta. I have no information on a Clarence Leonard in our family tree. why dont u come back?i know why ,because it is to political and if your not a doctor or a lawyer or have plenty of money ,you aint shit yeah the mountains are nice and this is a beautiful place, but if you aint in the click you aint shit and thats the way it really is you just like the bloody harlan shit and it makes you look BADASS to tell people your from here .your a joke dude and quit livin off a place that you evidentally really no nothin about ..post this DUMBASS . Web8.what happened to basil collins kentucky Author: t4wkr.ac.th Post date: 22 yesterday Rating: 3 (1965 reviews) Highest rating: 4 Low rated: 1 Summary: January 30, 1868, Thanks. Sadly, they didnt seem to be doing well. We mourn with the family of Basil Collins for this great loss. Went to JACHS then moved to Indiana an I havent went home in a long time. She graduated from Cumberland High School. It was a thriving community in the 60s-70s. I get the isolation, and the coal mining( although Boyd , Greenup, and a lot of the others have had some minor strip mining now and then.) All thats left is the yard and that light. My Dad taught English there for a long time (Mr. Creech). Each letter she wrote me held the news. Pretty accurate for McCreary Co, as well. They might even live in Harlan, but it doesnt suit them. His name was Wiley Holmes. https://www.facebook.com/groups/WallinsCreekers/. Ive often heard that anywhere you go on Earth you can find someone from Harlan county. of life I have lived in Chicago, IL., Ypsilanti, MI., Charleston, W. Va., so I know all to well about the differences of living in Eastern KY & a big city. Its a kind of mountain street cred. Really enjoyed the read. I left first to attend Cumberland College, then only a two year school, and later was forced to leave and gravitate north for employment. Robertson County is the toughest to exclude. Sally Simonton. Everyone I knew (including my family) ate government cheesethe best cheese ever. U take car cuz. My great granny and grandpa lived in Harlan when they first married but moved to Leslie county. If its easy, theres nothing better. I appreciate all commentspositive and negative. Im proud of where Im from and yes my Daddy was a coal miner for a time. Im an outlander, living in Pulaski County. Harlan is not what it used to be and I would never want to live there again, but your blog awakened the beautiful memory of what it was. And Misty, April and I grew up together. The Chappells Dairy Slogan: It may be good and not be ours, but it cant be ours and not be good. 1. My name is Julie Crowder-Ward. My mother is Drena Crowder-Leonard. I remember your father well, especially his hair! It used to be called Klondike many years ago. When we went to high school, we identified as being from Loyallor Hall or Wallins. I am a faithful Kentucky Basketball fan and follow them year in and year out, through good and bad GO BIG BLUE.. Joseph "Jock" Yablonski. Lynch had a skating rink when I was a teenager. I think we overlapped at Cawood for a year. Regardless, they came back. Probably like 4th or 5th cousins. I was in Wallins Creeks all day Saturday visiting my niece and stayed at my Mothers in Rhea. Lots of good folks from across the mountain.. After 8 weeks or so the letter came with I found your Harlan countian!! Enjoyed the article. I would have loved to have had that McDonalds there when I was kid. Howdy, Bell county baby.We got the mountains here too. Glad that youre happy in whatever metro area you moved to. If you dont believe me, I just might have to kill you. If someone tells you that he or she is from Harlan, they could mean any town from Pathforkto Holmes Mill to Cumberland to Cranks. In Harlan County, tensions were high between the striking miners in Kentucky and the mine owners. Thanks for letting me rant. I wonder why they went to Harlan to get married. I think they graduated in the same class at Cawood. I was born in Pike Co. in 1960 and in my 53 yrs. Right now, its in a big down turn. Food stamps, too. We didnt all drink Mountain Dew as babies. My husband has worked in low coal where one had to crawl to get to your section. No worries. Were also the last of a breedand this applies to all of Appalachia. But today, thanks to my daughter and another pool company, there are more privately owned pools at homes, per average, than in Fayette County (Lexington). To add to my previous comment above, my other Grandfather was Elijah Depew (nicknamed Lidge? My Mom and grandparents are gone now but I have always continued to visit with relatives in Harlan every summer. I got away. Criterion Commentaries: Harlan County U.S.A. She agreed. Coming Down The Cumberland: History of the Maggard Family-- V. N. Bud Phillips 2. Basil Collins Harlan County I got cussed up and down over it! Were from coal mining stock. (LogOut/ Life in the mountains is easy or hardvery little in between. Been back very few times. I absolutely LOVE this! When Sheriff What Mountains besides the one on the border with Virginia, Black Mt.(?)? He was the hardest worker I have ever known. Geelong. Good memories there. Thanks. Someone told me that the best way to commit suicide was to stand around in Smith and act like youre counting money! We meet in Williamsburg, but I love going back to the Creek. 10 Big Documentaries They Dont Ever Want You To See inside lacrosse schedule; bradley county 911 active incidents; dodgers home run seats menu; what happened to brittany on the jeff kuhner show. I have been gone for 40 years I still have my Harlan Co accent and the kids have lost their Eastern Ky accent. We often visited Harlan as most of our relatives were there. My younger brother and I were born and raised in Dayton. I still get over through there for work sometimes. We like that its called Bloody Harlanby some folks even though that name is based upon events which occurred 70 years ago. I never got a straight story from my parents and possibly they didnt know why or what happened. The school closed. He told me if I stayed there I would either be an alcoholic, like him to survive, or I would end up dead. So if you have a iota of respect for you mom and dad, grandma and grandpa you will correct this mess and actually write something that isnt from fifty years ago. I graduated in 80. Im from Loyall. John, this is really good stuff! I plan to continue reading your blog. I told him apparently his computer didt speak Hillbilly.I am proud of my head of the holler rasin. I am also thankful for the brief time that I knew my grandmother on Turner Hill who taught me how to grow strawberries, to make jelly, string shuck beans, quilt, crochet. These are small town people just like in every small town. I am still Harlan County thru and thru. Oh, and that knife fight deal down there: I saw a big one at Hall once, in the yard in front of the school crazy watching the teachers try to break that one up. I am a brand new grandma and I am Mamaw to that beautiful baby. I even remember who it was, but lets let bygones be bygones. He was my English teacherand a good one at that. The good ones liked my Dad if not, oh well. I will say Harlan is a great place to be from, I would not want to raise my kids there because of all the struggles I went through, and all the people I knew while growing up there. I just tried a case in Illinois. I lived in Rio Vista until I was 12. We hiked deep into the woods for good sled trails in the winter. This excludes Boyd, Greenup, Lewis, etc. They dont say that because of my accent, since I only have one when I go back there. born and raised in harlan ky live in northern. Also, I find the surest way to know someone is from SEKY is after telling them where Im from they follow up with, do you know so-and-so? I love that. Oh, you might go to Garys Lounge and Roller Rink sometimes. Both our families are made up of longtime coal miners and school teachers. My parents were stalwarts. She always bought some, even though she was never sure if doing so was legal. So so sad to see that head of the Holler non existent now, all overgrown. No one from Harlan . Clarences family was pretty small. Mostly, we didnt do much, because there wasnt much to do. I have to say, I know of nobody named Lonzo. In that regard, Harlan is Small Town, USA. We outlanders like our Harlan roots. Outlander here Born at HARH, raised in Grays Knob- attended Hall Elementary and Junior High, JACHS and then got out to attend UK. A man that loved I loved living in Ages,Ky for the 2 years I was there!! In fact, I got up this morning with the intent or renewing my research. A convenient store replaced the gas station and stores. I respect ALL coal miners. We mispronounce light, fight, white and night. The other side was the Lounge, a long, narrow open room with a dance floor. Your dad was a really good teacher. Harlan County Cheese is the only thing the US government ever perfected. If so, let me know so I can fill any dates, places, names and information you may furnish to me. I have lived here all my life and even tho at times i feel like due to work i may have to leave, i doubt i ever could. That brings back fond memories. Our client was suing the City of Sandy Hook. 62 (10) 1 Playing statistics correct to the end of 1921. Background to the 1931-32 Strike - University of Kentucky I grew up here, went to school here and am still here by choice. We know at least one person whose mother was really their grandmother, and sister was their mother. My children are fascinated and perhaps slightly horrified that I grew up in Harlan. My Mom taught at SE Community College. Helped me so much when I worked there. I lived in Harlan for many years just ended up there one day and loved it and stayed I was not born or raised there just lived Place is wonderfull Im 25 so I would love to go back I call it home I feel home there I moved bout a year ago to Indiana. Like to have all the money I spent in those places back! If not, you should. I guarantee you that my Dad knew your father. Today, theres not much there for anyone, unfortunately. A rural county of 27,000, Harlan Countys average household income is about $29,000. Daughter has owned her own business in Harlan for thirty years. THIS is just funny. I was one of the Hensley girls that lived on the strawberry farm. Garys was a fun place. Im from graysknob, pine branch was were I lived till I was 17 then we moved to Putney. Spent many an evening in Tiny Joes!!!!!!! Im not from Kentucky saw this blog post through a friends facebook but Ive really enjoyed reading it and the comments! I am a badass.. No complaining here though. The vast majority of Harlan Countians are proud to be from Harlan. I am simultaneously entertained and offended. There are gun thugs in Harlan County, U.S.A., in particular a mean, squinty-eyed, jackal named Basil Collins, his pistol sticking out of his Dickies like a goofy cap Harlan County, Kentucky: Basil Collins miner foreman and leader/manager of the scabs confronts picketers with a 45 in his right pocket. Any of that sound familiar, Pingback: SoWhere Are You From? It well deserves its Academy Award, and 1990 inclusion in We also have accents, heavy mountain accentsthe kind that can be indecipherable even to natives of the area. Born and raised in Harlan, graduated from HHS in 1974, and UK in 78.went to work in Washington DC.talk about culture shock! My Dad used to talk about when they distributed commodity margarine. I have always been proud of being from Cawood in Harlan County. Oh, i think these shows are a joke, they couldnt do the truth,,, thank you, Lane. On this criterion, Robertson County would qualify, but again, its just too far north. (: Did you know Jo Alice Chitwood or Lance Johnson? Hollywood Bledsoe from the mouth of Cloverlick in HC, once wrote a song about Government Cheese. Her husband had been killed during the war. Sherry Jones Hall. Delivered babies at ARH back in 87 while doing my Family Practice residency at UK. Honestly, it took me years to adapt. These are the folks who stayed in Harlan. . Im sorry that I didnt do more to keep in closer touch with them both as we grew older. I was born in Harlan and I remember living there, but I didnt have the experience that my parents had (who were both born in Harlan County) since I didnt grow up there. So translation you perhaps do not have no prospect of progress which would mean you do have prospect of progress.. you are right few have paid you such complements. It was tough to find two functioning seats together. Thanks! I guess Ive waited too many years to ask, but it would be nice if someone knew of him or my other Grandfather Bill Randolph. Many who knew of the hair would be shocked to know he wears it pretty much buzzed these days. I too are from Harlan I left in Jan. 1975. Always. I love being from there. Raised up on Happy Top, Back Street and Creechs. We lived in Yancey when I was born, moved to Brookside, then moved to Evarts (Woods Mine Area) before moving to Walker County, AL. That is where my husband grew up. The people certainly are of Eastern Kentucky stripe, but they do lack isolation. Didnt know him well, but I remember him. Myself, Im from Loyall which is three miles from the town of Harlan. If you ever lived in Harlan you have been gone so long you dont know what the hell is going on. So please you out landing, loathing spectator, Keep your thoughts on the area you live in now, and the goings on there, we dont need or want you perspective of the people that actually live, work and die here. Like inner cities, there are generations locked into a poverty cycle. Have a cousin who lives in Evarts and cousins in middle KY. miners in this county AND other states. Basil Collins was Uncle Basil to us. Isolation. jack brock ha d 21 dogs and 21 kids, he got kill by a drunk man he was taking home that was about like the earth quake in los ang years ago it was bad , for those who know my grandpa honey bill saylor and my dad and my friend big al ,arnold lee saylor he was a damn good man i miss alot cause he is in all my boys alot i see him every day yours trunly ronnie gene saylor of molus ky aka molus hollow. Are we still allowed to be in Appalachia? The coal industry known for its boom and bust cycles was in a slump. My grandfolks, originally from Johnson Ct. lived up at the end of a holler. It was gray and you had to add the coloring to it. . That is certainly true, but I must say that those unfortunates (if thats what they are) are the in minority..