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Accessed 10-7-2016 at: http://newspaperarchive.com/us/kansas/lawrence/lawrence-journal-world/1979/11-29/page-2?tag, Aviation Safety Network. Weather conditions were deteriorating during Flight 2605's instrument approach. >10/31/1979 05:42 LOCATION: Mexico City, Mexico CARRIER: Western Air Lines FLIGHT: 605 AIRCRAFT: Douglas DC-10-10 REGISTRY: N903WA S/N: 46929 ABOARD: 88 FATAL: 72 GROUND: 1 DETAILS: The aircraft struck a vehicle after landing on a closed runway. Differing totals of ground injuries and fatalities were reported. Later sources, such as the NTSB, only reference the death of the truck driver on the ground. it would still give me a>sharp competitive edge against AirDisaster.Com for the general publicgenre.>I've spoken with a couple of my colleagues in the conspiracy kookarea, and>they've never heard of this. One second later, the crew tried to abort the landing and applied go-around power. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrm0YVEBE7USubscribe for new videos from @THINKcn : https://www.youtube.com/c/THINKcn/videos@THINKcn One second later the crew decided to abort the landing and applied go-around power. [9], 73 NTSB. On the morning of October 31, 1979 the jumbo jet was on final approach at Benito Juarez International Airport at Mexico City and things were about to go very wrong. That runway is closed to traffic, the correct one is 23-right. The control tower told Capt. The plane then impacted an Eastern Airlines service building north of both runways, 26 seconds after it had initially touched down. Probably nothing, but it could give me a competitive edge over Kilroy atAD.com. Maybe I can sell the story to Hard Copy. I can't really tell, though, as your other, Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message, Anyone have any info on this aircraft that crashed on Halloween, 1979? Yourconclusion??? 1979 Accidents. Montreal, Canada, ICAO, 1983, pp. This would bring total to 73. The DC-10 had descended below that altitude withoutreporting the runway, and the CVR indicated that none of the requiredaltitude callouts had been made. Panic ensued in the cockpit; Gilbert was heard screaming while Reichel urged him to "get it up." As Flight 2605 approached Mexico City International Airport, air traffic controllers cleared it for aninstrument approachusing the ILS of Runway 23L, with an expected landing runway of 23R. So who's really the gullible one here, Dan? Mexico City International Airport was forced to close to flights temporarily, and 2,000 people were reported to have traveled to the airport to view the crash site and wreckage on Friday, November 2. Rather, I sensed wonder that he was still alive. The aircraft touched down with the left main gear in the grass left of 23L and with the right main gear on the runway shoulder. Why? Accessed from Index for October 1979 at: http://www.ntsb.gov/_layouts/ntsb.aviation/brief.aspx?ev_id=34511&key=0, National Transportation Safety Board. 28 Nov 1979: Air New Zealand: 901: Confusion Over Runways Caused DC-10 Crash. Pharos-Tribune, Logansport, IN, 11-1-1979, p. 21. Props and jets from the good old days, Flight Decks The procedure is shown as a straight-in approach to an adjacent runway, as a circling approach to the sidestep runway, or as a note at the bottom of the chart giving ceiling and visibility minima. Seventy-two persons on board the aircraft and one person on the ground were killed in the accident. Survivor Tells of Crash. Pharos-Tribune, Logansport, IN, 11-1-1979, p. 21. The flight's first officer began to describe the ILS approach's missed approach procedure, a climb to 8,500 feet, in a "nonurgent, perfunctory manner" as the DC-10 became airborne. Western Airlines Flight 2605 was an international scheduled passenger flight fromLos Angeles, California, toMexico City,Mexico. used 2017 honda pioneer 1000 for sale; how to threaten someone and scare them Survivor Tells of Crash. Pharos-Tribune, Logansport, IN, 11-1-1979, p. The impact with the dump truck destroyed the right engine and took off a major portion of the right stabilizer. Thanks for sharing that link. Western Airlines Flight 2605, nicknamed the "Night Owl", was an international scheduled passenger flight from Los Angeles, California, to Mexico City, Mexico.On October 31, 1979, at 5:42 a.m. CST, the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 operating the flight crashed at Mexico City International Airport in fog after landing on a runway that was closed for maintenance. Captain Charles Gilbert was the pilot of Western Airlines Flight 2605 when it crashed at Benito Juarez International Airport in Mexico City on October 31, 1979. Approximately 3.3 seconds after the touch down and in a 10-11 degree nose up attitude, the right main gear collided with a dump truck loaded with 10 tons of earth. I decided long ago that since he did not>remember anything, I would not torture him by bringing him into the madness>that was my world. The Mexico centre had cleared the crew to approach Mexico City via Tepexpan, subsequently instructing the aircraft crew to change frequency to the control tower. Before that time not such manuver was ever recorded in the>Jepsen Maunal or anywhere else to any U.S. airline.">. I have no idea what they were thinking at that point, nor does anyone else IMO. The aircraft involved was a wide-body McDonnell Douglas DC-10, registered N903WA. Approximately 3.3 seconds after the touchdown and in a 10-11-degree nose-up attitude, the right main gear collided with a dump truck loaded with 10 tons of earth. Following are the names of 60 passengers and 11 crew members. Also notes: Two others, the truck driver and a night watchman died on the ground.. If you wish to view this informative episode you may contact me at. As of November 6, three people on board who had died had not yet been identified or claimed, and the coroner's office created face models of those victims to assist in identification. 23R was the open runway, 23L was closed for resurfacing. Accessed 10-5-2016 at: http://www.ntsb.gov/safety/safety-recs/recletters/A82_91_93.pdf, The Free Dictionary. Before that time not such manuver was everrecorded in the Jepsen Maunal or anywhere else to any U.S.airline", Sadly, the conditions, bad enough when I first landed there in 1957,continue each year to grow worse, with no end in sight except repeattragedies or halting flying. ASN Aircraft accident McDonnell Douglas DC-10-10 N903WA Mexico City [7] Nine of 11 crewmembers, 63 of 77 passengers died; thus 72 fatalities of the 88 aboard the plane. Aftermath: Wrong Runway Landing, Flying, Dec 1983, p. I realize that this entry is very late and it's quite long, but bear with me. [14] The AP presents a list of 88 persons aboard Western Airlines Flight 2606provided by the airline. Listed first are the names of 15 surviving passengers followed by the names of two surviving crew members. Pilots have been criticized for misinterpreting approach charts and approach procedures, with little consideration given to the operating environment in which the procedures and charts are used and the degree to which these procedures and charts themselves may be conducive to error. Letter to FAA. Aircraft Accident Digest No. Nathan Diller, USA TODAY. Saddest RECORDING -Western Airlines Flight 2605 Cockpit Voice Recorder ( CVR). Mexico City International Airport has two runways: Runway 23 Left (23L), and Runway 23 Right (23R). (You young folks will have to Google her.) I know that neither of those>approaches are in Jeppesen Manuals - at least not the ones I have ->nor are they in the NOS plates.>>KRC>, >Well KRC, this person (who calls himself Eduardo Valenciana, BTW) is making>other oddball and presumably untrue statments like>>"the other crew member is F/A Donald Richards whom I pulled out of the>wreckage. 2-7.[12]. The moron>obviously doesn't know much about aviation, as it's a Jeppesen Manual,>not Jepsen. The first officer began to describe the ILS approach's missed-approach procedure, a climb to 8,500 feet, in a "nonurgent, perfunctory manner" as the DC-10 once again became airborne. Accessed 10-5-2016 at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Airlines_Flight_2605. Investigators probe DC-10 crash site. The Daily Herald, IL, 11-2-1979, p. Moderators: richierich, ua900, PanAm_DC10, hOMSaR, Military Aircraft Accessed 10-6-2016 at: http://newspaperarchive.com/us/indiana/logansport/logansport-pharos-tribune/1979/11-01/page-21?tag, Wikipedia. ", A further investigation was executed by the Air Line Pilots Association, and its results were summarized in the December 1983 issue of Flying magazine. On October 31, 1979, the flight departed Los Angeles International Airport at 1:40 a.m. PST (UTC08:00), and was scheduled to land well before sunrise in Mexico City. Survivors reported that large pieces of the building continued to fall onto the wreckage of the aircraft several minutes after the crash as rescuers arrived on the scene. I spoke to Chip while he was recovering in the hospital after the crash, and he remembered very little, only a few snippets about his personal experiences. What Happened to Flight 2605?" Factsbe damned! While there may be more dangerousinternational airports, BJ makes the short list of horrors.-- TMOliver, el pelon sinverguenzaFrom a small observatory overlooking McLennan Crossing, - VESPER ADEST IUVENES CONSURGITE - Catullus. I can't really tell, though, as your other>posts about this guy didn't show up on my server, so I don't know the>whole of his story. N903WA, the aircraft involved, two years prior to the crash. Ask?..No, it was not pilot error.". I have never heard of landing a heavy half off the runway like this, but if it happened, you'd have your hands full salvaging the situation even with no obstructions. Last I heard, he is an F/A for Delta in Portland,">>Donald Richards died on board. He remembers nothing. The controller also points out that the>aircraft is left of the assigned runway, which the crew merely>acknowledges but does not explain or say that it will correct. Then at a speed of 130 knots the aircraft's main landing gear touched down, left gear on the grass left of runway 23L and right gear on the runway shoulder, producing a force greater than 2 g's. Washington, DC: NTSB, File 1-0026, no date. Upon entering the runway, theWAL crew went to full power and initiated a go-around. On October 31, 1979, at 5:42 a.m. CST, the aircraft used for the flight, a McDonnell Douglas DC-10, crashed at Mexico City International Airport in fog, after landing on a runway closed for maintenance. I don't think even the gullible publicwould believe that one. Navigation error blamed in Antarctic crash. Lawrence Journal-World, 11-29-79, p2.[5]. Page 10", "Hallaron Otro Cadver Entre Restos del DC-10", "No Han Sido Reclamadas 3 Vctimas del Avianazo", "Cuatro Meses Para Conocer Causa del Accidente Areo", Complete passenger and crew list, with nationalities where known (newspapers.com), WA 2605, a 35 aos del peor accidente areo en la Ciudad de Mxico, Pakistan International Airlines Flight 740, Airliner accidents and incidents involving fog, Accidents and incidents involving the McDonnell Douglas DC-10, Airliner accidents and incidents involving ground collisions, Crashed into construction equipment during landing on a closed runway, 3 passengers in intensive care at American British Cowdray Hospital, 9 passengers in satisfactory condition at American British Cowdray Hospital, 5 passengers already released from other hospitals after first-aid treatment. Whittier, Los Angeles County, California, USA. [2], 75 UPI, Mexico. Western Airlines 2605 CVR Transcript - Cockpit Voice Recorder Database 1979 Western Airlines 2605 information? - PPRuNe Forums >>> Dowload HERE the full NTSB CVR Transcript <<<. The aircraft banked to the right until it struck the left wing struck the cab of an excavator, 1500 m from the runway threshold, continued and crashed into a building and caught fire. At the time of the accident, runway 23L had fullinstrument approachequipment, including anInstrument Landing System (ILS), while Runway 23R did not. NTSB Safety Recommendation(s) A-82-91 through -93: .On October 31, 1979, a Western Airlines, Inc., DC-10-10, crashed while making an instrument landing system (ILS) approach to the Mexico City International Airport. NTSB Identification: DCA80RA003, Aircraft: Douglas DC-10. This turned out more informative than I would have imagined. Here's a scan of an article from Flying Magazine, the occasion being ALPA investigation into this crash (article begins on page 100, also at one point it breaks and continues after several pages of classified ads): Just as a point of interest, C Gilbert the Capt had was a Marine in the Pacific during WWll. 26 1979 Accidents, No. Western Airlines Flight 2605 - Wikipedia Accessed 10-7-2016 at: http://newspaperarchive.com/us/kansas/hutchinson/hutchinson-news/1979/12-15?tag, United Press International, Mexico City. His humility would keep him from saying it, but I found his actions to be courageous. DC-10 crash: Another black eye for manufacturer. 11-29-1979, 40. western airlines flight 2605 passenger list This pushed us apart. Western 2605 In MEX - New Pics - Airliners.net "Eduardo" perfectly fits my definition of a complete mental case. Capt Charles B "Charlie" Gilbert (1926-1979) - Find a Grave The Douglas DC10, even before 1979 suffered multiple hull loses and even for a time, held the accolade of being the aircraft involved in the deadliest air disaster to have occurred at that time.. [failed verification] The sky was quite dark, as twilight had only started five minutes before the crash, and ground fog obscured the runway. western airlines flight 2605 passenger listoffice furniture liquidators chicago June 14th, 2022 mazda 3 2021 bose sound system Accident descriptionWednesday 31 October 1979. One of the flight attendants survived and is still flying for. Flight 2605 remains the deadliest air accident to have occurred in Mexico City. Sixty-one passengers and 11 crewmembers were fatally injured [72]; 13 passengers and 2 crewmembers were seriously injured [15];[19] and one person on the ground was fatally injured. The Safety Board believes that a separate instrument approach chart is needed for the 33 airport runways that utilize the sidestep maneuver in the United States. The day of the accident, the status of the persons on board Flight 2605 was reported: One more passenger died of his injuries at American British Cowdray Hospital on November 18, bringing the total fatality count of passengers and crew to 72. 2605 - Wikipedia Sadly there was a truck loaded with dirt doing some maintainace work and the gear hit this truck ripping ripping the right wing. Some airlines are required to rebook you on the next available flight, and some may even allow you to . The data obtained from the aircrafts flight recorder shows that the crew was making an instrument approach. The event is the third-deadliest aviation accident on Mexican soil after the crashes of two Boeing 727s: the 1969 crash of Mexicana de Aviacin Flight 704 and that of Mexicana de Aviacin Flight 940 in 1986. I also hear GA aircraft doing them all>the time at Tulsa International when 36 is the active. It was not the control towers fault.. [18] The investigation revealed that both pilots knew that runway 23L was closed and that each had landed aircraft at the airport while the runway was closed. Safety Recommendation(s) A-80-59 and -60. Yes they didn't make the sidestep to the active runway but they didn't even land on the closed runway, instead contacting the ground with one main gear off the runway in the grass. The crash was one of three fatal DC-10 accidents in 1979 and occurred just over five months after the crash of American Airlines Flight 191 at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport and less than a month before the crash of Air New Zealand Flight 901 on Mount Erebus in Antarctica. The impact completely destroyed the cab The aircraft continued, veering to the right and increasing its bank angle towards that side until the right wing tip was scraping Taxiway A, leaving a deep score in the pavement. NTSB Identification: DCA80RA003, Aircraft: Douglas DC-10. 63 of the 77passengers and 9 of the 11 crew were killed. I was a Western Airlines FA during the time of the WAL 2605 crash, and I flew many times to Mexico City without any incidents or concerns with the three pilots who died on WAL 2605. 10 Worst U.S. Airports For Flight Cancellations This Week Airliners.net is the leading community for discovering and sharing high-quality aviation photography. AIRLINE: FLIGHT : 07 Jul 1962: Alitalia: 771: Unable to make out your last message, will you please repeat : 07 May 1964: Pacific Air Lines: 773: Skipper's shot! how many separate units in the building renters insurance; cafe de marco twilight specials menu. The approach lights are on runway 23-left. Western Airlines officials said 72 of the 88 people on board flight 2605 from Los Angeles and two people on the ground died in the Wednesday crash the fourth fatal DC-10 accident in the last six years. While the ALPA report conceded that the pilots had landed on the wrong runway in the face of published minimums, it criticized the Mexican accident report as being of "inadequate depth and detail" and containing "significant errors.". The bank angle continued to increase to the point that the right wing began to cut into the ground and taxiways next to the closed runway. Even if this person's story is complete bull shit, it would still give me asharp competitive edge against AirDisaster.Com for the general public genre.I've spoken with a couple of my colleagues in the conspiracy kook area, andthey've never heard of this. Further, it indicated that landing on the closed 23L required only that the crew continue their current flight path, which was a straight-in ILS approach to 23L. Three seconds before the collision with the truck the engine throttles were opened. Linked below is the website created by Eduardo Valenciana, one of two surviving f/a's. The collision occurred under these conditions and in spite of the violence of the impact the aircraft remained airborne and flew on, although lift was precarious due to the loss on the right side of the tailplane complete with elevator and the inner section of the wing flap. On October 31, 1979, the aircraft used for the flight, a McDonnell Douglas. Western Airlines 2605 is a crash that sticks out in my mind as one of the most mysterious accidents of all time, as comparatively little about the accident itself has been released to the public. A missed approach had been initiated. One person on the ground was fatally injured. [7] Reply 25th Jan 2014, 08:03 # 8 ( permalink) Newforest2 Join Date: Feb 2008 Location: Germany Posts: 552 Likes: 0 Received 0 Likes on 0 Posts Wikipedia. Every type from fighters to helicopters from air forces around the globe, Classic Airliners Pictures of great freighter aircraft, Government Aircraft Accident description31 October 1979Western Air Lines.[7], 73 Garrison, Peter. Before today, I've only seen one black and white picture from above of what remained of the crushed DC-10. No Han Sido Reclamadas 3 Victimas del Avianazo. El Informador, Retrieved 2016-05-05., [16] A U.S. Embassy spokesman said 26 of the dead and five of the 16 survivors were Americans.. The aircraft did not enter the runway until it had travelled some 100 m According to the flight recorder data and the wheel traces at the site of the accident, the crew re-applied power for the go-around procedure and lifted the aircraft nose by 10-11. Thirty days>After the>crash, the FAA went to Mexico and along side La Officina De Navagacion>Espacio Mexicana, developed a side step manuver for U.S. pilots into Benito>Juarez Airport. 11-1-1979, A12. Safety Recommendation(s) A-82-91 through -93. The plane entered afog bank at about 800' and began to deviate left of the ILS track.The plane actually touched down in the grass to the left of 23L andentered the runway shortly thereafter. I'm not surprised you have no info.a cover-up is just that. Jumpseat: A Tale of Twisted Fate Kindle Edition - amazon.com Probable Cause: Non-compliance with the meteorological minima for the approach procedure, as cleared; failure to comply with the aircrafts operating procedures during the approach phase, and landing on a runway closed to traffic.[17], ICAO: Synopsis. John Mazor wrote in message <7gn32l$ua$1@autumn.news.rcn.net> John Mazor wrote in message <7gnkn0$2go$1@autumn.news.rcn.net> Donald Richards died in the crash. The probable cause of the accident was determined as: "Non-compliance with the meteorological minima for the approach procedure, as cleared; failure to comply with the aircraft's operating procedures during the approach phase, and landing on a runway closed to traffic. Accident details Mexico City International Airport has two runways: Runway 23 Left (23L), and Runway 23 Right (23R). We were close, but when the companyparaded us around the system in a "dog & pony show," other crew members werequick to cataterize us as "hero" and "the one that got pulled out." DC-10 crash: Another black eye for manufacturer. Kenosha News, WI, 10-29-1979, p. 40. I've never seen pics from this crash at allamazing how much wreckage there is! Last words - Plane Crash Info With the Spaceship layout, the aircraft had 46 first class seats and 193 coach seats. Deadliest American Disasters and Large-Loss-of-Life Events, (10 or more lives lost with notable exceptions), 1979 Oct 31, Western Airlines Flight 2605 crash, Mexico City Int. He remembers nothing. Flight 2605 was piloted by Captain Charles Gilbert, First Officer Ernst Reichel, and Flight Engineer Dan Walsh. It is more accurate to say they descended in a complete daze with no situational awareness let alone radalt callouts, and happened to impact the ground near (but not really on) the closed runway. Sidebar on Nationality and On board fatalities. Washington, DC: NTSB, 8-18-1982. The crew then attempted to abort the landing, and the DC-10 became. One of the passengers, Ken Lucoff, was an ABC field producer who covered the American Airlines 191 crash at O'Hare in Chicago. 2. [13] Notes 11 crew deaths and 2 crew minor/no injuries; 61 passenger fatalities, 13 serious injured and 2 with minor/no injuries. Not a pilot. 40th anniversary of Western 2605 - Airliners.net These charts should clearly indicate the airport approach plan view, the profile view, and the landing minima required. I found a site which recently added some pictures I've never seen, as of November 11, 2014. Both military and civil versions, Blimps / Airships Non-compliance with the meteorological minima for the approach procedure, as cleared. :108. My recollection is that the crew did not survive - but I am unsure on thatitem. [8] Fatality number refers to 73 passenger and crew deaths and the driver of the dump truck, while noting There were an undisclosed number of casualties among ground personnel, including, needless to say, the driver of thetruck. Editorial at the end notes: This article is based on the Air Line Pilots Associations [ALPA] report of the accident and is intended to bring the issues raised by that report to the attention of our readers. Thus a pilot point of view is being brought to an understanding of this accident. Accessed 10-6-2016 at: http://newspaperarchive.com/us/illinois/arlington-heights/daily-herald-suburban-chicago/1979/11-02/page-38?tag, United Press International, Mexico City. On the flight, Eddy and Chip sat in the aft FA seats. I can't attest to his written accounts regarding the crash (in July 2018, he released a new book about the crash called "Jumpseat, A Tale of Twisted Fate," which I have not read. :102, The damaged aircraft, still airborne with takeoff thrust engaged, began to roll to the right. NW NY (42) 102. It was painted with Western Airlines's "DC-10 Spaceship" livery. In the accident case, the Mexico City chart for runway 23 right contained only ceiling and visibility minima.

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western airlines flight 2605 passenger list