Luka starts by apologizing if his father was being too much of a snoop but that they just needed to be careful. Bonnie threatens to kill them both if Elijah doesn't slay Klaus, adding that she doesn't care if she dies. Matt says to Vicki goodbye and Vicky vanishes. She does as she's instructed sees Damon's spirit. He refuses and she breaks the guitar and stabs him, forcing him out of her mind. Damon enters the store once more to get a drink and hears chips crunching somewhere, Damon follows his ears to a guy sitting on a chair inside the store, eating Pork Rinds. When Carol Lockwood complains about the unlit candles in the uncrowded room and the waiter goes to get the matches from the kitchen, Bonnie amazes herself by lighting one and the one lite candle lighting the unlit candles and the lights with her powers. Bonnie and Damon later argue, and Bonnie says, "Is that what you want? View Mobile Site Bonnie tries to stop Stefan from entering the tomb knowing that he would not be able to come back out. Telling him that she has decided not to be sad, hanging on to her good memories and their time together. After Markos violently tore his way out of the Other Side with the help of the Travelers, it began falling apart. He watches her as she her nose begins to bleed as her recent reclamation of magic and the spell performed took its toll on her. Bonnie enters the bathroom and suddenly the door shuts after her. Outside he embraces her and they share a deeply passionate kiss. You know I would send you 300 e-mails back if I could. It appears one of Klaus's hybrids compelled Jamie to kill himself if they don't tell the location of the coffins. Bonnie and Abby enter the mansion for protection. Back at the Mystic Grill, Caroline spots Bonnie and asks her about the necklace. Once inside, she hears the whispers of the ancient witches pulling her towards the cellar. Bonnie comes to Shane and tells him that she doesn't see a spell in Jeremy's tattoos, after studying them. He obliges and she chants a spell - "Phesmatos Incendia" and the floors ignite into flames that Bonnie manipulates to encircle Kai. The wax, the guitar wire, how the bodies were displayed in the slaughterhouse, and the abnormal control they is being displayed over Damon and Enzo; she discovers they are all connected to the story he told her; they are about the mythological Sirens. Klaus is more than willing to let Bonnie die - but Caroline can't stand for that and rushes forward, stealing the head witch's dagger and turning it on her. I have two broken toes, nine blisters, and an ear infection, but I don't care. She asks Jeremy to be her date, but Jeremy would like to just skip this event and spend time with her. When Bonnie becomes a supernatural huntress during the seventh season, this strains their friendship a bit. Unbeknownst to her, Jeremy has followed her, after telling Kai to stay in the dining room. Later on, as Bonnie and Enzo get ready to head on back to Mystic Falls, the Traveler Enzo spoke about finally shows up. Bonnie threw a snowball at Elena and also revealed that her father is taking her on a trip and that she'd miss Christmas with her friends, so Elena revealed that she was going to convince her parents to let Bonnie stay for the holidays as they've never spent a holiday apart from each other. He wants her to embrace it becasue that is her source of power. Seeing that she is scared, Stefan reassures her that it will never happen since Emily destroyed the crystal. Before she has a chance to reach for the necklace, she awakens and discovers she is in her bed. The only ones who can see her are Jeremy and Matt due to their gifts of being a medium. At the Lockwood's, Bonnie confronts Damon and tells him that if he makes one wrong move, she will take him out. Bonnie Sheila Bennett is a very powerful witch and one of the main female characters of The Vampire Diaries.While she filled the role of counselor and confidante to all of her friends, Bonnie is a feisty, yet empathetic witch, who discovered her powers just in time to help out her family and friends. Abby soothes her daughter, telling her that she's failed as a mother, but she wont let her destroy herself. She assumes that it's a signal that only witches can hear because Alaric also mentioned to hear that the twins could hear it as well. Bonnie was an optimistic person who always chose to see the positive in things. In Man on Fire, Bonnie is first seen with Elena and Stefan in the morning in the bar as the three studies together. While there, she sees the Aurora Borealis in the sky and finds a cabin in the woods that has been recently inhabited. She continues to pressure her, bringing her vampire side to lose control. I intend to be your last. Luka gets in Bonnie's face and demands to know what had happened to him. At Sarah's apartment, Enzo and Sarah are surprised to find Stefan and Caroline. Later, as she's hastily packing, Enzo approaches her, angry that she didn't tell him anything about the fact that she lied and that there's no spell. Stefan though eye-contacts Bonnie and she under his request grabs Elena and brings her back to life,much to her dismay. Elena and Damon also ask for Bonnie's help about the lost memories of Stefan. Inside, Jeremy reveals that he thinks he's found a spell that might help and decides to ask Stefan to bring Johnathan Gilbert's journals for more information. However, once Bonnie is saved, they go back to being friends as if nothing happened. She reveals that she wants to know what makes Bonnie was special, the hold she has over both Enzo and particularly Damon. There, she meets Alex St. John, where she provides Bonnie with information to Rayna's creation and the Everlastings. Later, Alaric calls Jeremy, who is at the Gone With The Wind screening with Bonnie and Caroline. Damon grabs Elena and takes her in as leverage. Bonnie is sitting in on the floor surrounded by a circle of lit white candles and chants a spell. Despite Graham's smaller role than . As they do, Bonnie warns them to get back to her as soon as possible. She calls Caroline and asks if they can talk over breakfast, that she needs advice about Enzo. Jeremy tells her that being able to see her and hear her is not enough anymore. ], Elena: "No, no, no, I can't. Shane/Silas then tells Bonnie that Silas can help her bring back Jeremy. Bonnie begins her spell and he falls unconscious as his heart begins to stop. Caroline hears something down in the cellar, and she and Bonnie come to find Sybil chained to the wall. Not having a chance though because they are soon joined by Luka. Every inch of this house is filled with memories of the people that I love that have died-- my mom, my dad, Jeremy, Jenna and Alaric, John, even John. Within the car they find a silver shortsword where the tip comes to the shape of an X. Bonnie recognizes the sowrd's mark from her visions and wants to take it for research though Enzo does not let her. Enzo explains that it was Sybil and she is attacking his mind. Bonnie, Caroline and Stefan are then making their way to Raleigh, North Caroline in hopes to save Sarah before Damon and Enzo reaches her first. As she is leaving, Armory agents have entered the dorm's common area, guns at the ready to tranquilize her. She then asks Bonnie if it is she who did the spell because she is a witch. Eye color Caroline and Elena arrive, realizing that she's back and hug her. Bonnie hands off a dress to her as she inquires about how Paris was and how Enzo was doing. #werewolves Sybil asks Bonnie if she is powerless, though reminds her that she has all the power to make the choice. After Grams and Bonnie opened the tomb, Grams lied down in exhaustion. #katherinepierce After the Other Side starts to suck lost supernatural souls into oblivion, Sheila mentions how proud she is to have the opportunity to watch Bonnie grow. Stefan is previously recovered and snaps Enzo's neck. Bonnie chants a spell and Emily ends up possessing her body and Stefan asks how to heal a Werewolf Bite. "It's true, Elena. In Masquerade, Bonnie shows up at the Salvatore house to help out with trapping and destroying Katherine. This intrigues Sybil and wants Bonnie to choose; Damon or Enzo, one will live and the other will die. She fears that she's opened Pandora's box and takes back the Phoenix stone from Alaric to figure out the magic involved in the spell. Enzo smiles and continues to watch fondly over her. Of course. The next day, Bonnie and Elena have a conversation in the kitchen which starts with Alaric and ends with Elena apologizing about Abby. He takes her by the hand and they vanish, as Bonnie is revived by Caroline's blood. Enzo tries to rationalize the situation, they both did horrible things as servants to Arcadius, that they've taken so many lives. Well, what are we gonna say? Elena tells her it's wrong, but Bonnie tells her she is ready. Kai claims that he knew Bonnie would come back as she always does "all thirteen times" and that he knew with the right motivation Bonnie would be able to reactivate her magic powers, though he admits that he did worry that Damon had pushed her too far this time round, but he guesses that's how Bonnie and Damon show their love. Bonnie uses magic against Klaus. Bonnie is noted for having many heroine tendencies, such as being very compassionate, empathetic, helpful, and very selfless (to the point of martyrdom). Both start crying as Grams walks off into the light, finding her peace and leaving the crumbling dimension behind. She picks the Ascendant up and holds it out to him, but he doesn't take it and turns back to her spell after he leaves. She also reassured Bonnie that she would see her again. Bonnie sits down next to the car, where she begins to record a suicide video to Damon, Elena, or whoever else may find the camcorder. So Im gonna die? He asks her how much power she will need to kill an Original and Bonnie tells him that she needs all of it. She's confused with this revelation that, if he's not in hell where is he. Bonnie screams 'this isn't real' and shoves him off and runs to her dorm. They decide to do manicures and Caroline goes into Bonnie's bag to get the kit out. He follows up with another question: "why not forgive Stefan?" Bonnie insisted that she didn't need help, but Rudy said that the fact that she thinks she didn't need help only meant that she needed help even more. Physically, Bonnie is a very beautiful and attractive young woman. In Catch Me If You Can, Shane is teaching Bonnie how to control all of her power until they are interrupted by Sheriff Forbes, who arrests Shane for connection with the death of the Town Council. Sheila tells Bonnie that Jeremy's death was the will of Nature. Just before Elena drinks it, Bonnie asks Elena for a sip. She promises Jeremy that she will be right behind him. The woman was a witch but is doing fine on the other side since Bonnie helped her transition over. Seline suggests a compromise, she has a piece (the bell) and they have a piece (the tuning fork) and that she's trying to make amends. Caroline then asks what is she doing down here Bonnie then tells Caroline that she is waiting for Qetsiyah. He tells her his mom has the cure and if she doesn't get the Ascendant from Damon, she's going to destroy it. Bonnie was devastated and took a few weeks off from school after her funeral. Bonnie, however, uses Expression on him, causing balloons to pop and lockers to open, leaving Bonnie for a chance to escape. During the sance, the threesome starts to get scared when a breeze blows through and the candles begin to flicker. Later in the episode, Elena asks Bonnie to cast a spell to hold Alaric's murderous instincts in. With Caroline's help, Stefan and Bonnie eventually locate an abandoned slaughterhouse a few miles away from the recent crime scene. As the huntress, Bonnie could no longer use magic, most likely due to the huntress blood's effect on witches. Bonnie is overcome with joy as, similar to Caroline, this is the first time since she's seen her Grams since she found peace and saved her from the collapse of the Other Side. Bonnie arrives home safe, happy to see Sheila. However, she tells him that he doesn't and she's using a dark object on loan from the Armory: The Flame of Imprisonment. Telling him to go away, Bonnie walks off. Back to where they first entered the prison world, Bonnie again slices her palm of her hand on the ascendant and casts the spell to send herself, Elena, Damon and Lily back to the boarding house. She relates to Rayna but then asks Rayna why she's giving her life to save her own. They struggle and attack each other, Enzo barely fending her off. 350. Sometime later, Stefan successfully frees Damon and, that night, he comes to speak to Bonnie. Bonnie prepares to destroy the Ascendant. That is when they figure out that they're constantly reliving the same day. He's thrilled and he grabs her and spins her around by the race while he happily kisses her. Bonnie asks her father for a few moments alone with Shane, which he accepts. Qetsiyah made Silas immortal and when she found out he made his lover immortal and not her, she freaked and killed his lover. Bonnie, Caroline, and Sybil drive towards Mystic Fall High School, where the battle will take place. Bonnie replies to him "This is what happens when you make enemies, Enzo. She is sitting with her mother while she goes through the transformation. Caroline and Elena are happy about the resurrection of Bonnie. In Unpleasantville, Bored with the dance, Bonnie and Caroline decide to go to the Mystic Grill. Enzo appears and Bonnie quickly embraces him. Bonnie says that she doesn't care about herself, but the ones close to her who are over there. When Jeremy puts his hand on Bonnie's neck, they both can feel it and realize the spell has worked and Bonnie has become the Anchor. Enzo goes on to tell her that the more specific he is, the more she can key in on him. Bonnie/Emily leaves and not knowing what to do, Elena calls Stefan. At school, Elena tells her that Jeremy has been compelled by Damon to leave town and is shocked. Liv then explains how she was the easiest to get to.Bonnie suddenly asks if anything can be done about the other side to which Liv responds rather cruelly, referring to Bonnie's impending destruction. When Bonnie learns of this Damon's deal, she is furious, berating his deal with the Armory as she doesn't trust them and what's in the vault. Alaric, still wanted to use the stone to bring back Jo lies to Bonnie again, telling her that the Stone is gone. Having been a cheerleader, Bonnie has a slim yet athletic figure. What if it could be ours?" Luka, of course, feels differently, considering he woke up in the men's bathroom. She gasps and puts Jo into a choke-hold into the wall and before she feeds on her, Jo tells her she's pregnant and then she leaves. Enzo questions where she's going, and she admits she doesn't know, but she has too. After saving Bonnie, their friendship is almost immediately restored as they begin tracking down the Armory's monster and Damon and Enzo. Concerned, she asks Alaric again, "you did destroy it like you promised me, correct?" Not understanding what he's talking about, Luka shows her a little trick he can do with the salt. When they say their goodbyes, Bonnie tells Elena that she's sorry. She tells him that Enzo has it and he releases her, giving her a chance to escape. Fearing for Bonnie, Elena yells for Bonnie not to leave. Caroline stands back in horror as each witch slowly falls to the ground, dead. However, Bonnie eventually comes to accept vampires and vampirism and even helps them and befriends them (as both her best friends Elena and Caroline are vampires), although vampires and witches are known to be natural enemies. Her, Kai, Damon and Elena prepare to go to the prison world. They continue to discuss how they will defeat Katherine and they suggest making a dagger like was forged for Cade. Watching on, Damon tells Stefan that Katherine never compelled him to love her. . She is later seen with him, explaining, and lying both to herself as well as him that Liv can help her through a spell. Bonnie is determined to get Enzo far away as she can though Enzo continues to scream in pain as Sybil calls him back to her. She then reveals that she lost someone she loved and would do anything she could to take it back, but she can't, that all she can do is to find a way to live with what happened. She's still linked to Elena and expresses that she wouldn't want to jeopardize her friend's life. So what am I supposed to-- I mean, how am I gonna-- I can't even-- There's nothing left for me-- aah! In Rescue Me, Bonnie is first seen at the campus, in the living room, studying and talking to Elena about Damon. After talking to Alex, and learning that the Armory has taken Caroline and Alaric, Bonnie decides to open the vault for them. Unfortunately, they fail and Bonnie remains optimistic about coming back and assures Jeremy. She tells him it wasn't for him, though he asks for a tour of every single room. Horrified, Nora attacks Bonnie, siphoning her magic until she collapses. Bonnie says she doesn't want to rub it in Elena's face on their first day in the dorm room and Jeremy then offers to take her back to his place. SELINE: When that bell rings 12 times, the the hellfire it unleashes, wipes out everything for miles. After Sybil leaves, she makes her way to the girl, though Enzo surprises her and grabs her by the arm, telling her to be easy and that he told her to wait for backup. Bonnie asks if he is a witch but he admits he is a warlock. She comforts her by telling her that he wouldn't want her to suffer and that she needs to let he go. Bonnie attempts to revive him but it doesn't work. Shelia begins the spell and asks Bonnie to concentrate with her, as she takes her grandmother's hands, the candle flame intensifies. Flashing back to the past, Bonnie finds an excerpt from Virginia's diary that she knew Lucy and a bill from the Mental Health Hospital. If believes that if he's attempting to reach her, there has to be a way to answer, though Abby tells her that there's not a way, that the Other Side is gone and they both do not have their magic. Only humans will be allowed out. Instead, they kissed. Bonnie crosses the threshold and embraces her mother in a heartfelt hug. Bonnie collapses to the floor, unconscious, and seemingly dying. She begins her chant Phasmatos incendia movet, phasmatos incendia moventur, ego ex vos, vos ex unos, phasmatos incendia entrare at the Armory. However, she finds comfort in Damon, who somewhat reassures her that it's definitely going to take time for her to get herself together. #elenagilbert She expresses that she didn't know he was there but he tells her that whenever she's angry, appearing to her is easy their connection seemingly amplified where their at and by her emotional state. Bonnie and touched by his passionate words and they kiss. Damon tries to persuade her from not killing him, that he forgives her, though she continues to shove a stake into his chest. Her grandmother explains to Bonnie that the seal has not been broken and that any Vampires entering the tomb will not be allowed back out. Jenna walks in depressed and they soon convince her to stay and join them. After listening to Damon try to banter with her, and her fear and worry of being discovered by the Armory is shown. Later on, while Damon starts plotting with Bonnie to get out of the dimension without Kai, he shows up and claims that despite them believing he is powerless, that his one power is to drain the power of other witches,as he then demonstrates upon grabbing Bonnie and draining her power by giving Damon an aneurysm. She asks him how she was able to find and he elaborates that they share a kinship, an awareness of each other. She'd been dreaming and set the room on fire. ", Stefan then disappears and Caroline appears and says "That's the beauty of all this, you have no idea who I am."
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