One-click unsubscribe later if you don't enjoy the newsletter. For whatever reason, animals are jittery around you, including any hounds used to guard your Cenaculum. Your vitae is faulty even beyond that of Thin Blood. Vampire Merits & Flaws. ), Soothing VoiceYour voice is calm and soothing, almost entrancing. Youre an absolute master of all the subtle signals that give off the particular combination of promise and denial that makes teasing so much fun. Enchanting VoiceYou have an almost magical voice, beautiful beyond words. Such a gift is rare and precious, and many people with this capacity never even manage to fulfill their true potential. The Guide contains completely revised rules for each Merit and Flaw and new Characteristic effects created for your Vampire games (any V20 scenario). (CB:AS1), Enmity of Shadows (LaSombra) The Shadows summoned may turn on the Vampire and attack him. In addition, Phralmulo characters need not pick a specific crime as their weakness; the phralmulo show a general (but compulsive) contempt and disregard for all the laws of the gaje. Someone wants to harm you. That is, at Hurt or Injured, you suffer no wound penalties. Addictive BloodYour blood is especially delicious to others, Kindred or Kine, containing a substance they find physically addictive. Your relatives may or may not approve, depending on the whys and wherefores of your ghouling. Under Kindred law, both you and your childer may be subject to a Blood Hunt should other vampires discover your secret. You always seem to be the first to rise and the last to go to bed even if youve been out until dawn. You usually suffer mild punishments (even if someone catches you in the act), and your accusers tend to give you the benefit of doubt. It's a little V20, a little DA: Vampire, and a little bit of other stuff here and there. This creature may be a mage, a werewolf, a changeling, a wraith, or something even more unusual. (PGS), Sanctuary Another vampire has promised the character protection from all harm should he come to her for sanctuary. You rarely pay attention to those around you, assuming you know all there is to know of them once you have determined what part they play on the world stage (+1 difficulty to Perception rolls involving people you know). I like some of the more subtle merits, like Inoffensive to Animals, Acute Sense (s), Catlike Balance, Early Riser, etc. This power is generally automatic, and its subject to the Storytellers approval. You lose two dice on all related dice rolls, and your Pack Recognition may be considered two points lower than it should be. (PGS). You may also home in on your haven by making an unmodified Perception roll (difficulty variable; 6 if across town, 8 if in another state or country, 9 if across the Globe). When you bite, your always inject this poison, usually killing your human victims. Though your sire may no longer have any dealings with you, the simple fact of your ancestry has marked you forever. The physical category describes Merits or Flaws that deal with a character's physical makeup or abilities, while the mental category addresses intellectual abilities or patterns of behavior. And I probably wouldn't make a Tremere without Eidetic Memory. You may or may not love the other vampire, but you have a special link to her. You know most, if not all, of your paramour's secrets, and your paramour knows as much about you. At any time during a story, the Storyteller may ask you to reroll a successful skill check. All difficulty numbers involving social interactions with the family in question are reduced by two. The time the ST spent to make the amnesia happen feels like special treatment. You will show up in mirrors and reflective surfaces albeit very faint and ghost like. If you do something wrong and the act is not easily attributed to you, it will most likely be blamed on someone else. You gain one extra die on your soak Dice Pool (though not to soak fire and sunlight). In any roll based on Seduction or Subterfuge, subtract two from the difficulty and get ready to suffer the displeasure of your rivals! Personal Aura You do not project the aura associated with your road. (ELY), Curiosity You are naturally curious and find mysteries of any sort irresistible. You may declare your love for one another openly, although you risk becoming an outcast - or worse. The exceptions are ghouls who themselves possess Vicissitude, though a lowly Zantosa may well find herself helpless to repair the mutilation inflicted by a seventh-generation Tzimisce (to repair Vicissitude alterations, a ghoul must have a level of Vicissitude superior to that of the vampire who inflicted the mutilation). The more often he use your ties, the weaker they grow. Efficient Digestion You are able to draw more than the usual amount of nourishment from blood. You can drool blood, pop your eyes out to double their width, spontaneously grow and burst boils on your flesh, extend you tongue three feet out of your mouth, etc. (INQ), Light SleeperYou need less sleep than other mortals; you can function quite well on four hours a night. They will thwart any and all plans the character has if they are near by. Thin-blooded | White Wolf Wiki | Fandom You are not allowed to drink directly from cessels because you will contaminate them, so you have to remove the blood and pour it into a cup first. In game terms, this Merit subtracts two from the difficulty of any Social roll that involves sustained eye contact, or from an influence spell that includes eye contact as a focus. You may choose the aura associated with any road or design your own (subject to Storyteller approval), calculating your aura modifier according to your permanent Willpower. While some may distrust you as a religious hysteric, you will be highly regarded among other Inquisitors as "touched by God." There may come a time when a saintly face is not enough to save you. Pack Disgrace You have done something that has brought shame to your pack and you personally. If a situation arises in which you should be killed, you actually survive, though you may be worse for wear. Recommended: Ghouls. You tend to go to the same places at the same time of year, and to proceed from have to haven in a regular order. The character is used by the Blackmailer to her personal advantage, forcing all sorts of awful things. PDF Death Quaker's Big List of Merits and Flaws - DonDon Particularly persistent are those vermin that drink from you three times and thus become enormous, bloated, Blood Bound ghouls. You are crude, rude, and socially unacceptable, forever a Philistine. (NOS), Rebel (1 - 3 Flaw)For some reason, you (and possibly your allies) are considered rebels by other Inquisitors. The points of the flaw determine the size of the animals (2pt -rats, bats and mice, 3pt Cats and dogs, 4pt Wolves, deer, bears as examples). Recruitment Target The Sabbat wants you, and they want you bad. Any Kindred who tastes his blood will find it extremely rich and potent and will recognize its great strength. (1 pt.) Surreal Beauty You are blessed with unspeakable beauty that supersedes most peoples notions of loveliness and a sense of grace and dignity that makes you undeniable. The "Revised Merits and Flaws Compendium" is precisely the weapon that your characters will need to protect themselves from the Jyhad, that your take advantage from the unprepared and break them all. In any case, this pack member tries to get others to side against you, and he tries to ruin every positive thing you accomplish for yourself or for the pack. That said, "thin-blooded" is a term that . Your skin exudes a grease that attracts flies, gnats, bees, and other flying insects. This makes a pooka kinain a compulsive liar, or causes a satyr kinain to suffer from Pan's Curse. This volume contains 100+ Merits and Flaws, including those described in V20 - Classical Age Corebook, V20 Classical Age - Fall of Carthage, and V20 Classical Age - Kindred Mythology; A complete review of every Merit and Flaw such as Physical, Mental, Social and Supernatural; All effects have been revised to work on any V20 system, although some rules will have to be found in V20 - Classic Era, Corebook; This book adds over +50 new unique Merits and Flaws to the Kindred and other creatures, not available in other Classical Age books. The focus of the premonitions is not under your control either. (TE), Lunacy You are affected by the phases of the moon. Prodigies of Koldunic Sorcery or other forms of blood sorcery reduce the difficulty of all paths and rituals. (CB:Gio1), Strong Blood The character's blood is especially potent. As a rule, the Tzimiscse make sufficient cosmetic alterations to ruin the looks of all their battle-ghouls, even those whose modification are not in and of themselves hideous. Worse, your willpower is considered to be one point lower whenever potential hook-ups try to seduce you or bend your will with supernatural powers. The Storyteller will decide how much a particular item is worth. Instead of being handsome and charming, you are bland, unappealing, and annoying. You must be fed every two weeks, rather than every month, or lose all supernatural traits and revert to a human once more. (PGS), Ennui You are world-weary. Such aid must be commensurate with the initial value of your gift of Prestation. You must have at least 2 dots in Drive to take this merit. Early Riser No one can explain it, but you seem to have the ability to exist on less rest than your fellow packmates, tending to rise at least one hour before everyone else. (PGS), Prophetic AbilityGod speaks to you in signs and portents, visions and images. This manifests as a repeated questioning of others as to your looks. You will likely find yourself given additional responsibilities, which may present opportunities for you to further ingratiate yourself with the master. V20 - Organizing the Merits & Flaws from Lore of the Clans/Bloodlines - Onyx Path Forums If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. If you ever botch a Self-Control (or Instinct) roll to resist (or ride the wave of) frenzy, you immediately acquire a compulsion derangement. You often suffer ennui for extended periods of time, preventing you from working steadily. There may be a reason for this reputation, or it might arise simply from a case of maligned reputation, or you might have been set up by one of the Kindred (particularly the anarchs, who love to do this kind of thing to Inquisitors). It will not betray you no matter what Valeren/Obeah powers you use. Some traits are presented as Merits in some sources and as Backgrounds in others; this list only covers sources that list traits as Merits. This will regrow when the aggravated wound is healed. Lustful You cant resist the erotic advances of the appropriate gender(s). /gs_flipbook/flip.php?xml=/demo_xml/382727.xml&w=500&h=324,, Customers Who Bought this Title also Purchased, This supplement compiles all the merits and flaws that are recommended for a Chronicle set in the Classical Age as published in the other books of this line with several added, even if most of them are from other editions with a name change and minor, For the Purposes of this Review I am going to assume the purchaser does not have "Kindred Mythology", "Fall of Carthage", or "Vampire The Classical Age", and under these stipulations 5/5. You are forever a Poseur, and you have no ability to judge a masterpiece from trash. He should be very careful, lest the wrong mortals see them. When feeding, you gain an additional point to your blood pool for every two points of blood you consume. Once the sign has been seen, it must be interpreted. This does not heal other sorts of wounds whatsoever. Castle The character owns a castle with at least 50 rooms and maybe as many as 500. Vampire Twentieth Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages She has gotten a lot of mileage out of it, being seductive (in a butch way) to start with. Merits and Flaws - VTM Wiki A player who takes this Flaw should select one (maybe more) things that his character takes great pride in his clothes, his horsemanship, his fighting, etc. This can have a very detrimental effect when trying to pass as human. Giovanni with this Merit are afforded wide berth, as this Trait is reminiscent of the Cappadocian clan weakness and the Giovanni tend to be quite superstitious about it. This Merit must be taken separately for each such childe. The value of the Flaw determines how powerful these enemies are. (INQ), Domintor Pariah (Ghoul) You are Bound to a vampire who, for whatever reason, is unwelcome among or even hated by the other Kindred of the chronicle area. You may have gifted them with favors or material items sometime in the distant past, or just last week, but they now owe you a debt. (ELY), Paramour (3 - 5 Merit) You have had a long-term (minimum of 75 years) relationship with a fellow Kindred. Unrepentant Beast The Beast leaves its mark on you long after it has run its course and had its way with you. In any case, this pack member tries to get others to side against you, and he tries to ruin every positive thing you accomplish for yourself or for the pack. A haven is the residence and intimate domain of a vampire, where they slumber during the day and may labor during the waking night. Either way, you may repeat any three failed rolls per story, including botches, but you may try only once per failed roll. Contains full rules for play, inspired by Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition. (CB:G1). Download in Google Docs. Whenever you are in any social encounters, you have a 1-die penalty. Healing Touch (Caress) Normally vampires can only seal the wounds they inflict by licking them. (TE), Geas [Kinain] (1-5 Flaw) You are under some kind of geas at the beginning of play, most likely a Ban, but possibly a long-term quest. You often come across as cold and utterly without feeling, but what is that to you? Originally posted by Eddy on the V20 Blog. This merit should not be used ot cause problems in the game, but to intensify the experience through additional drama. When that pride is insulted or threatened, the player must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 9). If the roll fails, the victim loses two dice from her Dice Pool that turn; if it botches, she may take no action whatsoever. (ELY), Enchanted Blood [Kinain] Your blood carries some of the essence of Glamour in it, meaning that vampires who drink from you suffer the same effects as drinking the vitae of a changeling: temporary enchantment and possible madness. However, if the need arises, your leader may ask you to kill your friend. Even if people catch you in the act, your impression of innocence leads them to suspect someone or something else to be behind your deeds. Disciplined Eye With a point each of blood and Willpower and a successful Willpower roll (difficulty 6), you may force your third eye closed for a full scene. Thus, when you are Hurt or Injured, you suffer no penalties to action. The least successful of the two rolls is the actual result of your action. Unfortunately, both of your kind would consider you threats if they knew of your relationship. However, at least once per story, an uncomfortable truth regarding any current situation will appear in your head and come out your lips. Your domitor treats you with some measure of compassion and does not casually endanger your life. (NOS). Because of this, all Appearance-based rolls receive two extra bonus dice, as well as a -1 Difficulty rating to seduction-based Appearance rolls, too. You should work with the Storyteller to find an explanation for this Merit, and the Storyteller may disallow this Merit entirely if she so chooses. You have a scaled, lipless face. Baroness Nerak. The exact nature of the punishment is left to you and the Storyteller. Eat Food You have the capacity to eat food and even savor its taste. (ELY), Disgraced (Banu Haqim) You broke the laws of the Khabar at some point during your training, and though you have since prevent yourself from being destroyed on the spot, and to be grudgingly accepted as a rafiq, your name still bears the stain of your misdeed. It is considered less prestigious, less trustworthy, or ineffective. Basically, on average, 2d10 trends to 1 success. Psychological: Addiction (1-2 Trait Flaw): The Restless Dead can develop a psychological addiction to a thing or even a . Gangrel: Merits and Flaws @ Kismet's World of Darkness Marijava Contact (Banu Haqim) You have an ally who is a member of the Marijava ghoul family, and can be called upon for a favor from time to time. You may purchase as many modifications as you can afford, but your social abilities are probably doomed.
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