Footer - Removed because date is static. He put his whole, i really didnt know much about Ms. Schmidt but i know she was a great teacher and cared about all, John Christopher Leonard was my friend. She was the first to welcome me to the school, and made the biggest, Elizabeth talks about Coney Island and the Laughing Lady. margin-right: 0; 0000014773 00000 n text-align: left; top: -0.1em Select the name of your file in the docs list and choose your preferred exporting method. } Prepare a file. } I miss this guy, I was one of his favorite students and he was always nice to me, we had, I met Ms Shirley in Halsey Middle School.She was my mentor teacher .I admired her as a teacher.I learned, Today I found out that even angels have to go, I was looking online for you to visit you and. 1975- 1977. display: block; #block-uft-local-tasks, } You can benefit from a free trial and choose a subscription that suits your needs. TUESDAYS BEGINNING COMPUTER The registration fee is $25 and includes registration and materials. The latest release that included the menu performance updates, also messed up the display of this menu. #block-uft-local-tasks, @media (max-width:400px) { Million thanks Ms.. min-width: calc(50% - 40px); Q&A. color: #373737 !important; column-gap: auto; padding: 3rem; justify-content: center; Friday, Nov. 9. - CG, 2023-0309 */ RF 806 SILK STOCKINGS Cole Porter's last great Broadway musical hit. -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact !important; max-width: 70.8%; If a green ENTERED is stamped over a particular course, seminar or trip you have been admitted. Classes are from 10:30-1. Registration fee is $12 for each session and includes a light lunch. /* End UFT Discount Home Page list styles */ .cta a.cta__link ******** 0000004583 00000 n padding-bottom: 1em; His daughter Veronica . All rights reserved. /* Use this to split long lists into 2 columns. An amazing woman. Worth KI 305 Jan. 9, 16, 23, 30; Feb. 6 ZUMBA GOLD Slow paced with easy steps to follow for the active adult using a variety of music. } Love sister from Grafton street love you Denise and Annette odom, I knew Helene as a cousin not as a teacher but her humble, soft demeanor and yet strength can teach, Dear Jim, Our hearts go out to you and the entire family. { .footer, RF 810 POETRY GEMS Enjoy reading and discussing an eclectic array of memorable poems. line-height: 100px; Instructor: M. Salaman XI 301 Jan. 9, 16, 23, 30; Feb. 6 BEGINNER'S DIGITAL PHOTOGRA- PHY Basic camera operation with an introduction to controls and setting, how to use your camera. } Matt is gone from our sight, but never from our hearts!! .uft-discounts .views-row { width: auto; Footer - Removed because date is static. figure.content-image{ font-size: 2.5rem; .announcement-banner__content { } si beagle learning centers program - United Federation of Teachers. height: 70px; } } ******* I feel like I know them because he talked, Anyone know how I can get in touch with his family? */ background-image: url(''); Love the photo And admired Joyce.. border: none; ****************** KI 106 Jan. 7, 14, 28; Feb. 4. May she rest in peace. text-align: center; Instructor: A. Grubman CI 402 Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31; Feb. 7 BRITISH AND AMERICAN MUSI- CALS View and discuss Princess Ida, The Mikado, Ruddigore, Funny Girl, and Pajama Game. When we moved to Florida, she was the one that helped me. .section-heading__heading{ Anyone know how I can get in touch with his family? /* End UFT Discount Enhancements */ } I went to a few of the UFT events where I did stand. } } @media (max-width: 600px) { All sessions will be held at the Manhattan Learning Center, 50 Broadway, 2nd Floor. Sherry was an amazing woman. min-width: 100%; margin: 1rem 0 2rem; He, How blessed I am to have worked with such a talent. Classes are from 10:15 - 12:15. Keeps pages on one line. One of, Don was a unique human being. .views-element-container -webkit-border-radius: 20px; Classes are from 10-12. 0000071687 00000 n width:24rem; The registration fee is $12 for each session and includes a light lunch. display: block; Needed the bottom margin correction for the articles. } columns: 1; } body.node-path-news-new-york-teacher-online #block-adblocknewssidebar { I send love to all, So very sorry for your loss, my condolences to your family and your school family, Mr. Pineda was one of the most important teachers in my life. background-color: white; Thursday, Nov. 29. } margin: 0 0 1em; .clarchives ul { background-repeat: no-repeat; */ } I just remember her warm greeting and, I worked with Ed at the UFT as a retiree health consultant. ****************** } Fixes a padding issue on the bottom of Single Curated Featured Content blocks display: flex; width: 100%; Emphasis on a healthy diet. .fsBody .fsForm { column-gap: 1rem; align-items: center; Instructor: L. Warner RI 403 Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31; Feb. 7 INTRODUCTION TO WATERCOL- ORS Develop your own style while learning basic techniques. Classes are from 10-1. 0000068575 00000 n .clarchives li a:before { font-size: 2.25rem; Instructor: N. Keay RI 401 Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31; Feb. 7 BEGINNERS NEEDLEPOINT/CROSS-STITCHING Work on Aida cloth or canvas. He QI 203 Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29; Feb. 5 CLASSIC FILMS A retrospect of Vincent Minnelli films including Designing Women, Gigi, Some Came Running, the Bold and the Beautiful and Meet Me in St. Louis. Classes are from 10:30-1. PDF Welfare Fund Si Beagle Learning Centers Program - Uft Bell. (e.g. I first knew her. Sinatra in the movies. A purveyor of possibility, outspoken, intelligent, and, I also went to Belknap College in Centre Harbor, NH. columns: 1; It would be hard, Don was a dear friend. { margin: 3px 0px; } border-bottom: 2px solid #ddd; display: inline; } .main.main--with-sidebar, } Spouses are wait listed and therefore checks/money orders are not required. } flex-wrap: wrap; flex-wrap: wrap; } Expand your vocabulary through discussion of mythological allusions in the performing and visual arts, literature, science and everyday life. Classes are from 12:30-2:30. Instructor: A. The latest release that included the menu performance updates, also messed up the display of this menu. His classes could turn retired teachers into real playwrights! I. Greenspan. .main-content::before orphans: 2; } .clarchives ul { - CG, 2022-1202 */ z-index: 1000; Refunds are made upon written request up to four weeks prior to trip date. With Al Shankers support, he initiated the RTC Learning Center. Classes are from 10-12. You must remember to bring the coupon to every session your course meets. Si Beagle Learning Centers flex-grow: 2; align-items: stretch; I remember contacting him about school questions I had about my own kids school in Ohio, What an amazing tribute. color: #032e82; My deepest condolences to her family. .main-content a[href^="https:"]::after, Materials needed: drawing pad and pencils. Friday, Nov. 9. ******* opacity: .4; Staten Island, NY 10314Phone:718-569-4014718-569-4028718-569-3962, Address:Potomac Trail Building } 0000017979 00000 n /* The photo gallery was breaking the container on mobile, because the word paraprofessional didn't wrap in the container. TUESDAYS BASIC DRAWING Create still life and landscapes. This still needs work. For now this resets the nav to two rows. } } padding: 3rem; George Fishman combined the skills he developed teaching language arts to middle school students for 35 years with his skill as a stained-glass craftsman to become a teacher again at the unions Si Beagle Learning Center in Brooklyn after his retirement in 2008. [CDATA[/* >*/. Metallic looks, deco details, semi-precious stones and more will lead to innovative modern necklaces, bracelets and anklets that glow with rich intensity. } When he retired in the late 1960's, he felt that it was the union's responsibility to provide educational programs for all retired members. Rest in peace Jeanie. - CG, 2022-1216 */ float: none; RF 812 THEODORE ROOSEVELT One of our greatest Presidents - an exuberant, wideranging "cowboy". float: none; Marna was, I only moved to South Florida last August and I never got the chance to meet or interact with Marna., My condolences to the Davidson family. Instructor: A. Pruzan XI 204 Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29; Feb. 5 ADVANCED BEGINNERS BRIDGE Some knowledge required. More advanced camera operation, composition and use of computer to enhance your images. I also think about your wife and kids. { .clarchives ul { [CDATA[/* >