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Never feel bullied or pushed into anything. You know what the interior of the home looks like? she signed over the title of her mobile home to me and my sister as a gift i believe. You are still very much the owners of the property and have every right to see your insurance binder policy and a copy of past and current tax receipts. I hope this helps him and point you in the right direction moving forward. What would be the best option for me, to break them down and use the material to build a permanent house, or should I go see HCD and end up with potential thousands in back taxes that the previous owner never paid. Normally I dont understand document in blogs and forums, having said that i need to state that this write-up incredibly pressured myself to undertake hence! Hi John, my fianc and I are purchasing a MH and paying cash. Vincent Cruz. You can then let them know you would like to transferred into your name and they will give you the quickest steps moving forward based on your moms specific title. However these are much less common if you are simply purchasing an individual mobile home to be moved onto your property. I hope this all helps and starts to point you in the right direction. Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Heres the number to the California HCDs manufactured housing title department. To transfer a title, you will always need: Either the California Certificate of Title or an Application for Replacement or Transfer of Title (REG 227) (if the title is missing). I am wondering if its necessary to keep the registration current on a 1970 singlewide on private land(in a n. cal. I hope these all help and point you in the right direction. I am in the process of selling my late mothers mobile home from her trust. In most cases the park will not find out and should not care as long as park rent is being made properly. Also if I win the bid and own the land, but the mobile home is not included what are my options in terms of leasing the land to the current tenants or evict? I was looking to bid/ invest on a mobile home subdivision through a tax sale in Merced County at https://www.bid4assets.com/mvc/auction/897857 Interesting property. You have a few different options moving forward as far as I see it. She is not expecting a lot out of it. Because you are transferring this to your brother this is going to be a family transfer. Riverside, CA 92501 (951) 782-4431 I do hope that it has been somewhat helpful to you already. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back out. If you bring all the completed forms down to the Riverside office, you will not expedite the process however you will ensure that the paperwork does not get kickback because it is incorrect. Also, what would be the least inexpensive way to do this? You have any idea what you could resell this for cash or payments? If you wish to use this form do this after you have signed all paperwork with seller and before you send off Packet above. This will allow me to attach a link when I forward over the information. What are typical closing fees using a realtor? Thank you for your help! As always, if you ever have any questions or concerns now are moving forward never hesitate to reach back out any time. Try sellfastbyowner.com, craigslist.com, and mhvillage.com. . Mobile Homes | County of Fresno - Fresno County, California I have created a past video and article that can be found here with regards to mobile home title issues and moving forward. However, depending upon where your manufactured home is located, there may be other taxes or fees necessary to pay off any voter-approved general obligation bonds or other indebtedness which could result in a slightly higher overall property tax rate. Keep in touch. Im selling a mobile for a friend in the park. I will have her submit a Certification of Retail Value and Purchase Price (state form 476.4) after appraising it! As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. In short it sounds like the paperwork is mostly already signed. After going to the HCD website, I see that there were so many forms I needed to fill out and mail in. Your attorney may transfer ownership into your trust by changing Certificate of Title to reference trust as new owner.. Being a 1990 it certainly is not that old either. The clerks over the phone are usually very helpful and will ask for the serial number or VIN of the mobile home in question. My cousin currently is on the title and the registered owner of the MH were living in in California. Also if I win the bid and own the land, but the mobile home is not included what are my options in terms of leasing the land to the current tenants or evict? there is a bit of a family feud going on and i want to know what my right are and how to protect myself. All the best. You will have to go into an HCD office instead of just calling them over the phone and mailing in paperwork to transfer titles. TY. You may have to wait on hold for a little bit however there always very helpful when I speak to them. The state will then send you a value back to know how much you will pay in transfer taxes to put the title into your name. Thank you for commenting and for your kind words. These folks should absolutely be able to help point you in the right direction and answer your specific questions within your state. Thanks for reaching out and commenting with this issue. Hope this helps and points you in the right direction. After your filled out all the state forms, bill of sale, and titles you will mail this in or physically go to the state office to pay your small fee and have a new title issued in your name. Her sons want me to have it. It is important to address every situation that could come up and who is responsible for what. In short, if the mobile home park is large and generating profit for the owners then this rezoning or change in land use is not something to likely to happen for this particular park. Thank you for reaching out concerning this issue. My escrow office told me it could take that long. Im scared Im paying to much. 3.) Please call them at(916) 323-9224 or toll free (800) 952-8356 and explain to them what you need to have happen. For this reason I would encourage you to call the state directly at the phone number below. Explain the situation and these folks are usually very nice and will tell you the quickest and easiest way moving forward. Feel free to keep in touch. This power of attorney only allows you to sign on their behalf in the distant future when the home is paid off in full. No loans necessary. This allows you to hold most of the money and for the seller to take possession of the property. I was left my friends mobile home in his will. You are definitely right that I am no attorney, or anything close to that. I am currently looking for a mobile home deal and have only about $1,000 and most homes here in southern California go for way more. I would encourage you to call up the California HCDs mobile home titling department to ask them the specific question. Howdy John, I stumbled onto your web site due to searching for Mobiles for sale. If so, would he be able to take the $250,000 exclusion as it is his primary residence? Contact information for county auditor-controllers offices. I look forward to getting to know you and working with you as well. Thank you in advance. Instead of tracking the seller down we simply get each sellers power of attorney when they sell us a mobile home all-cash.. I hope that your fianc is healthy and happy and he is going to be around for a long time. I very much regret to hear that the mobile home park allowed you to buy something they technically did not own themselves. They will direct you to the paperwork and places you need to go to to correctly get everything out of your name and into a new buyers name. Thank you for reaching out concerning this issue. Answering your questions as part of their job. Happy to help. My father is sick and has given my the home. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction moving forward. http://www.hcd.ca.gov/manufactured-mobile-home/registration-titling/registration-titling-forms.shtml Please choose the correct form for you with regards to removing a deceased family member. John my mom has a mobile home thats paid off, she would like to give me the mobile home. Sincerely You can reach the state at (800) 952-8356. There will also be a small fee for this as well. You may want to contact your states manufactured housing Association to see if they are able to point you in the right direction of a mobile home experienced attorney. Hi, how do I remove one co signer on a manufactured home, if the home isnt paid off yet? For my understanding the home would have to be sold from both of your names to simply your friends name and ownership. You should contact your county auditor-controllers office to determine if any of these other taxes may apply to your manufactured home. These mobile homes has been here for over 25 years and their average age is 50 years. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. Congratulations with regards to getting your mothers home paid off. It may take a little bit of time to produce these depending on how big of a company you are dealing with, however it should certainly be possible for you to get a copy of these to learn more and have them for your own records. Keep in touch. Im happy to say that you are certainly not the first person to go through this matter and there is definitely a process moving forward. Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Also is it real expensive to do this? I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. This can happen when people are lazy and dont transfer ownership when they purchase the home between private parties. I agree. Can you tell me what steps to take? My guess is its something showing it was built to code, but Im not sure. Box 2111, Sacramento, CA 95812-2111, or (916) 445-4782 or 1-800-952-8356 to inquire into the status of processing your change in ownership. Can anyone point me to the right direction? I will certainly help where I can. Once you go through closing one time then you can duplicate this process with future homes using the paperwork you received from the first closing. Assuming that the person youre talking to is the legal owner than the HCD will point you to the correct document for a duplicate title. All you have to do is transfer the title of ownership. An attorney may be needed however calling the California HCD and speaking directly with these folks over the phone would be my first course of action. The county tax office says I owe the back taxes, liens, and penalties. Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Also, is it beneficial for me to learn how to do basic repairs before jumping in? If this did not answer your question are you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out any time. Thank you for reaching out and connecting. All the best. Where is your property located if you do not mind me asking? I called HCD and they checked by address and space number and they do not have anything which means that it is registered with the DMV. However if it is not vacant and somebody owns it than they could certainly pull it off of your land. Please check out the following link and see the top group of forms. This was her only asset and she did not have a Durable power of Attorney. Mention you are a private buyer purchasing from a private seller inside of the park. All the best. With that said I do encourage you to talk to your escrow officer or call the states manufactured housing department directly at 916-323-9803 or 916-445-4782. It is typically her decision (within reason) if you will be approved or denied for this park. Always happy to help if I can. This is exactly the information I have been looking for. I hope this helps some. They will likely point you to the paperwork that can be found online in the procedure moving forward with exactly what to do. I very much regret to hear about your mothers passing and this loss to you and your family. With that said I would definitely encourage you to get a copy of the serial number or VIN before calling the California HCDs manufactured home titling department at (800) 952-8356. I bought a mobile on payments. Thank again for posting your fair ideas without saying pay me thousands before I finish my key paragraph. my mother in law offered to give us a gift of 10k telling my husband it was his inheritance and not to expect anything when she passed. We werent fortunate enough to have an experienced realtor. Thank you for reaching out and connecting with regards to your question. Understood about you having no experience yet in single-family home investing, this is how we all get started. Thank you for reaching out to me concerning this issue. Any follow-up questions please never hesitate to comment back anytime. (800) 952-8356. She has repaid the loan in full, and I want to release the title back to her. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out anytime. Keep in touch. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. My mom owns a mobile home in Southern CA. This may mean there might be seven or more years of back taxes owed on the property. Do not be another excuse maker, own up to your past mistakes and be honest and sincere about wanting to be a good example in this community, pay rent on time, and be well-liked by your neighbors. You may also ask about the car title as well to potentially get some help there. Your friend may sign a power of attorney giving the son control to sign on her behalf. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. If I had to make an educated guess I would assume that the park manager was simply pointing you in the best direction he or she could while giving you accurate information and not wasting any of their own time. You may call the California Department of titling at 916-445-4782. If your manufactured home was originally purchased new on or after July 1, 1980, it was automatically subject to local property taxes. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. Thank you so much for your kind words. El Cajon, CA 92019 (619) 441-2326 The lending company will not give us any information! Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Moving forward if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. Perhaps she is just very thorough and she has been denying people because they legitimately do not fall within the park approval process criteria. payments, taxes and property insurance payments. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. I will continue to read your blogs, articles, and follow you. From my understanding a 433a does not necessarily mean the home has been set up to HUD standards. I assume that your property is in California, is this correct? With that said this is not always work for both parties. She signed and dated the title 2 weeks before her passing. Or is there an easier/quicker way to transfer the title so that the current owner no longer has their name on title and is no longer responsible for the home and or any profits received from a future sale? Thank you for reaching out concerning your questions. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out any time. If a lien is present then the new Title will be mailed to the Legal Owner. Keep in touch moving forward. He doesnt know anything about the mobile home other than it came with the purchase of the property. Redevelopment issues regarding the land (e.g., eminent domain): While this is possible it is not likely. Remember that if everything goes well and everyone does what they say they are then there should be no problem. Thank you so much for your assistance. I hope the new buyer will be able to clean up the home and fix it up where he or she can. And how do the taxes on the mobile home sale work? Im clueless hense why I overpaid for the beat up mobile home I purchased in the first place! So my question is if I bid and win will I automatically own the mobile home? I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. http://www.hcd.ca.gov/codes/registration-titling-mobilehome-transfer-forms/hcdrt804.3.pdf We are not willing to go over 60,000. This can be found out by looking at the single-family homes legal description. For this reason I would very much encourage you to call the California HCDs manufactured home department to ask them specifically how to achieve the goal you are looking for. I hope this helps some and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. Besides the owners name and address of course. http://hcd.ca.gov/manufactured-mobile-home/registration-titling/registration-titling-forms.shtml, Great information here thanks. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. Thank you for reaching out concerning this question. Very happy to help you in any way I can. Box 2111, Sacramento, CA 95812-2111, or (916) 445-4782 or 1-800-952-8356 to inquire into the status of processing your change in ownership. All the best. I still have questions about the laws regarding change in ownership. The thief then sent taunts and pics of my home on his land. Are their rules, something like: where someone pays taxes for 5 years then becomes legal owner? You have been so helpful, even after all these years (looking at previous posts). and if not what do I need to do? A transfer fee. my cousin who is the realtor is not really being clear on the process. TIA! Keep in touch. In addition, you may also wish to call the state manufactured housing department and asked them any specific questions concerning the mobile home and the closing process moving forward. As always, if you ever have any questions or concerns moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best. Mobile Home Title Transfer State By State Welcome sellers and buyers, Mobile Home Purchase Contracts Inside Parks. Please try the link above or this link as well. I am looking to bid on a property with a mobile home, garage, and barn set on 1.19 acres in Riverside County. I thought thats not required because the mobile home itself has nothing to do with management, only the land that the mobile home is on, and since were not doing anything with the land, were not required to tell them about the title change. Thank you for reaching out with regards to your questions. Here and happy to help. With that said I am happy to say that there is an easy answer moving forward. There are few different ways of mobile homes can be titled in the state of California so I would rather you hear the exact procedure for your specific title directly from the state itself. Im going a bit crazy with all the restrictions of Covid on top of the lack of information available. Does the same paperwork get filled out and then the bill of sale would be for something nominal like $1.00? As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out anytime. However even if we are not working together feel free to send over pictures via email and Ill be happy to give you some thoughts. Thank you for reaching out and connecting. 4) Bill of Sale (state form 475.1) For this reason I encourage you to call the state at the following number 800-952-8356. Has anything changed since you posted this original comment? We are planning on purchasing a Mobile in a Senior park in Orange county Calif. Thanks for awesome share must be result of hardwork. The city (of Tracy California) planners say its ok. Thank you John for your fast reply and kind of you. He currently still lives in the mobile home and will do anything to ensure my sister and I do not receive my mothers portion. Whether it is or is not you can almost certainly obtain the title to the mobile home since it is vacant and on your land. All the best. Do I need to first get the Title into my name before I can sell the mobile home? These deeds only transfer real property like land and houses. My son has just moved out this month, and I want to give the mobile home away in a as is condition. This ideally should have been discussed prior to you purchasing the mobile home. Always here to help. Thanks. However I am not certain why you would need to go to the department of motor vehicles in California for any reason. Besides this optional appraisal there are really no other snags to be aware of. This is an crystal-clear on the form itself. However, I havent the faintest idea on how to approach this. I have not seen this or heard this. there is a spot on the certificate for this. Always here to help. The park will be dealt with up front, for any issues, costs etc. This would mean you could end up with nothing. I would also encourage you to contact a local real estate attorney that provides one hour free consultation. I would very much encourage you to contact the California HCD to explain this exact situation and asked them the paperwork and best steps needed to move forward quickly and affordably. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out anytime. I really appreciate help in this matter. All the best. joan lumpkin, [] for ALL STATES, except for California and Texas. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. Carolyn and Ray Alley However, if the home has a pink slip then there will be a separate pink slip for every section of mobile home. Im ready to move on now and want to transfer it to a friend of his that will meet the requirements and reside in the unit, but I want to remain on the title so it can not be sold without my knowledge. If your California decal number starts with an L, then no use tax no matter what. My mom want to transfer her mobile to me. You could also sell the mobile home with a different lender, or sell it via owner financing and collect payments from a potential buyer. I recently won a property/land with a mobile home on it through a tax defaulted auction, but the previous owner passed away. First we need to understand if this mobile home is physically and legally attached to the land that it sits on. I very much regret to hear about your situation. We have given them every piece of information they have asked for!even about the original owners family. Before these changes, you would have paid a 2.75% fee. The transferee may secure a transfer of ownership for the manufactured home, mobilehome, commercial coach, truck camper, or floating home, upon presenting to the department (1) the certificate of title signed by the beneficiary, (2) the certificate described in paragraph (2) of subdivision (e) executed by the beneficiary under penalty of perjury; I have full Power of Attorney medical and financial.My mothers friend has stayed in the home and now she wants to sell it but the problem is she does not care much for me.The mobile home is paid for as she paid it as there was not much of a balance on it.My mothers wishes were i get half the money before she got worse with dementia but my mother has no will stating this however her friend needs my signature to sell if i am correct since my mother is primary on the title is this correct? Bill of Sale (state form 475.1) = Use in place of the MHFs All States Bill of Sale. Power of Attorney: Signed by each seller on title when paying all-cash. Im very glad to hear that your friend has successfully paid you in full with regards to the lien you are holding on their mobile home. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back anytime. Thank you for reaching out and connecting. You will sign some forms, pay a fee, and mail this into the state. Some state laws will dictate how owners should treat the mobile home, leading to frustration and confusion. If so would there be HOA fees or underlying fees or liens that I need to be aware of? Additionally, thank you for the detailed and clear message as the certainly helps me point you in the right direction moving forward. For this reason I do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information. If my answer is "BEST ANSWER" and/or "HELPFUL" please acknowledge and mark it so. Moving forward if you have any follow-up mobile home related questions please never hesitate to reach out anytime. hi John been reading and finding everything helpful, but i have a question, im trying to buy a trailor home for myself from the owner and not the park, because the park managers have been hard to deal with for other people looking to buy this place, im guessing an monthly income issue, which would most likely stand my way as well so how would go about buying this place without the hassle of qualifying through the park first. You can keep this in your file and if it is ever needed down the road it is good that you have a copy of a signed and dated bill of sale. There may number is . If the Decal number states with an A the state may ask you mail in the, Sales tax or use tax at the time of sale or resale, and.

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transfer ownership of mobile home in california