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[35], The major initial complaints concerning the Thompson were its cumbersome weight, its inaccuracy at ranges over 50 yards (46m), and its lack of penetrating power using the .45 ACP cartridge. In fact it has a bunch of functions of the real gun. The Rugers front sight is retained, and the rear sight is a .040-inch peep held by two screws that allow for slight windage adjustments; elevation is set for 25 yards. The Model 1928 was the first type widely used by military forces, with the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps as major buyers through the 1930s. This scaled-down rimfire weighs half of those, which makes it more endearing to shoot. to manufacture the new model at a cost of $36.47 per gun. Company News. Thompsons(!) Amongst the replica submachine guns and assault rifles made by Denix that we will be stocking are: NOTE: Images used of SMG and Assault Rifles until we have sales stock are of Denix guns that have been given aged and worn finishes for film and TV use. The frame and receiver are milled from solid steel or aluminum, the wood is genuine American walnut, and the overall finish is a blued steel or black anodized aluminum. It was later replaced by the Owen Machine Carbine. Both the U.S. and British armies used it in World War II, as at various times have other armed forces. The Model 1927A3 is a semi-automatic, .22 caliber version of the Thompson produced by Auto-Ordnance in West Hurley. Magazines are held in place by an extension that fits into a cutout in the rifle so that there's no chance they'll loosen. The rear sight almost doubles the 10/22s sight radius, increasing accuracy potential; I was bouncing tin cans at 100 yards. COMPANY NEWS. It was made popular by television shows from the 1960s and was often envisioned around the world as a "gangster's" gun primarily used by criminals. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill with Thompson Sub-Machine Gun 4x6 #1014. As if its official names weren't awesome enough, the Tommy Gun's unofficial monikers included gems like, "The Trench Broom," "The Chopper," and our . The Thompson submachine gun (also known as the "Tommy gun", "Chicago typewriter", "Chicago piano", "trench sweeper", or "trench broom") is a blowback-operated, selective-fire submachine gun, invented by United States Army brigadier general John T. Thompson in 1918. This rate of fire, combined with a rather heavy trigger pull and a stock with an excessive drop, increases the tendency for the barrel to climb off target in automatic fire. M1921 Thompsons were sold in small numbers to the United States Postal Inspection Service[34] so they could protect the mail from a spate of robberies. If a gun cycles light target loads - in my case Lapua and Eley's match loads - it will cycle anything found in a gun store. In fact, the "Tommy Gun" was a favorite among early FBI agents as well. Our M1 Thompson model is a .45 caliber semi-automatic replica of the most famous American submachine gun of World War II. Despite new U.S. contracts for Lend-Lease shipments abroad to China, France, and the United Kingdom, as well as the needs of American armed forces, only two factories supplied M1928A1 Thompsons during the early years of World War II. The "Tommy's" Thompson | An Official Journal Of The NRA .45, M1A1, could be produced in half the time of the M1928A1, and at a much lower cost. August 8, 2018. Army Ordnance approved adoption (as the M1) in April 1942. In its original design, it was finished more like a sporting weapon, with an adjustable rear sight, a blued, finned barrel and vertical foregrip (or pistol grip) and the Blish lock. The 10/22s Thompson persona is heightened by Scottwerxs optional pseudo-stick and drum magazines, which affix to Rugers 10-round rotary mags. cyclic rate of fire and handling qualities. So I got this crazy idea to turn my 10/22 into a semi-automatic Thompson. They are also famously associated with the US Army in WW2 including many famous Airborne and special units. Ammunition was scarce as it was either in small lots of Lend-Lease commercial ammo or obtained from adjacent American troops. Subscriber Services. In addition to the .45 RemingtonThompson, the M1923 Thompsons were to be made available to prospective buyers in several calibers, including .45 ACP, 9mm Parabellum, 9mm Mauser, and .351 Winchester Self-loading.[72]. The Squad Leaders buttstock, pistol grip and fore-end are American walnut. It weighed almost 10 pounds (4.5 kg) empty and fired .45-calibre ammunition. Although the Model 1927 was semi-automatic only, it was easily converted to fully automatic by installing a full-auto Model 1921 fire control group (internal parts). There were fewer than 40 pre-production prototypes. PO Box 72 Mudgeeraba QLD Australia 4213 It had an extended receiver with a recoil buffer and was fed from 20-round magazines. From $44.95. Submachine Guns: History & Notable Models - Pew Pew Tactical The guns were also shipped to various hardware stores in the region. The Tale of the Tommy Gun - Popular Mechanics It's about half the scale of a real Thompson Model 1921 submachine gun that it mimics. It featured an aluminum receiver to reduce weight. In the Malayan Campaign, the Burma Campaign and the Pacific Theater, Lend-Lease-issue Thompsons were used by the British Army, Indian Army, Australian Army infantry and other Commonwealth forces. John Taliaferro Thompson was born on Dec. 31, 1860, in Newport, Ky., to a military family. Contrary to public opinion, the Thompson submachine gun was not only used by Prohibition-era gangsters. thompson submachine gun for sale | eBay The Model 1927 was the open bolt semi-automatic version of the M1921. [31], In 1928, Federal Laboratories took over distribution of the weapon from Thompson's Auto Ordnance Corporation. While not a new model in the usual sense of incorporating major changes, in 1926 the Cutts Compensator (a muzzle brake) was offered as an option for the M1921; Thompsons with the compensator were cataloged as No. It was a closed-bolt, select-fire design using a progressive trigger and a tubular receiver, along with stand Thompson gun magazines. Its main models were designated as the M1928A1, M1 and M1A1 during this time. Thompson Magazine Thompson 45 ACP 50-Round Drum Steel Blue. .45 ACP 1927 Thompson Clone Volunte for sale at - GunsAmerica Although Thompsons submachine gun received positive evaluations from both the Army and the U.S. Marine Corps, neither service initially opted to purchase it on a widespread basis. The Thompson's design is actually comfortable and stable to shoot. The 30-round box was approved as the new standard in December 1941 to replace the "XX" and "L" magazines. The Colt Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing Company in Hartford, Connecticut was contracted by the Auto-Ordnance Corporation to manufacture the initial mass production of 15,000 Thompson Submachine Guns in 1920. Both the latter and the Brigade 2506 also used some during the Bay of Pigs Invasion. Copyright 2023 National Rifle Association, Women On Target Instructional Shooting Clinics, Volunteer At The Great American Outdoor Show, Marion P. Hammer Women Of Distinction Award, Women's Wildlife Management / Conservation Scholarship, National Youth Shooting Sports Cooperative Program, 10/22 ruger conversion kit to thompson submachine gun, Ruger Commemorates the 50th Anniversary of the 10/22. [26], The Thompson was widely adopted by the U.S. armed forces during World War II, and was also used extensively by other Allied troops during the war. Thompson came across a patent issued to the American inventor John Bell Blish in 1915, while searching for a way to allow his weapon to operate safely without the complexity of a recoil or gas-operated reloading mechanism. The Annihilator prototypes first were fed from a 20-round box magazine, but later, the 50- and 100-round drum magazine models were developed. [49] The gun was prized by those lucky enough to get one and proved itself in the close street fighting that was encountered frequently during the invasion of France. These guns were used during the Yugoslav Wars in the 1990s. ELAS was the strongest of the resistance forces during the period of Greek Resistance against the Germans and Italians and were supplied with arms from both the British and the United States. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. This Commercial Model features a 50 round removable drum and pistol fore grip, just like Capones soldiers would have used. The Sten and the M3 are so much better choices, and the MP40 is awesome. Chambered for .45 calibrethe same cartridge used by the M1911 Colt pistolThompsons trench sweeper boasted superb stopping power at the expense of a greatly reduced effective range. The M1921 was quite expensive to manufacture, with the original retail price around $200, because of its high-quality wood furniture and finely machined parts. The Caliber .45 M1A1 Thompson utilized a simple blow-back system of operation, with fully and semi-automatic operation, 20-and 30-round detachable box magazines, a 600 rpm rate of fire with 432 ft-lb muzzle energy and an effective range of 50 yards. Many Chinese Thompsons were captured and placed into service with American soldiers and marines for the remaining period of the war. Auto Ordnance Thompson 1927A-1 Deluxe Carbine Rifle Price: $2,449.99 Barrel Length: 16.5 inch Total Length: 41 inch Weight: 9.5lb BUY NOW FROM OUR PARTNER Most of the best Tommy Guns are actually semi-auto rifles these days. His youth was much like that of a military brat, living from post to post, yet by the age of 16 he had . For WWII, approximately 1,700,000 Thompson Submachine Guns were produced by Auto-Ordnance and Savage Arms, with 1,387,134 being the simplified World War II M1 and M1A1 variants (without the Blish lock and oiling system[63]). These were basic, open-bolt, blowback designs. I also added a Thompson sling to make it look like the Thompson Nicolas Cage carried in Windtalkers. In New Guinea, the Thompson was the only submachine gun available to the Australian Army for most of the vital Kokoda Track campaign in 1942. The FBI used Thompsons until they were declared obsolete and ordered destroyed in the early 1970s.[62]. When opened up, the Thompson features a small number of parts that need to be removed including the spring, bolt, Blish Lock, and actuator bolt. This eliminates the risk of "cook-off", which can sometimes occur in closed-bolt automatic weapons. The famous Thompson Submachine Gun was designed by John Thompson in 1918 making its mark in popular imagination in use with both Gangsters and Law Enforcers during the Prohibition era. Ver 10 prototypes were similar in appearance to the later models, but without the rear sight and butt stock mounts. General Thompson envisioned a "one-man, hand-held machine gun" chambered in .45 ACP to be used as a "trench broom" for the ongoing trench warfare of World War I. Oscar V. Payne designed the new firearm along with its stick and drum magazines.

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