City government You have to credit Fort Worth Report. North Texas voters choosing to vote in the Republican primary on March 1 will also be asked to share their opinion on 10 propositions. Franklin Texans are heading to the polls, as early voting for the Nov. 3 election began Oct. 13 and runs through Oct. 30. Coke Murphy said it is important to provide new families with the same levels of service, education, and community that Northwest ISD provided her family. Gonzales
} overflow-x: auto; This site is not currently being updated with specific election or candidate information. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Hays If you just drive around the district, no matter where you go, you see dirt being moved, which means houses are being built and companies are moving in, Sprowls said. WebTarrant County Elections Administration. Texas' 6th Congressional District special election, 2021, City elections in Fort Worth, Texas (2021), Irving Independent School District, Texas, elections (2021), Arlington Independent School District, Texas, elections (2021), Burleson Independent School District, Texas, elections (2021), Castleberry Independent School District, Texas, elections (2021), Coppell Independent School District, Texas, elections (2021), Crowley Independent School District, Texas, elections (2021), Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent School District, Texas, elections (2021), Everman Independent School District, Texas, elections (2021), Fort Worth Independent School District, Texas, elections (2021), Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District, Texas, elections (2021), Keller Independent School District, Texas, elections (2021), Kennedale Independent School District, Texas, elections (2021), Lewisville Independent School District, Texas, elections (2021), Mansfield Independent School District, Texas, elections (2021), Northwest Independent School District, Texas, elections (2021), City elections in Arlington, Texas (2021), Mayoral election in Arlington, Texas (2021), Mayoral election in Fort Worth, Texas (2021), Texas state legislative special elections, 2021, Texas Proposition 1, Authorize Charitable Raffles at Rodeo Venues Amendment (2021), Texas Proposition 2, Authorize Counties to Issue Infrastructure Bonds in Blighted Areas Amendment (2021), Texas Proposition 3, Prohibition on Limiting Religious Services or Organizations Amendment (2021), Texas Proposition 4, Changes to Eligibility for Certain Judicial Offices Amendment (2021), Texas Proposition 5, State Commission on Judicial Conduct Authority Over Candidates for Judicial Office Amendment (2021), Texas Proposition 6, Right to Designated Essential Caregiver Amendment (2021), Texas Proposition 7, Homestead Tax Limit for Surviving Spouses of Disabled Individuals Amendment (2021), Texas Proposition 8, Homestead Tax Exemption for Surviving Spouses of Military Fatally Injured in the Line of Duty Amendment (2021), Lake Worth Independent School District, Texas, elections (2021), Fort Worth Independent School District, Texas, Proposition A, Bond issue (November 2021), Fort Worth Independent School District, Texas, Proposition B, Bond issue (November 2021), Fort Worth Independent School District, Texas, Proposition C, Bond issue (November 2021), Fort Worth Independent School District, Texas, Proposition D, Bond issue (November 2021), Tarrant County, Texas, Proposition A, Bond Issue (November 2021), Tarrant County, Texas, Proposition B, Bond Issue (November 2021),,_Texas_(2021)&oldid=8390168, Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments, Pages using DynamicPageList3 parser function, Pages using DynamicPageList3 dplreplace parser function, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections. As a nonprofit, we rely on our members to fund our coverage Fort Worth and Tarrant County government. Election Guide Lampasas Barnes isnt worried that Garcias controversial departure will dissuade anyone from applying for his job. A "no" vote opposedthis ballot initiative to establish minimum police staffing, require there to be at least two police officers for every 1,000 residents of Austin, and make other changes to policing policies. max-width: 75px; } If you use our stories in any other medium for example, newsletters or other email campaigns you must make it clear that the stories are from the Fort Worth Report. Kerr The results have been certified. Mitchell A "yes" vote supported amending city ordinances to outlaw abortion within city limits and declaring Lubbock a Sanctuary City for the Unborn. Bosque Gregg { .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Tarrant Countys respected elections chief, Heider Garcia, is leaving his job because he feels he cant run nonpartisan elections with Tim OHare as county judge. Tarrant County Terrell Static. Its time to head to the polls, as early voting for the May 6 municipal and school elections begins Monday, April 24. Our specific goals are to grow the Republican Party by reaching new voters, advance the Platform, which is grounded in conservative principle, and to keep Texas prosperous and free. color: #888; Karnes The results have been certified. All those races! Do not copy stories straight from the front-end of our web-site. .race_footer { .inner_percentage { Read more about our editorial independence policy here. A list of candidates appearing on Republican ballots in Tarrant County is below. Alief Independent School District, Texas, Proposition D, Bond Issue (November 2021): . .bptable.gray th { background:#4c4c4c;color:#fff; }. position: relative; Callahan I think Mr. Garcia said it really well at the end of this letter, Stevens said. Eleven of the measures were approved and 18 were defeated. Sutton He can be reached at or (503)-828-4063. There were no incumbents in this race. Tarrant County, Texas, Proposition A, Bond Issue (November 2021): . How to vote | authorizing the Southside Independent School District to issue up to $52,000,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund building developments and busses and requiring a property tax levy. border-radius: 50%; Voters in eight school districts decided 19 bond issues on November 2. Bee Crockett text-align: center; WFAA has compiled a list of many of the bigger local races for folks in Collin, Dallas, Denton and Collin Counties, as well as some background information on the big school bond elections across the metroplex. Burnet, Caldwell A yes vote supported authorizing a propoerty tax of$359.99 per $100,000 valuation to replace an existing property tax, to increase pay for the Lubbock County Sheriff's Department . A yes vote supported authorizing the Southside Independent School District to issue up to $52,000,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund building developments and busses and requiring a property tax levy. Tarrant County, Texas, Proposition B, Bond Issue (November 2021): . Do you remember what those letters stand for? Sprowls, an U.S. Air Force Combat Veteran and a pilot for Southwest Airlines, voted to put the districts bond on the ballot. if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes') = 'none'; What's on my ballot? amending the city charter to allow the city to issue bonds for public purposes and improvements not prohibited by the Texas Constitution or general laws, thereby maintaining the existing requirement that bonds be used to construct, acquire, equip, renovate, improve and repair public works. Federal courts | } New schools need to be built so existing campuses are not overcapacity, Sprowls said. Our stories may appear on pages with ads, but not ads specifically sold against our stories. This site is intended to be a user-friendly, nonpartisan voter guide that lists every candidate on Tarrant County (Texas) ballots, from local and state offices to the US Congress. A no vote opposed authorizing for 1 year a property tax of $1.131. Bandera Voters in Dallas approved one measure on the November 2 ballot. } Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. WFAA has compiled guides for some of the biggest local races happening across the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Pflugerville Independent School District, Texas, Proposition A, Property Tax (November 2021): . Our reporting will be free to all who access our primary digital channels. Tom Green } Tim OHare, second from the left, and Judge Susan McCoy, second from the right, pose for photos before valiant sponsor DA Sharen Wilson during a Tarrant County Republican Party fundraiser late last year. Identification provided by voters aged 18-69 may be expired for no more than four years before the election date. As elections administrator, Garcia has opened his office to journalists and election skeptics, working to clear up questions and concerns about the election process. } This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. County Commissioners talked about Garcias departure at a heated meeting on April 18, where Democratic County Commissioner Roy Charles Brooks blamed OHare for Garcias resignation. Find My Registration, Polling Location & Sample Ballot. letter-spacing: 0.03em; How to run for office | Highland Park Independent School District, Texas, Proposition A, Property Tax (November 2021): . Red River October 18, 2021 through October 29, 2021. .results_row { Jim Hogg Our nonprofit news coverage depends on our members' generosity to produce stories like this. } Austin, Texas, Proposition C, Appointed Director of Police Oversight Amendment (May 2021): . The answer is simple. Terry Some of the big races for folks in Denton County include the numerous city council seats open in cities across the county, including Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Frisco and Plano. WebTarrant County voters have some major decisions on their ballots this election cycle, from city council and mayoral races in Arlington and Fort Worth to an open U.S. House seat authorizing the Judson Independent School District to issue up to $14,900,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund recreational facilities and requiring a property tax levy. Reeves authorizing a propoerty tax of$359.99 per $100,000 valuation to replace an existing property tax, to increase pay for the Lubbock County Sheriff's Department . You can follow Miranda on Twitter @MirandaRSuarez. To view more about the bond proposition, click here.
padding-left: 10px !important; Get award-winning Fort Worth area news in your inbox free. .non_result_row { WebThe REPUBLICAN. How to run for office | authorizing an annual parcel tax of $1.1934, thereby generating an estimated $2,787,591 per year for district maintenance and operations. You made it clear in our last meeting that your formula is different, thus, my decision to leave. There was a remarkable event Monday morning at the headquarters of the Harris County Republican Party. OHare and the current Tarrant County Republican Party Chair, Rick Barnes, are not as satisfied with Garcia. Voters can also obtain an Election Identification Certificate from a mobile station. Moore Rauch discussed the districts long-term planning committee, which is made up of community members. You also must have a valid Texas or federal photo ID to cast a ballot, although there are certain exemptions to that. Get award-winning Fort Worth area news in your inbox free. Be sure to check your spelling. Every state has one. Mills Policy: Christopher Nelson Caitlin Styrsky Molly Byrne Jimmy McAllister Samuel Postell The county judge serves as Tarrant Countys chief elected officer for a term of four years, earning an annual salary of over $198,000. Home - League of Women Voters of Tarrant County, Texas U.S. Congress | Hall complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. The republication tool generates the appropriate html code. color: #888; Besides earning praise from local and statewide officials, hes also a recognized leader in his field and is the vice president of the Texas Association of Elections Administrators. .votebox-results-metadata-p { .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { Texas does not practice automatic voter registration. Local recalls, Texas congressional delegation Plus, cities like Fort Worth, Lewisville and Plano have mayoral spots up for grabs as well. width: 50%; } September 1, 2021. .partytd.Democratic { She is very prolific in delivering the message of Jesus Christ to the world, bringing people everywhere into a place of the victory God has prepared for them. font-style: italic; } * provide police with additional compensation for being proficient in non-English languages, enrolling in cadet mentoring programs, and being recognized for honorable conduct. Stunning No-Show at the HCRP. Smith, who works for a Southlake eye surgeon, is a mother and a self-proclaimed animal lover. Hudspeth } padding-bottom: 5px; } Since starting this site in 2018, our small group of volunteers has dwindled to just a few. A "no" vote opposed amending the city charter to eliminate the requirement that a member of the civil service board be a qualified tax paying citizen. WebMattie Parker (born November 9, 1983) is an American attorney, business owner and politician serving as the 45th Mayor of Fort Worth, Texas.She was elected in 2021 after serving as Chief of Staff for the Mayor and the Fort Worth City Council for five years. A yes vote supported authorizing Tarrant County to issue up to $116,000,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund the development of a criminal district attorney office building and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $0 per $100,000 in assessed value. Slater did not disclose how shed vote on the bond but does support some of its aspects. } I think you will find that a general concern for folks who work in elections no matter what role.. You are required to follow the guidelines and use the republication tool when you share our content. float: left; .results_text { [Expletive] needs a traditional Irish dirt nap, said another. Ballotpedia features 408,475 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. A no vote opposed authorizing the Canutillo Independent School District to issue up to $10,000,000 in bonds and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $0 per $100,000 in assessed value. We have three high schools and many more middle schools that use that facility (Northwest ISD Stadium). .race_header.democratic { Cameron Environmental policy font-size: 0.9em; Seven candidates vying for three seats on the school board agree managing the boom of the fastest growing district in North Texas is the most pressing priority. A "yes" vote supportedauthorizing the district to issue up to$33,298,077 in bonds and to levy property taxes to repay the bonds, with bond revenue to be used for technology equipment. U.S. Congress | display: inline-block; } Polk by Miranda Suarez | KERA and Rachel Behrndt, Fort Worth Report April 24, 2023, This article first appeared on Fort Worth Report and is republished here under a Creative Commons license., Miranda is KERA's Fort Worth reporter. Jim Wells Comanche Robertson May 2021 election guide: What North Texas voters need to know margin-bottom:16px; A "no" vote opposedaligning mayoral elections with presidential election years, thereby maintaining their alignment with gubernatorial elections years. What would each amendment actually do? } } Coryell She said that the committee determines what the district needs, and its recommendations is the only thing bond money can be used for. Lubbock, Texas, Proposition A, Abortion Ban Within City Limits Initiative (May 2021): . background-color: #db0000; Runnels Lubbock margin-bottom: 4px; .partytd.Republican { Some jurisdictions require candidates to reach a majority of the vote, which is more than 50%, to outright win. With so many candidates running, it's quite possible plenty of local races will head to run-off elections sometime later this summer.
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