As far as they've told me, its not one of the more aggressive variants, although when I asked about specific pathology, I got "it really doesn't matter, treatment is the same." I have lost 15 lbs because I am limited in what I can eat. No major symptoms of hypo yet, and one more scan to complete this coming Friday. I am having my post op apt on Wednesday this week. A retrospective analysis was performed on 246 patients with PTC who underwent total thyroidectomy and central neck dissection from 2004 to 2010. It may last for up to six months. Answer Question Read Responses (5+) Follow So thats why I get that tight feeling around my neck. A lump under the chin is frequently associated with swelling around the chin, jaw, or throat. I sent pics to my doc just in case. If you are considering Mayo and not able to see Dr. Hay - he isn't always available for new patients - just go to any Endo! It hurts to the touch and hasnt gone away. I realize I am only about a month out from my surgery, so I just wanted to gauge how long before most of the swelling goes away and I start to look more like my old self again? Im so tired of asking my PA questions and feeling stupid because whatever it is is no big deal, do I thought Id ask you guys. It could be an infection. I am scheduled to start Dabrafenib (which says not to crush) and Trametinib on Sept 24th for two months in an attempt to redifferentiate my RAI-resistant cancer. This lateral neck dissection I had one week ago seems worse than the TT I had last year! <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in less than one minute for common issues such as: colds and coughs, stomach symptoms, bladder infections, rashes, and more. Thats because many signs and symptoms of thyroid disease develop on the skin, hair, and nails. What can I expect once I decide to proceed with surgery? Could it just be extra lymphatic fluid floating around without a place to go? Thyroidectomy is the surgical removal of all or part of your thyroid gland. OMG kimcam, maybe you should send that picture to your doctors office tomorrow. Thyroid disease: A checklist of skin, hair, and nail changes I had a total TT and left neck dissection 4 weeks ago and am still recovering from the op. my left shoulder pain and neck swelling is unbearable at the moment ( think that has a lot to do with being back at work last week and working at a computer for most of the day) but otherwise the actual thyroid op went well, no complications with calcium levels and effect to my voice. I need to get educated on the different blood test readings, I'm very tired and my sleep pattern is totally destroyed. This community is sponsored by ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, an Inspire trusted partner. heavy lifting, strenuous exercise, etc.). OMG! I feel like I'm becoming depressed. If you're experiencing any of the following symptoms or situations after your thyroidectomy, it's important to call your healthcare provider: Swelling at the incision site. To help you find early (and some not-so-early) signs of thyroid disease on your skin, hair, and nails, heres a checklist. Medicine. To help with swallowing I would tilt my chin down while swallowing and "hard swallowed" to help alleviate my issues. The exact causes of seromas are not clear, but they are common in the breast area of people who have undergone surgery to . Zhang H, Hu S, Wang X, He J, Liu W, Yu C, Sun Z, Ge Y, Duan S. Technol Cancer Res Treat. Endocrinology 45 years experience. I don't believe it is due to the RAI damage as I had these same aches before I was diagnosed and now they seem to be back 11 months after my TT and RAI. Thyroid cancer might not cause any symptoms at first. Feb 14th, 2012 had massive dose of RAI. When eyes protrude, its often a sign of thyroid disease. Avoid any activity that raises your blood pressure for one week (eg. I had the same thing with a huge double chin and choking feeling. Im due for blood work again that was about 8 months ago. I questioned whether I would be a candidate w/out previous RAI -- no answers in the research. )-hx2B,M4H&lcpaeGt?~;kq*C fs (F'z,u6uy[,+D ofgyc_GHL4qa8d4em^-' +>A,jZRXma |zZHI|tz@. A seroma is a fluid-filled pocket that can develop after breast surgery. Pn9/@RHw\F7F).z^t6qmk\[Ry)&:r6{[;12+W;5Rl@|CFzB^ if;Qeh;a]e]O[r w{>) K}Rx((- +pKP-1X"LkJ o Thank you for this. My surgeon told me I could do anything I wanted including exercise but even 5-6 weeks post opt I could not lift weights or barely jog without swelling shortly after. What will be my physical restrictions following surgery? Swelling after thyroidectomy??? - Thyroid cancer - Inspire I am also needing to prepare for the RAi scan in 3 weeks time and was told not to take any supplements whatsoever, does anyone know if its still ok to take antidepressants while preparing and undergoing RAI? It's almost in the same spot that the initial lymph nodes popped up when I was diagnosed. Did you do massages on it? I told him I went shopping for several hours with the family yesterday. Hyperthyroidism is typically treated with either anti-thyroid drugs, radioactive iodine, or surgery. Natalie tried many acne products without success. Before my TT operation I had had a CT scan and a nuclear iodine full body scan which both came back as clear. Before you leave the hospital, your healthcare provider will go over any instructions and talk about when you should follow up with your surgeon. Firstly, hello! I have found that alternating cool and warm compresses makes blood vessels expand and contract and helps "pump" fluid away. Post-thyroidectomy patients have a central neck scar. Let them know what is going on, and ask to be seen. When does lump in the throat go away after thyroid surgery During a thyroidectomy, there are a few ways your surgeon can access your thyroid, including: Depending on your situation, your surgeon will remove: During surgery for a thyroid cancer diagnosis, your surgeon may sample lymph nodes around your thyroid gland. Same answer as last Sunday with the calcium stuff. If hoarseness persists, especially if it is still present six months after surgery, it's likely that the recurrent laryngeal nerve was injured. Dermatologists care for people of all ages. The hardening typically peaks about three weeks after surgery and then subsides over the next two to three months. I feel so desperate for this to go away. Soft, shiny, and easily crumble Ice packs make me comfortable but once ice wears off, then it stings again. These are normal sensations. it seems to hurt so much more if my neck gets cold. The swelling in the left part of my neck is starting to come down more, but there is still tightness and tenderness, along with my lightheadedness. it feels like there are hands wringing my neck at all times, and its hard to move my head. Get useful, helpful and relevant health + wellness information, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44195 |, Important Updates + Notice of Vendor Data Event, (, (, (, ( It produces hormones that control the body's growth and metabolism. Applying a warm compress may also help. Only do so if they tell you to. I had no idea it would be like this- the internet makes TT seem like a piece of cake. When things get really full, sometimes I use kinesio tape in addition. I really freaked out about it too. Thanks for listening, Thus, many "recurrences" are really just lymph nodes that were effected by cancer cells seeping through the back side of the thyroid and into the lymph node(s) behind it. They sent me to a lymphedema therapist as they call it which has only been in existence for three years as I was told. Occult lymph node metastasis and risk of regional recurrence in papillary thyroid cancer after bilateral prophylactic central neck dissection: A multi-institutional study. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. By the anniversary of my TT in May 2014, I felt physically better than I had in over a year. Symptoms may include an area of firmness and swelling on the front or side of the neck (usually beneath the incision), neck pain, and symptoms of airway obstruction such as shortness of breath, lightheadedness, or stridor (a high-pitched wheezing sound that's usually most noticeable with inspiration than exhalation). Once you have recovered from anesthesia and are fully awake, youll likely be able to have something light to eat and drink. Surgery to remove your whole thyroid may take up to four hours. If a specially trained and experienced surgeon performs a thyroidectomy, its generally very safe. I'll say it's not quite golfball size but close. Thyroidectomy is the main surgical treatment for thyroid cancer and is a treatment option for certain thyroid conditions, including: Your thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located at the front of your neck under your skin. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help She said she strongly feel that this condition is reversible with a little double behind it because it's been 2 months and they should have sent me to her earlier as she stated. Most of these will be temporary, but some may persist. Sad. Dry, itchy scalp and dandruff My profile picture is what my neck looked like before the surgery. When I looked up lymphodema, it says that its a permanent condition, so I dont know if he diagnosed me with lyphodema, or if he just thought the treatment would be beneficial. All of your thyroid (total thyroidectomy). -Tg= 1.8 ng/mL (1.7- 55.60) Top answers from doctors based on your search: Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. This is mainly to reduce the risk of a neck hematoma (blood clot) and breaking open your stitches. Copyright 2000-2022 Cancer Survivors Network. Yellowish-orange color on your palms and soles If you have a nodule, your provider may perform a fine needle aspiration (a type of. With the assistance of a robot through a distant incision in either the axilla (the space below your shoulder through which vessels and nerves enter and leave your upper arm) or the back of your neck. Last blood work still showed a TG, but my doctor said it was optimistic to ever have a TG 0 in my case. In addition to reviewing, I had blood work drawn, a vocal chord check and U/S. Soft and fine hair with lots of shedding I learned this from a surgeon who did a bunionectomy on my son years ago. For people with hyperthyroidism, the doctor will administer medications to keep thyroid hormones in balance during and after surgery. But, Im questioning if I feel well enough and have healed? 8 weeks -- My TSH has been adequately suppressed (0.02) TG levels undetectable and No TG Antibodies. Complications are rare but can be serious and even potentially life-threatening if they do occur. I'm eating too much and getting depressed. So in May 2014, I got my first year U/S - and it showed a 5mm nodule in the left thyroid bed (same area as the cancer nodule taken out with the TT) - a subsequent FNA confirmed PTC recurrence. Surgeons perform more than 150,000 thyroidectomies in the United States each year. So I decided to visit an ENT specialist who first did a fine needle biopsy (which i found out later after asking for the actual results on paper had suspected thyroid cancer and even suggested he do further testing which he ignored and lied to me about) he told me all the liquid in the lump was drained out from the biopsy so all will be fine, 4 months later the lump had returned. Nausea and vomiting after thyroidectomy was the norm at one time, and people may be concerned if they talk with others who had this procedure in the past. TT was done in Oct 2012 & several LNs on the left side were removed using modified radical dissection. The thyroid gland wraps around and lays on top of lymph nodes (the central section is the biggest culprit of hidden lurkers) so that after you take out the thyroid, you are bound to have lymph node involvement in the area behind the thyroid where the cancer was found. Relationship between subgroups of central and lateral lymph node metastasis in clinically node-negative papillary thyroid carcinoma. If you have a large goiter or a large cancerous tumor, youll likely need a total thyroidectomy. Predictive factors for lateral LN recurrence were evaluated using the chi-square test. This includes herbs and supplements. (second edition). Im desperate for relief! I was shocked that she uttered those words and I excitedly told her I had been obsessively researching this treatment - but wasn't sure re: RAI. I just had a total thyroidectomy in March/2016, and have been on 125 yrs old crippled with osteoarthritis , had a thyroidectomy 10 years ago following uncontrollable NW London Hospitals Referring Patients to 'liothyronine with Statins - get informed and know the risks, Absolutely no apetite after thyroidectomy. This is uncommon and primarily a concern if both nerves are damaged. Another blood test is recommended in Jul 2013, followed by a low dose radio iodine scan. Treatment usually includes IV antibiotics, which are medications to kill bacteria that are delivered through a vein. I'm seeing my surgeon in two weeks, and can't wait to tell him what a lousy job he did on me. I am 20 days post-op total thyroidectomy with central and left neck lymph node removal. Since the area around your incision will be prone to sunburns, wear sunscreen whenever you go outside for at least a year after surgery. Are there any clear guidelines anywhere for when swelling crosses the line from normal to abnormal? All of the cells in your body need energy to function. As only one of the four parathyroid glands is needed to regulate calcium levels, the condition is uncommon, affecting roughly 2% of people who have a thyroidectomy. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000002812, Almquist M, Hallgrimsson P, Nordenstrm E, Bergenfelz A. Hi everyone! I had my TT on June 2nd (a week ago) and my neck feel and looks bulgy. Complications after thyroid surgery are rare but can be serious and potentially life threatening. 2017;76(5):871-8. Talk to your healthcare provider about all the medications you take both prescription and non-prescription. Is it normal to be still swollen after 6 days? The .gov means its official. By asking you about your symptoms, your doctor can decide whether you need a blood test to check for thyroid disease. The next day it got better. I came down with the flu yesterday and now my sinuses are completely shut, so combined with the feeling like someone is squeezing my throat, its super hard to breathe. I have loss of voice function (mostly producing volume) and problems breathing upon exertion. Its not painful but its kinda tight feeling. Any thoughts or experience with this procedure? Thanks!! The risk of infection is present with any type of surgery but is relatively rare with thyroid surgery. the leak healed. Recurrence in regional lymph nodes after total thyroidectomy and neck dissection in patients with papillary thyroid cancer. To view profiles and participate in discussions please. Has anyone had similar issues of concern? Occurring in roughly one in 300 procedures, most hematomas occur within 24 hours of surgery, though research indicates they may occur later in 10% to 28% of cases. Since then, the swelling has gone down, but the lower right side of my face (my chin and lower right of my mouth) feel numb and sort of paralyzed - a bit like it feels when I get novacaine at the dentist and it starts to wear off. The results are below (same as I had shared on my first post): I will see the endocrinologist for the first time on 5/31. To learn more, please visit our. After completing this course of medication, I could feel that the swelling had slightly gone down but then the swelling came back around April 13 when I tested positive for COVID. I didnt say much at the time as I knew all I needed to do was ask on this brilliant platform. Kimcam how's the incision? I'm 2 and half weeks after total thyroidectomy and although incision healing well I have considerable swelling still just below it. What Is Causing This Woman's Swollen Chin? | MedPage Today Now I feel a ridge or small obstruction when I swallow. Partner with the expert for the best care. Kate, thank you for sharing your pictures. 30 lymph nodes were removed and 7 with cancer. Did it go away? Heres a photo of myself this morning. I have my post op on Friday but its worrying me so Id thought Id ask you all beforehand. After this test, the doctor reduced my dose to 125 mg and I had the second follow up test on April 16, results below: Light housekeeping and walking are usually fine once you arrive home. Medicine (Baltimore). Thank you for your help and yes I will write a list for Friday. Joo JY, Jin J, Seo ST, Lim YC, Rha KS, Koo BS. You, too, may also be able to spot thyroid disease, and thats important. He contacted Dr. Hay immediately and they did an FNA -- within a half hour I was in Dr. Hays' office with the results of the new FNA - negative! Unfortunately, a surgeon makes ~50K off of each PTC recurrence and a radiologist will make ~3K off every ablation. While the fluid is often reabsorbed by the body, large seromas may need to be drained. Swelling in Right thyroid lobe since one that time fever and neck pain was there.After consultation of physician antibiotics was used &gradually fever disappear.Now external swelling not there but in ultra sound scanning swelling is observed.and slightly T3,T4 levels raised but TSH is about 0.01. ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc. These include: While a total thyroidectomy is more extensive surgery than a subtotal thyroidectomy, several studies suggest that the safety of the two procedures is similar with regard to complications, though temporary low calcium levels (and hypothyroidism due to the removal of the entire thyroid) are more common with the total procedure.