In terms of his weakness, Vision has rigidity issues. Wolverine can drown because it cuts off his brain's oxygen supply. This list of SuperPowers and strategic writing tips will equip you to write well-rounded heroes or villains for your novel, . Guardians of the Galaxy 3 review: Goodbye to the old MCU - Polygon However, if you happen to have some asbestos on then you can have the fight half won. This meant just saying his superhero name would turn him back to Freddy Freeman. This gave him the powers of a spider, including climbing walls and superhuman strength and agility. Power of sunburn. Black Adam's biggest weakness is his brash nature, arrogance, and overwhelming sense of pride. Shazam used to be called Captain Marvel but because of rights and confusion, he is now called Shazam. As such, she has the same weaknesses as this world's Supergirl, including Kryptonite and a vulnerability to magic. Superman also has a weakness and vulnerability to magical attacks. Then the whole class chooses the best disadvantage - only one! Reed Richards: Fantastic Four Power Synergism, Jean Grey: Dissociative Identity Disorder, Wolverine: Sensory Overload (And Drowning, But Good Luck), 20 Marvel Characters So Powerful The MCU Had To Weaken Their Abilities, 15 Marvel Characters Who Are Powerful Enough To Beat Thanos, 10 Marvel Characters In Black Widow's Inner Circle (And 10 Biggest Enemies), 15 Marvel Characters Who Deserve Their Own Disney+ Show (And Why). However, the first Green Lantern, Alan Scott, had a more obscure weakness that many readers are unaware of. Is there a superhero whose strength is his/her weakness at the same Sue Storm is an integral member of the Fantastic Four, and she is known for being an exceptionally powerful character that can stand on her own. Lets tackle the obvious and easiest one first. However, Power Girl had another weakness that seemed off-the-wall and many readers might not know about. Every spider-hero, from Spider-Man to Spider-Woman to Madame Web, has a weakness to Ethyl Chloride. Green Arrow. Unfortunately, her emotions play a huge part in what she does, and these emotionsare even detrimental to her power usage. He is blind with heightened senses. However, he has one weakness that really hurts since two of his most famous villains are Captain Cold and Heat Wave. Many villains defeat Cyclops by taking off his visor, making him a deadly weapon to anyone close by, friend or foe. She's worked as a spy, an Avenger, and even been the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. The greatest weakness for Thanos is Thanos. Apotheosis Minor 5. Hawkeye is one of the few Avengers whose greatest weakness is more on the physical side of things, as he's limited by his ammo. Updated on August 22, 2022 by Scoot Allan: The Justice Society of America and their successors will appear in the upcomingThe New Golden Age series. This all started in the Golden Age with Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern. Motivated to defend the world from criminals and madmen. Like Black Panther, Wolverine has heightened senses, which leaves him prone to sensory overload. Shawn is also a published author, with a non-fiction book about the Stephen King Dollar Baby Filmmakers and has begun work on a new fiction series as well. However, the big mystery for fans is whether Alan Scott's power ring still has a bizarre weakness to wood? A sore throat could dampen the power of her Canary Cry and laryngitis could make her completely powerless. Martian Manhunter has one key weakness and that is the psychosomatic fear of fire. Shawn S. Lealos is a senior writer on ScreenRant who fell in love with movies in 1989 after going to the theater to see Tim Burton's Batman as his first big screen experience. Comparison: Superheroes And Their Weaknesses - YouTube He also reacts strongly to red solar radiation, as opposed to the yellow solar radiation on Earth. The Green Lanterns' rings have no influence on anything that is yellow owing to an innate impurity in them. If she couldn't speak, she couldn't use her magic against them. He has work published on websites like The Huffington Post, Yahoo Movies, Chud, Renegade Cinema, and 411mania. The first of Bruce Wayne's many Robin's, Dick Grayson has grown into one of the most accomplished vigilantes in superhero comics. Wonder Womanbound at the bracelets by man. He can transmute anything except anything organic. GM Ryan Poles selected Travis Bell, a 6-foot-1, 310-pound defensive tackle from Kennesaw State at No. This leads to the question of whether or not heightened senses are a superpower. This was having her hands bound by a man, something that stripped her of the role of feminist icon early in her career. It is the weakness upon which all other weaknesses are built. He can interface with any computer, including those controlling weapons and technology, and download any information he needs to operate any system. My page isn't called That is Evil for nothing - we can't have our superheroes all nice and spotless, can we? Hal Jordan is one of the most capable and powerful members of the Green Lantern Corps. These relatively unknown weaknesses only pop up randomly when the writers need to put the heroes in a dangerous situation, and outside of this, many of these weaknesses disappear. The ultimate compendium to everyone's favorite participants in the eternal battle between good and evil! In his most stripped-down form, Iron Man is just a man in a suit. you try to shoot him with a hail of bullets and he turns them into flowers or cotton balls. It has become a synonym for weakness. If he tries to use his ring on a house made of wood, it won't do anything and if someone hides behind a tree, he can't use his power to affect them at all. Daredevil is the man without fear. But this is too classic to let go. The comic books have shown that it can be nothing more than just loud music, so if someone literally just blasts heavy metal, they have one-upped Venom. Running too fast. Today, the weaknesses of Powergirl is the same as the weaknesses of Superman, where she is vulnerable to Kryptonite and magic. That makes his major weakness seem very strange since one of hisdownfalls was running too fast. In most of his. Most superheroes have a weakness designed to make their stories compelling, but sometimes, these weaknesses are so bizarre they barley make sense. The early Wonder Woman comics have a distinct edge that isnt present in later comics. Unlike Superman, Wonder Womans invulnerability only correlates with blunt objects. That doesn't make too much sense, as the high frequency of the noise causes the symbiote to leave the host. Superheroes are a power fantasy and Wonder Woman is meant to be a liberating figure. Spider-Man has fought some tough villains and if any of them uses Ethyl Chloride, it drainsthe Wall-Crawler of all his powers and a strong enough dose could kill him. While critics blasted it for a weak story, fans loved it mostly because of the action and Dwayne Johnson's charisma. For as powerful as Flash is if he runs too fast, he can destroy himself. For Green Lantern, there is nothing worse than Batman, painted in the color of your weakness, sipping lemonade and passing judgment on you.And thus, to taunt him, Batman instructed Robin to paint an entire room and himself yellow in Frank Miller's All-Star Batman & Robin. Franks methods are extreme and always involve killing any he targets. On the other hand, Red Hulk can't exert too much energy at one time. "I'm self . While not the worst weakness of the bunch, it is still something that the enemy can try to exploit in battle. The most obvious example is Superman and Kryptonite, giving the most powerful character in comic book history one major weakness that a human villain like Lex Luthor can utilize to try to bring him down. Having a superhero with no weaknesses makes for a mostly boring reading experience. This select group of individuals chose to better themselves through intense training, a desire to be more, and wanting to help those who couldnt help themselves. The Guardians power ring choose Hal Jordan to become a Green Lantern because he was fearless and with this, Green Lantern can combat any foe that he comes across .as long as the color yellow is not involved. He dishes out his own personal form of justice and his justice isnt something to be trifled with. Everything that I do is for my family. His powers put him in league with Superman and in my opinion, make him even more powerful. Lets tackle the obvious and easiest one first. With that said, loud noises is a weakness for Daredevil and can almost cripple him and take him out of a fight. At the end of the day, this doesnt really matter. Batman has no superpowers, so he has all the weaknesses of any mere mortal; he only survives by the strength of his intellect in solving problems and creating winning strategies. He can not stay away from Earth for more than a year at a time. A sore throat can spell trouble for Black Canary, and on one occasion, a vicious neck wound almost erased her cry completely. to Donald Blake. Archery Ability 1. One of the things that makes this possible even though he is stronger is her training as an Amazon warrior. In the comics, even a lit match is enough to make the symbiote run in terror. Superhero Tropes - TV Tropes This has been a Superman weakness since 1942's Superman #14 by Jerry Siegel, Leo Nowak, and John Sikela. Like Black Panther, Wolverine has heightened senses, which leaves him prone to sensory overload. But this is too classic to let go. A weakness to the color yellow, which was used quite a bit during Hal Jordan's earliest years as a member of the Green Lantern Corps. Namor is powerful, but an oxygen imbalance means that he must be tactful about how long he is ashore and underwater. Zatanna is unable to conjure any spells without speaking the words, making her completely worthless as a superhero if she isn't able to speak. Venom has two major weaknesses. Powered by WordPress. How about Doctor Strange or the Flash?. This concept doesn't make much sense. Nope. The way this weakness works is that the original Green Lantern's ring energy was ineffective against anything made of wood. The Justice League movie made a joke of this when Barry Allen wanted pizza, but his body constantly moving at high speeds also burns the food he eats quicker than normal humans. Black Adam brought the DC Extended Universe back to the theaters and the movie was polarizing. In that time, she's picked up a lot . When he loses, it is almost always because of his own shortcomings and pride. Cyclops has a major weakness: he must keep his Ruby-Quartz visor or glasses on at all times. Her connection to Superman and her origins as a Kryptonian has fluctuated over the years, which resulted in an unusual weakness that remains one of the weirdest facts about Power Girl. She is now on an Earth 2 that I care not to go into but that doesnt change the fact of why shes on this list. So, you try to shoot him with a hail of bullets and he turns them into flowers or cotton balls. There is one thing that Wolverines healing factor can't save him from: drowning. Top 10 Superhero Weaknesses | Videos on However, in the early days of Marvel Comics,Asbestos Lady was a villain for the original Human Torch because asbestos was used at the time for fireproofing buildings. He operates on top of the dark night skies and does so at a level different from most other superheroes. 10 Powers Only Super Fans Know Black Widow Has (And 10 Strange Weaknesses) A small one. Shes nearly as strong as Superman, and a far better fighter because of her years of training as an Amazonian warrior. So here we ar. 25 Coolest & Unique SuperPowers You Are Not Aware Of Follow him on Twitter @ sageshinigami, or on Twitch @ sageshinigami. If he doesn't fire blasts on a regular basis, it causes him significant problems. However, he's also incredibly weak to magic. Virtual invulnerability. While that makes sense for Namor, who came from under the sea, this weakness for Aquaman makes no sense and is just a dumb weakness for this DC Comics hero to have. Unfortunately, her cry comes from her vocal cords, which means she can lose her most powerful weapon if she catches a common cold. If a villain blasts Ms. Marvel with an EMP, it weakens her elasticity andlimits her only power, making her vulnerable to attacks. Some of these may come as a total surprise, as certain heroes are perceived to be inconvincible. Apathy Ability 1. Queen Industries is a leading tech company thats granted Oliver unheard-of wealth. His. It does, however, include the Batmobile, Batcopter, Batboat,Batwing, Tumbler, and Batpod. He started to go by CM3 instead after the original and Mary Marvel. However, for Billy Batson to become Shazam he has to say his name for the lightning to strike so if he is in his superhero form and says his name again, he reverts back to Billy Batson. While there is nothing that actually hurts Martian Manhunter when it comes to flame, he loses control over his powers and is vulnerable to injury when in this state of mind. Dinah Lance was one of the founding members of the Justice League as Black Canary. RELATED:Spider-Man Villains, Ranked By Fighting Ability. Divide your students into groups, and ask them to create a weakness for each of the superheroes presented.