I dont have a window and I love it. Shaye Elliott @theelliotthome I blog for all the nerds out there like me who enjoy things like preserving food, cleaning with vinegar, and cloth diapers. Somehow I am wearing ratty nursing bras from my sister-in-law.Played out, stained things with inch wide thick straps. We plant and harvest, nurture and cull, say hello to newborn animals and goodbye to older ones, and pray that it all comes together from season to season. You did a beautiful job saying what I have thought so many times. I admire you and your family so much for living the life we would have loved if we could have done it when we were younger. or after you work him so hard ? Overall, its best to focus on whole ingredients and avoid prepackaged products. Thank you! I can TOTALLY relate. 1 Cor. Because of your blog I bring out the good dishes. Great read! Shaye Elliott: We started by cooking. My husband left with his dad and brother for a three day business trip a couple weeks ago too, only I had all four kids, and I despirately missed him! I cant get enough of the amazing views from your home. We just had a mini vacation to Leavenworth yesterday. We'll bust out the bubbly and some fancy appetizers and invite friends or family to come and mingle while French Cafe' plays in the background. So we don't over consume. I have faced this too and its sooooo frustrating. Shaye Elliott lives in Central Washington State with her family of six - one bearded husband and four lovely children (Georgia, Owen, William, and Juliette). I once heard someone say dont ever be jealous of or covet what someone else has. She and her husband packed up and left their city life to a five-acre homestead in central Washington where they raise their own dairy cows, chickens, pigs, sheep, and turkeys, and grow too many vegetables to count. We do not live for ourselves but in everything live for Christ. At the end of the day you are Responsible and accountable to each other, GOD and teaching your children and what you have steward. My LaCanche Range in Amour. 2023 Paste Media Group. He pours generously. You are so right. Cottage-inspiration from the vegetable and flower gardens, to the small farm and dairy cow, to the from-scratch kitchen, to the still-life photography studio. and beer? Though its far from perfect or easy this is the life we love. Pipe Smoking & 'Phood Pharisees'. - Shaye Elliott SE: I absolutely love it! Jesus turned water into wine, and Im sure he enjoyed some of it, but in moderation to be sure. It's welcoming and warm, and has served as the backdrop for countless of Shaye's Instagram posts and blog entries on her wildly popular website, The Elliott Homestead, which gets about 100,000 unique visits each month. Stuart is an amazing guitar player like, seriously, amazing. But we also eat the most incredible burgers from a local restaurant every once in a while. Shaye spends her days writing, gardening, child and . the land your home and your stove so dont allow people to make you feel less than. My dad smokes a pipe. I like it. Other Works | Publicity Listings | Official Sites. Never ever apologize for doing whats right for you and your family. Stu has a musical mind and the way it's wired the way it hears things is beautiful. I want you to know that yalls comments meant the world to me and knowing that so many of you were lifting our, Steven Rinella, a popular hunting advocate and star of Meat Eater (love that show), said it best. He has a beard. Here is an excellent teaching called Does God care about what we Eat? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcHukVMPC88 May Yahs blessing be upon you . But we've also been given the liberty to enjoy certain other things as well and in moderation, those are wonderful things. Weekend Supper | Homestead Table | Food Network Y'all, let me just tell you about my bearded husband. While I may be the dream machineof this farm, continuing to push us forward with my vision and (ahem) animal purchases, Stuart is without a doubt the structure that holds it all together. Besides, depending of whats in the pipe, smoking in itself may not be THAT harmful Cheers to you guys! While the husband's away. I have a wonderful strong man, 20 yrs married now. Shaye I was around when you shared the first photo of that b-e-a-uiful stove. I thought I had been, Im sorry I havent updated since Friday. Right on on girlie!!!!!!!!! You two are a great team. And your health thanks you. For starters, its not exactly a barn, but since this is a farm,. Ive had stuff in my head about this topic before, but it never comes out right! Its wonderful to do our best to treat our bodies as temples and to make a huge effort to keep them healthy and put the beautiful, natural things of this world in them. Collect Social Security and have a modest amount of invested savings to help make ends meet. Continue to do what He has called you to do. It's not like without half the family my days still haven't been plenty full. Or the 64 ounce steaks served up at your local restaurant. ). But oh, I am so looking forward to his return tonight! *Blessings* ~Brianna. I have been having a similar revelation myself http://anappetiteforcolor.wordpress.com/2013/01/19/for-the-love-of-baguette/. Shaye Elliott is an old soul that lives in North Central Washington with her husband, Stuart, and their four children. The wife eats delicious soft boiled eggs with herbs and butter and crusty bread for almost every meal because 1) it's delicious 2) it's nutritious and 3) it makes almost no dishes. Jacqueline Neves is a food and travel writer based in Boston. I love this and your choice on your home and whatever is placed there. Rom. A lonely one was saved for later. When we were traveling it was $1500 a month. Oh, how I can relate. We'll be driving to Montana to pick her up from a friend before bringing her back and getting to know her well. And I loved reading Stuarts comments as well as they offered even more insight into the scriptures we often misinterpret. Aug 27, 2022. On a May morning, Shaye's kitchen buzzed with activity. Thats a lesson Im happy to drive home to my children. Thanks for posting thisIm pretty sure Ill be reading it again. Must be nice they murmur in their emails as if I'm a rich aristocrat who can't possibly understand how the peasants live. I love the way you see life. My pocketbook won. Managing Expectations - by Shaye Elliott Thanks for this post, and keep up all the awesomeness here! by Shaye Elliott Paperback $24.95 The Elliott Homestead: From Scratch: Traditional, whole-foods dishes for easy, everyday meals by Shaye Marie Elliott Paperback $34.51 From the Publisher Welcome to our Family Table! (Honestly, I had a hard time even coming up with that list. The aroma and the relaxation has to be a part of him Does he enjoy it when he reads ? Its not always easy to articulate the nuances of balancing all the various things in this world but as someone who enjoys tobacco every once in a while Ive always felt the need to mostly hide that fact from others. LOL, Great to see a young man of faith and virtue enjoy a pipe once in a while in a natural family setting. Pretty much have to smoke a pipe with Tolkien! I'm so confused. Meerschaum pipes, especially, indicate consideration and attention in a smoker. This is why. Aaaahh, memories! 86K Followers, 646 Following, 2,649 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Shaye Elliott (@shayeelliott) Most folks would not agree with this statement but like you so wonderfully phrased it, Moderation, moderation, moderation. She and her husband, Stuart, are now developing their own little farm in the Pacific Northwest with their quiver of children, Georgia, Owen, William, and Juliette. This response has been long winded but it is a big topic which much more could be said on. Hubby was recently gone for 10 days (6 w/ no cell svc.) They feed in the mornings, help with chores, help prepare meals, and even help with the harvests. I love that you addressed this. Elliott now makes $500,000 a year selling to fellow "oilers." Family Table: Farm Cooking from the Elliott Homestead: Elliott, Shaye The house stays clean. Your email address will not be published. I buy fresh olive oil instead of getting my nails done. verse wouldnt apply. Did they need to become Jewish in order to be Christians? You don't have to. There are things pertaining to how to live for Christ that Paul indicates are a matter of conscience. My many baking flops are your gain. We too do without a lot of things to save for what matters most to us. His black and whites always seem to be my favorite. The answer comes with a resounding no. What a beautiful tribute to your man. The more we grew, the more acclimated our tastes grew to these incredible fresh flavors. Ahh who am I kidding? After all, if we're all about healthy living here on the homestead, how could my husband be doing such a thing?! I've faced this before I remember being told that because I was country' I couldn't listen to certain types of music. He draws and paints a variety of images that hang around my house and in tattered color pads. Youll not get any judgement from me about what you choose to spend your money on. I would like to say that I enjoyed the peace, but I was a total wreck! Dried fruits. THANK YOU! Wow, Shaye. But I did. I too have an incredible husband (35 yrs.married) ,were unbelievably different but hey it works!!! Also it should be noted that the wife was on her second glass of wine. Sure, a car is helpful when you need to go places, haul groceries, or ya know get to the emergency room or something. He's the other half of this homestead and though he sits beside me each day as I lovingly tend to the blog, he rarely makes a spotlight appearance on it's pages. There was no privilege back thenonly hard work. Washingtonamzn.to/2ImLehiJoined September 2011 48Following 1,524Followers Tweets Replies Media Likes Shaye Elliott's Tweets Shaye Elliott @theelliotthome Jul 15, 2021 Very well said! It will still be a while for me but I want what I want and I wont apologize for it! Pastel-colored eggs were piled high in a wooden bucket. It didnt take long to realize that ingredients were most delicious when they were plucked from our own soil. The passage you may be referring to is Romans 14 and continuing to chapter 15. But the one or two we get to enjoy on occasion is a blessing. They hear you. I want to go make some luscious soft boiled eggs now. Thanks for bringing a smile to this wifes face , SO true Shaye! We buy the best olive oil we can from a specialty shop, and do a lot of our own cooking and baking. The bright side: hes not a fan of chicken so I ate chicken 9 out of those 10 days:) Blessings of safe travels and peaceful returns to you and yours. So hell-bent on keeping the law perfectly that they even condemned Christ himself for breaking the their man-made laws of the Sabbath rest. This post really resonates with me! We're welcoming our new heifer Cecelia onto the farm in early Spring 2016 as well! Romantic comedies literally every night. I couldnt see through the tears then ..but God placed us in our home now where I get to be around our grands 24 seven. Luckily, I use small words and simple language. None of us fit perfectly into any category we are individuals. My grandma gave him a hard time until she found out that according to the Surgeon General, pipe smokers live an average of 2 years longer than non-pipe smokers. To say I'm used to his company is a gross understatement. It accentuates his tweed jacket and wrinkles and hangs in our living room. I can only imagine how he feels after a long days work to sit and look at all you guys are accomplishing.each having your own part and yet working together toward the end goal! In my mind it was simple. In other words I dont have to abstain from what other people might think is a form of evil if it is not something God says is a form of evil. In these situations, people inevitably wonder out loud how much my husband and I spend on groceries, and I do my best to suppress the *slight* twinge of embarrassment I still feel when I confirm that yes, it is a lot, and much more than most people choose to spend on their food. Stuart reminds me of my grandpa: he grows his own tobacco and smokes his pipe after finishing up his work around the farm and the garden. We have to shut those things done completely and for good. In her latest book, Welcome to the Farm,. Family Table: Farm Cooking from the Elliott Homestead My biggest bill is my food billand that is with us raising about half of our food on our little farm. Those danged ol pregnant women. Though my lips are sealed on many accounts, we have much on the horizon for the year ahead and there is no one I'd rather share the journey with than Mr. Elliott. And I believe there are valid arguments for such. Anyone who is married to a musically minded individual knows the frustration that they feel when looking right into said musician's eyes, making a statement or asking a question, and getting the empty stare back. The wife booby-traps the old sliding doors and windows that are too brokento lock because 1) she's afraid of people sneaking into her house at night and 2) she's super afraid of people sneaking into her house at night. You are such a gifted writer. Homestead Table | Food Network I must say no if someone offers me something that he forbids. But for the most part we drink good coffee every morning, and buy free range eggs. For about 7 years of our marriage I wanted to smash his laptop. What I have personally found helpful and the most biblically faithful on this topic is the approach taken in covenant theology. I was wondering how your sweet milk cow was getting along. Copyright 2023 The Elliot Homestead | Privacy Policy, full-blown cookbook launch (have you ordered your signed copy yet? We like to feel good and we enjoy being healthy eating the way we do allows us to enjoy those things. I completely agree! And as experience is the best teacher, Im here to share with you how to bake better bread at home. Though I can't remember what it was regarding now, when we were dating, I explicitly remember being called a Yankee. Paste: What do you think of the recent farm to table trend? It always amazes me how little people can think about food these days. 20. As is life with my sexy beast of a husband who's not left my side for more than a small handful of days since we began dating a decade ago. Viva la clean kitchen sink! Or basically any Man vs. Food episode. And memories are being made. I would be buying a stove instead of a car. While I appreciate Pinterests motivating creativity and attention to style, I tend to easily feel overwhelmed. As you probably know, there are a plethora of verses that exhort New Covenant believers about the continuing validity of the OT law while not requiring observance to it in the same way as in OT Judaism. It should be the most important purchase in life. It's nice to live in a country where we can grow our business by doing something we love (teaching other people how to cook, eat, and celebrate from-scratch food! Because one can never spent too much time with their spouse (ahem), I'm also slowly pulling this man I love into the dark side of blogging. 3:28, Col. 3:11, 1 Co 12:13). The Pharisees, you see, were legalistic. The wife rearranges the furniture because 1) it's the only time she can move everything around without eighteen little people jumping all over it and trying to build forts at the same time and 2) she can do it any way she please without any input from someone who may or may not be able to see her vision. My parents think its crazy that we feed our dog a homemade raw diet using ingredients of the same quality that we eat ourselves, which amounts to about $5 a daybasically the same amount that my father chooses to spend on his daily Starbucks latte. Managing expectations has never been my strong suit. Breeding animals. Will be placing the order soon. View agent, publicist, legal and company contact details on IMDbPro. And this would apply sadly to much of what we Americans eat nowadays. Here I am,sitting in my house in Buckinghamshire,UK and your life is soooo totally different to mine but I LOVE reading your blog. Reality Check: Sometimes I want to take the books and slam them up against the wall. Viva la love! Throw into that decision the eighty nine animals here reliant on us for their survival (not the least of which is a bull on loan), and it made it a pretty easy decision to stay behind with half the clan and all the barnyard. And without guilt. We miss so much of what that person has to offer because we focus instead on what they do that we dont agree with, simply because we all are different. But God made other good things and gave us blissful freedom and joyful hearts and I think you were spot on in what you wrote. And good lord I need some new bras. My husband lovingly reminded me this is quite a hefty topic to address. Cook on! Props for sneaking in some romantic comedies. And your husband is as handsome as could be with his pipe. Theyre still young, but are always eager to learn more. Save yourself years of bad loaves. The identifying markers of New Covenant Christians no longer include what they eat so that those coming from all food cultures can be Christians without having to change their diet. I love when mothers have, Itwas a small instance that triggered my emotions this morning. Do you just have a camera with you all the time to get such perfect shots? Loved this article, made me sad not to see Stuart this year as Im no longer at TRA. And that encouragement, that support, means more to me than any amount of hay stacking. We would be a much healthier nation if we could flip the prices on refined white sugar and organic grass fed beef. But its because I think its outrageous when theres a photo of a rainbow bread made with 5 artificial colors and people say wow, this would be great for kids lunches. Part of me was glad I had the kids as they kept me busy and my mind off him being gone, but I can relate to locking the house down, having the loaded gun nearby, and loneliness of sleeping alone. I bought a bottom of the line Amana range because I looked at your Lacanche and thought how glorious that it has no nasty oven window. I bought a stove instead of a car. - Shaye Elliott This is my sentiments exactly. Blogger, home cook and author Shaye Elliot shares her life on a busy farm and her deliciously authentic dishes. And babies. Thanks so much for sharing! You had me cracking up over here in Wisconsin. Elliott truly does it allgrows and harvests her own vegetables and even raises and butchers her own dairy, poultry and meat animals. i was still in an apartment back then, but it was a great way to learn. Always an inspiration, and your words and photographs! Rainy, but wonderful. Homemaker Chic Angela Reed & Shaye Elliott - Apple Podcasts Welcome to the Farm: How-to Wisdom from The Elliott Homestead Thank you for sharing your life with us. Cultured butter. To which I say: Person who throws chicken poo, I appeal to God for standards. *This Q&A has been edited for length and clarity. I have been here for a large part of the blog journey. Name? 14:14 I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself, and again in verse 20 Everything is indeed clean. You truly are a talented writer! Farming A few years ago, Shaye Elliott, feeling trapped in her day job, decided to take a leap of faith. Shaye Elliott is the founder of the blog, The Elliott Homestead. A car can only run so long, but if were healthy we definitely can out live a shinny car. The Elliott Homestead Newsletter | Shaye Elliott | Substack If Im addicted to sugar then I cannot have that in moderation. Rustic Carrot Cake | by Shaye Elliott - Weed 'em & Reap And he slaves over a vision that's in my head for our farm a vision that undoubtedly is difficult for him to see at times through the chores and muck. She and her husband, Stuart, are now developing their own little farm in the Pacific Northwest with their quiver of children, Georgia, Owen, William, and Juliette. Well I am a bit late to the party but I say amen! shaye elliot's blog was the first one i started reading and actually what got me into homesteading about 4-5 years ago. About Us - The Elliott Homestead Its like, surprise! They look so real, like a glimpse through your eyes, the perfect moment captured. Oysters. Since I began posting photographs of Madame online, I've received quite a few emails from readers. I have interacted with Mr. Staleys teaching before at the request of someone else and and depart from him significantly on this issue. Although Elliott says she and her husband, Stuart, were "stupid poor" when their first child was born, in 2010, she stopped working and began doing more by hand, while the growing family lived. Much love from across the pond xxx. Viva la cuddles. It was very encouraging! What a better way to celebrate Tolkien than smoking a pipe while reading his masterpieces! Don't expect the plumbers to show up on time. well written shaye! He has to travel for work a fair bit so, salt, Im somewhat accustomed to him being gone. Weve recently had to temper our food nazi attitudes quite alot in our household. Ya'll already know the new cookbook is set to arrive early Spring 2016 [UPDATE: Click here to learnmore about our Family Table Cookbook]! And we do it joyfully and with genuinely glad hearts! She is a beekeeper, avid gardener, and spends much of her summer preserving a variety of foods for the winter larder. Homesteaders - Stuart and Shaye Elliott embrace the self-sufficient We'll mix up speciality cocktails and feature particular local ingredients in our recipes.
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