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Students could share and compare their seven day creation plans, then go on to compare and contrast these with Genesis in the Old Testament. What is the Torah? End of speech: 'startfreshit's a new week. Founded in 2008, BimBams catalog of hundreds of animated videos and other digital content are now under the auspices of the Union for Reform Judaism, and many can be found on its flagship educational website, ReformJudaism.org. Shabbat begins as night falls on Friday and ends after nightfall on Saturday. What is Shabbat? Originally this name referred to the piece of dough broken off and given as a sacrifice whenever we made bread (see next paragraph), but it came to refer the special plaited loaves we make for Shabbat and holydays. 317K views 5 years ago Learn the basics of the Jewish holiday called Sukkot, including festival huts, lulavs, etrogs, foods, prayers and the spiritual meaning of all the unique rituals. June 17, 2022 . BBC Bitesize, [1] also abbreviated to Bitesize, is the BBC 's free online study support resource for school-age pupils in the United Kingdom. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 11 0 R 12 0 R 13 0 R 14 0 R 15 0 R 16 0 R 17 0 R 18 0 R 19 0 R 20 0 R 21 0 R 22 0 R 23 0 R 24 0 R 25 0 R 26 0 R 27 0 R 28 0 R 29 0 R 30 0 R 31 0 R 32 0 R 33 0 R 34 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 5. For most people eating white bread was therefore a treat. 29 0 obj You may wish to explore with them which list certain suggestions belong in if there is any doubt. How? endobj PDF Shabbat - the Jewish day of rest - Logo of the BBC =!I@ l>g\?G8/f0B" =:.MN>l(DEekFy~iunU*2$7'=Ahad8J%.$3\yJ'VXb O*kZhj %48CYv@V}i*-:|xF&zY/$ d@ox? b@2?#E~qts%U Choose any song that aims to identify what is important (eg 'The bare necessities'). 32 0 obj <>/F 4/A<>/StructParent 10>> 7. endobj We will be open for the May 29th Bank Holiday, Key Stages: Early Years, Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, Topics: Havdalah, Home, Shabbat, Stories from Torah, Torah. Ark - a cabinet that protects sacred scrolls. Charlie admits that it is tempting to play with his phone or other electrical items. When does Shabbat begin? Ask pupils to watch and see if they can spot all eleven. 1. It's a new week.' "[\A/bX%|jq)pmrjh~yb"~l[j 2wv>f9[ Yzvq =z,JC.xG_ 1>DgvjV%z2;LI$1qb[. Find out how about the Jewish day of rest, Shabbat, and how a Jewish family do things differently to the six ordinary weekdays. endobj 1 0 obj endobj They could make a cover for the challah using light-coloured fabric and fabric pens. The video can be paused at appropriate times to ask the Story questions or leave them until after the video to become part of the discussion. Wine is used to show the holiness of the Sabbath when it comes in on Friday night (, The blessing over wine is: Blessed are you,Lord our God, King of the universe, creator of the fruit of the vine.. You could also display the image called 'Shabbat meal' (see 'Key links'). How does Charlie's mother welcome Shabbat? Labelled Synagogue Worksheet - Parts of a Synagogue Resource - Twinkl 19 0 obj BBC Bitesize Celebrating Shabbat at the synagogue https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zrsb9j6 Celebrating Shabbat in a Jewish home https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize . Registered charity no. This resource features a wonderful hand-drawn image of a Synagogue that contains six items to be identified by your class. 4. ', Download / print the assembly framework ready for use, Click to display a labelled image of the shabbat meal. Get answers to those nagging questions youve always had - you can get a private answer if you prefer. 30 0 obj 14 0 obj endobj The candlescan belit up to one and a quarter hours before Shabbat begins, but usually, they are lit 18 minutes before sunset. Show more Related Searches shabbat ks1 year 2 judaism shabbat ks2 judaism year 2 judaism year 2 lesson 1 shabbat Ratings & Reviews Curriculum Links Make a Request Resource Updates Judaism - Resources Information for Teachers http://www.re-handbook.org.uk/section/traditions/judaism (Judaism - the RE CPD Handbook) Introduction to Judaism BBC Bitesize clips to support learning about Shabbat (suitable for KS1): Introduction to Shabbat Celebrating Shabbat in a Jewish home Alternative dreidel pattern and instructions from BBC Bitesize Members Only Baked cheesecake recipe for Shavuot Driedel template Shabbat: imagining a day of rest What is Shabbat? What can Charlie not do during Shabbat? <> Explain that the children are going to watch a short video about Shabbat - the Jewish day of rest - and encourage everyone to think about what the video has to say about the important things in life. 4 0 obj What about the last day? x xI|l&s\ ebKR oq$h4}r}pp.olz'o>JQ The kiddush cup is a special goblet set aside for the blessing of the wine. ^;sB5h %$^JNah pP. 3 0 obj 12 0 obj 5. Charlie describes the first story in the Torah, of the creation of the world by the Almighty. 4. This lesson pack teaches children about Shabbat. These are: Bimah - the alter. x\ksD[nm.nAC~3z%K [#[Mt__x~cOFEVp%Y%H77>fon f%fV\D]QFf#-*onge/77mn[MM(J'dwpqt( nIn?[z u)JOQ]Qa,5\d/=I?_$CRdFc:J>gt. endobj 4. Those observing Shabbat are encouraged to reflect spiritually and spend time with their families. The presenter looks at the traditions associated with this holy day, including how preparations are made in advance as Jews are not allowed to do any type of work on Shabbat. All About Shabbat PowerPoint - Judaism - RE (teacher made) - Twinkl Rest has a special place in Jewish life. <> Create an account, subscribe to the channel and create playlists for different age groups, sets and syllabuses.=====================Find out how about the Jewish day of rest, Shabbat, and how a Jewish family do things differently to the six ordinary weekdays. Shabbat is the most important day of worship in the home. Siddur - a prayer book. e4q English resource Writing a diary entry Suitable for year 3 and year 4 *Shared under CC-BY-SA 5. endobj Learn the meaning behind the most important Jewish prayer in. Shabbat includes family prayers, bread and wine, and time away from the busy life. Subscribe for more Religious Education clips from BBC Teach on Mondays when we have them in: http://bit.ly/BBCSubscribeTeachIf you found this video helpful, give it a like.Share it with someone.Add the video to your own teaching playlists. Shabbat - the day of rest - is celebrated every week, so this assembly is suitable to use throughout the year. Ask whether the children think their ideas on what is essential and what is a luxury will change as they get older. Why do students think the Shabbat is important to Jews? Once a person has the custom to light a certain number of candles for Shabbat, they are not allowed to reduce the number of candles. <>/F 4/A<>/StructParent 6>> 27 0 obj <> We are allowed to light more than two candles. Keeping Shabbat holy is one of the Ten commandments. Rest has a special place in Jewish life. Shabbat is a time to recharge. 6. Shabbat Symbols & Objects explained for Kids - BJE Ten-year-old Solly uses his own video camera to share the experience of his family preparing for the . The focus of the assembly is thinking about what is important - our 'needs' as opposed to our 'wants'. 26 0 obj (He rested. Looking for educational materials for younger learners? Eternal Light - a light that is always lit, to show God is always there. Shabbat (pt 2/2) - 1st level Religious and moral education - BBC Bitesize First broadcast: He gives a wide and interesting range of answers to the question what matters to you?This clip is from My Life, My Religion: Judaism, a series in which young people explore what it means to be Jewish in the UK. <> <> endobj What changes would you make..? Charlie, 11, likes lots of things about Shabbat playing games, candles, no homework, singing, family gathering, chicken dinner, bread and juice, time to talk, an extra meal, time to ponder, a fresh start for a new week. Suitable for teaching 7-14s. BBC Teach > School Radio > Assemblies > Shabbat - the Jewish day of rest, SMSC - All Choose any song that aims to identify what is important (eg 'The bare necessities'). Judaism | RE | KS1 | Twinkl - Twinkl PDF BBC Bitesize - stcuthberts.com An insight into the meaning, and importance, of Shabbat - the seventh day of the Jewish week and a day of rest in Judaism. BBC Bitesize | Tes endstream One of Charlie's favourite times during Shabbat is the meal on Friday night, which includes the lighting of Shabbat candles, the 'kiddush' (a special ceremony to sanctify wine or grape juice) and 'challah' (special bread). <] /BitsPerComponent 1/Interpolate false/SMask 36 0 R/Length 2>> 10 0 obj 4. Entry music The focus of the assembly is thinking about what is important - our 'needs' as opposed to our 'wants'. An opportunity to sing your chosen song. The eating of fish on Shabbat is interpreted as a symbol of the blessing that the children of Israel would multiply like the stars in the heavens and the sand of the seas (Judaism regards fish as a creature which multiplies easily). [2] <> 23 0 obj <>/F 4/A<>/StructParent 17>> 3. 22 0 obj Shabbat, or Sabbath, is a Jewish celebration. stream Visit the BBC Bitesize website at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize KEY FEATURES: If they listed 10 things that matter to them, what would be on the list? 34 0 obj This topic is relevant to KS2 Religious Education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and National 2 Religious Studies in Scotland. Help us to find space in our busy lives to think about what we truly need and what is truly important. <> % When does Shabbat begin? Shabbat, Rosh Hashanah and Hanukah and other aspects of Jewish life like the Shema prayer found 2 0 obj endobj 1009819. What does Charlie say is good about Shabbat? W#W!Eetr Y>K:g},g{> ?`d-qIO,U=KSP~1*r Frameworks - For more clips from My Life, My Religion: Judaism: http://bit.ly/TeachMRJFor our Religious Education playlist: http://bit.ly/BBCTeachRSFor Class Clips users, the original reference for the clip was p02mx9mx.=====================Teaching Religious Education or Religious Studies?Charlie, 11, likes lots of things about Shabbat playing games, candles, no homework, singing, family gathering, chicken dinner, bread and juice, time to talk, an extra meal, time to ponder, and a fresh start for a new week. Festivals - After the bread has been blessed it should be salted to remind us of the sacrifices made in the Temple (where salt was added to the sacrifices). Young British Jewish boy Charlie meets an expert scribe to learn more about the Torah, the Jewish holy book. <>/F 4/A<>/StructParent 16>> endobj To avoid hurting the feelings of the challah, we shield the challah by covering it with a challah cloth while Kiddush is made and the wine drunk. Different Jewish people celebrate Shabbat in different ways. <>>> xI6%h!Kxh0"2+@"(o>6(Ju4|rsk[&76Mnnmrsk[&76Mnnmrsk[&76Mnnmrsk[&76Mnnmrsk[&76)+zmInAKnW[MneP<7K+{;~v,P )6N4K |! ? 1st level They could also role-play looking for and buying the items in a shop. It is designed to aid pupils in both schoolwork and, for older pupils, exams. We can see that Jewish families need to be very organised before Shabbat. Suitable for ages 7 to 11. <>/F 4/A<>/StructParent 20>> In the box below draw some of the things that film and pause it when it shows a picture of the table set out for the Shabbat meal to help when you are drawing. Eleven-year-old Charlie from Manchester introduces the history, traditions and beliefs of the Jewish . The duration is 3' 48" and the final words are: 'start fresh. Life as a Jewish child | Religious Studies - YouTube What is Judaism? | Religious Studies - My Life, My Religion - YouTube endobj Without explanation, it prohibits blending wool and linen in a garment (such garments are known as shatnez), in the same verse forbidding "mixing" different seeds and species of cattle (Leviticus 19:19).It forbids men from wearing women's clothes and vice versa (Deuteronomy . An insight into the meaning, and importance, of Shabbat - the seventh day of the Jewish week and a day of rest in Judaism. 3. endobj PDF Judaism Resources - Diocese of Lincoln Board of Education Shabbat (the Jewish Shabbath) is a weekly 25-hour observance that begins just before sundown each Friday and ends at nightfall on Saturday. We can see that Jewish families need to be very organised before . endobj Charlie describes the first story in the Torah, of the creation of the world by the Almighty. Charlie describes the first story in the Torah, of the creation of the world by the Almighty. Discuss what everybody needs as necessities and then what we want as luxuries. <>/F 4/A<>/StructParent 8>> 8. From BBC Series My Life, My Religion: Judaism. Havdalah (the special ceremony at the end of Shabbat) is said with a plaited Havdalah candle, a cup of wine and fragrant spices, to say goodbye to Shabbat and welcome in a new week. This practices teaches us to respect the feelings of others. endobj endobj 33 0 obj Shabbat happens each week from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. According to the Bible what did God do on the 7th day? Eating challah made of white bread therefore became an additional way of honouring the Shabbat and having a special food on it to increase our enjoyment of Shabbat. What difficulties might happen? 15 0 obj <>/F 4/A<>/StructParent 5>> It is a very precious time of the week: a time where we stop all work, rest and remember that God is the creator of the world and everything in it. KS1 Judaism Lesson plan, PowerPoint and Worksheets RE: Rules and Routines: Shabbat (Judaism) Year 2 Lesson Pack 3 - Twinkl <> 24 0 obj Ask the children to volunteer suggestions for 'What we need' and 'What we want'. Children may benefit from some prior knowledge of Judaism. endobj (Every Friday at sunset. I5[y`;x/BV JIt4cp$ FN-B~}xKK2)JQMN?&fUfQ&]SCd&V &Ilno_>7@ h9j|E!$cQ.6? endobj Children may benefit from some prior knowledge of Judaism. How? Explain that the children are going to watch a short video about Shabbat - the Jewish day of rest - and encourage everyone to think about what the video has to say about the important things in life. Because Shabbat is such a special time for all Creation, there are certain symbols we have and foods that we eat on Shabbat. Shabbat (also known as Sabbath) is the Jewish Holy Day. Suitable for teaching 7-14s. Summary: This assembly could be used as part of a series about Judaism. 1 0 obj Active. 11 0 obj How many things on Charlies list are to do with being Jewish, his religion? Were all friends here. (Do anything involving electrical or electronic items - eg can't turn on lights, use the oven, play with computer games or use mobile phones. QmPpi.pOR Do you think we should live without luxury for a time in order to appreciate it? Themes to think about include: welcoming, resting, treasuring, delight. All endobj Calendar - endstream endobj <>/F 4/A<>/StructParent 12>> Charlie describes what Shabbat means to him and his family. How would you improve life..? called Shabbat. You could list the suggestions by writing them on a board, or by asking one or more children to do this. Some people light an additional candle for every child in the family. Play the video. Ask them afterwards to put these in order: What does Charlie like best about Shabbat? ), How does Charlie's mother welcome Shabbat? We will be . 6. endobj Shabbat includes family prayers, bread and wine, and time away from the busy life. For Shabbat lunch, a slow-cooked stew called cholent is traditional, especially in winter when the weather is cold. Before the challah is blessed, and during the blessing for the wine, the bread is kept covered by a cloth (known as the challah cloth). 6 0 obj Opportunity to sing An opportunity to sing your chosen song. endobj As we have them, new videos will be uploaded on the following days:Mondays: Biology, Computer Science, Music, Religion and EthicsTuesdays: Drama and Performance, English Language, Maths, Physical EducationWednesdays: Languages, Media and Film studies, Modern studies, PhysicsThursdays: Art and Design, Chemistry, Geography, HistoryFridays: Business Studies, Design and Technology, English Literature <>/F 4/A<>/StructParent 1>> <>/F 4/A<>/StructParent 24>> Shabbat begins as night falls on Friday and ends after nightfall on Saturday. stream How do you make quiet time for yourself to rest? According to the Bible, what did God do on the 7th day? (Playing games, candles, no homework, singing, family gathering, chicken dinner, bread and juice, time to talk, an extra meal, time to ponder, a fresh start for a new weekhe finds plenty to like about Shabbat! Students could be given information resources about Jewish food and put together a shopping list for a Shabbat meal. Ask all the children to watch this short clip and challenge them: Can they note 8 or even ten things that matter to Charlie? Suitable for teaching 7-14s. %PDF-1.5 Different Jewish people celebrate Shabbat in different ways. How does Charlie's mother welcome Shabbat? Ask pupils to watch and see if they can spot all eleven. <>/F 4/A<>/StructParent 11>> Shabbat - the day of rest - is celebrated every week, so this assembly is suitable to use throughout the year. With thanks to Leo Dickinson. What is Shabbat? - Worship at home - BBC Bitesize Charlie explains that no electric or electronic items can be used during Shabbat - he's unable to watch TV, play computer games or use his mobile. This clip is from My Life, My Religion: Judaism, a series in which young people explore what it means to be Jewish in the UK. Blessed are You,Lord our God, King of the universe, who has honoured us with mitzvot and commanded us to light the Shabbat candles. We wave our hands around the candles seven times to draw light to ourselves and to welcome the Shabbat bride. <> In this lesson, we will learn all about the Torah, the Holy Text of Judaism. bbc bitesize islam ks1. Challah is made with white wheat flour which is more heavily processed (and therefore more expensive) than flour used to make what used to be the common bread of ordinary people (who mostly ate dark bread such as rye bread). Many people have kiddush cups made from silver and they are usually beautifully decorated (again, a way of honouring Shabbat). From this story comes the idea of a day of rest after 6 days of work. 13 0 obj <>/F 4/A<>/StructParent 21>> Current status. BBC Bitesize - Revision on the App Store 9 0 obj It happens every weekend, beginning at sundown on Friday and ending before sundown on Saturday. It includes a Lesson Plan, a Lesson Presentation, success criteria grids and accompanying worksheets. endobj endobj endobj After the video Pose the Video questions to consolidate recall of the video. 28 0 obj !76Uz(&$FQ52S=/?#Fd>jr#a(lmp%AdaY/T wrjdBL)1Gb3q'X Vi)1v Themes: Judaism; Shabbat; celebrating world religions and the Ten Commandments. Shabbat begins on Friday at sunset and lasts. Shabbat is a dedicated time each week to stop working. Help us to find space in our busy lives to think about what we truly need and what is truly important. How do you make quiet time for yourself to rest? 1st level 25 0 obj What is Passover? | Religious Studies - My Life, My Religion: Judaism Shabbat is a dedicated time each week to stop working and focus more on the pleasures of life. (She lights candles, says a blessing in Hebrew, and enjoys a special meal with all the family.). What the Torah Says About Clothing. 1. 2021 The Jewish Museum London. stream 3. How long does Shabbat last? This LEGO. Philosophical - What does the celebration of Shabbat tell us about what is truly important? Videos - Suitable for ages 7 to 11. <>/F 4/A<>/StructParent 13>> Suitable for ages 7 to 11. This is an exciting day and Jewish people look forward to it all week. What is Shabbat? | Religious Studies - My Life, My Religion: Judaism Shabbat - Practices in Judaism - BBC Bitesize 3 0 obj 1998. endobj endobj ', Come and Praise, no 141 - see related links, 'Shalom, Shalom, May peace be with you' / Throughout your days', Religious Studies KS2: My Life, My Religion - Judaism. Our Judaism KS1 resources are designed to be easy to use and to make learning fun so that your students can make the most out of their lessons. Surrey Football Coaching Centres the UK's No1 football coaching organisation. An insight into the meaning, and importance, of Shabbat - the seventh day of the Jewish week and a day of rest in Judaism. The BBC Bitesize Revision app helps you study for your GCSEs, TGAU, Nationals or Highers with free flashcards and revision guides from the BBC. The LEGO Sukkot Movie: Jewish Holidays 101 - YouTube During Shabbat, Jewish people remember the story of creation from the Torah where God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th day. Suitable for teaching 7-14s. Judaism Eleven-year-old Charlie introduces himself, and lists the things the matter to him most in the world . 5. It is a reminder that especially on Shabbat we should try to be spirtually pure. BBC Teach > Primary resources > KS2 Religious Studies > My Life, My Religion: Judaism. Charlie admits that it is tempting to play with his phone or other electrical items. 6. Would they build in a rest day? Two candles (at least) must be lit in order to show. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.2 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Shabbat traditionally marks the end of a week's labour. 5. The woman of the house traditionally lights the candles, unless there is no woman. Suitable for ages 7 to 11. The blessing is translated as: Sephardi Jews have a different custom; they say the blessing before they light the candles. Themes: Judaism; Shabbat; celebrating world religions and the Ten Commandments. Around your picture add labels and descriptions of the items. 2. 2. The Jewish Museum will be closed for the following bank holidays: 1st & 8th May. Watch this video to learn more about why and how Jews observe Shabbat. For more clips from My Life, My Religion: Judaism: http://bit.ly/TeachMRJFor our Religious Education playlist: http://bit.ly/BBCTeachRSFor Class Clips users, the original reference for the clip was p02mx8pg.=====================Teaching Religious Education or Religious Studies?A good way to approach this is to ask pairs to make a list of ten things that matter to their partner. 2 0 obj ), What does Charlie think are good things about Shabbat? What advice could you give him to avoid being tempted? All rights reserved. If you could create the world again, imagine what you would do differently What would you keep the same..? There are five things he finds a bit harder about Shabbat: What would the pupils find it hard to do without, even for one day?This topic is relevant to KS2 Religious Education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and National 2 Religious Studies in Scotland.=====================For more clips from other subjects at the BBC Teach YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/bbcteachMore from BBC Learning Zone: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzoneMore resources from BBC Bitesize: http://www.bbc.co.uk/education=====================Subscribe to create your own customised playlists, and get notified about our latest clips.

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shabbat bbc bitesize ks1