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PLEASE NOTE, you may not run for a National Title for two consecutive years in the same overall division. This may result in disqualification or removal from overall high scores. Revolution Dance Academy Competition Awards P.A.E. If this occurs, the routine may be adjudicated only based on the portion of the performance that they judges viewed, and may not be eligible for overall high score awards. Illawarra Sports Stadium, Illawarra NSW - Solos, Duos and Trios. SCHEDULING and PERFORMANCE TIMES: 3. Studios are required to assign a competition level for EACH performer when they are entering their roster in the registration system. Revolution is committed to providing a fair and friendly environment at our events. NOTE: DANCERS MAY ONLY BE REGISTERED AT ONE LEVELAny dancer found to be registered in more than one level may be disqualified (This includes if a dancers name has been entered into the system with a slight difference in spelling, but is actually the same dancer). Winners in each title division will receive a trophy/sash/ and a crown. 1st & 2nd Runner ups will receive a trophy. Revolution Dance Competition - DK Dance Productions 2023 STAR DANCE ALLIANCE RULES (Click Link Before). Studios will be limited to (1) entry from each age group within each division. R.E.A.L. Large Groups and Lines - No more than 1/3 of the dancers in a routine may be a higher performance level than the level that the routine is entered. Any music which contains profanity or racial slurs will result in an Automatic Point Deduction. A VICTORY CUP will be awarded to the highest overall score (combined small groups, large groups & lines) for the Petite, Junior, Teen and Senior divisions, as well as the highest scoring Grand Lines. The device MUST be fully charged, and it is the responsibility of the studio to provide a charger. ARNOLD SPORTS FESTIVAL (2018) Production - This category may be entered ONLY in Line division and must have a minimum of 20 performers. Level 2 The five (5) highest scoring routines from the Small Group, Large Group, & Line Divisions from each age group (Petite, Junior, Teen & Senior) will be invited. All ages will compete against each other for all Dance Levels combined, i.e., Level 3, Level 2, & Level 1 for this award. Revolution Dance Competition Alive - Zac Solo Platinum Award, Junior Mr Revolution, Junior 3rd Overall Runway - Wynter Solo Elite Gold Award Burnin Up - London T Solo Revolutionary Award, Category Winner, Junior Runner Up Ms Revolution, Junior 2nd Overall I'm Dat Chick - Amiya Solo Elite Gold Award Love Is All Around - Haylee/Zac Duet *A dancer may never stand, kneel or lie down above 7 feet from the stage floor level. Revolution Talent Competition, Believe, Imagine, Dream Maker or Nexstar ONLY in the same year it was received. This WILL NOT be able to be changed after the schedule is completed. GRAND LINE AWARDS High Score Awards will be presented to the Grand Lines in the 11 & Under and 12 & Over age divisions provided that there is a minimum of (3) entries in both age divisions. Example: If the average comes to 11.8, they will compete in the 11-year old age division. Nationals Schedules will be released 14 - 21 days prior to the first event day. Reservations are on a first come first served basis with a Deposit attached to your account. Regional Champions at all Star Dance Alliance Regional Competitions are automatically entered into the SDA Power Rankings. (Example Teen Small Groups: Studio A scores 1st & 2nd place, Studio B scores 3rd & 5th, and Studio C scores 4thOnly the highest place entry from each studio will be invited to THE BATTLE OF CHAMPIONS1st Place from Studio A, 3rd Place from Studio B, 4th Place from Studio C). STAR DANCE ALLIANCE REGIONAL CHAMPION AWARD Level 3 (Formerly Advanced)This award will be given to the highest overall scoring Petite Group/Line, Junior Group/Line, Teen Group/Line and Senior Group/Line. Level 3 (Formerly Advanced): All Solos, Duets/Trios, Small Groups, Large Groups Lines & Grand Lines, in each age division, are eligible for High Score Awards. You should also alert the backstage manager of any props that will be used before your performance time. EXTENDED TIMES:Solos, Duet/Trios, Groups & Lines may purchase extended time at the rate of $3 per performer for 30 second increments(Lines are limited to a maximum of 6 minutes). The purpose of the competition program is to instill a higher level of leadership, self-confidence and self-reliance. Hip Hop - A dance that consists of the latest street dance style, as seen in current dance videos. No dangerous props may be used on stage (such as fire, swords or knives). Unauthorized delay of a performance may result in point deduction and/or disqualification. Follow Your Dreams. MUSIC: 7. SMOKING is not permitted in any of our venues. Dance America. If the judges determine that a routine should be moved to a different level, and that level has already competed, the routine will then be eligible for adjudication only. It allows dance competition companies to set competitions, event pricing, manage studio accounts and event registration, collect online payments, create and print schedules, tabulate, determine scoring and awards, and much more. in the 11 & Under age division and the 12 & Over age division. Any Regional Title Champion may not compete the same routine for Title, at another Regional Event. TITLE AWARDS (Level 3 Only) The Title Showdown is a highlight of our Championships. Each routine level is determined by the majority level of the dancers registered. LEVEL 2 (formerly Intermediate): This competition level is for the on the rise dancers, and is recommended for dancers who have had approximately 2-5 years of competition experience. No dancer may compete as an independent entry if their studio is registered. You can track the Power Rankings weekly at www.stardancealliance.com. Please note, the judges may elect to take more routines based on score. Premire soire de face--face: qui remportera son duel? Failure to display proper decorum could result in immediate disqualification. Special stage or house lighting will NOT be provided or changed by the SDA for any performance. Props should be loaded in and out of the venue on the same day they are used. **NOTE** By acknowledging the Release on the registration form, all registered contestants do hereby grant permission to Starpower to publish their photographs on local television, national television, promotional videos, the web or in any other publication, to promote its competitions. - YouTube Two partners in a DDR competition make it to the finals in a tournament, but one of the dancers is mental and doesn't take the. Platinum Power - The most entertaining group or line of the entire competition . May contain up to 50% acro/gymnastics. In addition, all dancers will compete against an adjudicated scoring system. OUTSTANDING VOCALIST AWARD This award will be presented to the vocalist with the highest score in the 11 & Under and the 12 & Over Divisions. Ages 10 & Younger Small Group (Competitive): Ages 12 & Younger Large Group/Line (Competitive): Top Entertainer Champions (Regional Title). Sample Playlists: 0012 - Born to be Wild, 0058 - Sweet Home Alabama, 0249 - Copa Cabana, 0384 - Party in the USA, 0473 - Single Ladies, 1146 - New York State of Mind. A combined registration system that allows studios to enter/update their roster one time a year, and easily transfer routines from competition to competition. Although each competition is run in its own way, all of the SDA competitions provide a quality competition arena to our customers in every aspect. Payments must be made by Credit Card or E-Check. We have creative awards and scholarships that will make your students push beyond their limits and shake the earth of the performing arts. La plus grande comptition de danse au pays est de retour TVA pour une quatrime saison et, cette anne encore, les danseurs les plus talentueux saffrontent dans une saison plus acharne que jamais alors quune nouvelle preuve les attend aux portes des finales ! A Level 1 dancer may NOT compete in more than 3 routines in Level 2 (with the exception of lines and grand lines). There is no limit on the number of lines or grand lines. Every routine that competes at a SDA Regional Competition, and is awarded as the 'Regional Champion' in their division, is automatically entered into the POWER RANKINGS. There must be a 50% difference in performers to be in the same age group of the same category. Players stand on a "dance platform" or stage . Star Dance Alliance Awards Current Nominations Starpower Believe Nexstar Revolution Imagine DreamMaker Starpower Believe Nexstar Revolution Imagine DreamMaker A safe competition environment for the whole family; DANCE REVOLUTION. TURNING IN MUSIC: Music must be turned in to the Emcee at the beginning of each awards segment. The Level 3 (formerly Advanced) (ONLY) will receive Star Dollars for first place: (1st Place Solos & Duet Trios will receive $150 Star Dollars, 1st Place Groups, Lines & Grand Lines will receive $200 Star Dollars) 20 & over categories will receive NO STAR DOLLARS. NOTE: If there are any substitutions of any performers for National Championships, the ages must then be re-averaged and the group must then compete at the age division that the average is as of the first day of championships they are attending. Aux cts de Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse et en compagnie de Matres de classe mondiale en danse : Les Twins, Lydia Bouchard et Jean-Marc Gnreux, dcouvrez qui sera le meilleur danseur au pays. Fury Dance Competition - 0 Upcoming Events. With the exception of Title, Photogenic and Costume entries, NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THE COMPETITION. FastTrack Talent Competition (2018) Mark Keane August 1, 2018. Modern - A routine containing a contemporary style of dance. LAURA IACONIS December 18, 2019. . Dancers may only be considered Level 1 dancers for a maximum of 3 years. No Duet/Trio may compete against themselves in the same performance category with the same performers. To register for extended time, please check the box on the routine that indicates Request Extended Time on your online studio account. Any Regional Title Champion may not compete the same routine for Title, at another Regional Event. Dancers are not required to have competed for Title at a Regional Competition in order to be eligible to enter Title at the Championships. Level 1 Dancers are limited to a TOTAL of (5) routines in the solo, duet/trio, small group and large group divisions combined. For example, if a dancer is 7 Years Old and wins Petite Miss, she can not win Petite Miss again the Following year. PH: 833.782.5678 LEVEL HIGH SCORE AWARDS: All Solos, Duets/Trios, Small Groups, Large Groups and Lines, in each age division are eligible for High Score Awards and will be presented with a special award for receiving the highest score. At any Regional competition, if any act drops below the minimum number of performers required in the group they registered for, the act will be adjudicated, however, the act will not be eligible for High Score Awards. VIDEO ENTRIES: Entries can qualify for our National Championships by submitting a Video and a regional entry fee no later than June 1st, 2023. The Star Dance Alliance is a combined effort from the industries leaders in dance who strive to provide not only a high-quality experience, but ease in registration. You have many choices when considering a competition for your regional and national events. Grand Line 20 or more PerformersTime Limit 7:00 minutes. POINT SYSTEM: Each Entry will be competing against a pre-determined amount of points and will be reflected in our MEDAL scoring system; with REVOLUTIONARY being the highest placement in the Advanced Level and with PLATINUM being the highest medal you can receive in the Intermediate, Novice and R.E.A.L. Be certain that you are entering your performers in the CORRECT PERFORMANCE LEVEL when inputting your registration data. Rvolution - Accueil - Facebook ADULT AGE DIVISION: Any routine with a performer 20 years or older will compete in the Adult Division (with the exception of the Grand Line Division). However, they may compete at another regional event in the same year with a different routine. There is no limit as to the number of solos that may enter for Title. TOP ENTERTAINER CHAMPIONS REGIONAL TITLE WINNERS: No Parking on the Dance Floor 2ndPlace Overall, Jakai Buice & MyKaela Cottrell (Diamond), Sugar Sugar 9thPlace Overall, Raelyn Cottrell (Diamond), Ma Hes Making Eyes at Me 1st Place Theatre Dance Category Cup, Addison Price (Double Diamond), Sugar Plum Fairy 1stPlace Overall, Addison Price (Double Diamond), Shake the Room 4thPlace Overall, Lauren Nomura & Melissa Cordova (Diamond), Bridge of Light Lauren Nomura (Diamond), Boom Boom Pow! Rvolution La plus grande comptition de danse au pays est de retour TVA pour une quatrime saison et, cette anne encore, les danseurs les plus talentueux s'affrontent dans une saison plus Lire la suite Saison 4 pisodes Afficher tout p 12. Entries will be adjudicated, and will receive High Score Awards within this level. SHOWCASE 2019. We reserve the right to add additional competition days/times, if deemed necessary, and also reserve the right to move the competition location if it becomes necessary due to circumstances beyond its control. Revolution Talent Competition prides itself on setting the bar for what a dance competition should be. Register for multiple dance competitions in one easy step, access your Video Judge videos and adjudicator comments, and watch your recital videos anywhere you have internet access. THE BATTLE OF CHAMPIONS (Championship Finals) Throughout the week of Championships, High Scoring Routines will be invited to perform and re-compete on the final days of competition at THE BATTLE OF CHAMPIONS. Ballroom - A routine utilizing Standard or Latin Ballroom technique and must be performed with ballroom heels or ballroom shoes only. p 06. Routines are entered into the rankings with the score that their routine was given at that regional event. *Any Victory Cup Winner at any of the 2022 National Championships may not compete the same routine at any 2023 Revolution Talent Competition Regional or any of the three National Championship Competitions in the same Overall age division. Platinum National Dance Competition | Platinum Dance Comp During the regular competition the Judges will call back 3 - 5 dancers in each overall division to re-compete for the Title of Mr. or Miss. Come Join The Revolution! Rules - Imagine Dance Challenge Level: Revolutions Extraordinary Ability Level. *VIDEO TAPING & PHOTOGRAPHY IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED (Disqualification could result.) COMPETITION & AWARDS Testimonials Instagram SHOP ENROL. Rvolution - TVA - voir les vidos en rattrapage | TVA+ A protest may only be initiated by a Studio Director/Teacher. Trophies and Award Pins will be awarded to the FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD PLACE finalist in each age division of each dance category. Photogenic contestants must be a registered competitor in that competition and may register more than one photo. Failure to comply with the rules below could result in disqualification. Example: A routine with a 15 year old performer may only compete in the Teen (age 12-14) or Senior (age 15-19) divisions regardless of the average age. Furthermore, we hereby release all directors, officers, or representatives of this competition from any and all claims for damages or injuries sustained while participating in any activity related to this competition. *All contestants grant permission to the directors of Revolution Talent Competition to use their photographs and/or videos or to appear on local and/or national television to promote its competitions. World Dance Championships Golden Ticket Invitations are given out at all SDA Regional and National Competitions to top scoring routines. Rainbow Dance Competition | 2023 Rules & Regulations If you wish to enter the costume division, please check appropriate box when you register that routine online. Lead vocals may not be lip synched and may have back up vocal accompaniment only. The Advanced Level & Intermediate Level ONLY will receive Star Dollars for first, second and third places during The Battle of Champions for Groups and during the week for Advanced Level Solos, Duets, and Trios. Song and Dance - A routine that combines dancing and singing. We also reserve the right to limit solos to two (2) per dancer, depending on venue capability and space. The same contestant may not place more than once. Revolution - Star Dance Alliance Soloists are limited to entering a maximum of three (3) solo performance categories and may not compete against themselves in any category. The winner of the IDA "People's Choice Award" will be . About Us - Revolution Talent We understand that there are sometimes unforeseen events that can arise. In addition, only advanced dancers are eligible to receive the Highest Level Adjudication. (The only exception is Fashion Modeling, Pointe & Vocal Solos, which must compete in Level 3).

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revolution dance competition awards