d. a greater emphasis on sharing information, d. a greater emphasis on sharing information, Jocelyn is a senior at the local university and plans to attend graduate school to study sociology. a. Leisha DeHart-Daviss unbureaucratic personality (2007) is the bureaucrat who bends rules. d. collective unconscious, Leaders using the __________ style of leadership may be praised for their expressive, supportive behavior toward group members, but they may also be blamed for being indecisive in times of crisis. We develop a self-concept based on our perception of the attitudes of others. ingroups b. Lastly, we focus these critiques internally on the treatment of employees. He is refused shelter for the night because he arrived late. Currently, the interest rate on one-year Treasury bonds is percent, the rate on two-year Treasury bonds is percent, and the rate on three-year Treasury bonds is percent. Weiss (1983) argues that Parsonss 1937 interpretation of Weber resulted in a prescriptive understanding of bureaucracy and concludes that Weber was never trying to give advice on how best to structure organizations (p. 247). Still, we hear degrading remarks about the Philippines being a Third World country. 8. Through their work, bureaucracies have multiple different spheres of influence in which they can incorporate human rights principles: within the public organization, in regard to the direct relations to the people they serve, the stakeholders they interact with, the community, and the society at large. A) a more rigid hierarchical structure B) a greater emphasis on sharing information C) helping employees focus on work D) a reduction in the amount of informal activity The Relationship between the Bureaucracy and the Public. It is distinguished from informal and collegial organizations. Self-fulfilling prophecy c. hierarchy of authority The bureaucratic tendency toward rule by the few is termed __________. Quiz Grade 2. American Civil Liberties Union Though equity was established as important E post-Minnowbrook in 1968, and in 2005, was declared the fourth pillar of public administration by NAPA, it has yet to obtain equal status as the other three values (Norman-Major 2011). Today, bureaucracy theory still informs how public administration articulates and understands organizations in the public sector. Blom and colleagues (2021) find that red tape has multiple negative impacts on employee well-being, role clarity, perceived autonomy, commitment to and satisfaction with work, motivation, intention to stay, and work engagement. 175 Further, special attention needs to be given to indirect discrimination (e.g., policies and actions that lead to inequality based on gender- or race-based blindness). Several ideal type characteristics informexplicitly or notsome streams of public administration research. d. may encourage social cohesion among group members, d. may encourage social cohesion among group members, In his study of conformity, Solomon Asch found that __________. The real risk-free rate (r)\left(\mathrm{r}\right)(r) for all three years is 2 percent. Without a human-centered approach, scholars and organizations are missing important opportunities to strengthen the fourth pillar of public administration and reaping the benefits of being a human rights-based organization. c. Stanley Milgram Human rights are applicable everywhere, for everyone, and at all times, and should not be limited except through the human rights of others or in times of emergency. Also, individuals who have an active stake in determining their affairs are more engaged and productive (Kappelman and Richards 1996). Kaufmann, W., E. L. Borry, and L. DeHart-Davis. Which of the following is a purpose of groups according to classical functionalist theorists? c. primary group He paid the entire hospital bill from his pocket so he could go home. Expectations for employee performance should shift attention away from the traditional focus on efficiency, outputs, and service delivery to consider the human rights-friendliness of practice. d. totalitarian, The research conducted by Stanley Milgram and his colleagues provides evidence that obedience to authority __________. a. b. Equity is defined by the National Academic of Public Administration (NAPA) as the fair, just and equitable management of all institutions serving the public directly or by contract, and the fair and equitable distribution of public services, and implementation of public policy, and the commitment to promote fairness, justice, and equity in the formation of public policy (Guy and McCandless 2020, 2). In Webers bureaucracy, people are appointed to their positions because of meritbecause of what they can do, rather than because of who they are. The manager tries to fill in, but doesnt know how to run the drive-through intercom or broiler. Achieving social equity: From problems to solutions. d. bureaucracy, Cooley coined the term __________ for a larger, more specialized group in which the members engage in impersonal, goal-oriented relationships for a limited period of time. aggregate The group has experienced __________. c. authoritarian oligarchy Ethical climate and rule bending: How organizational norms contribute to unintended rule consequences. Here, the concern is whether the employees staffing government agencies are responsive to the clients the employees serve. a. Which of the following terms did German political sociologist Robert Michels use to refer to the tendency of a bureaucracy to be ruled by the few? b. a. As we showed in this article, human rights provide a universal benchmark for minimum standards of behavior. monarchy This movement is viewed as a response to the scientific management movement, in which Frederick Taylor conducted time-and-motion studies to find the one best way of doing work and, thus, one best way to manage (Shafritz and Hyde 2012). I have a friend from Singapore, Peter Chong, a retiree who married a Filipina and has made our country his home. Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes. Rules, whether they are considered red tape or not, also lead to rule behaviors. After conducting his research, Solomon Asch concluded that __________. McGregor believed that employee motivation came from the degree of autonomy and responsibility one has over their work (Bobic and Davis 2003). Bureaucracy | Definition, Characteristics, Examples, & Facts c. Postmodern theorists 16. Then he e-mailed me to say that he had been sick, and to ask if there was any hope of getting reimbursement from PhilHealth. a. a more rigid hierarchical structure b. a greater emphasis on sharing information c. helping employees focus on work d. a reduction in the amount of informal activity 39. __________ is the term for compliance in which people follow direct orders from someone in a position of authority. Posted By : / forehand serve skill cues in badminton /; Under :lawrenceville school acceptance rate 2020lawrenceville school acceptance rate 2020 c. category impersonality But the very same reasons that make it work as a solution to complexity also tend to be the causes behind its classic dysfunctions. c. conflict theorists Within a bureaucracy, leaders have access to information that others in the organization do not have. A dozen inexperienced backpackers are preparing to settle in for the night when they realize that someone in the group is missing. Further, these five bureaucratic characteristics could be found incompatible with human rights in other ways. Over time, the emphasis has instead been on fair and equal treatment of those within the system: the understanding of what a merit-based system represents is shifting from a political context to a legal and social one, defining how employees are to be treated in public organizations (p. 1123). b. bilkers, According to many _____ theorists, popular culture serves a significant purpose in society in that it may be the "glue" that holds society together, Within a bureaucracy, leaders have access to information that others in the organization do not have. Sociology Chapter 5 Flashcards | Chegg.com a. significant others c. Milgram's subjects knew about the nature of the study but agreed to participate anyway We posit that a human-rights framework can be useful to achieve this goal: it prioritizes the individual and positions principles such as nondiscrimination, equality, participation, and empowerment at the center of the design and evaluation of processes and structures in institutions. We argue that bureaucracy theory should be reassessed through the lens of human rights because bureaucracies are made up of humans and because they serve individuals who also have human rights. 2018). Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes_____. At the same time, research on bureaucracy often explores its negative impacts, such as the value of merit that has become so enmeshed in law and policies, it can neglect to account for performance and diverse abilities, and rules that have evolved into red tape and constrain bureaucratic behavior. All human rights are interrelated as the realization of one right often depends, wholly or in part, upon the realization of others. 9. b. work culture A behavior, belief, or condition that violates significant social norms in the society or group in which it occurs is termed. b. In addition, organizations can be cognizant about the way that specialization and hierarchy (and thus, centralization of decision making) can reduce employee agency and empowerment. Here, we address how current applications of bureaucratic elementsmerit and neutrality, as well as bureaucratic rulesmay not respect human rights. Functionalists a. 17. A(n) __________ is an abstract model that describes the recurring characteristics of some phenomenon (such as bureaucracy). Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy . d. Self-fulfilling prophecy, A(n) __________ is a group that strongly influences a person's behavior and social attitudes, regardless of whether that individual is an actual member. Participation and inclusion: A HRBA requires that people can participate actively, freely, and meaningfully in decisions that affect them, including decisions that affect their work life. impersonal conversations is to ______ group, as personal, emotion-based conversations is to _____ group. a. b. sociology week 7 (ch. 5 & 6) Flashcards | Quizlet Let Quiz 2, Sociology - Introductory Sociology - Quizgoat Sociologists would term them a(n) __________. Analyses of a HRBA applied in the private sector show that addressing human rights concerns can be profitable and enhance the business reputation, attractiveness, and recognition, increase employee productivity, open new markets and investor opportunities, and create a more stable work environment with less production delays and increased ability to attract the most qualified and motivated employees (Amis, Brew, and Ersmarker 2005; Ruggie 2011). c. coercive Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes _______. b. Women with blue eyes, people who wear contact lenses, people over 7 feet tall, and college men who belong to a fraternity are each an example of a(n) __________. Further, research on street-level bureaucracy and administrative burdens suggests that rules may be applied or bent to both benefit or disadvantage clients. Here, we focus on the first way: that employees within bureaucracies are entitled to human rights. A human rights-based approach (HRBA) puts human rights values and principles at the core of strategy, process, and outcome. Adler and Borys (1996) posit that bureaucracy can be enabling or coercive, where enabling bureaucracy may include features such as flexible procedures that allow room for discretion (and risk) and the development of procedures that reflect work experience. ______ leadership provides emotional support for members. d. the size of the group has little influence on the extent to which individuals respond to group pressure, b. b. We then turn to the significance of human rights in the public bureaucracy. Not only did Weber worry about this iron cagean overemphasis on technical efficiency and rationality that leads to dehumanization and in which humans are trappedhe also worried about domination, or a concentration of power at the top (Weiss 1983). 113. an employee who is more concerned with following the rules than getting the job done. b. Ch. 5 Flashcards | Quizlet a division of labor. b. They study together and pool their notes. It refocuses the discussion of outcomes on human well-being, rights, and needs and sets achievement of human rights as an objective. b. Making the case: What is the evidence of impact of applying human rights-based approaches to health? The manager tries to fill in but doesn't know how to run the drive-through intercom or broiler. They are an example of a(n) __________. all secondary groups are approximately the same size helping employees focus on work ", You want to develop a model to predict the taxes of houses, based on assessed value. there was a movement to humanize bureaucracy (to establish an . c. outgroups PDF Chapter Seven: Bureaucracy and Formal Organizations Human rights have also been incorporated into national law and are represented in most constitutions around the world. b. a. The organization of bureaucracies according to specialization implies that individuals will also have specialized knowledge and technical expertise (or, merit). category the formal structure of a bureaucracy Webers bureaucracy has persisted in the public administration literature as a lens through which to analyze organizational structures. What can we do with a rights-based approach to development? Yet the staff managed to get it done within an hour. Transitional Access: A HRBA prescribes equal access to resources and information. Centralization, along with the third element of bureaucracy relevant here, hierarchy, can work together to further the concentration of power. __________ size refers to the number of potential members a group has. From a human rights perspective, this violates the principles of participation and access, namely the ability of employees to engage in decisions that affect them and to have full access to resources and information. I would say that with my experience at PhilHealth, I have not come across a more caring, compassionate, and efficient establishment and staff. d. primary group, __________ leadership provides emotional support for members. formal organization Otherwise, they see each other only occasionally when their paths cross between classes. Calculate Everdeens 2015 earnings per share (EPS). d. authoritarian, __________ leadership is most appropriate when the group's purpose is to complete a task or reach a particular goal. This is one of the primary reasons for the emergence of __________, Broad categories of __________ include banking, business, education, energy, the environment, health, labor, persons with a disability, religious groups, retired persons, women, and those espousing a specific ideological viewpoint. 109. Psychology - What is Psychology? Sociology ch. 5 Flashcards | Quizlet d. social group, Almost __________ of Stanley Milgram's research subjects went all the way to what could have been a deadly jolt of electricity if the shock generator had been real. Browse over 1 million classes created by top students, professors, publishers, and experts. Generally, the state as the duty holder has three obligations (OHCHR): Obligation to respect: States must refrain from interfering with or curtailing the enjoyment of human rights. d. 225, People do not voluntarily become members of __________ organizations. Borry, E. L., L. DeHart-Davis, W. Kaufmann, C. C. Merritt, Z. Mohr, and L. Tummers. United Nations Sustainable Development Group, From the right to development to the rights-based approach: How human rights entered development. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. Call 896 6000. Hunt, P., A. Ely Yamin, and F. Bustreo. Bureaucratic personality refers to_____________________________. Wright Mills formal Attachment 1: The human rights based approach to development cooperation: Towards a common understanding among the UN agencies. Centralization, which is the concentration of decision-making power (Pugh et al. Alternatively, women and people of color rely upon the rules to solidify their status and power; they use the rules from the start. Put another way, they are part of a career system, accept and maintain their positions freely, and can only be bossed around with respect to the impersonal duties of their offices (Shafritz et al. Inconsistent application of rules may also increase rule deviation (Borry et al. 23 UDHR on the right to work, which includes indicators such as access to decent and productive work, just and safe working conditions, training, skill upgrading and professional development, and protection from unemployment. may be more common than most people would like to believe, Sociologists refer to the process of maintaining or changing behavior to comply with the norms established by a society, subculture, or other group as __________. b. Irving Janis a greater emphasis on sharing ideas and problem-solving approaches. Kaufmann et al. b. 10+ part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes most standard In this case, 100 refers to the Senates ___________ size. A. strengthening existing hierarchical structures. c. ingroup The psychological process view of bureaucratic red tape. c. instrumental group They argue that this myth of neutrality is racializedcivil service reform based on merit was often racist and quite xenophobic (p. 7)which has current-day implications on equity. d. category, Women with blue eyes, people who wear contact lenses, people over 7 feet tall, and college men who belong to a fraternity are each an example of a(n) __________. c. autocratic __________ leadership is most appropriate when the group is dealing with emotional issues, and when harmony, solidarity, and high morale are needed. the 170,000 shares of common stock currently outstanding. Rishi identifies with the group members and feels a sense of belonging with them. c. democratic __________ needs cannot always be met by one person, so being in a group enables one to complete, 7. a. We first situate these characteristics in the modern context, before considering them through the lens of the HRBA. a. informal group Sociology EXAM 2 Flashcards | Quizlet Future research could consider an outward look at how bureaucracies engage human rights. Together, these bureaucratic characteristics can limit ones ability to participate in organizational decision making by first, limiting the scope of their organizational knowledge to their specialization, and second, removing (or never providing) decision-making power from them in favor of a small few at the top. a. dispersion. a. Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes. b. b. Relational Max Weber formal organization Green tape, by virtue of being written and having understood purposes help to empower people and all of these helps increase transparency and accountability. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com. significant others Take part in our reader survey and help us be better. The source used here is the Gerth and Mills 1946 translation of Webers Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, originally published in German in 1922. Credit for this phrasing belongs to one of our anonymous reviewers. Joe would be considered the __________ leader of the group. accommodation subjects chose to conform to the incorrect responses of Asch's assistants about onethird (33 percent) of the time Besides involvement in the comment period, the public interacts with the bureaucracy in a number of different ways. A group composed of three members is termed a(n) __________. Campbell (2019) refers to the work on centering the individual in red tape research as the psychological process approach (see Pandey 2021 for an overview). She notes that merit was once a viable descriptor for the policies and practices that eliminated political influence in government hiring and promoted neutral competence in the workforce (2005, 109), and argues that the focus has shifted to abiding by the merit systems rules and regulations, rather than ensuring the value of merit in human resources practices. Sociology Chapter 6: Groups and Organizations Flashcards Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes________________________. discourage feelings of group superiority Bureaucracies, understood as organizations made up by humans, can be evaluated from a human rights perspective and assessed on whether practices and processes are human-rights friendly and represent values such as nondiscrimination, equity, and justice. d. affiliation, Annette, Joshua, Sandra, and Luis are college students who met for the first time in a sociology class. a. A a greater emphasis on sharing information 13 Q A college president need not be effective in designing promotional brochures. laissez-faire Which of the following terms did German political sociologist Robert Michels use to refer to the tendency of a bureaucracy to be ruled by the few? Social The specific content, nature, and implementation of human rights depends on the cultural context, but there is consensus that the protection from enslavement, prohibition of genocide and torture, rights to free speech, assembly, and political participation, fair trial and to be equal before the law, or to education are part of a basic human rights catalog. The focus on technical proficiency and specialization from a structural standpoint has human rights implications, as well. 24 UDHR), and set general principles for standard of living and overall well-being (Art. Sociology exam 2 questions Flashcards | Quizlet Anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski suggested that culture helps people meet their needs. This is achieved by formulating clear rules and criteria, and limiting the scope for personal discretion. cooperative He is refused shelter for the night because he arrived late. Obligation to protect: States must protect individuals and groups against human rights abuses. the degree of social cohesion felt by participants is very important regarding how individuals respond to group pressure. This model is called a(n) __________. a. CEOs. 2021). Green tape theory is that of effective rules (DeHart-Davis, 2009; , 2017), and its components align well with some of the human rights principles in the HRBA. Philippine Airlines: the worst flag carrier? Ingraham (2006) similarly posits that merit (as a value) must be separated from bureaucratic processes. Cornwall, Andrea, and Celestine Nyamu-Musembi. It requires actors to pay special attention to disparities and methods of information sharing (e.g., accessible language and format and considering age, gender, and ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds). __________ leadership is most appropriate when the groups purpose is to complete a task or reach a particular goal. Thus, equity is the only pillar of the four in which true concern for humans enters public administration. Obligation to fulfill: States must take positive action to facilitate enjoyment of human rights. George, B., S. K. Pandey, B. Steijn, A. Decramer, and M. Audenaert. a. Given discussed critiques by the human relations movement and representative bureaucracy that bring employees back to the fore, we questioned whether these characteristics are compatible with the growing recognition of human rights. For the issues relating to merit and neutrality, attention to human rights can offer a different way to assess ability to earn and perform in a positionone that pays special attention to the circumstances of a specific employee and considers their status in society and the organization in which they work. 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