Step 7- Under Travel details, enter the requested change in the Road Conditions Changes and Reasons for Road Conditions Changes fields. (b) not more than 1m higher than the level on which the motor vehicle is standing, when measured at a point 25m in front of the vehicle. 332 0 obj<<5CE6E00CD59B634488048BD82EF26ABB>]/Info 325 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/W[1 2 1]/Index[326 20]/DecodeParms<>/Size 346/Prev 88895/Type/XRef>>stream NSW Load Declaration (PDF, 257.43 KB) (PDF, 257.43 KB), National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) website, NSW Oversize Overmass Load Carrying Vehicles Network map, Multi-State Class 1 Load Carrying Vehicles Mass Exemption Notice, Multi-State Class 1 Load Carrying Vehicles Dimension Exemption Notice, Additional Access Conditions for oversize and overmass heavy vehicles and loads (PDF, 657.71 KB), 2023 Easter Long Weekend Travel Requirements - Load carrying vehicles (PDF, 236.44 KB), Special purpose vehicles (PDF, 134.21 KB), TMP cover sheet OSOM form (PDF, 377.6 KB), TMP for OSOM movements in NSW fact sheet (PDF, 90.67 KB),, Oversize and/or overmass (OSOM) vehicles and loads, Agricultural machines such as harvesters and grain augers, Vehicle combinations carrying large indivisible items such as mining and construction vehicles, bridge components or building infrastructure. (3) In addition, the total mass of the combination and any load must not exceed: (a) 49.5t if the distance between the centre line of the rearmost axle of the towing vehicle and the centre line of the foremost axle of the combinations rear axle group is 6m or more; or. tandem axle group means a group of at least 2 axles, in which the horizontal distance between the centre lines of the outermost axles is at least 1m, but not more than 2m. triaxle group means a group of at least 3 axles, in which the horizontal distance between the centre lines of the outermost axles is more than 2m, but not more than 3.2m. twinsteer axle group means a group of 2 axles: (c) connected to the same steering mechanism; and. PDF Sub-Part 6601 Office of Enforcement - MS If you would like to receive email notifications please join our mailing list. Australian Standard means a standard, approved for publication on behalf of the Council of the Standards Association of Australia, as in force at the commencement of the provision in which the expression appears. Wide Load Regulations, Rules, Flags and Permit Costs by State - Oversize agricultural machines and implements. At a minimum, 80% of the entire journey must be on dual carriageway roads with traffic travelling in the same direction. Specific weight loads require even weight distribution through a certain number of axles. 8.5 Application of mass limits where more than one applies. Loads over 6.5 metres in width may be required to place Variable Message Boards in both directions between Coonabarabran and Tooraweenah. Position of section width marking on radial ply tyre. Discount does not apply to Parcel, Volume, Custom Quotes or FTL shipment. 326 0 obj <> endobj vehicle combinations carrying large indivisible items such as mining and construction vehicles, bridge components or building infrastructure. Canada trucking permit offices government. A vehicle or vehicle combination is considered to be OSOM if it exceeds any general access mass or dimension limits. hb```f``wA2,rxVWC5p4w4w4@db230VHa General Access Vehicles (GAV) comply with mass and dimension requirements and do not require a notice or permit to operate on the road network. Failure to do so could result in fines or other penalties. (4) If more than one mass limit applies to a vehicle or combination, or part of a vehicle or combination, the lower mass limit must be complied with. Note 2: A notice may specify routes for particular classes of vehicles under regulation8. Weight limitations not only apply to the truck, but to the cargo itself. If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes. Phone: 0428 404 253, Adam Di Pasqua This generally means anything over 8.5 feet (2.6 meters) in width. (4) The mass on an axle group or single axle must not exceed the relevant limit set by the Mass and Loading Regulations if it is: (b) on a loadcarrying vehicle or combination except one described in subclause(1). Oversize and/or overmass (OSOM) vehicles and loads | Transport for NSW Step 9- Under Additional instructions, include any additional comments or instructions required for the application in the Additional comments field. exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have, (md) = misdescribed amendment can be given, Application, saving and transitional provisions, National Transport Commission (Road Transport LegislationOversize and Overmass Vehicles Regulations) Regulations2006 (SLI No. Youll want to ensure a safe load and unload by hiring a company you can trust. When you drive under either of these exemptions, you must carry a copy of the 2019 Order (PDF 228.41KB), or the Rowing Boat Trailer Combination Exemption Notice 2022 (PDF 153.55KB), with you. Well take care of submitting the correct applications based on the requirements of your load, ensuring all projects meet the specific requirements and regulations laid out by the law. After having so many problems with the first two, I was grateful to find a hauling company that was professional and affordable. Apply for this permit if your OSOM combination does not comply with mass, dimension or operating requirements set out in a gazette notice. Compliance is a key component of any program. The process of categorizing these limits must comply with the federal bridge formula (disbursement of weight) and permissible travel times combined with length, width, height, and weight restrictions to be transported over the interstates, highways, and roads within each jurisdiction. (2) If a vehicle or combination is already travelling when visibility is reduced to the level described in subclause(1), the driver must drive it into the nearest safe parking area, and wait until visibility improves beyond that level before continuing to travel. Route survey details of the proposed route(s), Start and End Date for travel on M7 (including estimated times on M7). means a combination of vehicles consisting of a prime mover towing 2 semitrailers. The permit application process varies from state to state, but generally includes an application fee and proof of insurance. (5) If a load projects more than 150mm beyond one side of an oversize vehicle or combination, and the projection is less than 500mm thick from top to bottom, there must be: (a) a warning light attached to the vehicle or combination; and. (b) cannot be carried on any vehicle or combination without exceeding a mass or dimension limit in the Mass and Loading Regulations. Oklahoma Size and Weight Permits Email: National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme, Personal use of a fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle, Heavy Vehicle Confidential Reporting Line, Interception books and accreditation labels, Heavy Vehicle National Law and Regulations, Strategic Local Government Asset Assessment Project, Complying with your primary duty obligations, Changes to NHVAS Business Rules and Standards, Exemption from compliance with a heavy vehicle standard, In-principle support for non-standard road vehicles, Vehicle Safety and Environmental Technology Uptake Plan, Performance Based Standards vehicle access permit, Information for PBS Assessors and Certifiers, relevantstate or territory road transport authority, Providing permit copies to pilot and escort vehicle drivers (PDF, 197KB), Pilots and escort training and recognition (PDF, 240KB), Driver of pilot vehicles information for Victoria, ate andterritory road transport authorities, Guide for pilot requirements in Victoria information sheet (PDF, 221KB), Class 1 Oversize/Overmass -Cane Industry Information Sheet (PDF, 197KB), Multiple Loads on Class 1 Load-Carrying Vehicles (PDF, 722KB), Oversize Overmass (OSOM) Vehicles Information Sheet, Multi-State Class 1 Load Carrying Vehicle Dimension Exemption Notice 2023 (No.1), Information Sheet - Multi-State Class 1 Load Carrying Vehicle Dimension Exemption Notice (PDF, 256KB), ACT Additional Conditions Booklet (PDF, 820KB), ACT Load Carrying Vehicles Stated Routes and Areas (PDF, 560KB), New South Wales Class 1 Load Carrying Vehicle Operator's Guide (PDF, 1.2MB), QueenslandSafe Movement Guideline Pilot and escort vehicles, South Australia Load Carrying Vehicles Operators Guide (PDF, 408KB), Multi-State Class 1 Load Carrying Vehicle Mass Exemption Notice 2023 (No.1), Information Sheet - Multi-State Class 1 Load Carrying Vehicle Mass Exemption Notice (PDF, 290KB), South Australia Load Carrying Vehicles Operators Guide (PDF, 437KB), New South Wales Class 1 Load Carrying Vehicle Operators Guide (PDF, 1.2MB), Information Sheet - South Australia Class 1 Transport of Indivisible Items and Agricultural Vehicles Dimension Exemption (PDF, 222KB), Information Sheet - Tasmania Class 1 Load Carrying Vehicles Mass and Dimension Exemption Notice (PDF, 82KB), Tasmanian Class One Load Carrying Vehicle Guide V6 May 2022 (PDF, 1.5MB), Oversize Overmass permit application form (PDF, 695KB), Additional Axle Mass and Spacings attachment (PDF, 290KB), National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) 2022. (2) The face of the warning sign must have a black border at least 20mm wide. Also, along a proposed OSOM route there may be a number of railway crossings with different RIMs; approval is required for each railway crossing on the proposed route. An operator must have a permit issued by the NHVR prior to a movement occurring. Oversized transport services like Wyton Transport offer you access to years of experience, expert knowledge, and efficient processes that ensure your delivery is made safely, quickly, and legally all without having to worry about the fine print by yourself. (c) a warning light if the vehicle or combination, together with any load, is wider than 2.5m or longer than 22m. Note: Clause3.4 sets out additional lighting requirements for special purpose vehicles travelling at night. Haw Far Can Something Stick Out The Back Of Your Car? It made sense when you said that companies transporting heavy haul or oversize items need to be aware of current regulations so they can observe them. Oversize vehicles may be driven if they meet the dimension requirements under both the Boat Trailer Combination Exemption Notice 2022 (PDF 153.55KB) and the 2019 Order (PDF 228.41KB). special purpose vehicles such as mobile cranes, concrete pump trucks and drilling rigs. The more experience and knowledge your chosen company has, the more safely and effectively they can execute your delivery. To determine the shipping regulations set forth by each state or province you wish to ship in, click on the desired location below. (1) Rear marker plates complying with ADR 13/00, must be displayed at the rearmost part of the body of a special purpose vehicle. Phone: (02) 9959 8100 (1) A vehicle or combination must not begin to travel if, due to circumstances such as fog, heavy rain, smoke, dust or insect plague: (a) visibility is less than 250m in the daytime; or. For trailers with mudguards, measure from the outer edge of the mudguard. 14 Failure of a pilot or escort vehicle to comply with a requirement, (a) accompanies an oversize vehicle or combination in any of the circumstances described in paragraph12(4)(a), (b) or (c); or. The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. (b) as specified by the vehicle registration authority if: (i) the manufacturer has not specified the sum of the maximum loaded mass; or, (ii) the manufacturer cannot be identified; or. It has been formatted in accordance with current drafting practice (including styles of provision numbering and crossreferencing). The government offers a detailed chart that provides a visual perspective of the limitations of each type of vehicle. at night means during the period between sunset and sunrise. These Regulations commence on the day after they are registered. (5) The marking may appear in any visible location on the sign, except in a bottom corner of a sign used on a pilot vehicle. Applications will need to be made directly to NHVR. hbbd``b`$ @H,HX b @; Before scheduling an oversize load delivery, youll also want to check the oversize load holiday restrictions by state for each state youll be driving through. Phone: (02) 9959 8100 When operating under an access permit, you are required to comply with the Additional Access Conditions for oversize and overmass heavy vehicles and loads (PDF, 657.71 KB). There is no one size fits all permit. (1) A warning sign on an oversize vehicle or combination must show the word OVERSIZE, in black uppercase lettering, conforming with Australian Standard AS 1744, Forms of Letters and Numerals for Road Signs, in typeface Series C(N). Learn more about our application process. When towing: you must not tow more than 1 trailer at a time. Learner and provisional P1 drivers have towing restrictions. (PDF, 90.67 KB). What Is Less Than Truckload (LTL) Trucking? Please note a railway crossing is defined as where a road and railway cross at the same grade i.e. Some states also require an inspection of the vehicle before a permit will be issued.When transporting an oversize load, it is important to follow all state and federal regulations. 318 Escort requirement: 1. Permits are required for everything from special purpose vehicles to oversize overmass vehicles and vehicles with long trailers. escort vehicle means a vehicle that is being used: (a) to transport a police officer, or other person authorised to direct traffic; and. A pilot or escort vehicle must not tow a trailer or carry a load, but it may carry tools, equipment or substances for use in connection with the oversize vehicle or combination that it is accompanying or for restraining the load on that vehicle or combination. (c) a vehicle or combination, including a low loader or load platform combination, that is specially designed for the carriage of a large indivisible item or is carrying a large indivisible item; (d) a mass limit in the Mass and Loading Regulations; or. Need help? They cover vehicles that are towing a boat trailer for a dragon boat, kayak, surf ski, or a similar rowing vessel. Note: Where you have an existing permit for eligible configuration select the Amend Application which will require the permit number to be entered. We appreciate our user-submitted content, so please feel free to leave any comments you wish so others can reference your notation. (4) For the purposes of Tables 1 and 2, the tyre width of a biastype tyre is the number of millimetres equal to 25.4 times the number marked on the tyre in the position labelled Width code in inches on the diagram below. Oversize and Wide Loads Regulations in 2022 - National Transport Commission (Road Transport LegislationOversize and Overmass Vehicles Regulations) Regulations 2006 Select Legislative Instrument No. 5.5mwidth 35m length 6.7m height will have an exemption from requiring police escorts during the Christmas and New Year period. (4) The warning sign must have its manufacturers name or trademark permanently marked in letters at least 3mm but not more than 10mm high. Click the Launch Now button below. means having a mass that, including the mass of any load, exceeds a relevant mass limit in the Mass and Loading Regulations. 0 The total mass of a special purpose vehicle must not exceed the least of: (a) the sum of the mass allowed for each single axle and axle group on the vehicle; and. The information includes commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation. Step 1: Transport companies are to register with Westlink M7 (one time only) by emailing the following information to to obtain a username and password for use in the Permitted website: Step 2: Once Transport company details (above) are received, M7 will issue an email back confirming the update into the Permitted Access system; with company username and password for accessing the system. Note: The width criteria for 'High Risk' agricultural combinations travelling in the NSW Western Zone is > 6.5 metres. (2) The mass on an axle group fitted with tyres of a number and width described in Table 2 must not exceed the mass limit specified in the Table for that axle group in relation to the narrowest tyre in the group. quad axle group means a group of 4 axles, in which the horizontal distance between the centre lines of the outermost axles is more than 3.2m but not more than 4.9m. (a) if there is a single axle at the rear of the vehiclethe centre line of the axle; or. Each railway crossing is assessed for safety based on the type of vehicle gazetted for use of the road ie general access, B double, road train etc. %PDF-1.6 % A cancellation fee applies for notice of cancellation received less than 24 hours prior to the service. (7) In the daytime, an oversize vehicle or combination must display a warning light if the vehicle, together with any load, is wider than 3m. Note: Other warning requirements. Oversized loads are required to meet specific dimension limits and are subject to other regulations and restrictions, such as: While it might seem easy to simply follow these guidelines step-by-step, many of these regulations can change depending on the distance to be traveled, the size of the load, the type of project, the size of the vehicle, and the overall weight of the load and vehicle. Senior Access Engineer 13 Multiple offences and multiple requirements. (3) A pattern covering an area of at least 0.16m2 and consisting of diagonal stripes at least 150mm wide and alternately coloured: must be displayed at the sides of the rear of any auger, conveyor, or harvester comb carried on a comb trailer. (a) in relation to an axle, means the distance between the outermost point of ground contact of the outside tyres on each end of the axle; and. General mass and dimension limits are based on the limits set out in the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation. Legal length is typically 48 to 53 feet, and the maximum weight is about 46,000 pounds. means an axle not forming part of an axle group. (1) Agricultural vehicles and combinations of a width described in Table 8 must be accompanied by pilot vehicles in accordance with the Table. Otherwise, you may experience extra charges, delays, or even be forced to repack. Any questions about variations should be directed to the appropriate entity within the state or province. A special purpose vehicle must not tow a vehicle. (d) is equipped with one or more axles, a king pin and a fifth wheel coupling. 2. This includes whether you need to use warning devices or pilot vehicles. (2) In spite of subclause(1), an agricultural vehicle or combination does not have to be accompanied by a pilot vehicle if it is travelling less than 500m. 4.6 Agricultural vehicles not to use freeways. For more information on any modifications, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law. (2) One of the flags must be positioned at each side of the front and rear: (b) if there is no projecting loadof the vehicle or combination. The mass on an axle described in Table 6, on an agricultural machine or implement with 2 axles, must not exceed the mass limit specified opposite its description in the Table. These Regulations may be cited as the Road Transport Reform (Oversize and Overmass Vehicles) Regulations. (b) an agricultural machine or agricultural implement; and. Follow the prompts to add the additional routes required. Additional routes may be listed as 'High Risk' in response to changing road environments, traffic patterns, road infrastructure and road safety risks. means a trailer with one axle group or single axle and a fifth wheel coupling, designed to convert a semitrailer into a dog trailer. 2 Typically, the maximum legal load width is 8.5 feet, and the maximum height limit is 13.5 to 14.5 feet. This is a compilation of the National Transport Commission (Road Transport LegislationOversize and Overmass Vehicles Regulations) Regulations 2006 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 5 March 2016 (the compilation date). (3) The centre lines of adjacent axles in an axle group on an overmass vehicle or combination must be at least 1.2m apart. However, it should be noted laws are continuously changing. Load carrying vehicles exceeding 2.5m wide and/or 22m long are permitted to travel when accompanied by at least one pilot vehicle in the: NSW Urban Zone - between 9.30pm and sunrise on all approved roads NSW Regional Zone - on selected roads at times specified for each road. (b) a dimension limit in the Vehicle Standards Regulations. (d) with an aggregate mass that is more than 10% in excess of the limit allowed under a notice or permit. (2) The remaining provisions of these Regulations commence on a day or days specified by the Minister of the Commonwealth administering the Vehicles and Traffic Act, by notice in the Gazette. The Gazette is compiled by the Parliamentary Counsel's Office and published on the NSW legislation website ( under the authority of the NSW Government. endstream endobj Vehicles that are within the light vehicle dimension limits (PDF 985.63KB) and standards can be driven on all NSW roads. (2) The sign may be split into two parts, in which case the combined length of its parts must be at least 1200mm. (e) a dimension limit in the Vehicle Standards Regulations or the Mass and Loading Regulations. If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes. But before you do, there are a few things you need to know. Oversize / Overweight Load Regulations By State road means an area that is open to or used by the public and is developed for, or has as one of its main uses, the driving or riding of motor vehicles; and. overmass means having a mass that, including the mass of any load, exceeds a relevant mass limit in the Mass and Loading Regulations. (a) be at least 300mm long and at least 300mm wide; and, (b) comply with Class 1 or 2 of Australian Standard AS 1906, Retroreflective Materials and Devices for Road Traffic Control Purposes, 1990 as amended and in force at the commencement of these Regulations; and, (c) if at the front of the projection, be attached so that its reflective surface is facing forward of the vehicle; and. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Legislation Register ( Theres more to moving oversized loads than simply loading up the truck. (f) an officer or employee of a municipality. (b) any information sheet issued by the Authority, which sets out the obligations imposed under the notice. Exemptions in emergencies.. Mass limits relating to tyre width. updates the heavy haul trucking and oversize shipping regulation pages regularly. (f) an area that is open to or used by the public and has been declared, in accordance with section16 of the Vehicles and Traffic Act, to be an area to which these Regulations apply. Email: This Part applies only to loadcarrying vehicles and combinations. Pacific Highway - Hexham to Tweed Heads (both directions), For all movements over 5.5 metres in width when travelling on single lane carriageway sections; or. xmO0?8/T In addition to a permit, your oversize load truck may be required to have an escort vehicle. 317 Oversize or Wide Load Signs are required on all loads in excess of twelve feet in width. Without assistance, it can become nearly impossible to transport oversized loads. An oversize vehicle without a load must be reduced to the smallest practicable dimensions, with any booms fully retracted. The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law. 2.2 Mass limits for axles and axle groups. Offer available for new clients only and expires after 15 days from account creation. a level crossing. TfNSW and local Councils will no longer be able to issue permits directly to operators. Discount will be applied to your first LTL shipment.