Required fields are marked *. You dont need a smart phone to use most features of Ocean Medallion once on the ship, so not to worry. Frances Marcellin sailed around the British Isles with Princess Cruises to try out Carnivals Ocean Medallion a wearable accessory that tracks passengers and offers personalised services - for the first time: below, she recounts her experience. There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. Hello Ocean Medallion!! However, Princess has added the Medallion to all older ships like the Coral Princess, making them MedallionClass cruises. We have to wait for a callback. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. But as the digital reader outside my door showed my name and photograph, it provides a VIP-type feeling and personalised my experience further overall its impact is greater than the sum of its parts. Once at sea, my husbands app began working, but mine started having problems. No votes so far! There was nothing wrong with the lanyard, and being honest, it was surprisingly convenient. Ready to ship in 1-3 business days. Youll be ready for adventure when you hear about the splendor of Alaska from an insider. Its super handy, and its free. Since I reside in Canada, I had to pick mine up at check-in. Princess Cays is a lovely beach day with a BBQ lunch. The Medallion makes purchasing anything easier, almost too easy. Original Price 68.75 There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. (available at least 30 days before embarkation), Beverage, Retail Items and Celebrations Packages, Passage Contract & Acceptances/Acknowledgements. This watch strap adapter is therefore ideal - it'll attach to an existing . One of the features I had been particularly looking forward to trying out was OceanNow. Learn more. Get Ready for Your Princess Cruise. OceanReady Step by Step Travel Checklist | Princess Cruises My understanding is that you will get a new one for your new cruise. Are these throw away items after my cruise or do I have to re-order new medallion for every new cruise? Everything I read focuses on the benefits as a selling point, but however isnt this a bit too much big brother for anyone else? In theory, the casino chip disk can do some fantastic thingswhen it works. Turning off personalized advertising opts you out of these sales. Learn more in our Privacy Policy., Help Center, and Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. Original Price 9.11 April 27, 2008. These are the most Frequently Asked Questions asked by cruisers about Princess Cruises Ocean Medallion and Medallion Class ships. Can I use it, or do I need to order a new one? To enable personalized advertising (like interest-based ads), we may share your data with our marketing and advertising partners using cookies and other technologies. (15% off), Sale Price 42.76 The leading site for news and procurement in the ship industry, It is personalised to the guest, you dont have to charge it or configure it, there arent any settings, it is waterproof, and theres no on and off button., Passenger do not need to worry that details about their identity are stored on the Medallion., Anything on that ship, any service you want, anytime you want it, anywhere you want it, is on-demand for you thats the ethos of it., The premise of the platform is to reinvest the information generated in real-time back to the guest experience., How to reduce environmental impact through data, Opsealog on the collaborative ecosystem needed for data democratisation, The next scrubber retrofit wave will bridge the regulation gap, Svitzer selected as towage provider at Fawley Refinery, XFuel partners with DORIS for expansion of drop-in fuel facilities, Stonepeak and Spirit Super complete purchase of Australias Geelong Port, Seabound partners with Lomarlabs to develop carbon reduction tech, Emergency communications where they are needed most: Bringing HF radio to the Caribbean, Why high frequency emergency radio communications network is critical for island nations, The lifeblood of modern naval architecture: data, The Global Naval Vessels and Surface Combatants and related MRO Market 2018-2028, The Global Submarine and MRO Market 2018-2028, DP World begins new edible oil terminal development in Somaliland, Wrtsil to supply reliquefaction systems for eight new LNG carriers, Fincantieri selects ABBs propulsion tech for new cruise vessels, Molslinjen takes delivery of new ro-pax catamaran from Austal. She says he gets so side-tracked after that she needs to search to find him a couple of hours later. Can you provide the exact dimensions of a medallion? The same goes for if your Ocean Medallion stops working. PlayOcean includes a snap-and-share feature and allows guests to participate in trivia and games under the stars. One of the OceanMedallion phone . Carnival Corporation and Princess Cruises partnered with SES Networks to create the onboard device. What is Princess MedallionClass? - Features & Benefits - Cruises As you can see, we cruised on the Majestic Princess and included a full ship review. (15% off), Sale Price 53.45 Youll likely find that the crew members will call you by name as well. Set where you live, what language you speak, and the currency you use. Something that wasnt yet available during our cruise, but I know I would have loved, is the ability to order drinks right from your phone. Thanks. Sorry to hear of your room flooding. We especially liked the features that allowed us to unlock our door and order food and drinks anywhere on the cruise. OM accessories are available online for pre-purchase, as well as upon boarding your cruise. We've sent you an email to confirm your subscription. Lets take a look at some of the best. Plus you can have them bought and delivered to you well in advance of your cruise so you know you have it ready to go. friends and family). If you like to play Casino Games, wherever you feel like, you will probably enjoy Ocean Casino. Turning off the personalized advertising setting wont stop you from seeing Etsy ads or impact Etsy's own personalization technologies, but it may make the ads you see less relevant or more repetitive. Ocean Medallion is a new technology on Princess Cruise ships, and essentially replaces the cruise card, and does so much more. We are going on the SKY Princess in 2 week. (15% off), Sale Price 33.49 I was wondering, in the video you hold up the medallion in a plastic case with the lanyard. From on-demand food and drinks, interactive gaming, custom entertainment and smart navigation,Medallionmakes cruising simpler, and more personal and enjoyable than ever.. Send me exclusive offers, unique gift ideas, and personalized tips for shopping and selling on Etsy. OceanReady for PC - How to Install on Windows PC, Mac - I cannot find where to find accesseries to buy, namely wrist bands & bracelets, on their website, I even asked our princess Cruise person, Becky, & she did not know. Hi Now, if only it would do laundry! Since many mentioned it took 45 minutes to receive their order, we wanted to test the process for ourselves. Had we ordered cooked meals or food from a specialty restaurant, the wait may have been a lot longer. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. If you are a US resident, the Ocean Medallion will be mailed to you a couple of weeks before your cruise. Any information put into the app is transferred by encrypted messages and saved on the guest network platform. My Combo Necklace. Ocean Medallion - Etsy Something to note is that when we boarded our ship, and into the next days, there were staff at both an Ocean Medallion kiosque and around the ship to assist guests with everything Ocean Medallion related. Cruise no . We dont want to miss out on anything.we are going to Cays, St. Maarten, St. Thomas. OceanMedallion Accessories | Princess Cruises - YouTube Shipping your Medallion and accessories to home is only $10 USD, no matter how many you buy. Youve got keyring clips, a D-ring clip and a longer plastic loop option that you could tie around your wrist or around an item of clothing. The technology allows for touchless services on board and more. Each time you pass certain portals, your Tagalong will come out to play. Captcha failed to load. A Cruisers Perspective on the Best New Tech at Sea. OCEAN MEDALLION - 7 Things You NEED to Know - YouTube (15% off), Sale Price 32.78 I ordered mine online and my Ocean Medallion and accessories were given to me at check-in. There are portals around the ship that can help you to orient yourself, where you are, and where you want to go. Medallion Accessories & Customization - Princess Cruises Download Apps in Advance. Isnt there some alternative to using the Medallion app to check in and get ready for the cruise? This clip has a tight ring that you can either attach to your belt or pocket, or secure to a bag, and it wont slip loose at any stage. Im not sure he is ;-). Have a great cruise and please let me know how how it functions with your pacemaker as others will surely be interested. Diameter of center logo? Brian got the statement for both of us, even though all charges were billed to my credit card. We did not purchase MedallionNet. Luckily, there were no cases of Covid on our cruise of 2475 passengers and 1100 crew. No way. Instead, guests can find a detailed itinerary on the JourneyView. Ready to ship in 1-3 business days. In my Facebook community, I asked Princess passengers, whove recently cruised on the Caribbean Princess, Royal or Regal Princess, and other Medallion class ships for their thoughts. Wedgwood H.R.H. You can order on the app, and someone will deliver it to you wherever you are on the ship. In some cases, you may want to wait to buy the wristbands once onboard. *Update were heading on the Crown Princess in January 2020. Simply search on your phone or on the ships portals, for your shipmates (ie. Set where you live, what language you speak, and the currency you use. Because each wrist strap is made from the equivalent of two water bottles, the bands are numbered in increments of two. Coming out of the pandemic, I felt the Medallions touchless feature makes cruising a whole lot safer. Please call Princess as I know theyll be helpful. Hello!! Here, you can see daily activities and plan what to do on sea days. The device is waterproof, so you dont have to remove it when in the pool or hot tub. On embarkation day, many guests were having problems with the app. During our cruise, we saw many kids and families enjoying these on the large portals. However I think it depends on if you need internet or enjoy it when on a cruise. Ive loved this since we used it a couple of years ago, as Princess@Sea, on a amazing multi-generational cruise we did with family and friends. It comes in a range of colours. Not just used onboard, the app allows cruise passengers to fast-track to the green line by providing vital information before embarkation day. OceanNow refers to being on the ship and opens up many other possibilities. MedallionClass is currently on select ships and expanding throughout the fleet, so . Once youve booked your cruise, youll need to fill in your mandatory immigration information (ie. Get Ready for Your Princess Cruise - Princess Cruises ** Ive added a BONUS TIP (#22) which youll LOVE!!! Change the face of your Medallion to highlight your loyalty level (included) or for $5 USD, personalize even more, from your birthstone or astrological sign to your favorite destination or a nod to what youre celebrating on board. Wi-Fi everywhere on board so you can text, post photos, video chat and more! Next-level technology. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. It begins with your Medallion, a quarter-sized, wearable device that enables everything from touch-free boarding to locating your loved ones anywhere on the ship, as well as enhanced service like having whatever you need, delivered. New Zealand (toll free): 0800 780 717. I cant find an alternative means to get ready for the cruise. Sellers looking to grow their business and reach more interested buyers can use Etsys advertising platform to promote their items. Learn how to upload your passport and other travel documents, take your security photo in advance and pre-order your Medallion to arrive before you leave home. Then check out this post:Princess Cruises: 15 Best Tips for First Timers. Can/Should we each separately download and add our information on the MedallionClass app since I cant access their passports or get a security pic. 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates, Select a location to see product availability, Bracelet for Kids Compatible with AirTag, Nylon Stretch Braided Air Tag Wristband, Protective Case for Airtag GPS Tracker Holder, Adjustable Elastic Watch Band for Toddler Child Elder. Another wristband option, this is better suited to anyone who either doesnt like the sensation of plastic on their wrist or that gets irritated skin from plastic materials. The Princess Medallion is completely free youll be given it alongside a free lanyard when you are about to board the ship. These features are my personal favorites: As part of Ocean Compass, guests can message each other throughout the cruise on the ships wi-fi (not Internet). I'm so sorry that this post wasn't useful for you! I know previously if you ordered food you would be charged a service tip. When you leave your cabin to go for breakfast or dinner, your cabin attendant can know that its a good time to enter to clean the cabin. There's a separate line for those using the app, and you're generally through the expedited check-in process in five minutes or less. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Check out inspiration from our teammates as you get ready for your Princess cruise. Initially, the technology was added to the newer vessels. We have wrist straps made from reclaimed ocean plastic. The best thing is to call Princess for your specific booking for assistance. However how do I change my cancelled cruise date to my new booking on the app? Can a Canadian pay extra to have the medallion mailed to their home address? on your Cruise Personalizer, just like we do for every cruise. (20% off), Keep collections to yourself or inspire other shoppers! 2. NB, you could also buy national flag inserts, happy birthday, Caribbean, etc. Want to know more? The wearable device comes with a complimentary lanyard, but guests can purchase accessories too. Reserve early for the best availability! Great! Ill be the first one to tell you, that I wished I enjoyed the casino, but its just not my thing. You can also have this feature on your smart phone. 33.49, 39.40 We loved Megans Bay in St. Thomas personally and in St. Maarteen the famous Maho beach (airplanes) is something to experience. We both tried the sportbands and lanyards and liked both for their own purposes. Available from the MedallionClass app, completing the OceanReady steps shifts you into vacation mode faster than ever before . It seemed strange that the credit card holder didnt receive the final statement. We've sent you an email to confirm your subscription. When approaching our stateroom, my disk would only open the door if I stood within 12 inches of the panel. For specific information pertaining to your booking, please call Princess Cruises directly or your travel agent, as circumstances may differ. The Princess Medallion is almost the exact same size as an Apple AirTag, so you can use AirTag accessories to keep your Medallion safe. Or should I just wait until I see them the day before the cruise and enter their info? Keep in mind that anyone can view public collectionsthey may also appear in recommendations and other places. In this post, I'll share some of . Its quite nice, and Im imagining that for some it could become part of great souvenir collection. You can play a variety of games right on your device, from just about anywhere on the ship. We are super excited about the Medallion and possibilities. (15% off), Sale Price 5.64 Download OceanReady PC for free at BrowserCam. . Ilana, Thankfully, there are plenty of options available to buy to hold your Princess Medallion safely while you focus on relaxing. Cruising with Ocean Medallion | The Domestic Rebel Original Price 13.79 VintageWedgwood4U. Youll be prompted to upload a photo of yourself and input other information and preferences. Then, they can prepare for their upcoming cruise by going into the OceanReady profile and updating relevant information. The new infrastructure required 72 miles of cable, 4,000 sensors, 650 readers, 500 edge computing devices and more than 4,000 interactive portals. What about getting off the ship? Were getting on a Princess cruise in two days. Here's what we're doing to help our guests and crew stay healthy at sea. You can also get it replaced at no extra cost if you lose it during your cruise. You can read about our little adventure during our last cruise, and how Find My Shipmates saved me, lol. On big cruise-ships, cant we all use this? Debby, Princess Cruises doesn't ship internationally; I'm Canadian too. United Kingdom: 0344 3388 663. Thank you for any information you can offer. Original Price 25.15 Sellers looking to grow their business and reach more interested buyers can use Etsys advertising platform to promote their items. Youll see ad results based on factors like relevancy, and the amount sellers pay per click. (15% off), Sale Price 7.74 There are a lot of options available for the neck, the wrist or to clip onto your clothes, so consider what would be the least intrusive for how you intend to dress and what you want to do while on your cruise, and you should be able to find an accessory that suits you. Princess Cruises says that you can opt out of all but the basic functions of the medallion, and it can be put on a safety mode. You can also get replacement paper inserts for the lanyard, which can celebrate a special occasion. Honestly, I do not know and never even heard of it being used that way. Where on the medallion site will I find my cabin number? Hi, I'm Jenni. ; 2.) There are some mandatory check-in steps as well as additional ways to customize your experience - the more preferences you share, the more personalized your vacation will be! Very true this ship is built as Medallion Class. After two IT specialists attempted to get the platform operational, we left with a non-working app. This includes Ocean Treks with Jeff Corwin. Is there a charge for the actual Medallion device, or is it free-of charge? Is the price for the medallion accessories the same on board as it is if you pre order. medallion clip. More are coming soon! Start your vacation sooner when you complete OceanReady steps in the MedallionClass app! Can you use your own silver or gold necklace with them? Try using a different browser or disabling ad blockers. There is some interesting programming available to watch in your cabin as well as on your ipad or phone.